Astrology by Lisa Stardust 

Venus in Scorpio connects with Mars in Cancer October 8th intensifying our romantic desires. The same day,Mercury in Libra and Jupiter in Gemini link up, expanding our minds and horizons. Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini commences on October 9, lasting until February 4, 2025. The retrograde will allow us to make calculated risks before jumping into matters. October 10th brings the First Quarter Moon in Capricorn, ending eclipse season and bringing fresh energy our way. Pluto turns direct in Capricorn on October 11th, completing the retrograde cycle that began on May 2. Now, we can use the knowledge we’ve gained and make changes in our life. Mercury squares Pluto on the 13th, escalating arguments and power struggles. Fortunately, Mercury enters Scorpio a few hours later, calming the drama. In the evening, the Sun in Libra harmonizes with Jupiter retrograde, boosting our confidence and bringing abundance our way.

Witch tip:

Use the energy of the First Quarter Moon to plant seeds for the future. Write down your intentions for growth and tie it to the root of a plant or bury it in soil. Give it some love and light in the upcoming months and watch it evolve with your dreams.


This is a beautiful time to explore new ideas and engage in activities that stimulate your curiosity. Your charming and witty nature will align you with those who are seeking truth and justice in the world. Use this as a moment to connect with creative thinking and true blue friends.


Trust your instincts when it comes to expressing how you feel. Your authenticity will be appreciated and reciprocated. Make sure you also listen to your partner’s needs. This current cosmic climate will draw potential partners (in matters of the heart and career) toward you. Stay true to yourself this week.


Exes from the past may resurface this week from Jupiter’s planetary retrograde on your Sun. Even if you're feeling as though you should connect, avoid the temptation to have conversations with exes, as the comfort will be fleeting and can ultimately get in the way of your next great love.


Wearing your heart on your sleeve opens you up to new possibilities and experiences — especially when it comes to intimate relationships. Try to connect with your own personal desires and wants before extending yourself to others. Doing so will help you evolve as a person by focusing on yourself first.


Vocalizing every sentiment publicly is not the best way to handle your emotions. Share your feelings with a few close friends in order to deal with matters privately. It’ll be easier to navigate and work through issues with hands from those who genuinely care about you without judgment from others.


If there are any passion projects that have fallen to the wayside recently, now would be the time to reorganize your tasks so you can bring your vision into the material realms. Look within yourself for inspiration to find out how you can move these endeavors forward without a hitch.


No matter what the dynamics of your home life are at the moment, this cosmic climate will encourage you to recharge your batteries by staying in and unwinding with friends and family. Use this week as a chance to heal and rest, as it’ll serve as a moment to reset.


Watch out for inflated egos in your relationships. This can  spell trouble if you or your friends act a little full of themselves, so try to stay grounded. If you don't think anyone in your sphere can keep a down to earth disposition, make plans to catch them another time. 


Take this week as your opportunity to indulge in the finer things in life, and ask your crush or friends out for a fancy dinner, craft cocktails, and a movie at home. If you are in the mood to fly solo, use these vibes to romance and pamper yourself instead.


This week, you are feeling more vulnerable than ever, as the First  Quarter Moon is heightening your inner emotions and triggering your fears. Take a moment to find your sense of calm through self-care activities. Spending time in nature could help in alleviating the pain or turmoil in your life.


Although you have good intentions and want to clear the air in order to create a better connection with others, old wounds might resurface from the past. Be kind to these sentiments and the shadow self as the emotions come out in order to heal the body, mind, and spirit.


Your connection to the universe will be strengthened, which you should use as an opportunity to manifest what you'd like to attract. Keep an eye out for signs right now, especially around matters of the heart. If you're unsure of how to move forward, a meditation session can provide clarity.