Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The lunar eclipse in Pisces occurs on September 17th, intensifying emotions and bringing personal matters to light.

Mercury in Virgo opposes Saturn retrograde in Pisces on the 18th and squares Jupiter in Gemini on the 21st, making communication unclear and exaggerated. Make sure to fact check. The Virgo Sun connects with Uranus retrograde in Taurus, and Neptune retrograde in Pisces, and Pluto retrograde in Capricorn on September 19, 20, and 22, allowing us to embrace our greatness and confidence.

The Sun enters Libra on September 22, bringing the fall equinox and a new season. Venus in Libra squares Pluto retrograde in Capricorn before entering Scorpio on September 22, heightening passions and power games.



With your intuition in overdrive this week, it might be hard to understand what you are feeling versus what is happening in the physical realm around you. Journaling these sentiments will help you comprehend what is going on in your mind and heart on a deeper spiritual and soulful level.



You have the talent and ingenuity to transform your life creatively and artistically. With the right incentive and care, you’ll make shifts that change the world. Showcase your gifts to let people know that you’re capable of bringing greatness to the table. If you believe in yourself, others will too.



There may be ambiguity about the direction of your career. Think about what truly makes you happy and take steps towards attaining it in the professional realm of your life. Regardless of whether the job is glamorous or not, the only thing that matters is that you are emotionally fulfilled.



Thinking outside-the-box about work, love, and personal matters will benefit you at this current moment because it will give you the foresight in how you wish to move forward. Take your time when making decisions to assure they are part of the right path and direction you want to take.



There are a lot of tensions boiling between you and your friends or significant other. Before you overreact to a situation, allow yourself a moment to calm down. Do not overstress matters and find a chill center before confronting others. Then you can assess relationships with a clear and open mind.



Your patience and compassion for others is at a high, but you're not extending the same level of kindness to yourself. Take time out of your schedule for self-care. Give yourself the TLC you need and deserve from the most important person in your life (that individual would be you!).



Giving too much of your energy to work is making you exhausted. Before undertaking more assignments and duties, make sure you are resting your body, mind, and spirit. You won't be able to keep up unless you do so. Burnout is real so give yourself a few moments to reprieve.



It is a wonderful time to take some calculated risks in your romantic and profession areas of your chart. Trying new things and endeavors to push boundaries can also bring you the attention you’re desiring at work if you use it properly. You can climb mountains if you prepare carefully.



There is a strong desire to receive appreciation from your peers. There will likely be the sense that you are not being valued as much as you should be and emotions around this are likely to feel intense. These feelings are a rift, and could cause some tendencies to revolt.



The lunar eclipse is a wonderful time to set up a new schedule for yourself to reach new and exciting goals. For example, a plant watering routine, or working out calendar could have many unforeseen benefits. These things will take you far in the remaining weeks of this lunar cycle.



Blow off some emotional steam after work or on the weekend with a nice meal or a drink with friends. Do not go too crazy spending if you aren’t bestowed with an expendable income to blow on it because that will have some long term repercussions for your savings account.



You are aware of the layers of what people aren’t saying out loud during this time to the extent that it might feel like you’re spying on the people you’re keeping company with. Try to have some boundaries in your friendships if that is the case. Trust your intuition, Pisces.