Mercury Retrograde 2024

Mercury retrograde commences on August 4 at 9:56 PM Pacific time and August 5 at 12:56 AM Eastern time in Virgo. This summer’s retrograde occurs in the signs of Virgo and Leo. From August 4TH to the 28TH, Mercury backs into Leo. The retrograde officially ends on the 28th in Leo. Review the story that began on July 16 and 17 to note how the retrograde will impact you (when the pre-shadow began). The post-retro shade degrees wrap up on September 11, so we still have time to fix issues from the retrograde until then.

Mercury retrograde is pushing us to connect with our heartfelt sentiments. With Mercury and Venus connecting on August 7 in Virgo, we will reassess our past romantic endeavors, relationship with money, and personal relationships. It will allow us to reflect upon the past and contemplate how we want to move forward. The 18th is the best day for Mercury’s moonwalk because the Sun connects with Mercury retrograde, creating an astrological aspect called “cazimi,” which translates from Latin to mean “in the heart of the Sun.”  This is a moment in which Mercury receives energy from the Sun and can take on anything that comes its way. If you're looking to plan for the future, make business deals, color to another,  or sign contracts, this is the best time to do so during the retrograde.

Mercury’s backward motion is giving us a chance to complete unfinished business. We'll have the opportunity to connect with past people and understand matters from a different perspective. We might even take stock of the professional and creative calls we wish to pursue. Looking back on ventures from the past will inspire us and show us how we want to move forward. Many of us are feeling a little stuck, but this retrograde is helping us find inspiration from the past — so it’ll give us the push to take on new and exciting projects after August 28.

Be aware of how you communicate with others because there could be a lot of mishaps in how you express yourself. Let your sentiments be known respectfully and compassionately. Also, be mindful of how you're spending money. Ensure you're not purchasing items outside of your budget on a whim. Keeping receipts is pivotal because you can always return items you do not want or cannot afford down the road. Travel might be frustrating, as there might be delays or flight cancellations. Give yourself extra time to travel when going on summer vacation. Check your electronic devices because technological mishaps could cause problems, too.

Do’s and Don’ts for Mercury Retrograde 2024

Written by Bri Luna


1. Reflect and Review: Use this time to reassess your goals and plans. Reflect on what has worked and what hasn't.

2. Back Up Important Data: Ensure that all your important documents and files are backed up to avoid potential losses.

3. Communicate Clearly: Be mindful of your communication. Double-check messages to avoid misunderstandings.

4. Reconnect: Reach out to old friends or acquaintances. This is a great time to reconnect with people from your past.

5. Practice Patience: Expect delays and disruptions. Cultivate patience and adaptability.

6. Engage in Self-Care: Focus on self-care and nurturing your mental and emotional well-being.

7. Embrace Creativity: Use this time for creative pursuits. Let your imagination flow without the pressure of deadlines.


1. Start New Projects: Avoid launching new projects or making significant purchases during this time.

2. Sign Contracts: Refrain from signing contracts or legal documents; wait until Mercury goes direct.

3. Make Major Decisions: Postpone important decisions, particularly those that require clarity and foresight.

4. Engage in Arguments: Avoid confrontations and heated discussions; misunderstandings are likely.

5. Ignore Your Intuition: Trust your gut feelings, especially if something feels off or unclear.

6. Overcommit: Don’t take on more than you can handle; prioritize your existing commitments instead.

7. Rush Through Tasks: Take your time with tasks to avoid mistakes and oversights.

Mercury Retrograde Ritual

Harness the energy of Mercury retrograde for reflection, healing, and personal growth.

Find a quiet area where you can sit comfortably. Light some candles and burn incense or essential oils that resonate with you (like lavender for calmness or frankincense for clarity)

- A journal or paper and pen

- Crystals (such as clear quartz for clarity, lapis lazuli for communication, or smoky quartz for grounding)

Ground Yourself

Meditate on Reflection

Spend a few minutes in meditation, focusing on the aspects of your life that need review. Ask for guidance on what to let go of and what to nurture. Write them down.

Thank the universe for the insights you received. Blow out the candles and let the incense burn out naturally. Keep your journal close and revisit your intentions throughout the retrograde period.

At the end of Mercury retrograde, review your reflections and see how your insights have manifested or changed.


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