On November 4th, the Scorpio Sun forms an alliance with Saturn retrograde in Pisces, amplifying feelings of restriction and hindering the ability to make significant moves or changes in our lives. See what the stars have in store for you this week.

PSA: November 3 Astrology Is Fierce!

The end of Daylight Savings brings intense astrology.

On November 3, the Moon moves from passionate Scorpio to defensive Sagittarius. It’ll be hard to back down from a POV once it’s put out into the world. Own your words and explain what you mean. Listen to others, then make judgments.

Mars in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn for the last time in our lifetime. Pluto is moving back into Aquarius on November 15, making this moment intense. When these two powerhouse planets oppose each other, the need to dominate, control, and manipulate is extreme. Power dynamics can reach a feverish high. The flip side is that we can use the energy to change our lives and views—if we are open to growth.

Venus in Sagittarius opposes Jupiter retrograde in Gemini and harmonizes with the centaur Chiron retrograde in Aries. We may have a heightened sense of confidence or lack of self-esteem. Use Chiron to heal by focusing yourself. Affirmations, long walks in nature, and self-care are positive ways to mend the heart.

Scorpio Season

As we enter Scorpio season, from October 22 to November 21, we dive into a time of transformation, intensity, and deep emotional exploration. This season invites you to embrace your shadows and confront the hidden aspects of your psyche. Expect a surge of energy that encourages introspection, along with the potential for powerful spell work centered around renewal, protection, and emotional healing. Read more to discover how Scorpio season can profoundly impact your life and to explore rituals that harness this transformative energy.


Astrology by Lisa Stardust

An energetic shift is coming our way! Mercury in Scorpio harmonizes with Saturn retrograde in Pisces on October 22, pushing us to set boundaries. Later that day, the Sun in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn, heightening power struggles and frustrations. Try to stay in your lane to avoid the drama. The Sun enters Scorpio on the 22nd, deepening our emotions and intensifying relationships. Moments after the Sun’s transformative change, Venus  in Sagittarius connects with the True Node of Destiny, making fated alliances and decisions about love. The Last Quarter Moon in Leo on October 24th brings a dramatic end to situations. Mars in Cancer unites with Uranus retrograde in Taurus on October 24th, pushing us to see things differently and to take a different approach to matters. 


The Last Quarter Moon in Leo on October 24th is a great time to cleanse the aura with crystal magic. Releasing old situations and partnerships is challenging, but using a selenite crystal to get rid of the toxic elements remaining from the past will soothe the body, mind, and spirit. Use the crystal like a wand and let go of negative sentiments. Bring in positivity and light as you cleanse the aura. 


It’s important to watch out for people who may take you for granted or not have your best intentions at heart. You can get played or used without even seeing it coming, which is why it’s important for you to be aware that this is a possibility in some relationships.


Dream big, with the knowledge that your ship is coming in. However, don’t place all of your cards on one bet since your over-optimistic attitude is forcing you to. Take off your rose colored glasses, to see situations clearly to ensure you make the right steps based on that information.


Boundaries might be blurred as you are in the mood to consume and possess other’s thoughts, hearts, and emotions — the same can be said for how you are currently  approaching romance in the next several weeks. Don't shy away from merging with another and becoming one at this time.


Your sensitive side is being heightened, and things could quickly become overwhelming this week. Try not to take things too personally. There is a lot of tension in the air, and if you're not mindful, your ego and relationship might take a severe hit if you ignite your passions and jealousies. 


There is strong energy for nurturing within relationships, but you may want to do some monitoring to make sure the love and affection go both ways. Don't expend energy and take that sentiment from people who aren't able or willing to reciprocate it. Focus on those who build you up.


Be careful when dealing with others, as there will be a desire to offer advice that may not necessarily be welcome. Fixate on solving your own problems and allow other people to work out their own issues (unless they ask you for your help). Don’t be a know-it-all in friendships.



As long as you're honest about matters and hold your cards close to your chest, you will thrive in the days to come. The caveat to your situation is that you might get defensive and create problems that do not exist due to your desire to be heard and seen.


Try not to be too rigid and be kind to yourself . It’ll be important as the current astrological aspects are unpleasant and can make it difficult for you to praise your work. Cut yourself a break and take a time out if you begin to enter the realms of self-doubt.


It's a great time to discuss creative endeavors, just keep your ego in check so you don't end up coming off as arrogant. A major plus is that people will be interested in what you have to say and believe in your point of view, so don't hold yourself back.


Expect to feel a boost in your proficiency and ability to see the truth in matters. You might find it necessary to put up walls in order to protect your energy if you're not prepared to swim in the empathetic waters this week. Only engage in what’s right for you.


By doing shadow work, you can begin to understand your patterns and find new and healthier ways of being. On a positive note, the energy will help you see our own self-worth and identify the ways in which you can grow. Listen to your heart to attain great things, Aquarius.


Transformation does not happen overnight and sticking to a routine while making small adjustments can help move things in the right direction, without overwhelming your psyche. Finding balance won't be easy, so try to ease your stress levels. Trust the process and take baby steps towards your goals and aspirations. 

The Super Full Hunter’s Moon In Aries

Astrology by Lisa Stardust 

The Super Full Hunter’s Moon in Aries occurs on October 17th at 4:26 AM PT and 7:26 AM ET. Also known as the Blood Moon, this lunation is the biggest supermoon of the year. Since the Moon is near Earth, it will appear more vibrant and prominent, and our emotions will be overdrive. 

With the action planet Mars in Cancer, expansive Jupiter retrograde in Gemini, and Pluto in Capricorn aspecting the Full Moon, we’ll be taking steps towards connecting with our personal goals. The caveat is that others stand in our happiness, creating conflict behind the scenes. As a result, emotions will reach a feverish pitch, escalating our passions and making us confrontational.

The centaur Chiron, retrograde in Aries, offers an opportunity to heal. However, the process could take a while because the asteroid Juno in Libra wants to redefine dynamics and relationships, while Eris in Aries is taking our frustrations to the next level. Try to find a moment of calm to decompress and cool off rather than coming in hot.

The fixed stars Kurhah and Al Pherg are in play, bringing fortune, but with a cost. Hidden motivations and manipulations will be exposed, allowing us to see who calls the shots behind the scenes. Instead of walking away, power struggles will exist, leading to arguments. Surrounding ourselves with good-hearted people and grounding energy is ideal.

Venus enters Sagittarius later in the day, softening up the energy. Optimism replaces negativity, offering us a chance to embrace our unique attributes. The clouds in the sky will part, letting the sunshine in after an intense morning. 

Focus on your desires under the Full Moon. Carve your name into a red candle. Anoint it with cinnamon oil, which is used for fast work, heating up your intentions and activating them quickly - a sentiment the warrior Aries Moon can get behind. Light a red candle to evoke the intensity of Aries and state what you need vigor for. The universe will give you the capacity and ability to get what you need and deserve. 

Witch-tips & Horoscopes 10/14-20

Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The Libra Sun squares Mars in Cancer on October 14th, pushing us to express our desires and needs. The same day, Venus in Scorpio opposes Uranus retrograde in Taurus, forcing us to leave restrictive situations and relationships. Venus harmonizes with Neptune retrograde Pisces on October 15, resolving issues from the previous day. The Full Moon in Aries on October 17th heightens our passions — especially with Venus aspecting Pluto in Capricorn. Several hours later, Venus enters Sagittarius, bringing fun and excitement to partnerships.


There is a lot of tense energy in the cosmos this week, which is why it's ideal to take a healing and meditative bath to decompress. Rosemary and ylang ylang (flowers or oil) are great ingredients to add to relieve tensions. Mix with Epsom salt in a warm bath to detox and uplift the body, mind, and spirit.


The Full Moon might have you rethinking your identity, giving you the push you need to make any personal changes that are overdue. These vibes can also promote spiritual enlightenment, so be sure to set aside some time for a nature walk or meditation session to reconnect with yourself too.


Communication, decision-making, and choices regarding money will need to be looked at with a separate pair of eyes to make sure nothing gets missed. Take your time in reviewing the details and seek clarity before you move forward with anything. Ask a friend or advisor for assistance before fully committing. 


Take some time to reconnect with your friends. Seeking adventure with your allies will lift your spirits and give you the opportunity to meet new people. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there this week, and be sure to exchange contact information with anyone you hit it off with.


Finish projects that have been left on the backburner and to sharpen your skills with classes or simply watching videos online. The more you heighten the intellectual desires and tools within, the easier it will be to create change and greatness in your current endeavors or even shift old perspectives.


Be mindful of who you're investing your energy in. Avoid giving your attention to anyone who doesn't see you for who you truly are, and if you feel like you're having to change in order to meet someone else's expectations — they are probano not at the same level as you.


You may be on the lookout to collaborate with new folks at work or be inspired to present new ideas to your boss. Opportunities will likely arise through partnerships and connections with similar minded individuals. You will make significant strides in your career path with the right planning and focus.


Use your intuition to navigate through communication challenges to ensure you have the right understanding of what others need now. If you own your business, tap into your emotional intelligence and nurturing relationships with clients and partners. That way you can grow and evolve to live to your best potential. 


This is a time to promote yourself and your brand which could lead to exciting ventures for you. This week presents you with an amazing chance to make significant strides towards your ambitions. Embrace courage and confidence in your actions. The Full Moon will guide you towards prosperity and abundance.


Tap into your natural curiosity and seek out novelties wherever possible. You will most likely use the vital energy of the Full Moon to expand into new markets or diversify what you have to offer. This will lead to a lot of personal success for the rest of the year.


You may want to instill transformation by using positive feedback from others on how to streamline processes. Embrace innovation when pursuing your business goals this month. The weekly vibe presents opportunities to break free from the normal constraints. This is your chance to create a new path toward your success. 


Try to be adaptable when solving problems and multitasking. This week, you strive to be successful and consistent in your practices. Then, you will be able to deliver on your promises and build trust with others. April gives you an opportunity to make progress by being both disciplined and flexible.


Your imagination and compassion will help you toward evoking new approaches and ways  of connecting with others. Allow your empathy to align with those you care about in order to smooth over any minor misunderstandings that stand in the way of making amends and forgiveness. Proceed with kindness and love.


Astrology by Lisa Stardust 

Venus in Scorpio connects with Mars in Cancer October 8th intensifying our romantic desires. The same day,Mercury in Libra and Jupiter in Gemini link up, expanding our minds and horizons. Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini commences on October 9, lasting until February 4, 2025. The retrograde will allow us to make calculated risks before jumping into matters. October 10th brings the First Quarter Moon in Capricorn, ending eclipse season and bringing fresh energy our way. Pluto turns direct in Capricorn on October 11th, completing the retrograde cycle that began on May 2. Now, we can use the knowledge we’ve gained and make changes in our life. Mercury squares Pluto on the 13th, escalating arguments and power struggles. Fortunately, Mercury enters Scorpio a few hours later, calming the drama. In the evening, the Sun in Libra harmonizes with Jupiter retrograde, boosting our confidence and bringing abundance our way.

Witch tip:

Use the energy of the First Quarter Moon to plant seeds for the future. Write down your intentions for growth and tie it to the root of a plant or bury it in soil. Give it some love and light in the upcoming months and watch it evolve with your dreams.


This is a beautiful time to explore new ideas and engage in activities that stimulate your curiosity. Your charming and witty nature will align you with those who are seeking truth and justice in the world. Use this as a moment to connect with creative thinking and true blue friends.


Trust your instincts when it comes to expressing how you feel. Your authenticity will be appreciated and reciprocated. Make sure you also listen to your partner’s needs. This current cosmic climate will draw potential partners (in matters of the heart and career) toward you. Stay true to yourself this week.


Exes from the past may resurface this week from Jupiter’s planetary retrograde on your Sun. Even if you're feeling as though you should connect, avoid the temptation to have conversations with exes, as the comfort will be fleeting and can ultimately get in the way of your next great love.


Wearing your heart on your sleeve opens you up to new possibilities and experiences — especially when it comes to intimate relationships. Try to connect with your own personal desires and wants before extending yourself to others. Doing so will help you evolve as a person by focusing on yourself first.


Vocalizing every sentiment publicly is not the best way to handle your emotions. Share your feelings with a few close friends in order to deal with matters privately. It’ll be easier to navigate and work through issues with hands from those who genuinely care about you without judgment from others.


If there are any passion projects that have fallen to the wayside recently, now would be the time to reorganize your tasks so you can bring your vision into the material realms. Look within yourself for inspiration to find out how you can move these endeavors forward without a hitch.


No matter what the dynamics of your home life are at the moment, this cosmic climate will encourage you to recharge your batteries by staying in and unwinding with friends and family. Use this week as a chance to heal and rest, as it’ll serve as a moment to reset.


Watch out for inflated egos in your relationships. This can  spell trouble if you or your friends act a little full of themselves, so try to stay grounded. If you don't think anyone in your sphere can keep a down to earth disposition, make plans to catch them another time. 


Take this week as your opportunity to indulge in the finer things in life, and ask your crush or friends out for a fancy dinner, craft cocktails, and a movie at home. If you are in the mood to fly solo, use these vibes to romance and pamper yourself instead.


This week, you are feeling more vulnerable than ever, as the First  Quarter Moon is heightening your inner emotions and triggering your fears. Take a moment to find your sense of calm through self-care activities. Spending time in nature could help in alleviating the pain or turmoil in your life.


Although you have good intentions and want to clear the air in order to create a better connection with others, old wounds might resurface from the past. Be kind to these sentiments and the shadow self as the emotions come out in order to heal the body, mind, and spirit.


Your connection to the universe will be strengthened, which you should use as an opportunity to manifest what you'd like to attract. Keep an eye out for signs right now, especially around matters of the heart. If you're unsure of how to move forward, a meditation session can provide clarity.


Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The last eclipse of 2024 is here!

Mars in Cancer and Saturn retrograde in Pisces harmonize on September 30, allowing us to take control of our lives. Fortunately, the sun and mercury form a conjunction in Libra known as “cazimi,” in which we can see things clearly and take action around matters. The solar eclipse on October 2 in Libra allows us to release the past to bring in new sentiments and energies. On October 4, Venus in Scorpio connects with Saturn retrograde, urging us to commit to relationships, ideas, and creative projects. Mercury squares Mars on October 6, creating conflict and drama in communication. Listen before reacting to avoid confrontations and try to give people compassion when discussing situations.


This is a week to reflect upon the past rather than set intentions to manifest new opportunities. Take time to meditate on how far you've come and where you want to be. Recognize that you've achieved so much greatness and are a fabulous person. Give yourself TLC and honor your accomplishments.



You may realize that someone you’ve kept close isn’t actually pulling their weight in the relationship. Alternatively, you may also recognize areas where you need to work a little bit harder to reach your highest potential in how you connect with others. Now is a time to refresh the energy.



Repeating yourself is more frustrating than usual, or if it happens that people just simply do not understand what you’re getting at, it may get under your skin. Push for the right phrases to express yourself, but if you need to ask for more time to think about a response, do so.



You will find yourself in the most warm, insightful, and joyful mood. The eclipse opens you up to clarity, allowing the third eye for intuition to come through. Some light journaling is a great way to end this week in order to note all of the experiences in your life.



Take the time to reflect on the friendships in your life. You do not know how other's are feeling or what is on their minds right now, but that will be soon revealed especially in love situations. Relationships in general are going through a phase of reconnection and psychological evolution.



There is hidden information here that needs to be uncovered. It might not be this week, but it will come out with the bathwater very soon that's for sure. The eclipse wants you to be extremely fair even though the aspects it’s making do not. Pay attention now, fierce Leo!



Ask yourself exactly who and what you’re willing to fight for! That is exactly where you need to spend more of your time. It might even require you to cut away unwanted things and people from your life, and do an about face in the eyes of those around you.



The nurturing influence from a loving vibe emphasizes a dreamier quality in you when approaching various challenges in creative matters. Recognizing the immense value in artistry can dedicate certain variations of your own inner voice. This is the perfect week to pick up on those crafting projects you've already started.



The ultimate self-care challenge begins this week. It is time to prioritize your needs, but it’s not all about being selfish. In fact, this practice will make you a better partner, lover, friend and family member as you will have learned to love yourself in a more healthy, productive way.  



There is a feeling of being supported on an emotional scale despite how vulnerable the healing process might be. You are not alone even at times it can feel like you're the only one in the room these days. Reach out to friends for love and kindness at this time.



It’s a good time to clean and organize our space. Turn on happy music and dance your stress away while decluttering the home. Getting rid of stuff that you don’t need brings room for new opportunities to grow, while serving as a therapeutic method to release stagnant energies and emotions.



You might feel overwhelmed with the amount of chatter going on in your various circles and communities. Listen carefully and be cognizant to what is happening around you to ensure you are understanding situations and intentions clearly. You never know what can transcend as a result of your behavior.



The week starts out intensely with a ton of energy swirling around. You can actually ease up on yourself and relax at home. You've done what you needed to do in a short amount of time. Be proud of yourself and let yourself unwind with wonderful food, conversation, and company.


The Solar Eclipse In Libra

 Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The solar eclipse in Libra occurs on October 2 at 11:29 AM Pacific Time and 2:29 PM Eastern Time. This is the last eclipse of 2024, making it a pivotal time to lean into our desires and embrace our fate.

The eclipse connects with Mercury in Libra and squares Mars in Cancer while aligning with the South Node of Destiny. When these planets link up, it can bring intensity to the forefront of our emotions and hearts. Mercury in Libra wants us to have a more balanced approach to communication. In contrast, Mars in Cancer wants us to act based on our feelings because this is a sentimental placement for the action planet. Past events or situations may trigger us. Instead of reacting, the Universe is giving us a chance to release all of the issues, resentments, or roadblocks that have been weighing us down or standing in our way of success in all aspects of life.

Black Moon Lilith in Libra, the asteroids Ceres in Capricorn, and Pallas in Sagittarius add energy to the eclipse. The presence of  Black Moon Lilith means we want to break free and out of the constraints holding us back. We might feel that partnerships, relationships, or friendships are not proving to be as strong as we thought, allowing us to let go of people who aren't helping us evolve to our higher state of being. It may be hard to realize that we have outgrown relationships, but doing so will allow us to enhance our lives with others on our level. Ceres proves that our current state of thought is temporary, and we will want to put these associations on pause and focus on ourselves. Pallas wants us to know that giving yourself the love, respect, and care you deserve is essential. After all, the most important relationship is the one with ourselves. Fighting for our independence and honor is vital.

Conversely, we might see temporary relationships form now; however, the probability of them lasting a lifetime is slim. These people will teach us a lot about ourselves, a karmic lesson we must learn. Whether it be a business partnership or an intimate alliance, know that the closeness may end with the onset of the new season in December. Don't invest extreme energy into them, and keep your options open.

The fixed stars Vindemiatrix and Porrima bring juxtaposing flavors to the eclipse. Vindemiatrix creates impulsivity in our decisions, while Porrima urges us to contemplate how we wish to move forward. Although it will be hard not to make erratic choices, the cosmos suggests we reflect before taking measures. Try to be strategic in plans.

WITCH TIPS 9/23- 29

Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The Last Quarter Moon in Cancer occurs on September 24th and urges us to define our comforts. Mercury in Virgo harmonizes with Uranus retrograde in Taurus on the same day, broadening our horizons and bringing clarity to our minds. Mercury opposes Neptune retrograde in Pisces on the 25th, heightening our intuition and imagination. Mercury harmonizes with Pluto retrograde in Capricorn on September 26, highlighting pir desire to investigate matters and find universal truths. Mercury moves into Libra later in the day, balancing out these sentiments and allowing us to communicate concisely. On September 29 the Sun and Mercury, both of whom are in Libra, align with the South Node of Destiny, making us feel insecure and anxious. Meditate and decompress through self-care.


Our emotions may be up and down this week, causing us to feel less than special; therefore, we need to craft our individual and personal affirmations that we can say every day to make ourselves feel better.



The big cosmic lesson for you right now, is to find security within yourself and not through the attention of others. You are in a romantic mood right now, especially right before next week’s solar eclipse. Take this time to indulge and rest in preparation for what is to come.



New career ventures are unfolding right in front of your eyes. The good news is that you have the option to take any road you choose, allowing you to be ahead of the game. Think about what you want to attain professionally. Visualize it coming to fruition and it will.



Take time to focus on yourself and how you'd like to evolve. Write a list of any accomplishments you hope to actualize. Keep in mind that the energy around this time will be fairly unpredictable, so you'll need to stay flexible and do your best to go with the flow.



Use the beginning of the week to reinvest in your personal space, as the cosmos activates the sector of your chart that rules the home. You will be in the mood to camp out in your abode, choosing to redecorate, reorganize, and freshen up your space by cleansing the energy.



While you'll feel tempted to help your friends sort out their own issues, you will want to use the energy to focus on your own self-improvement. Be mindful of how much time and energy you're giving to others right now, and pull back if you are being taken for granted.



If you're unhappy with your work life, now would be the time to think about where you'd like to see change. Remember that being happy can be based on feeling good about your own circumstances, and what you do for a living can have a huge impact on your disposition.



You’re a busy bee, so try to decompress in nature and with your significant other or crush. This is the perfect time to get swept away by love, bringing you a much-needed reprieve from your busy work schedule and social life. Then you can relax with those you care about.



Stress will be amplified throughout the week, so you'll need to be mindful that you're cutting out some time for self-care and time for yourself. If you're on the hunt for new endeavors and rituals, you’ll want to sleep on it before taking action and making moves in any direction.



If there are any projects you've been putting off lately, now would be the time to handle such business. No matter what the dynamics of your home life are at the moment, this cosmic climate will encourage you to recharge your batteries by staying in and catching up on rest.



Watch how others treat you as people will be in the mood to spoil you, and even the slightest kind deed could be an indication of deeper feelings lurking below the surface. The caveat is that you’re wanting to have a chill week without the additional drama looming around you.



Spontaneity and adventure are in the cards for you this week, Aquarius. You may find yourself craving excitement and exploration within the work you do, seeking new experiences that ignite your sense of freedom and curiosity. Consider taking a trip out of your neighborhood to get inspired by the world.



Currently, your intuition is at its highest, so be sure to take note of everything that comes to your mind and heart in your personal journal. By doing this, you will be able to plan out the future and understand circumstances as they begin to unfold on a deeper level.

Libra Season

From September 22 to October 22, the Sun will be in Libra. With the Sun’s ingress comes the Fall Equinox, initiating a new season. The upcoming weeks bring balance, diplomacy, and harmony. We’ll want to put the effort in maintaining relationships and keeping the peace with others — even if that means putting our needs second. 

How Libra Season will affect you?

(Read your Sun & Asc sign)

Fire Signs

(Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) 

Think of how you can elevate friendships and relationships in the coming month to ensure they connect with your heart.

Earth Signs 

(Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) 

Your career and finances are moving forward with gusto, which means you’ll reach a high in both areas. 

Air Signs 

(Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius)

Defining relationships and connecting with others is going to bring you closer with those you care about. 

Water Signs 

(Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) 

You’re more powerful than ever! Use this time to reflect and meditate on what you want to bring to fruition. 

Key Libra Szn Dates 

September 22: The Sun enters Libra and the Fall Equinox commences. 

September 22: Venus enters Scorpio, intensifying and deepening romantic connections. 

September 26: Mercury flies into Libra, making communication concise, diplomatic, and informative. 

October 2: The solar eclipse in Libra urges us to balance out relationships and different aspects of life. 

October 9: Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini begins, lasting until February 4, 2025. This transit allows us to redefine our values. 

October 11: Pluto turns direct in Capricorn, ending the retrograde that began May 2 in Aquarius. Change is in the air, lean into transforming your lives!

October 13: Mercury enters Scorpio, pushing us to use our intuition to make sense out of matters. 

October 17: The Full Moon in Aries gives us the chance to manifest our desires. 

October 17: Venus enters Sagittarius, bringing autonomy and adventure in love. 


Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The lunar eclipse in Pisces occurs on September 17th, intensifying emotions and bringing personal matters to light.

Mercury in Virgo opposes Saturn retrograde in Pisces on the 18th and squares Jupiter in Gemini on the 21st, making communication unclear and exaggerated. Make sure to fact check. The Virgo Sun connects with Uranus retrograde in Taurus, and Neptune retrograde in Pisces, and Pluto retrograde in Capricorn on September 19, 20, and 22, allowing us to embrace our greatness and confidence.

The Sun enters Libra on September 22, bringing the fall equinox and a new season. Venus in Libra squares Pluto retrograde in Capricorn before entering Scorpio on September 22, heightening passions and power games.



With your intuition in overdrive this week, it might be hard to understand what you are feeling versus what is happening in the physical realm around you. Journaling these sentiments will help you comprehend what is going on in your mind and heart on a deeper spiritual and soulful level.



You have the talent and ingenuity to transform your life creatively and artistically. With the right incentive and care, you’ll make shifts that change the world. Showcase your gifts to let people know that you’re capable of bringing greatness to the table. If you believe in yourself, others will too.



There may be ambiguity about the direction of your career. Think about what truly makes you happy and take steps towards attaining it in the professional realm of your life. Regardless of whether the job is glamorous or not, the only thing that matters is that you are emotionally fulfilled.



Thinking outside-the-box about work, love, and personal matters will benefit you at this current moment because it will give you the foresight in how you wish to move forward. Take your time when making decisions to assure they are part of the right path and direction you want to take.



There are a lot of tensions boiling between you and your friends or significant other. Before you overreact to a situation, allow yourself a moment to calm down. Do not overstress matters and find a chill center before confronting others. Then you can assess relationships with a clear and open mind.



Your patience and compassion for others is at a high, but you're not extending the same level of kindness to yourself. Take time out of your schedule for self-care. Give yourself the TLC you need and deserve from the most important person in your life (that individual would be you!).



Giving too much of your energy to work is making you exhausted. Before undertaking more assignments and duties, make sure you are resting your body, mind, and spirit. You won't be able to keep up unless you do so. Burnout is real so give yourself a few moments to reprieve.



It is a wonderful time to take some calculated risks in your romantic and profession areas of your chart. Trying new things and endeavors to push boundaries can also bring you the attention you’re desiring at work if you use it properly. You can climb mountains if you prepare carefully.



There is a strong desire to receive appreciation from your peers. There will likely be the sense that you are not being valued as much as you should be and emotions around this are likely to feel intense. These feelings are a rift, and could cause some tendencies to revolt.



The lunar eclipse is a wonderful time to set up a new schedule for yourself to reach new and exciting goals. For example, a plant watering routine, or working out calendar could have many unforeseen benefits. These things will take you far in the remaining weeks of this lunar cycle.



Blow off some emotional steam after work or on the weekend with a nice meal or a drink with friends. Do not go too crazy spending if you aren’t bestowed with an expendable income to blow on it because that will have some long term repercussions for your savings account.



You are aware of the layers of what people aren’t saying out loud during this time to the extent that it might feel like you’re spying on the people you’re keeping company with. Try to have some boundaries in your friendships if that is the case. Trust your intuition, Pisces.

The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

Astrology by Lisa Stardust


The lunar eclipse in Pisces occurs on September 17 at 7:34 PM Pacific Time and 10:34 PM Eastern Time. It is the last lunar eclipse of 2024 and serves as the intense Harvest Moon (because it is the closest Full Moon to the Fall Equinox on September 22). Also, this is a supermoon since the Earth and Moon are in perigee (which means they are in close proximity), and the effects will be amplified.

The lunation is heightening our intuition, desires, and creativity. Ample Jupiter in Gemini, revolutionary Uranus retrograde in Taurus, inventive Neptune retrograde in Pisces, and evocative Pluto retrograde in Capricorn connect with the eclipse. All of these planets together will bring out different aspects of our personality. Uranus retrograde urges us to revolt and fight for our passions, Neptune retrograde pulls the veil off our eyes, and Pluto retrograde adds power struggles to the mix. Jupiter is maximizing the energy, making everything seem more powerful, excessive, dramatic, and extreme. The fixed star Markab is cultivating jealousy, harsh sentiments, and bitterness.

Arguments could start from repressed emotions or frustrations. The only way to diffuse matters is to not engage with the projections people impose on us. Although stepping away from a situation might be hard, it’s the only option. The lunar eclipse is in Pisces, which isn’t a vocal sign so that feelings will heighten and tears flow, but it’ll be hard to find the right words to vocalize and express what is going on in our hearts. Journaling and reflecting will give us the understanding we need to resolve situations by understanding our innermost thoughts and sentiments.

The Sabian symbol for the eclipse is “Watching The Very Thin Moon Crescent Appearing At Sunset; Different People Realize That The Time Has Come To Go Ahead With Their Different Projects.” Think about what you want to bring to life and this world. You can attain greatness if you choose to release the past and hidden feelings. Let go of them before they bring you down. Forge a new path.


Astrology By: Lisa Stardust 

Mercury re-enters Virgo on September 9, returning to the end of July when the communication planet first moved into the earth sign. We will be rehashing situations from that period with more insight and information. On September 11, Mercury in Virgo harmonizes with Mars in Cancer, adding emotion to our thoughts and actions. The First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius occurs the same day, urging us to achieve our goals and hopes. The Virgo Sun squares Jupiter in Gemini, expanding our desires and lust for life. Venus in Libra connects with Jupiter, heightening our romantic sentiments on the 15th. Hours later, Mars intensifies the Nodes of Destiny, pushing us to make necessary changes to improve matters.

Witch tip:

The Last Quarter Moon on September 11 is an ideal time to release the negativity in your life. Declaring affirmations can help you evolve and advance your life. Write down the qualities that you admire about yourself and recite them in front of a mirror in the morning and evening. Lean into the energy and feel the greatness within.   


Embrace innovation when pursuing your current goals. The week ahead presents you with many opportunities to break free from the usual constraints. This is your chance to create a new path toward your success. Use the energy to your advantage by ridding yourself from roadblocks that are holding you back.


Be adaptable when solving problems. You want to be successful and consistent in your practices, sol prioritize consistency and reliability. You will deliver on your promises and build trust with others. This week gives you the chance to make progress by being both decisive and easygoing when solving important matters.


Comparing yourself to others won't validate the amazing attributes you have and the kindness you give to those you love. Standing tall and proud will happen after you state positive affirmations. Heighten your confidence by believing in yourself. Good things will begin to happen in your life once you do.


Sometimes, you must admit the truth, even if you don't come across as being innocent, like you would like. As one of the bravest signs of the zodiac, you should speak the truth to ensure your credit isn't in question. Before opting to gaslight, try to be real with others.


Intention matters in every situation. If you are able to stand your ground and live in accordance with your personal standards, then you are golden. Being genuine in how you act can help in creating a great way to move past masters and evolve to an amazing place of authenticity. 


Stop overextending yourself and focus on your needs. Being kind does not mean you owe anyone your energy. Paying attention to your desires would help you assert your power. The more you give to yourself, the better you'll feel, and the easier it will be to honor and respect yourself.


Even though you want a low-key week, that may not happen. You’ll find that your schedule is busy with errands and projects, leaving you with little time to yourself. To effectively have a chance to unwind, you must manage your schedule. Don't take on more if you want to decompress.


There could be tension with your peers, creating conflict when asserting yourself. Do not jump to conclusions to avoid ruffling feathers with them. Ask questions and seek an understanding to find a way to move past the drama and seek clarity in these dynamics to cultivate better relationships and understanding.


Engaging in the activities you want to do ensures that you can create balance in your life. Instead of burning the midnight oil at work, take a step back and give that energy to yourself. That way, you can find reprieve and purpose in your life while having fun too. 


Long-term changes are in the works. You’ll feel a career or personal shift happening for you. Things will come to an end but there will be new beginnings out of this too. Leverage your networking and interpersonal skills and explore where you can grow. Most importantly, go with the flow. 


This week brings major strides in the peripheral of your career. Opportunities arise through partnerships and connections with like-minded individuals. You will make significant strides in your career path with the right planning and focus. Keep the direction you desire in mind in order to attain your hopes and aspirations.


You are in the process of building solid foundations in your intimate relationships, allowing you to be surrounded by reliable people who often lead you toward excellent choices and endeavors. Make significant advances this week toward your romantic objectives, while being diligent and demarcated in achieving and elevating your desires.


Astrology by Lisa Stardust 

The New Moon in Virgo, which occurs today September 2, gives us a chance to reflect and contemplate our goals. The following day, Mars in Gemini squares Neptune retrograde in Pisces, creating an ambiguous atmosphere. Don’t push matters into fruition; try to go with the flow. Venus in Libra connects with the South Node of Destiny on the 3rd, making us all yearn and want more attention and affection. Give TLC to yourself. Mars moves into Cancer on September 4th increasing our emotional reactions. Listen to your intuition before taking action. Mercury in Leo squares Uranus retrograde on September 7th, bringing mindful breakthroughs. The Virgo Sun opposes Saturn retrograde in Pisces on September 8th, bringing insecurities to the forefront of our minds. Be gentle to yourselves and do something that brings happiness over the weekend.

Witch tip:

With several energies at play, it’s Important to connect with what is in our hearts. Meditate on your desires and languish in that space. Creating an open heart will give you the chance to invite people and situations into your life that can be beneficial. 


Although you might be extremely busy in the days ahead, it is vital to take time out of your schedule and give yourself some personal moments to decompress. Taking care of yourself should be part of your schedule as well as priority for your emotional, mental, physical, and personal well-being.


Your creativity is flourishing, allowing you to align with different projects. Finding the best endeavor that connects with your current emotional and spiritual needs is essential because it will lead to more opportunities down the road. Make sure you don't veer from your goals to achieve the success you want.


Family is important to you, which means that you're looking to augment the past to create a better present connection. Try to find common interests so you can maintain the relationship for the future. You might be able to find a middle ground with your brood that brings you closer.


You have a lot on your plate at this moment, Cancer. Rushing through matters is creating more issues. Try slowing down in order to avoid mistakes. You might not be able to accomplish everything on your schedule and to-do list if you're not paying attention to the tasks at hand.


A new financial plan is giving you the chance to save money for the future. Don’t overspend and keep your savings tight. To keep your cash flow at a high, maintaining a budget will be beneficial to your bank account the months ahead. You will be grateful in the end.


Your energy levels and loving nature are at an extreme high, giving you the chance to take on the world. Be careful that you're exerting your power wisely to partnerships and matters that elevate you, instead of situations and relationships that aren't giving reciprocal sentiments. Conserve your emotions and kindness. 


Overworking is leading to exhaustion. Give yourself an evening full of R & R to let go of the anxieties and stress you’re holding onto. Releasing that energy will clear your mind of negativity, allowing you to have a positive home life. Peace and optimism are emotions you're striving for. 


People will most likely bounce ideas off one another with a harmony that surpasses the norm, so don’t be surprised if collaborations give you the chance to elrvate your status. Working with others while creating beautiful and solid harmony in the workplace and home space will be an excellent opportunity.


Take some calculated risks in your career. Trying new things to push through the glass ceiling can bring you the attention you desire at work, if you use it properly. Utilizing your skills and abilities will help you attain your professional hopes and dreams. Know that you hold the power. 


Disagreements are an enormous threat to working in harmony with colleagues, so lay as low as possible until next week. The best thing to do when you’re having scrambled ideas is to do something that will enhance your inner peace and try to avoid conflict as much as humanly possible.


You have so much prosperity to be grateful for at this time. This is also a good week to invest, but opt to do so intuitively and with research. Any frivolous movements done without TLC can have negative repercussions if you are not careful. Be wise in your current judgments. 


It’s time to embrace your innermost sentiments and let them be known. Expressing how you feel and showing it through actions is important to you in order to cultivate better dynamics with your peers and loved ones. Stepping up your emotions in matters of the heart leads to great relationships. 

The New Moon in Virgo

Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The New Moon in Virgo occurs on September 2 at 6:55 PM PT and 9:55 PM ET. It’s the last New Moon of the summer, leading us to embrace our hearts and sentiments in a gentle way.

Austere Saturn, who is retrograde in Pisces, opposes the New Moon. While this astrological aspect can be a downer, it pushes for change — mainly in how we care for ourselves and those we care about. Learning to say how we feel clearly can be challenging but doable now. Using our words correctly and with tenderness might be complicated; however, it'll allow us not to be impulsive with our tempers and be more sensitive.

The asteroid Ceres galvanizes the New Moon, reminding us to enjoy the moment, savor summer's remaining days and be less critical of ourselves and others. Appreciating the different views and experiences people bring to the table gives us the chance to understand them. Hopefully, they extend the same sentiment to us. Offering others compassion, empathy, and unconditional love might take time, but there is no reason why we shouldn’t extend that energy to ourselves. After all, our relationship with ourselves is the most important and must always be a top priority.  

The caveat is that the fixed star Zosma might add selfishness. We could feel our issues are more important than others, leading to arguments. Take a step back and assess matters before making a grandstand about them. You may be able to find a middle ground in dynamics and show your true emotions, but be honest about your needs, too. Reciprocal energy is pivotal in counterbalancing the fixed star Zosma.

This New Moon offers us the opportunity to redirect and contemplate our innermost sentiments. We can create the emotional life we desire by being mindful and meditating on the life we want. Think about what fills your heart up with joy, write it down in your journal and try to incorporate these notions in your daily activities and routine. Being aware of what your consciously manifesting will yield to self-awareness and TLC.



Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The week starts off with the Last Quarter Moon in Gemini on August 26th pushing us to release the past and start fresh in all aspects of our lives. Venus in Virgo harmonizes with Uranus in Taurus on August 27, urging us to break free of old patterns in relationships. Mercury retrograde ends the story that began on August 5 on the 28th. This is a time when we will be able to have clear communication and reassess matters that have occurred over the past several weeks. The same day, Venus opposes Neptune retrograde in Pisces, creating confusion, paranoia, ambiguity, and delusion to romantic and financial matters. Luckily, Venus enters Libra on August 29, bringing  diplomacy and fairness to partnerships. Later in the morning, Venus aspects Pluto retrograde in Aquarius, creating power dynamics with others. On September 1, Uranus retrograde commences, lasting until January 30, 2025. This is a moment in which we’ll want to  implement change into our life and decide how we want to grow. Pluto retrograde re-enters Capricorn on September 1, taking us back to the end of 2023. Now, we have the chance to make sure we are on the right path as we move onward and forward with our lives.


The Last Quarter Moon on August 26 and Mercury’s direct motion on August 28 are ideal times to journal your emotions. Write down how you feel in order to comprehend the transformation and evolution that you're currently undergoing. This will help you understand what relationships you want to keep or let go of, as well as give you directions on what you want to implement and manifest during the last days of summer.


Everybody wants to rule the world, especially you. You're finding that it's okay to not always take the lead and to work with a group that shares like-minded views. Being the boss is tempting, but you'll see that it's not as crucial as cultivating relationships and working cohesively with others.


The week brings a less chaotic and hectic view of life. Some planets are slowing down and speeding up, which means that it is essential for you to find an equilibrium in which you can find peace of mind. Don't push matters and rush  situations. Move at your pace, Taurus.


You rarely take a break from work, and now you’re in need of TLC. Give yourself a moment for R&R to get your groove back. Learning to stress less and take care of yourself will be hard to implement, but worth the adjustment to embrace a new, mindful you.


If you’ve been recently feeling stuck, this week offers the opportunity to make movements and to get out of your current situation. However, you have to be ready to let go of your expectations and focus on your needs. Doing so will help you grow and advance as a person.


You're finally wrapping your head around all the changes at your job. Before you get too comfortable, ensure that you put your best foot forward and always look to revolutionize the workplace with innovative ideas. Your thoughts and aspirations will be significantly appreciated by upper management and elevate your status.


Rather than opting to either engage in a fight or take flight, focus on how you can upgrade your life. This may push you into disconnecting from friends who aren’t truly there for you and taking the energy back. You’ll have more time for things that matter in your life.


When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Stop dwelling on the past and use it as a motivational tool to move into a new way of living. Release old ways of thinking and people you’ve outgrown. You will feel enlightened and ready to take on the world as a result.


The dynamics in your relationship are  softening, resulting in you  not to have an intense reaction to matters, you’ll find that things are more chill. As you move forward, try be forge a more positive and refined approach to handling situations with your significant other to create a healthy partnership.


Clearly, you were working towards building deeper connections with others; however, some of these partnerships may be faulty and not worth your time, as they're not willing to commit. Make sure that you are building bonds with people who are at your level and on the same wavelength as you.


This is a great week to assess your finances and invest in meaningful ventures. Now, you'll be able to expand your portfolio, resulting in you feeling better and more secure about the future. Since you're always looking to expand and glorify your bank account, it’ll be refreshing to see results.


Stop making excuses for yourself and others, and be more accountable. This requires you to admit you're wrong and hold people responsible for their actions. Do not let people get away with their improper actions and bring the consequences forward if they do to have more order in your world.


You are constantly taking on other people's problems as if they're your own. Rather than giving all of your energy to others, pour some of that love and kindness back into your cup. Doing so will provide you with strength, vigor, and power to evolve your life for the better.