The Leo Sun harmonizes with the Nodes of Destiny on July 31st, giving us the confidence to take on the world. Mars in Gemini connects with the Nodes of Destiny on August 1, boosting our desire to succeed and heightening our sensual passions. Venus in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus on August  2nd, pushing us to break free of the financial and romantic constraints holding us back. We are moving towards what makes us feel happy, seen, and positive. The New Moon in Leo occurs the same day that Venus enters Virgo on the 4th, urging us to lean into our creative dreams. Mercury retrograde commences on August 4th at 9:56 PM Pacific Time, and on August 5 at 12:56 AM Eastern Time, the retrograde begins in Virgo and moves backward into Leo. We will deal with this moonwalk on August 28, so prepare for miscommunications, travel issues, and technological mishaps. Try to be understanding of others and compassionate if you can to avoid arguments from starting.


Witch tip:

With all of the frenetic energy happening this week, it's essential that we calm our emotions and also protect ourselves from other people's projections. To do so, it's advisable to take a black tourmaline crystal and place one in the front of the home to ensure that unwanted sentiments that wish to enter can be dispelled from our abode. After all, we spend most of our time in our homes, so ensuring the energy is pure is essential. You can also set an inverted glass of water in the corners of your room to dispel any unwanted energies and return back to the sender



Before you take more than you can handle, make sure you can commit to all the events and meetings on your calendar. You might overschedule, forcing you to be extra rambunctious. Before multitasking on a bunch of projects, spend time giving energy to the ones that truly matter.



Currently, you’re wanting to spend more time with family and loved ones. Keeping matters chill and safeguarding your heart is where you're meant to be right now. Don’t push too hard against the current to make things happen right now. Enjoy the smooth sailing and flow with the cosmic energies.



There are elements of your home that need repairing. Before committing to a procedure or renovation, be sure that you're getting the best price. You might find that people are apt to hustle you or deceive you, which is why you should do your Mercurial research before taking their word.



A lot of information and news will send you buzzing around. Listen to what people are telling you to get to the heart of the matter and to understand their motives. Don't jump to conclusions or assumptions before the information is revealed to you in its due time.



Money matters are coming and urging you to spend more time on your finances. Learning to live on a budget will be hard because you are very generous with gift-giving, so don’t give extreme presents to others right now. Keep the receipts in case you need to return items.



If you’ve been harboring secret emotions, they may come out of this time. Your frustrations could be elevated, allowing you to speak your mind to let other people know how you feel instead of hiding behind your sentiments. Be kind and compassionate when you choose to speak up this week.



Romance is at the forefront of your mind. You want to connect with your significant other in a deeper way. This could mean having fun together and sharing memories that will bond you both together, as you make your way into the future. Plan an event that brings TLC.



The past is coming to you in full force. Old arguments that have been unresolved are at the forefront of your heart, allowing you to get the closure that you need to move on. Be open to what others have to say to make amends and to heal.



The week ahead is urging you to take control of matters and embrace your power. Don't feel bad for elevating the way that you feel insure and for sticking to your gut. By not over-discussing the internal situation, you can heal yourself through self-care, love, and inner guidance.



Your intuition is heightening this week, helping you see matters that have been hidden. Use this knowledge to your advantage and get to the bottom of situations. You’ll be able to discover that you hold the truth and wisdom that aids you in deciding how you want to move forward.



Intimate relationships may be high and low, up and down this week. Although things may feel like you're on a roller coaster, you'll soon realize that it’s change, which you’ve been resisting. Let these partnerships and friendships move in a new direction to see growth and transformation happen.



You’re feeling yourself this week. Let your confidence evolve as you embark on a week that is granted to bring you a lot of personal success. The stars are shining on you and working in your favor, so if there's anything you've been wanting to manifest, now is your chance.