Welcome Fall Equinox 2024

Written by Bri Luna

As the vibrant hues of summer fade into the warm, earthy tones of autumn, we find ourselves at the Autumn Equinox, also known as Mabon. This year, the equinox falls on September 22, 2024 (5:43 AM PST /8:43ET), marking a time of balance between light and dark. It’s a perfect opportunity to honor the changing seasons, reflect on the year so far, and prepare for the introspective months ahead.

Rituals to Welcome the Equinox

Balance and Reflection Ceremony:

- Light two candles—one black and one white—representing the balance of night and day.

- Sit in a quiet space, reflecting on the light and dark aspects of your life over the past year. What parts of yourself have you embraced, and what might you need to release? Write down your reflections and, if you feel called, burn the paper as an act of release.

Nature Walk:

- Spend time outdoors, connecting with the energy of the season. Collect fallen leaves, acorns, or stones that speak to you.

- Upon returning home, incorporate these items into your altar or use them in your rituals to symbolize your connection to the earth.

Intention Setting for the Coming Months:

- Write down your intentions for the next season. Consider what you want to manifest and what energies you wish to invite into your life.

Altar Ideas for the Autumn Equinox

Creating a seasonal altar is a beautiful way to honor the equinox. Here are some ideas to inspire you:

Natural Elements: Incorporate items such as autumn leaves, pinecones, acorns, or small pumpkins to represent the seasonal change.

Candles: Use deep oranges, browns, and golds to symbolize the autumn colors. A candle for each intention can also help focus your energy.

Crystals: Consider adding citrine for abundance, smoky quartz for grounding, and garnet for passion and energy.

Herbs and Foods: Display herbs like sage, rosemary, or thyme, and seasonal fruits like apples or pears. You can even create a small offering bowl with these items to honor the earth’s harvest.

Journal Prompts for Reflection

What lessons have I learned during the first half of the year that I can carry forward into the next season?

Reflect on both challenges and successes and how they have shaped you.

In what areas of my life do I feel out of balance, and how can I restore harmony?

- Consider your emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.

What are three things I am grateful for this season?

- Focus on the abundance in your life, both big and small.

What intentions do I wish to set for the coming months?

- Think about your goals and what steps you can take to manifest them.

As we transition into autumn, take this time to reflect, set intentions, and connect with the energies of the season. The Autumn Equinox serves as a reminder of the balance that exists in our lives and the importance of honoring both our light and shadow. By incorporating these rituals, altar ideas, and journal prompts into your practice, you can deepen your connection to this beautiful time of year and cultivate a sense of gratitude and awareness as you move forward. Embrace the magic of Mabon and allow it to guide you on your journey!