Virgo season begins on August 22 at 7:55 AM PT and 10:55 AM ET, ending on September 22 at 5:43AM PT and 8:43AM ET. The Sun in Virgo will make us reflective, contemplative, and productive. The weeks ahead are urging us to search for clarity, meaning, and understanding. It’ll come to us — but in true Virgo fashion, we must be patient and go with the flow.

How Virgo Season Will Affect You?

Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius)

Give the energy you’re projecting onto others back on yourself in order to take your power back in these dynamics.

Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn)

You have the strength to create the dream you desire in reality, as long as you believe in yourself and are compassionate with your heart.

Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius)

Taking time to decompress and heal can help evolve your emotions into something more positive that helps you grow. 

Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces)

Finding genuine connections will allow you to make your relationships stronger, healthier, and more pleasant.

Key Dates For Virgo Season

August 22: Virgo season commences, bringing earthiness and practicality our way.

August 28: Mercury turns direct in Leo, finishing the retrograde journey that began on August 5. Expect clarity and decisiveness. 

August 29: Venus enters Libra, adding compassion, balance, and certainty to romance. 

September 1: Uranus retrograde in Taurus starts, ending on January 30, 2025, urging us to rethink our approach to asserting our views and understanding others.

September 1: Pluto retrograde re-enters Capricorn, the place it was at the end of 2023. Changes in structures and foundations will occur, transforming our worlds.

September 2: The New Moon in Virgo ushers in realism in kindling our dreams.

September  4: Mars moves into Cancer, pushing us to listen to our intuition before taking action. 

September  9: Mercury re-enters Virgo, taking us back to the end of July. Use this time to re-examine communication over the past few weeks.

September 17: The super lunar eclipse in Pisces ignites our visions.


Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The week begins with the Super blue moon in Aquarius on August 19th, heightening our emotions and evoking community. The same day, Venus in Virgo, Jupiter in Gemini, and Saturn retrograde in Pisces create a T-Square, inducing anxiety and stress. The end result is pushing us to let go of things and people we’ve outgrown and to evolve. The Sun squares Uranus on August 19, allowing us to embrace our true selves. The Sun enters Virgo on August 22, giving us the drive to center and meditate on our emotions. Venus squares Mars in Gemini on August 22, bringing passion our way. Mercury retrograde in Leo harmonizes with Mars on August 24, energizing our lives and adding power to words.


Witch tip:

Don't underestimate the power of connection. Reaching out to the community this week is necessary to feel as though you are not going through these intense emotions alone. Discuss your feelings and let others share their sentiments. This will allow you to feel part of something bigger and universal. We are all in this together, which is why we need to help each other by listening with a compassionate ear and making others feel safe in their times of need.



It might be hard to understand your emotions at this moment. Take a few minutes out of each day and journal your thoughts in order to process your thoughts and contemplate your next moves. This exercise will help you find the answers to the questions surrounding your deepest heartfelt sentiments.



Finding a moment of calm might be hard, which is why it’s best to disconnect from the outside noise. Do a nice activity for yourself in order to center your energy and to feel better about matters. Being kind and gentle to yourself will help relax and rejuvenate your mind.



You may feel as though you’re the victim of projection from others. In such cases, it's best to remove yourself from the person or situation that’s causing you stress and insert their emotions onto you, by focusing on yourself. That way, you can connect with yourself on a higher vibration.



Your intuition might be turned on, but that doesn't mean it's correct. There may be parts of the situations that aren't clear, which are leading to internal stress. Therefore, you should think about how you feel and make decisions based on that sentiment. Let your heart guide you towards self-awareness.



You’re in a state of ambiguity right now because things aren’t happening on your timeline as fast as you would like. All the more reason for you to take a moment and slow down. Then, you can work with the universe instead of against it to bring matters to fruition.


It is a perfect week for you to take a step back and to meditate on your needs before giving energy to anyone else. Protecting yourself from outside frustrations will help you find the energy shift that you need, which in return will boost your overall chillness, confidence, and positivity.



The power struggle at play exists between you and your finances. If you're due for a raise at work, consider starting the discussion with your boss to make headway. They might not be able to make it happen immediately but the conversation puts matters in motion for the near future.



Focus your energy on the partnerships you have by giving these people TLC. The more energy you put into cultivating relationships and gardening to them, the easier it will be for you to feel as though you were part of a group of like-minded people that care about each other.



Be careful not to put your foot in your mouth. Think matters through before speaking and reread every email that you sent out before letting it loose in the universe. You can completely control the narrative and what you're putting out there in an effective manner that is not offensive.



Lately, you've been wanting to have more pleasure than putting in endless hours and burning the midnight oil at work. Connecting with your inner child gives you the chance to relive moments and to explore exciting possibilities in life. This allows you to feel better about yourself and your relationships.



A lot of things are changing in your life, but that doesn't mean you can't find your footing. It’s essential to keep a clear perspective on situations and relationships no matter how hard matters get. Utilize your community and ask for assistance when situations are hard. They’re here for you.



Self-care is an essential part of living well. Do unto yourself as you would tell others to do. Make sure that you are giving yourself time to take a luxurious Epsom salt bath, walk in your neighborhood, or have a massage. Anything that connects you to your body is key.

Super Blue Moon In Aquarius

Astrology by Lisa Stardust


The super blue moon in Aquarius occurs on August 19th at 11:26 AM Pacific time and 2:26 PM Eastern time. This is the second full moon in a month, and since it's in perigee to Earth, its effects will be intensified. These attributes make it a super blue moon, and all beings will feel it’s intensity.

The super blue moon aspects Mercury retrograde in Leo and Uranus in Taurus, creating a fixed T-Square in the sky. When this fraught planetary connection occurs, there is a lot of frenetic emotional energy as matters become inflexible. A stubbornness in the air pushes people to not back down from their views and to fight to the end. Since Mercury retrograde and wildcard Uranus square off with the moon in Aquarius, misinformation and miscommunications could affect our standpoint. Be ready to see things from a different perspective and to embrace emotional shifts. Having an open mind is ideal, even though it will be hard.

On the same day, a mutable T-square occurs between sentimental Venus in Virgo, expansive Jupiter in Gemini, and restrictive Saturn retrograde in Pisces. These three planets create a lot of havoc, resulting in frustration, aggravation, and anxiety within ourselves. Since all these planets are in mutable signs, we might project our insecurities and concerns onto others and vice versa. Most of the problems we face are due to financial issues and partners making us feel insecure in relationships. Jupiter expands those sentiments and heightens our sense of uncertainty and aggression, making us more reactive.

One of the most important astrological aspects of 2024 begins on August 19; Jupiter squares Saturn for the first time since 2016 (in different signs). It will occur once more on December 24. Interestingly, this transit is in the same sign and degree as it was on July 6, 1965, when the United States officially entered the Vietnam War. There was a lot of frustration and protest against the war, leading to a lack of faith in the government and political officials. We may see the same sentiment escalate, leading us to question authority and those in power. On a personal level, we may feel ambiguous about the next phases we're making in our lives. Don’t try to push matters through. Focus on how you can heal your own life and discuss your options.

With four planets retrograde: Mercury, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto, it's best to pause, chill, and listen to your body. Instead of setting intentions, do something nice for yourself. Decompress the problematic energy and outside noises.

Reset and reclaim your power.

Focus on how you can heal your inner critic. Affirmations and words of kindness could soften the noise by making us feel better about ourselves and our current circumstances. Try to be compassionate and loving not only to others but most importantly to yourself.




Astrology by Lisa Stardust

With Mercury retrograde in full swing until August 28, communication will be tricky. Try to articulate emotions on August 7, when Mercury retrograde and Venus unite in Virgo. Expressing your heartfelt sentiments might be easier at this time, since Venus is adding TLC to words. The same day, the Leo Sun and Jupiter in Gemini connect, heightening our knowledge and confidence.  

Witch tip:

The  backend of the week is fairly quiet, so we should relish in the moment. Even though Mercury retrograde is in gear, we can relax and restore our spirits to be fully recovered as we move forward. Connect with nature in the days ahead to ground sentiments. Being at one with the Earth by hiking, meditating outside, or gazing at the stars will ease our spirits and minds.


Instead of trying to push against exhaustion, use it as a wake-up call to relax this week. Carving out moments in the day to restore and revive your energy will not only be vital to your physical being, but also to your mental and emotional sentiments as well.


Anything that is worth happening takes time to develop. Don't be discouraged if things are moving slower than usual this week, it may be that the projects and endeavors require tweaking and reinforcement. Be patient as you navigate through matters and be open to suggestions others are bringing your way.


There are lists of tasks that need to get done and no time to do them. Ask for help from a family member or close friend. Rather than do everything, you'll be surprised by how eager everyone is to assist you and to take the burden off of your shoulders.


Be careful about what you share with others. You’ll slip and tell gossip, which leads to drama starting in your life. Before you start repeating information, think about how your lost tongue can affect those you care about — including yourself. The aftermath of this situation will not be fun.


Your finances may be in flux due to a bad investment. Before you react, find ways in which you can manifest more income and money in the upcoming weeks. Then, you won't be stressed out about your bank account and will be able to make better choices in the future.


You’re in a state of limbo and confusion, which is holding you back from making any moves. Before jumping into a new situation, take time to think about what you want. Then you'll be able to do the type of work and atmosphere that makes you full of pure joy.


You don’t have to maintain your popularity by being a constant part of the social scene. If you’re longing to have solo time to reflect and unwind, then do so. Besides, you’ll be no fun to be around socially, if you don’t restore your energy and sleep away your mood.


You are redefining your hopes and aspirations for the future; however, to do so, it's essential to look within yourself and remember what you wanted to achieve at the beginning of your career. That will help you forge a new path for yourself and commit to what sparks excitement.


It’s hard to get your thoughts in order, which is why you might need to take a moment to meditate and to detox your mind of stress. Taking a few deep breaths in and out will allow you to detox your body of negativity you've felt. Bring in the goodness.


Embracing new philosophies and insights is going to allow you to evolve with the current times. This will open your mind to new thoughts and visions you hadn't known before this evolutionary process. It’ll make you rethink your feelings and plans so keep an open mind as you move forward.


This is a powerful time for you, Aquarius, so lean into your intuition and take stock of what the universe tells you. You might find that your dreams are unfolding in front of you, giving you the strength to manifest your visions in reality. Listen to your heart and soul.


A friend or partner from the past may come back into your life this week. Before making decisions about how you want to proceed, decide if you are emotionally up for having emotional conversations and discussing old times. If not, then you can politely respond and go your own way.


The New Moon in Leo occurs on August 4th at 4:13 AM PT and 7:13 AM ET. This marks a moment of creativity, romance, and optimism. Live your best life by embracing and owning your ambitions and passions.

Action planet Mars and expansive Jupiter in Gemini add determination and good energy to the Leo Moon. Mars is pushing us to discuss our goals, and Jupiter is urging us to dream big. Combined, these two cosmic forces will reinforce our desires and allow them to come to fruition. Further, the Nodes of Destiny on the Aries-Libra lunar axis energize the New Moon. Therefore, this is a moment where we can lean into our fate. Situations that materialize on this day will prove to be a pivotal part of our journey in life.

The asteroid and Black Moon Lilith, who is in Libra, wants us to break free of the limits and constraints holding us back from achieving success. This is a moment to reclaim our power and forge a new direction for ourselves. The caveat is that we’ll have to fight for what we want and deserve — so be prepared to roll your sleeves up and do the work. The fixed star Kochab amps up the vibe by bringing courage, boldness, and strength to the New Moon. The only thing to watch out for is our ego, which will create issues if we don't hone our prowess.

The same day, Venus enters Virgo, adding practicality to our intentions. The downside is that this could make us critical of the pathway to attaining our hopes or the visions others are setting. Try to have an open heart and mind. The less judgmental we are, the more we are proving to the Universe that we are worthy of the gifts it bestows upon us. Also, how much we’ve grown. Let the positive energy boost us and everyone up.

Hours later, Mercury retrograde commences in Virgo at 9:56 PM PT and 12:56 AM ET. The energy of the New Moon will intensify when Mercury retrograde moves back into Leo on August 14th. We might find a different approach to making our objectives happen at that time. Prepare yourself for a shift during the last two weeks of retrograde from August 14th to 28th.

Take a gold or orange candle (the color of Leo) and set your intention while lighting it. Dig within yourself to ignite your deepest desires and wishes. Once you connect with that part of yourself, take note and manifest your dreams. Then, light the candle to call in the lunar energy and spirits to give your dreams wings to soar.


Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The Sun enters Leo on July 22, bringing vigor and excitement our way. The following day, the Sun opposes Pluto retrograde in Aquarius, adding intensity, drama, and power to the day. Emotions will be high until Mercury enters Virgo on the 25th. At this time, there will be more pragmatism and reason in our motions. However, we may act out on the evening of July 25, when the Sun and Mars in Gemini force us to speak our minds. The Last Quarter Moon in Taurus on July 27 helps us find the strength to move forward and evolve past the drama brought to us this week. 


Try glamor magic during the Last Quarter Moon in Taurus on July 27. Put on your favorite fragrance or wear a color that aligns with the desire you want to manifest (pink for love, red for power, green for money, blue for peace, yellow for better communication, orange for creativity, black for protection, white for purity, and gold for success). Make sure that you set an intention while getting dressed or putting on makeup to ensure it comes to fruition. This will give us the courage to move towards our passions and to transform our lives.


You want to be the CEO of your peer group, but that doesn’t mean bossing others around and overstepping boundaries. In order to be the best leader, you must exhibit compassion, empathy, and kindness. Once you show your courage and appreciation, you’ll be the greatest example of a real friend.


Before taking a public stand on a situation, contemplate whether or not all the facts have been disclosed. Even if a confidant tells you the information, it could be lacking in honesty, making it undeniably false. Don’t let others tell you how to think or what to do. Be yourself!


Before falling back into old habits, consider thinking through your thoughts as a precaution to acting impulsively and moonwalking into a space you've outgrown. Having a meditative and intellectual understanding of your feelings will help you find the correct way of dealing with your emotions and to safeguard your decisions. 


Your intuition may be tuned in and on, but that doesn’t mean you are downloading every piece of the puzzle correctly and effectively. Before confronting others based on your gut feelings, make sure that you are aware of the whole situation and dynamic to understand matters on a deeper level.


This week’s cosmic energy is stirring up big feelings, so pay attention to the emotional triggers that are bringing power struggles, relationship issues, and triangular situations your way. Instead of fighting for what you think you deserve, ask yourself whether you desire it or if you only want to win.


Major changes must take place in your routines. Find ways that you can evolve your mundane life so that it helps you evolve. Rethink your daily rituals and incorporate a healthier emotional lifestyle through acts of self-care that cut out all the drama and bring in more positivity.


There is an extreme push and pull between how you are spending your free time and how you wish to. You want to cozy up on the couch and watch television when you have work and errands. Allow yourself the opportunity to chill and relax to decompress whenever you can. 


Family dynamics will have an impact on your career this week (or vice versa). The karmic lesson is to not spend too much of your time at work. Balance the amount of energy you give to both professional and home matters in order to satisfy both sides of the spectrum. 


If you’re longing to be part of the “in” crowd, it may be hard to find your footing. These people like you, they’re unwilling to make room for someone new in their peer group right now. Don’t push your way into friendships, give them some time to connect with you.


It might be hard to get your finances in order, due to the extra expenses you are facing this week. Unexpected issues are not in your control, so don't let these matters aggregate you. Cultivate a plan you can work with that benefits you and doesn't add on extra stress.


Your life is expanding and transforming at a fast pace resulting in you trying to race against the clock to slow everything down. Unfortunately, you have to embrace the growing pains and progress that is coming your way to become the person you were meant to be. Trust the universe.


You are setting limits in relationships. No one will tell you what to do or force your feelings again. Lean into your inner emotions and passions to assert power towards changing your own life to ensure that no one walks all over and controls your heart in the immediate future.


Leo Season lasts from July 22 to August 22. It’s peak summer, and the temperature is rising to feverish highs. Passions will increase, as will miscommunications and travel issues. Make sure you're speaking the truth and being honest with yourself to have a great month.



How Will Leo Season Affect You?


Fire Signs

(Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius)

This is a highly creative time for you. Use your artistic talents to help you evolve and grow in all areas of life.


Earth Signs

(Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn)

Honor your intuition in the weeks ahead. Listen to what your heart tells you because those sentiments will be accurate.


Air Signs

(Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius)

Giving more to relationships and friendships will bond you with those who've proven to be there for you throughout the years.


Water Signs

(Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces)

Financial security could be challenging, but you're learning to attain a stronger foundation and savings account.



Key Dates For Leo Season:


July 22: The Sun enters Leo, bringing our desires and yearnings to the forefront of our hearts.


July 22: Mercury enters Virgo, perfecting communication and allowing us to express ourselves concisely.


August 4: The New Moon in Leo urges us to manifest our visions and use our fiery energy to bring them to life.  


August 4: Venus enters Virgo, which means we’ll critique romantic gestures and give to those we care about.


August 5: Mercury Retrograde in Virgo commences, hindering travel, technology, and communication.


August 14: Mercury Retrograde enters Leo, intensely and dramatically escalating problems from the planetary backspin.


August 19: The Blue Moon in Aquarius urges us to connect with others on a humanitarian level and lean into our altruistic sentiments.







Astrology by Lisa Stardust 

Venus in Cancer harmonizes with Uranus in Taurus on July 8th and Neptune retrograde in Pisces on July 11th, making us want to embrace others authentically and enchant them with our loveliness. The same day, on the 8th, Mercury in Leo connects with Jupiter in Gemini and the Nodes of Destiny, allowing us to align with people who’ll impart success in our future. Pay attention to who you cross paths with. The following day, Jupiter aspects the Nodes of Destiny, expanding our luck in all we do. On July 10th, the Sun in Cancer trines Saturn retrograde in Pisces, cementing our relationships and opportunities. Venus enters Leo on July 11th, pushing matters of the heart to be bolder and greater. Our passions will be high, as well as the desire to connect with others. Then, Venus opposes  Pluto retrograde in Aquarius on July 12, creating power struggles in relationships. Try to stay in your lane and approach others with compassion to avoid arguments. The First Quarter Moon in Libra on July 13th brings the dreams and visions we manifested during June 5ths Cancer New Moon to fruition.


Written by Bri Luna

This week’s energy requires us to focus on self-esteem and confidence. Utilize this ritual when needed.



white candle

piece of paper



Light the candle, sit in a quiet space.

Hold the mirror, gaze into it, see your true worth.

Write affirmations on paper, empowering your self-esteem.

Fold paper, place under mirror, affirmations anchored.


"Mirror, mirror, shining bright,

Illuminate my inner light.

Confidence and belief, I claim,

Empower me, ignite my flame."

Visualize radiating self-confidence.

Keep mirror safe, if small enough hold when needed. This also works for large vanity mirrors for gazing.

Embrace your inner radiance, let it guide you.


Compromising your needs can be challenging, especially when you are the one who always takes the lead. Finding a middle ground to work off of will help you connect with others more efficiently and give you the chance to understand them (as well as your desires) on a deeper level.


Strategizing the direction of your career will keep you a step ahead of the fray. As long as you solely focus and don’t lose sight of the ways in which you can evolve and grow your career, it’ll be easy for you to maintain the drive and passion for work. 


Allowing yourself to take risks now will yield beneficial results in the future. If you feel as though your romantic life is stagnant, things are changing. You need to take a gamble in love to ensure success in the long run by planning an activity that’s out of the ordinary.


You may be inspired to take on exciting projects that help you evolve into the best version of yourself by trying a unique approach to your life and career. This is an amazing time to hit the refresh button. The world is waiting to see what you come up with.


It’s a time of immense change and transformation. However, all of that may be overshadowed by the stress and conflict that is brewing internally as you navigate these intense energies. The cosmic sentiments dissipates these inner vibes, allowing you to let go of the negative thoughts within and start fresh.


Personal partnerships and the feelings you have for others is getting in the way of being an effective leader. Use this energy to set boundaries and limits with the people you’re working with and upper management — even your friends — to ensure that you’re not being manipulated or gaslighted.


The connection you have with yourself is the most important relationship you’ll encounter in life. Boosting your confidence and faith in yourself through affirmations and journaling is going to heighten your self-esteem. Trust the process to grow and lean into your fabulousness to brighten the way you feel about yourself. 


There is no shame in taking some time to zone out and relax. The caveat is that you might fear that you’re missing out on work projects and social events. Don’t let these things get in the way of cultivating wellness. Decompressing from stress is essential for a better lifestyle.


You may find that opportunities are free-flowing, or that there is talk on linked in about an opportunity you’d be perfect for. If you have a side hustle this is an ideal time to level up your game, as you could make an exorbitant amount of money at this time.


Don’t be too cavalier with how you move forward with others and advantageous ventures. Nothing is a done deal until the contracts are signed, sealed, and delivered. When the deal is signed and you’re receiving the pay back from the deal, then that is the time to apply to yourself.


There is a lot of chatter occuring in your world, but not much action. Rather than talking about what could’ve, would’ve, and should’ve happened, it’s necessary to get these endeavors started. Lip service is nice, but you want to put your money where your mouth is and take a leap.


Although you're in a position of power, it’s important to reboot and reassess your goals in order to ensure you are on the right path. As the week progresses, it is vital to make a list of your aspirations to ensure you are able to manifest your goals and hopes.

Cancer New Moon 2024

New Moon in Cancer

Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The summer’s first New Moon falls in the water sign Cancer and commences on July 5th at 3:57 PM PT/6:57 PM ET. The New Moon begins the lunar cycle, which resets monthly in a different zodiac sign. This is a time of fresh starts, new beginnings, introspection, and reflection as we grow in the weeks ahead due to the seeds we plant under the lunation.

The Cancer New Moon aspects Mars in Taurus, Saturn retrograde in Pisces, and squares the lunar Nodes of Destiny in the Aries-Libra axis. Mars in Taurus is pushing us to take the high road and focus on romantic sentiments, while Saturn retrograde teaches us the importance of slowing down. The Nodes of Destiny want us to decide how to invest our energy in the weeks ahead and urge us to find a balance in life. It’s vital to take a step back and focus on healing our hearts and spirit — especially with the presence of the asteroids Ceres in Capricorn (who's a maternal influence), Pallas in Scorpio (the wisdom within us), and Juno in Virgo (the asteroid who defines fairness). 

The fixed stars Sirius and Canopus want us to move into a safe space that helps us mend the past. Embracing and caring for the shadowy parts of our personality can allow us to feel unconditional love for ourselves. So, saying positive affirmations throughout the day is vital to lift our hearts. Also, give yourself a big hug because you deserve it — most notably from yourself. The Sabian symbol that aligns with the New Moon is “Two Dutch Children Talking To Each Other, Exchanging Their Knowledge.” Share personal triumphs and stories to let others learn from our experiences. This will create a bond with those we care about and give us the space to be heard and seen without judgment.


New Moon In Cancer Ritual

Written by Bri Luna  

As we embrace the gentle and nurturing energy of the Cancer New Moon, it is the perfect time to tune into our emotional depths and set intentions for self-care and healing.

Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths, centering yourself in the present moment. Visualize the moon's soft and healing light enveloping you. Set intentions for self-care, emotional healing, and nurturing your inner self during this lunar cycle.

Light a white or silver candle to represent the Cancer zodiac sign. White symbolizes purity and cleansing, while silver represents the moon's energy. As you light the candle, affirm your intentions for emotional healing and self-nurturing.

Take a moment to reflect on your emotions, desires, and dreams. Write them down in a journal, expressing yourself freely and authentically. Use this as an opportunity to delve into your emotional depths and gain clarity on what needs nurturing and healing in your life.

Retrograde summer : 5 planets will be retrograde this summer

There are 5 planetary retrogrades that are happening this summer. We can use them as a catalyst for breaking bad habits and reinforcing our beliefs from the past in the present. 

Saturn Retrograde in Pisces 

June 29 to November 15

Defining commitments is key at this time. Embracing our personal power will teach us responsibility and accountability. 

Neptune Retrograde in Pisces 

July 2 to December 7

The truth of matters and relationships may give us whiplash, but it’ll open our eyes to seeing what lies beneath the surface.  

Mercury Retrograde in Virgo and Leo

August 5 to 28 

Communication and travel will be chaotic, urging us to pause and reflect on how we want to interact with others and handle situations.

Uranus Retrograde in Taurus 

September 1 to January 30, 2025

We will veer from the norm and embrace our unique selves. Forming our own identity is crucial in order to grow as individuals.

Pluto Retrograde in Aquarius and Capricorn 

May 2 to October 11 

Change is hard, but pivotal. Use this planetary retrograde to mend old wounds and to heal heartache.