The Blue Moon in Aquarius

Astrology by Lisa Stardust

Astrology by Lisa Stardust

August 22 brings the first and only Blue Moon of 2021, as well as the second Full Moon in Aquarius. This lunation is the second Full Moon in the month and falls exactly between the Summer Solstice and Fall Equinox, making it a seasonal Blue Moon. 

The Blue Moon connects with Jupiter, who is retrograde in Aquarius, which will give us a practical way of thinking and processing our emotions. Jupiter is going to form a conjunction to the Moon at the same degree it was at in mid-April. This means that we are dealing with the second part of the story that began then.

The Blue Moon falls at the anaretic degree of 29 Aquarius. There is a tendency of rushing through emotions, feelings, and dealings with planets that fall at a late degree of a sign. The lesson is to slow down, rather than forcefully moving through the motions. The 29th degree marks a time of transition and change. Our souls are evolving, but it’s not going to be easy to move into a new phase of being. 

The traditional planetary ruler of Aquarius is authoritarian Saturn, who is currently retrograde in Aquarius. The modern planetary ruler of Aquarius is revolutionary Uranus, who is currently retrograde in Taurus. Although these two planets are not near the degrees of the Blue Moon, it’s important to look at the dates of February 17 and June 14 (also, the upcoming date of December 24), when Saturn and Uranus squared off. This marked a time of resistance and rebellion. The tense energy from the connection of those two planets compounded with the past few weeks of Leo Season have been erratic and unpredictable. The Blue Moon is a big release of all the pent up frustrations and feelings we’ve had. Think of it as a detoxing and replenishing moment. Anxieties will still be high, which is why it’s important for us to be mindful of how we exert our energies and what we give light to. 

The transformative theme of the Blue Moon aligns properly with the Sabian Symbol which is “Deeply Rooted In The Past Of A Very Ancient Culture, A Spiritual Connection In Which Many Individual Minds Are Merged Into The Glowing Light Of A Unanimous Consciousness Is Revealed To One Who Has Emerged Successfully From Their Metamorphosis.” Embracing our own radical views and sentiments will help us to create the emotional and spiritual life we want, as well as mend our pasts or have a different perspective about it. 

Moments after the powerful lunation, the Sun enters Virgo and we begin a whole new journey around how we analyze matters. The Blue Moon gives us one last chance to wrap up the vibe of the past 30 days and heal. 

The Blue Moon occurs on August 22 at 5:02 AM PDT and 8:02 AM EDT. 

Blue Moon Ritual

  • 1 cup of Epsom or pink Himalayan salt

  • 2 drops of Eucalyptus Oil

  • 3 sprigs of fresh Peppermint 

  • 1 White Candle

Write a letter of intention about a matter that you wish to take on and fix during the Blue Moon. Also, what you want to bring into your life. Cleanse your bathroom, add ingredients together, and place in bath water or use in shower (pour over your shoulders), and light the candle. Soak in a tub or stay in the shower for 20 minutes and meditate on your intentions, then air dry your body. The energy will be cleared and rest for the new astrological season ahead. 


Artwork by Marina Podstrigich

Artwork by Marina Podstrigich

Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The Libra Full Moon occurs on March 28th and aims to bring balance back into our lives, although it may be hard. The scales will be tested, as Venus and the centaur Chiron, who are in Aries, will oppose the Libra Moon. Healing can take place, due to Chiron’s presence. But, only if we are ready and accepting of the work that we have to do. 

The past few days have brought us many obstacles relating to love, money, and confidence. March 26th’s Venus Star Point in Aries (the 10-12 month cosmic meetup of the Sun and Venus), along with Mars’ connection with the North Node of Destiny in Gemini is allowing us to go after what we want in relationships. The caveat is that we’re seeing things through tunnel vision and our own perspectives. We haven’t been looking at matters through the lens of partnerships. Now, we can assess and repair situations with others by mending our past wounds. More importantly, the relationship we have with ourselves. 

The Full Moon aims to center relationships and give everyone a new footing to stand on. Saturn comes in and adds a dash of practicality, stability, and commitment. If we work hard in matters of the heart, then we will be rewarded for our efforts. The lesson here is that love hurts. It can also heal and build stronger foundations for all parties involved. 

The Sabian Symbol for this luminary is “Three ‘Old Masters’ Hanging On The Wall Of A Special Room In An Art Gallery.” This can be interpreted as the stages of a relationship (the meeting, the honeymoon phase, and the commitment). We can craft the relationship that we want (even with and for ourselves) if we are ready to let go of old hang ups and move forward. 

The fixed star Vindemiatrix is in orb for this Full Moon. It will give us the motivation to create the life and partnerships that we want, if we trust the process and the universe in allowing us to evolve our hearts.

*The Libra Full Moon occurs on March 28th at 11:49AM PDT and 2:49PM EDT.

Full Moon Ritual: 

A lot of healing around love and self-love is necessary during this Full Moon. A bath with Epsom salt, white rose petals, rose quartz, and Florida water will allow us to detox, cleanse, and repair our hearts and confidence. Follow the bath up with a light pink candle to remedy matters. Also, do something nice for yourself. Treat yourself to a sweet dessert, dinner, or rest to fully embrace the Venusian (the planetary ruler of the Libra Moon is Venus) vibes throughout the day.

The Super Full Worm Moon in Virgo

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Written by Lisa Stardust 

The Supermoon in Virgo occurs on March 9th. During this luminary, the Moon will be brighter, fuller, and more potent due to the closeness to Earth. On an energetic level, we can feel its intense power and pull on our emotions. Being that the Super Full Moon is in Virgo, we will feel the disconnect between our head and our hearts. The incentive of this cosmic occurrence is to bring these two parts of ourselves together — if we can let go of the past and start fresh. 

This luminary will directly oppose Neptune, who’s in Pisces, which means we can expect to feel our emotions on a soulful level. The truth may be ever cloudy and uncertain. During this time, it’s important for us to lean into our intuition and our gut impulses. We’ll find the truth of the matter from listening to our hearts and analyzing the information that the universe is telling us with a fine comb. It’s an amazing time to face fears head on and discuss them. Also, an opportune day to pay attention to our dreams and spiritual symbols we are receiving. Jupiter, Mars, and Pluto (who are all currently in Capricorn) give this luminary a chance to move forward; however, Neptune may make us feel stuck and unsure of our next moves. 

Mercury turns direct later in the day, ending its retrograde journey that began February 16th. For the past several weeks, we weren’t  able to make decisions. Now, we are being cosmically pushed to make choices in our lives, which will bring anxiety as we are unable to cut the cord on situations and relationships that need to end. Reminder, we don’t have to rush into resolving matters under this luminary. We can take our time. We have until Mercury leaves its post retrograde degrees on March 29th to let go. 

Right now, the Moon is shedding light on that which needs to transform or leave our lives. Our hearts may be heavy, but deep down we know what we will eventually have to do. Whatever path we wish to choose, it will be the best road for us. Over time, we’ll come to see that it’s for the best. No regrets. 

*The Super Full Worm Moon occurs at 10:47AM PST and 1:47PM EST. 

Ritual for the Super Full Worm Moon:

  • Calming Bath for Emotional and Mental Clarity 


-1 cup of Himalayan sea salt or Epsom salt -6 drops of lavender oil or a ½ cup of fresh lavender

-6 drops of peppermint oil or 6 sprigs of fresh peppermint 

-One part Florida Water 

-Rose Quartz and Clear Quartz (you can charge your crystals under the Moon, but it’s not necessary)

-Moon Water (water charged under the Moon) is optional 


-Blend all of the ingredients together.

Rub on your scalp, third eye chakra, and heart chakra while in the shower or bath.

-Place the Rose Quartz Crystal on your heart chakra and the Clear Quartz Crystal on your third eye chakra. 

-Relax your thoughts and feel your body align. 

-Meditate on connecting the mind, heart, and intuition together for 25 minutes. 

-Rinse off with water.

Emotional Healing Under the Cancer Full Moon


By: Lisa Stardust

The Cancer Full Moon occurs less than 24 hours after the Winter Solstice, illuminating the sky with light right after the darkest and longest day of the year. With the juxtaposing energies at play, we will experience spiritual and emotional awakenings as we honor the rebirth of the Sun and the Full Moon at the same time.

The line between the spiritual and psychical world will be thinned, as the Moons glow will enlighten us all to the secrets of the universe, allowing us to see clearly, without hesitations. The veil between realms will be thinner than usual, turning on our intuition and raising vulnerabilities to psychic attacks, emotional meltdowns, exhaustion, and anxiety. The most sensitive tipping point occurs at the exact time of the Full Moon, which is why emotional healing and protection is essential during this particular luminary. The Grand Water Trine occurring the day before the Full Moon (during the Solstice) will make us extra absorbent, by picking up the energies of others (by way of sentimental Venus and delicate Neptune).

The Cancer Full Moon gives us the opportunity to mend loose ends and close chapters in our lives, as we head into new season and year. As the second Full Moon in Cancer this year (the first one occurred January 1st) we are emotionally releasing all the upsets, grief, anger, and pain we have felt since New Year’s Day 2018, giving us the strength to enter a new season and new year with a clean slate.

Creating a purifying salt bath (to purify our aura), filled with eucalyptus (to aid in healing emotional ailments), lavender (to help us relax), rose quartz (to mend our hearts and confidence), amethyst (to revive and treat our emotional upsets), and moonstone (to evoke the Moon Goddess in balancing out our best emotions) will boost our auric field and attune our inner vibration, allowing us to release old sentiments by cleansing our body, mind, and sprit under this luminary.

*The Cancer Full Moon occurs December 22nd at 9:48AM PST and 12:48PM EST


-Moon Water

-6 drops of Eucalyptus Oil or Eucalyptus Leaves

-4 Lavender Oil or Fresh Lavender

-Rose Quartz

-Amethyst Crystal


-Himalayan Sea Salt, Epson Salt, or Kosher Salt


-Place rose quartz, amethyst, and moonstone in a cup of water. Charge a cup of water under the Moon’s glow during the day. You can leave the cup by the window sill to absorb the lunar energy.

-Run a warm bath.

-Put a cup of salt in the bath.

-Place 6 drops of eucalyptus oil or leaves in bath (the number 2 is the numerological number of the Moon, therefore, we are using even numbers to honor the Moon Goddess).

-Place 4 drops of lavender oil or flowers in bath.

-Add the rose quartz, amethyst, and moonstone to water.

-Enter bath and close your eyes, meditating on the stillness of your mind and the warmth of the water.

-Put on soothing music, lay in the bath. Let the water heal your mind, body, spirit, and heart by washing away the pain and frustrations you feel within.