The Blue Moon in Aquarius
Astrology by Lisa Stardust
August 22 brings the first and only Blue Moon of 2021, as well as the second Full Moon in Aquarius. This lunation is the second Full Moon in the month and falls exactly between the Summer Solstice and Fall Equinox, making it a seasonal Blue Moon.
The Blue Moon connects with Jupiter, who is retrograde in Aquarius, which will give us a practical way of thinking and processing our emotions. Jupiter is going to form a conjunction to the Moon at the same degree it was at in mid-April. This means that we are dealing with the second part of the story that began then.
The Blue Moon falls at the anaretic degree of 29 Aquarius. There is a tendency of rushing through emotions, feelings, and dealings with planets that fall at a late degree of a sign. The lesson is to slow down, rather than forcefully moving through the motions. The 29th degree marks a time of transition and change. Our souls are evolving, but it’s not going to be easy to move into a new phase of being.
The traditional planetary ruler of Aquarius is authoritarian Saturn, who is currently retrograde in Aquarius. The modern planetary ruler of Aquarius is revolutionary Uranus, who is currently retrograde in Taurus. Although these two planets are not near the degrees of the Blue Moon, it’s important to look at the dates of February 17 and June 14 (also, the upcoming date of December 24), when Saturn and Uranus squared off. This marked a time of resistance and rebellion. The tense energy from the connection of those two planets compounded with the past few weeks of Leo Season have been erratic and unpredictable. The Blue Moon is a big release of all the pent up frustrations and feelings we’ve had. Think of it as a detoxing and replenishing moment. Anxieties will still be high, which is why it’s important for us to be mindful of how we exert our energies and what we give light to.
The transformative theme of the Blue Moon aligns properly with the Sabian Symbol which is “Deeply Rooted In The Past Of A Very Ancient Culture, A Spiritual Connection In Which Many Individual Minds Are Merged Into The Glowing Light Of A Unanimous Consciousness Is Revealed To One Who Has Emerged Successfully From Their Metamorphosis.” Embracing our own radical views and sentiments will help us to create the emotional and spiritual life we want, as well as mend our pasts or have a different perspective about it.
Moments after the powerful lunation, the Sun enters Virgo and we begin a whole new journey around how we analyze matters. The Blue Moon gives us one last chance to wrap up the vibe of the past 30 days and heal.
The Blue Moon occurs on August 22 at 5:02 AM PDT and 8:02 AM EDT.
Blue Moon Ritual
1 cup of Epsom or pink Himalayan salt
2 drops of Eucalyptus Oil
3 sprigs of fresh Peppermint
1 White Candle
Write a letter of intention about a matter that you wish to take on and fix during the Blue Moon. Also, what you want to bring into your life. Cleanse your bathroom, add ingredients together, and place in bath water or use in shower (pour over your shoulders), and light the candle. Soak in a tub or stay in the shower for 20 minutes and meditate on your intentions, then air dry your body. The energy will be cleared and rest for the new astrological season ahead.