The last new moon of 2024 occurs on December 30 at 2:37 PM PT and 5:37 PM ET. The new moon in Capricorn commences before the new year, urging us to start 2025 off on the right foot. With the new moon comes ambiguity and confusion—but we’ll manage and thrive by focusing on transforming the past.

Since it is the second new moon of December, the new moon in Sagittarius was on December 1, called a black moon. This rare lunation isn't the first Capricorn new moon of the year. One on January 11, 2024, kicked off the year with many hopes and aspirations. As the year progressed, we were able to put our dreams from January 11‘s new moon into gear, allowing us to manifest our desires. Now, we can augment and revise those desires to align with who we've matured into being.

With Mercury exciting the post-retrograde shadow on January 2, 2025, and Mars currently retrograde, it is prime time to look back and reflect—not a moment to craft fresh ideas. Therefore, we should assess the visions from the beginning of the year to see how we can evolve them. So, rethink former topics and let them inspire you to greatness. 

Saturn, the planetary ruler of Capricorn, galvanizes the new moon. This sweeping effect allows us to ignite our intuition and rely on our emotions. Also, we’ll be persistent in all we wish to attain and do. The new moon doesn't want us to throw our hands up in the air—it motivates us to ensure we are on the correct journey as we enter 2025. 

The asteroids Pallas and Pholus, which unite with the new moon, might drive us to act impulsively; however, their presence in the Earth sign makes us slow down and decide how to proceed. Doing so requires care and mindfulness, so we must resist the urge to strike first. Instead, meditate on practical tactics and insights to drive the cart forward (so to speak). 

The fixed star Facies wants us to express our desires intentionally—all the more reason to use a mood board as a method of doing so. Not only will it guide us, but it'll also serve as a reminder of what we are passionate about to ensure we don't stray or get distracted.

New Moon In Capricorn Ritual 

A New Moon in Capricorn is a great time to set intentions related to ambition, structure, and long-term goals.

The best way to utilize the new moon's energy is to create a mood board. A mood board is a collection of visuals that helps us map out our thought process, enabling us to come to conclusions about what we want to bring to fruition. As mentioned above, this lunation is about looking backward to cultivate the best means to move forward, so it's advisable to show what you are bringing to life and figure out how to do it through making collages, art, or visual charts. You can always add on images, ideas, or quotes to the mood board as you bring your goals and hopes into being.

Embracing the Magic of Friday the 13th: Lore, History, and the Divine Feminine

Friday the 13th is a date that ignites a whirlwind of emotions, from trepidation to intrigue. For many, this day is steeped in silly superstitions, often viewed as an omen of bad luck. However, beneath this veneer of fear lies a rich tapestry of lore, history, and a profound connection to the divine feminine that invites exploration and understanding.

Cancer New Moon 2024

New Moon in Cancer

Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The summer’s first New Moon falls in the water sign Cancer and commences on July 5th at 3:57 PM PT/6:57 PM ET. The New Moon begins the lunar cycle, which resets monthly in a different zodiac sign. This is a time of fresh starts, new beginnings, introspection, and reflection as we grow in the weeks ahead due to the seeds we plant under the lunation.

The Cancer New Moon aspects Mars in Taurus, Saturn retrograde in Pisces, and squares the lunar Nodes of Destiny in the Aries-Libra axis. Mars in Taurus is pushing us to take the high road and focus on romantic sentiments, while Saturn retrograde teaches us the importance of slowing down. The Nodes of Destiny want us to decide how to invest our energy in the weeks ahead and urge us to find a balance in life. It’s vital to take a step back and focus on healing our hearts and spirit — especially with the presence of the asteroids Ceres in Capricorn (who's a maternal influence), Pallas in Scorpio (the wisdom within us), and Juno in Virgo (the asteroid who defines fairness). 

The fixed stars Sirius and Canopus want us to move into a safe space that helps us mend the past. Embracing and caring for the shadowy parts of our personality can allow us to feel unconditional love for ourselves. So, saying positive affirmations throughout the day is vital to lift our hearts. Also, give yourself a big hug because you deserve it — most notably from yourself. The Sabian symbol that aligns with the New Moon is “Two Dutch Children Talking To Each Other, Exchanging Their Knowledge.” Share personal triumphs and stories to let others learn from our experiences. This will create a bond with those we care about and give us the space to be heard and seen without judgment.


New Moon In Cancer Ritual

Written by Bri Luna  

As we embrace the gentle and nurturing energy of the Cancer New Moon, it is the perfect time to tune into our emotional depths and set intentions for self-care and healing.

Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths, centering yourself in the present moment. Visualize the moon's soft and healing light enveloping you. Set intentions for self-care, emotional healing, and nurturing your inner self during this lunar cycle.

Light a white or silver candle to represent the Cancer zodiac sign. White symbolizes purity and cleansing, while silver represents the moon's energy. As you light the candle, affirm your intentions for emotional healing and self-nurturing.

Take a moment to reflect on your emotions, desires, and dreams. Write them down in a journal, expressing yourself freely and authentically. Use this as an opportunity to delve into your emotional depths and gain clarity on what needs nurturing and healing in your life.


Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The Pink Full Moon in Scorpio will occur on April 23 at 4:49 PM Pacific Time and 7:49 PM Eastern Time. This is the first full moon after the lunar eclipse on March 25, which will compel us to let go of in pent-up emotions. As the Scorpio moon tends to dominate situations, our feelings will be intense, and our desire to regulate others will be high. Nonetheless, we should refrain from controlling people and situations because everything is about to change.

The Full Moon in Scorpio’s square to Pluto in Aquarius will compel us to confront our fears and insecurities, as well as the power struggles that exist in our relationships. This may be challenging, as Scorpio's energy is naturally suspicious of others and may make it difficult to have blind faith in others. However, it is essential to work on building trust with those around us to maintain healthy relationships. If trust cannot be established, it may be necessary to distance ourselves from certain situations or partnerships.

Although walls may be broken down, they can always be rebuilt. This presents an opportunity for us to re-establish and heal connections if we are willing to put in the effort. Reconstructing more efficiently will require hard work and dedication. Avoiding problems will not benefit us, as we must confront them directly to achieve our goals. This may prove to be a difficult task. Still, we must roll up our sleeves and invest our energy into obtaining what we truly desire, especially since the asteroids Juno and Vesta are urging us to. 

On April 20, Jupiter and Uranus will unite. This powerful event is expected to cause a significant transformation in our lives and the world by dismantling existing relationships, dynamics, and situations. This astrological event will mainly impact the Full Moon, and we need to understand that the Jupiter and Uranus conjunction is urging us to begin a new journey. However, to achieve this, we must unlearn old ways of thinking by re-programming our minds and hearts with what we believe is right.

With Mercury still retrograde until April 25, it's essential to be mindful of potential miscommunications and projections. It's crucial to take a moment to think before reacting and approach situations compassionately. As everyone is likely to project their feelings onto others, it's essential to break this cycle and show empathy towards others and ourselves.

The Full Moon encourages you to embrace our emotions and confront them head-on. Take a moment to look at yourself in the mirror and acknowledge the parts you have been hiding. Although these emotions may be difficult to understand and express, they are an integral part of your authentic self. It's important to fully accept and comprehend these emotions, even if they are uncomfortable. Remember that many of these feelings stem from past experiences and insecurities, so show compassion and kindness to facilitate healing.


Astrology by Lisa Stardust 

September 14th brings the  New Moon in Virgo, which urges us to heal old wounds and move forward. The Virgo Sun and Uranus retrograde in Taurus harmonize on September 15th, pushing us to embrace our most authentic selves. The same day, Mercury turns direct in Virgo, clearing up miscommunications and issues that occurred over the past several weeks. Venus in Leo squares Jupiter retrograde in Taurus on September 17th, making us take risks in matters of the heart and money. The Sun opposes Neptune retrograde in Pisces on September 19th, Evoking our dreams and intuition. 


Self-care is essential this week, which is why we should take on an activity that makes us feel good about ourselves. You can take a relaxing bath, book a massage, go for a walk, or meditate at the park. The time has come for us to connect and honor ourselves with a dosage of tender love and kindness.  


It’s important to stay in your lane and focus on yourself — even though you want to help in defending others because of the triangular situations at play. There are secret alliances, which is why you shouldn’t step on anyone’s toes and only give good energy towards healing the situation.


Now’s the time to plant the seeds for the goals you wish to attain in the upcoming weeks. No matter how big or small your dreams are, you’ll have to take a risk and chance on yourself because you will never know how victorious you can be if you try.


You don’t have to focus on the minute details in order to complete every task you undertake. Take a step back and look at the bigger picture. You’ll find that thinking from a larger perspective helps you visualize and accomplish matters concisely and effortlessly. Your understanding and creativity will blossom.


Words have power, which is why it’s important to think about what you say in the moment you’re expressing yourself. You never know who’ll take your sentiments to heart, so be careful in what you share and only state the truth in order to be honest in all you do. 


Your professional goals are shifting, allowing you to see the peripheral aspects of your career. In order to conquer your goals and hopes, it’s essential to journal your aspirations. Manifesting this way will bring your dream job to you, as you’ll be clear in what you want for the future. 


You’re wanting to cut people loose this week — especially those who aren’t giving you the attention and affection you deserve. Before making decisions, contemplate what kind of break you need. If it’s a moment of calm then let that be known before assumptions are made and feelings are hurt. 


Although the short game might be appealing this week, you’re finding that it’s best to play your hand out and take the long route toward resolving your objectives. The more energy you give to making your dreams a reality — the sweeter it’ll be when it actually happens for you. 


You might feel somewhat overwhelmed by the amount of chatter going on in your various circles and communities. Pay careful attention to what is happening around you, as well as what’s going on on the news with events swirling around especially since this playful energy can take an unexpected turn. 


The week ahead releases pain and allows you to take steps forward into a life-changing journey. The New Moon is helping you to release fear through the zone of spirituality. It is important to honor your ancestral roots, and appreciate the intuitive guidance being given to you right now.


There are many challenges presented that require careful analysis. In fact, you might just be too hard on yourself — especially as trickster Mercury turns direct and encourages you to weigh out every situation making it tough to make a final decision. Remember, that you alone know what is best for you.


Your energy is heightening and expanding, giving you the opportunity to see beyond this world. The more you engage in using and understanding your power, the greater it’ll be when you need it most — it is coming sooner than you think, which is why it’s best to prepare yourself. 


You’re turning over a new leaf in relationships, which is helping you heal the past and live a better life in the present with others. This won’t be easy. Expect tears, highs, and lows, as well as a bevy of emotions while navigating through existing problems to a kinder place.