New Moon In Pisces
The New Moon in Pisces brings us an abundance of dreamy magic and ethereal energy. Discover how this enchanting lunation will influence your emotions and intentions.
Posted in: modernwitch
The New Moon in Pisces brings us an abundance of dreamy magic and ethereal energy. Discover how this enchanting lunation will influence your emotions and intentions.
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Astrology by Lisa Stardust
The summer’s first New Moon falls in the water sign Cancer and commences on July 5th at 3:57 PM PT/6:57 PM ET. The New Moon begins the lunar cycle, which resets monthly in a different zodiac sign. This is a time of fresh starts, new beginnings, introspection, and reflection as we grow in the weeks ahead due to the seeds we plant under the lunation.
The Cancer New Moon aspects Mars in Taurus, Saturn retrograde in Pisces, and squares the lunar Nodes of Destiny in the Aries-Libra axis. Mars in Taurus is pushing us to take the high road and focus on romantic sentiments, while Saturn retrograde teaches us the importance of slowing down. The Nodes of Destiny want us to decide how to invest our energy in the weeks ahead and urge us to find a balance in life. It’s vital to take a step back and focus on healing our hearts and spirit — especially with the presence of the asteroids Ceres in Capricorn (who's a maternal influence), Pallas in Scorpio (the wisdom within us), and Juno in Virgo (the asteroid who defines fairness).
The fixed stars Sirius and Canopus want us to move into a safe space that helps us mend the past. Embracing and caring for the shadowy parts of our personality can allow us to feel unconditional love for ourselves. So, saying positive affirmations throughout the day is vital to lift our hearts. Also, give yourself a big hug because you deserve it — most notably from yourself. The Sabian symbol that aligns with the New Moon is “Two Dutch Children Talking To Each Other, Exchanging Their Knowledge.” Share personal triumphs and stories to let others learn from our experiences. This will create a bond with those we care about and give us the space to be heard and seen without judgment.
Written by Bri Luna
As we embrace the gentle and nurturing energy of the Cancer New Moon, it is the perfect time to tune into our emotional depths and set intentions for self-care and healing.
Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths, centering yourself in the present moment. Visualize the moon's soft and healing light enveloping you. Set intentions for self-care, emotional healing, and nurturing your inner self during this lunar cycle.
Light a white or silver candle to represent the Cancer zodiac sign. White symbolizes purity and cleansing, while silver represents the moon's energy. As you light the candle, affirm your intentions for emotional healing and self-nurturing.
Take a moment to reflect on your emotions, desires, and dreams. Write them down in a journal, expressing yourself freely and authentically. Use this as an opportunity to delve into your emotional depths and gain clarity on what needs nurturing and healing in your life.
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