Astrology by Lisa Stardust 

The New Moon in Virgo, which occurs today September 2, gives us a chance to reflect and contemplate our goals. The following day, Mars in Gemini squares Neptune retrograde in Pisces, creating an ambiguous atmosphere. Don’t push matters into fruition; try to go with the flow. Venus in Libra connects with the South Node of Destiny on the 3rd, making us all yearn and want more attention and affection. Give TLC to yourself. Mars moves into Cancer on September 4th increasing our emotional reactions. Listen to your intuition before taking action. Mercury in Leo squares Uranus retrograde on September 7th, bringing mindful breakthroughs. The Virgo Sun opposes Saturn retrograde in Pisces on September 8th, bringing insecurities to the forefront of our minds. Be gentle to yourselves and do something that brings happiness over the weekend.

Witch tip:

With several energies at play, it’s Important to connect with what is in our hearts. Meditate on your desires and languish in that space. Creating an open heart will give you the chance to invite people and situations into your life that can be beneficial. 


Although you might be extremely busy in the days ahead, it is vital to take time out of your schedule and give yourself some personal moments to decompress. Taking care of yourself should be part of your schedule as well as priority for your emotional, mental, physical, and personal well-being.


Your creativity is flourishing, allowing you to align with different projects. Finding the best endeavor that connects with your current emotional and spiritual needs is essential because it will lead to more opportunities down the road. Make sure you don't veer from your goals to achieve the success you want.


Family is important to you, which means that you're looking to augment the past to create a better present connection. Try to find common interests so you can maintain the relationship for the future. You might be able to find a middle ground with your brood that brings you closer.


You have a lot on your plate at this moment, Cancer. Rushing through matters is creating more issues. Try slowing down in order to avoid mistakes. You might not be able to accomplish everything on your schedule and to-do list if you're not paying attention to the tasks at hand.


A new financial plan is giving you the chance to save money for the future. Don’t overspend and keep your savings tight. To keep your cash flow at a high, maintaining a budget will be beneficial to your bank account the months ahead. You will be grateful in the end.


Your energy levels and loving nature are at an extreme high, giving you the chance to take on the world. Be careful that you're exerting your power wisely to partnerships and matters that elevate you, instead of situations and relationships that aren't giving reciprocal sentiments. Conserve your emotions and kindness. 


Overworking is leading to exhaustion. Give yourself an evening full of R & R to let go of the anxieties and stress you’re holding onto. Releasing that energy will clear your mind of negativity, allowing you to have a positive home life. Peace and optimism are emotions you're striving for. 


People will most likely bounce ideas off one another with a harmony that surpasses the norm, so don’t be surprised if collaborations give you the chance to elrvate your status. Working with others while creating beautiful and solid harmony in the workplace and home space will be an excellent opportunity.


Take some calculated risks in your career. Trying new things to push through the glass ceiling can bring you the attention you desire at work, if you use it properly. Utilizing your skills and abilities will help you attain your professional hopes and dreams. Know that you hold the power. 


Disagreements are an enormous threat to working in harmony with colleagues, so lay as low as possible until next week. The best thing to do when you’re having scrambled ideas is to do something that will enhance your inner peace and try to avoid conflict as much as humanly possible.


You have so much prosperity to be grateful for at this time. This is also a good week to invest, but opt to do so intuitively and with research. Any frivolous movements done without TLC can have negative repercussions if you are not careful. Be wise in your current judgments. 


It’s time to embrace your innermost sentiments and let them be known. Expressing how you feel and showing it through actions is important to you in order to cultivate better dynamics with your peers and loved ones. Stepping up your emotions in matters of the heart leads to great relationships.