The Solar Eclipse in Aries

The solar eclipse in Aries brings a strong chance for new beginnings and renewal. As the moon covers the sun, we feel inspired to follow our truth and explore the unknown. This is a time to set goals, let go of old habits, and pursue our desires with determination. The energy is vibrant and full of possibilities—it's a moment to reshape our purpose and tap into the bold spirit of Aries. Embrace this intensity, as it can turn dreams into reality with passion.


Welcome, Spring Equinox! Let's take a moment to celebrate the arrival of the new year, filled with fresh energy and vibrant possibilities as we gracefully step into Aries season. This time of renewal invites us to embrace change and welcome the growth that lies ahead.

The Total Blood Moon Eclipse In Virgo

Astrology by Lisa Stardust 

The collective sentiment of winter 2025 is chaotic due to the political events that are happening worldwide and the astrology that propels it forward. One of the last cosmic shifts we are experiencing this season is the lunar eclipse that commences on March 13th at 11:54 PM PT and March 14th at 2:54 AM ET in Virgo. The total lunar eclipse, which is also touted as a Blood Moon due to its orange/reddish color, allows us to see things on a different scale. It will give us a more demure and mindful view of how we feel about situations, aiding us to comprehend the best ways to assert justice and take our power back. The lunation is also urging us to create daily rituals for ourselves that encourage us to focus on mending our body, soul, mind, and heart.

The eclipse connects with Mars in Cancer, Saturn in Pisces, Uranus in Taurus, Neptune in Pisces, and the Nodes of Destiny. However, the Sun and Moon directly aspects Uranus, urging us to break out of situations that no longer serve our higher selves. Most likely, this will be a bad habit that we’ve been trying to kick for some time or a healthy routine we want to take on (from Mars and Saturn’s presence). The caveat is that we are hesitating in the evolutionary state (due to Neptune’s fog) and wish to find unconventional ways to augment our lives. Perhaps we should start leaning into our true selves by acknowledging what is in our hearts to understand our needs and desires. Embracing our individuality allows us to be stronger and confident, giving us the ability to make the necessary adjustments that we long for in time.

The wonderful fixed star Alkes links up with the Virgo Moon, bringing a pleasant experience to the overall energy of the lunation. We won’t feel blindsighted by anything that is revealed since the lunar eclipse urges us to look within. Alkes is a beneficial star that offers us compassion and clarity about our purpose in the season of retrogrades and misinformation.

The following day, on March 15, Mercury begins its retrograde journey in Aries. The reason why this is extremely important is that the planetary ruler of the Virgo Moon is Mercury. Therefore, we will feel unsure about our emotions or unable to make certain movements during the eclipse. Remember that this isn't the time to decide about the present or future because Venus is Retrograde and Mars is in it’s post-retrograde stage. Adding Mercury's pending retrograde blends in ambiguity and distorted information. It’s hard to figure out the truth now. The best way to handle this energy is to journal our feelings because it'll help us find ways to better understand our emotions. As a result, might even come to conclusions about the past and heal old wounds.

Try to be gentle with yourself and others, as the Virgo lunar energy is releasing former issues and rehabilitating our spirit. Listen to your body and remain in the moment. Don't overthink, and trust the process. We are on the road to recovery. 


Astrology by Lisa Stardust 

Mercury enters Aries on March 3, adding passion to our communication. The desire to tackle issues head on could create tension with others, so be aware of tonality and words. Mercury harmonizes with Pluto in Aquarius on the 5th, pushing us to dominate conversations. Let people share their perspectives without criticism to avoid conflict. March 6’s First Quarter Moon in Gemini lets us break free from the past by cultivating a new dynamic and vision. The Pisces Sun connects with Mars in Cancer, pushing us to grow on the 8th.


The First Quarter Moon in Gemini on March 6 is an optimal time to take a risk. Think back to the goals set during the New Moon on February 27 and try to amend them with the knowledge you learn this week. Paired together, you can transform your visions to take flight and grow into greatness. 


The energy is high for being assertive and having emotions flare up with passion. While this week allows you to talk things out and get your points across, remember to be extra conscious and receptive to other people’s thoughts to avoid this intense energy escalating into arguments over silly drama.


You are moving away from impatience and into a more empathetic disposition. This allows us to understand things clearly from another person's perspective. You carry the compassionate energy and creative problem-solving skills necessary to resolve issues. Resolution and sensitivity are accentuated in the days ahead. Embrace the tenderness around you.


This week kicks up plenty of conversations as Mercury and Venus retrograde. Both of them, in Aries, emphasize expressiveness. The flip side is that it could instigate arguments with others. Think before putting your foot in your mouth to avoid unnecessary confrontations and issues to maintain the peace with friends.


Try to get in a light meditation before heading into work to have a moment of reprieve and less stress right now. This week creates a cerebral energy that may get the better of you, making it essential to ground and focus on your breath throughout the day. 


You may feel that others are talking down to you right now or intentionally making your life difficult, so you may be forced to buckle down and push your agenda forward despite these obstacles. Give yourself a few days and try again once this resistant energy dissipates in the aether.


You are a soldier in your own battle. Ask yourself exactly who and what you are willing to fight for. That is precisely where you need to spend more of your time. It might even require you to cut away unwanted things and people from your life for a good reason.


Personal relationships will have to come to a negotiation in some way. Even though you think you can, you will not be able to take on everything yourself. Be flexible and open to allowing people to help you. It’ll relieve a lot of stress and anxiety once you relinquish control.


Turn on happy music and dance your worries away while decluttering your personal space. The week blasts off with a lot of energy as Mercury enters vibrant Aries, so expect a change of emotions for the better. This will be a necessary shift to get back on track with matters.


Take a moment to reflect as you come full circle. Look back on the intense personal growth the past several years have inevitably brought you and pat yourself on the back for the changes made in your life. This will give you the affirmation you need to continue your strides.


Keep in mind that what worked then may not work now. Enjoy the fruits of your hard labor thus far while maintaining focus on the next long-term goal. Put your passions into a plan and invest consistent effort, and you will be bound to create practical, tangible results for yourself.


A relationship is based on more than one person, so be open to hearing what others say if you also want them to listen to you—this week, bringing to light past emotional baggage to allow us to heal. Do shadow work to understand how you react to challenging situations.


Be sure to have your dream journal ready every morning this week, as the First Quarter Moon in Gemini forms a helpful connection to communicative Mercury. This cosmic climate can bring through psychic prophecy or visions, so try to notate any strange encounters you had while wandering the astral realms.

Venus Retrograde in Aries and Libra 

Astrology by Lisa Stardust


Every 18 months, Venus, the planet of love, artistry, social graces, and money, moonwalks. Venus will be retrograde from March 1 to April 12 this year in the signs of Aries and Pisces. When Venus retrograde commences, we will feel as though relationships are stalled, and it's hard to bring in lucrative investments. This energy  will be more challenging in the weeks ahead because Mercury retrograde (from March 15 to April 7 in Aries and Pisces) as well as two eclipses (the lunar eclipse is March 14 and the solar eclipse is March 29) are also happening to create more intensity within our lives. 

During Venus's retrograde, the planet switches from being an evening star to a morning star. This change makes Venus more passionate and energetic, milder and quieter than the former. On March 22, the Sun and Venus retrograde form a conjunction known as “inferior cazimi.” The alignment leads to major epiphanies about how we partner and show up for others. We’ll become conscious of our role in matters and try to fix them if we can. 

A common theme of Venus's backward march is how we feel about ourselves. We might convince ourselves that we are less than others compared to them. Rather than allow ourselves to assume we aren’t accomplishing what others are, it's essential to state daily positive affirmations to remind us that we are excellent and worthy of love. Other ways to mend our hearts are to implant self-care and practice gratitude—not to others but to ourselves. This is a time to build confidence and not let others take our shine away.

Motivation will be complex, especially when Venus backs up into Pisces on March 27. The weeks to come might make us exhausted and consumed with our emotions. It is advisable to cry and let out our innermost sentiments because it brings us one step closer to healing. We can be emotionally reborn after a monumental release that’s been building up for months. 

In terms of money, it’s best to stay on a budget. Don’t make any promises, investments, or lending agreements now. The deal could turn sour, putting us in a tight spot to get out of. When trying new aesthetics, save yourself the hassle and wait until after Venus turns direct. You do not want to get stuck with a big credit card bill and a bad haircut.  

Who will be affected? Everyone.

No matter what sign you are, the impacts of Venus retrograde are intentense. Look to the Aries and Pisces houses in your birth chart and the planets you have (if any in those signs) to foretell the personal story that will affect you. If you want to do a deep dive, check out the houses and planets in Taurus and Libra (since Venus is the ruler of these signs). 

Honor the Goddess on her day, which is Friday, by making offerings to her of roses while setting your intention. In order to receive Venus’s blessings, it’s vital to embody her spirit. Kindness and compassion can go a long way and change your future if you allow it.


Astrology by Lisa Stardust

On February 10th, Mercury in Aquarius squares  Uranus in Taurus, bringing the truth to a head. The drama continues on February 11, when the Sun in  Aquarius creates a fraught aspect with Uranus, urging us to be free from the constructs holding us back. February 12th’s Full Moon in Leo heightens our passions and desire to break out of our ruts. Fortunately, Mercury enters Pisces on the 14th adding tenderness and romanticism to our words and hearts on Valentine's Day. 


Frustrations may arise midweek, urging you to release any tensions through meditation, yoga, or journaling.  You can overcome any misunderstandings through clear communication. Try writing down your thoughts and feelings before speaking with anyone important this week. Seeing the words on paper will help you ground yourself and step into your power. The more you are in tune with what you want to say, the easier it will be to make amends with your partner. 


Cozy up to someone special and make your feelings known. Opening up to the person you love could be a wonderful direction for you to take your relationship in. As long as you’re honest and express yourself in a calm demeanor, even you will be surprised by the progress you’re making.


Expect your thoughts to be inventive and possibly eccentric, you can help people to look at things from a new angle but try not to push the limits too far.  This is a great week to visualise for yourself and think about how bright you want your future to be.  


Sparks are flying from the moment you step foot outside, so don't be surprised if people are coming at you. This type of energy can manifest either by getting into an argument with someone or channeling it uour work. It is up to you in how you transmute this energy.


If you find yourself craving material security, curate a personal plan for what you want to manifest in the upcoming weeks and stay present with your current circumstances. Prioritize your personal pleasure, needs,  and values when you begin to start making a mood board to inspire yourself for the future.


Challenges will arise so take your time and stay present with any sentiments you feel.  Sometimes problems can be eradicated through sheer enthusiasm and optimism. Although your plans of action may be prone to erratic changes, do what you can in the moment to get by without any unnecessary drama.


It is an ideal time for long conversations with your network of friends and family. Try not to commit to any in person plans without having an escape strategy, as you will need your freedom when the conversation gets tough. Listen to others to receive compassion when sharing your story.


Think about your routine and make sure your time management aligns with your long-term goals. If you aren't spending energy on projects that you love, then there is no point in committing to them. Focus on what makes you happy and give it light. It'll contribute to making you fulfilled.


This is the perfect week for your career to grow and you’ll notice your ambitious nature kick. Abundance is on its way to you.  By the end of the week you'll be more in tune with your creative side, let your daydreams take the wheel and see where it takes you.  


It’s a great time to get your paints out or re-organise to give TLC to your home. Being that you are in the mood to hang out with your significant other/crush, this will prove to be a bonding experience for of you both to connect you on a deeper level.


Some people might take offence to you this week, even though your intentions were to help. Speaking to people on the phone to avoid misunderstandings in tonality due to texting. If you don't, then you should take the high road and know that any miscommunications will fizzle out very soon.


 It might be up to you to keep the peace in your friend group this week. Let your helpful nature take the front seat amongst any conflicts that surface and resolve issues that resurface. You will notice people overreacting and getting tongue tied, so allow them to verbalize their feelings. 


Being that Valentine’s Day is coming at the end of the week, This is a great time to have deep conversations with your loved ones or learn a new skill with your partner. Think long showers, bubble baths, saunas, and foot massages to celebrate. Make sure you have extra fun.

How To celebrate The Winter Solstice

As the longest night of the year approaches, we prepare to honor the Winter Solstice, also known as Yule. This year, the Winter Solstice will take place on Saturday, December 21, 2024, at 1:21 AM Pacific Time and 4:21 AM Eastern Time. It’s a perfect time to reflect, recharge, and reconnect with the energies of the earth as we transition into the light once again.

Mars Retrograde in Leo and Cancer

Astrology by Lisa Stardust 

Mars, the action planet of sex, war, and aggression, begins its moonwalk on December 6 in Leo and turns direct on February 23, 2025, in Cancer. As Mars glides backward in the sky, we are learning how to assert ourselves mindfully. The caveat is that the inability to make strides forward could create frustrations.  

Putting problems on the back burner is ill-advised when Mars retrogrades in Leo because they will only mount up for the future and continue to weigh on your shoulders. Try to discuss issues with others or reach out to those in need. A little compassion will go a long way today and let people know they aren’t alone — the same applies to you. Even though we may become frustrated, releasing the energy through mindful and spiritual endeavors like journaling, meditation, breathing exercises, and yoga is vital.

When Mars retrograde re-enters Cancer on January 6, we won’t be able to suppress our emotions, which means they’re coming out in the open. This isn’t a bad thing. There is a catharsis and personal growth that can help us evolve and change if we allow ourselves to. The only way to deal with the energies at play is to think before expressing yourself and to meditate on what your heart truly wants—then take action towards attaining it.

The following months, during Mars’ post-retroshade shadow, which ends on May 2, 2025, will give us the proper closure and understanding of perplexing situations during the retrograde. As long as we open our hearts and minds toward compassion, we can begin comprehending matters causing uncertainty and anxiety. It’s our job to pay attention to what has been happening and open our eyes to seeing matters. The next few months will be rocky due to the post-retrograde degrees. However, it will allow us to make things right.

key Dates: 

December 6: Mars retrograde commences in Leo. 

January 3, 2025: Mars retrograde opposes Pluto, leading to destructive arguments.

January 5, 2025: Mars retrograde aspects the Nodes of Destiny, cementing fated events.

January 6, 2025: Mars retrograde reenters Cancer.

January 12, 2025: Mars retrograde stifles us when it aligns with Neptune.

January 23, 2025: Mars retrograde sextiles Uranus, urging us to embrace our individuality.

January 23, 2025:  Mars retrograde opposes Mercury, causing conflicts to arise.

January 25, 2025: Mars retrograde and Venus link up, adding sentimentality to the day.

February  9, 2025: Mars retrograde connects with Saturn, creating issues with authority. 

February 23, 2025: Mars retrograde and Mercury harmonize, softening up the energy.

February 23: Mars turns direct in Cancer.

Scorpio Season

As we enter Scorpio season, from October 22 to November 21, we dive into a time of transformation, intensity, and deep emotional exploration. This season invites you to embrace your shadows and confront the hidden aspects of your psyche. Expect a surge of energy that encourages introspection, along with the potential for powerful spell work centered around renewal, protection, and emotional healing. Read more to discover how Scorpio season can profoundly impact your life and to explore rituals that harness this transformative energy.

WITCH TIPS 9/23- 29

Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The Last Quarter Moon in Cancer occurs on September 24th and urges us to define our comforts. Mercury in Virgo harmonizes with Uranus retrograde in Taurus on the same day, broadening our horizons and bringing clarity to our minds. Mercury opposes Neptune retrograde in Pisces on the 25th, heightening our intuition and imagination. Mercury harmonizes with Pluto retrograde in Capricorn on September 26, highlighting pir desire to investigate matters and find universal truths. Mercury moves into Libra later in the day, balancing out these sentiments and allowing us to communicate concisely. On September 29 the Sun and Mercury, both of whom are in Libra, align with the South Node of Destiny, making us feel insecure and anxious. Meditate and decompress through self-care.


Our emotions may be up and down this week, causing us to feel less than special; therefore, we need to craft our individual and personal affirmations that we can say every day to make ourselves feel better.



The big cosmic lesson for you right now, is to find security within yourself and not through the attention of others. You are in a romantic mood right now, especially right before next week’s solar eclipse. Take this time to indulge and rest in preparation for what is to come.



New career ventures are unfolding right in front of your eyes. The good news is that you have the option to take any road you choose, allowing you to be ahead of the game. Think about what you want to attain professionally. Visualize it coming to fruition and it will.



Take time to focus on yourself and how you'd like to evolve. Write a list of any accomplishments you hope to actualize. Keep in mind that the energy around this time will be fairly unpredictable, so you'll need to stay flexible and do your best to go with the flow.



Use the beginning of the week to reinvest in your personal space, as the cosmos activates the sector of your chart that rules the home. You will be in the mood to camp out in your abode, choosing to redecorate, reorganize, and freshen up your space by cleansing the energy.



While you'll feel tempted to help your friends sort out their own issues, you will want to use the energy to focus on your own self-improvement. Be mindful of how much time and energy you're giving to others right now, and pull back if you are being taken for granted.



If you're unhappy with your work life, now would be the time to think about where you'd like to see change. Remember that being happy can be based on feeling good about your own circumstances, and what you do for a living can have a huge impact on your disposition.



You’re a busy bee, so try to decompress in nature and with your significant other or crush. This is the perfect time to get swept away by love, bringing you a much-needed reprieve from your busy work schedule and social life. Then you can relax with those you care about.



Stress will be amplified throughout the week, so you'll need to be mindful that you're cutting out some time for self-care and time for yourself. If you're on the hunt for new endeavors and rituals, you’ll want to sleep on it before taking action and making moves in any direction.



If there are any projects you've been putting off lately, now would be the time to handle such business. No matter what the dynamics of your home life are at the moment, this cosmic climate will encourage you to recharge your batteries by staying in and catching up on rest.



Watch how others treat you as people will be in the mood to spoil you, and even the slightest kind deed could be an indication of deeper feelings lurking below the surface. The caveat is that you’re wanting to have a chill week without the additional drama looming around you.



Spontaneity and adventure are in the cards for you this week, Aquarius. You may find yourself craving excitement and exploration within the work you do, seeking new experiences that ignite your sense of freedom and curiosity. Consider taking a trip out of your neighborhood to get inspired by the world.



Currently, your intuition is at its highest, so be sure to take note of everything that comes to your mind and heart in your personal journal. By doing this, you will be able to plan out the future and understand circumstances as they begin to unfold on a deeper level.