Astrology by Lisa Stardust 

Venus in Cancer harmonizes with Uranus in Taurus on July 8th and Neptune retrograde in Pisces on July 11th, making us want to embrace others authentically and enchant them with our loveliness. The same day, on the 8th, Mercury in Leo connects with Jupiter in Gemini and the Nodes of Destiny, allowing us to align with people who’ll impart success in our future. Pay attention to who you cross paths with. The following day, Jupiter aspects the Nodes of Destiny, expanding our luck in all we do. On July 10th, the Sun in Cancer trines Saturn retrograde in Pisces, cementing our relationships and opportunities. Venus enters Leo on July 11th, pushing matters of the heart to be bolder and greater. Our passions will be high, as well as the desire to connect with others. Then, Venus opposes  Pluto retrograde in Aquarius on July 12, creating power struggles in relationships. Try to stay in your lane and approach others with compassion to avoid arguments. The First Quarter Moon in Libra on July 13th brings the dreams and visions we manifested during June 5ths Cancer New Moon to fruition.


Written by Bri Luna

This week’s energy requires us to focus on self-esteem and confidence. Utilize this ritual when needed.



white candle

piece of paper



Light the candle, sit in a quiet space.

Hold the mirror, gaze into it, see your true worth.

Write affirmations on paper, empowering your self-esteem.

Fold paper, place under mirror, affirmations anchored.


"Mirror, mirror, shining bright,

Illuminate my inner light.

Confidence and belief, I claim,

Empower me, ignite my flame."

Visualize radiating self-confidence.

Keep mirror safe, if small enough hold when needed. This also works for large vanity mirrors for gazing.

Embrace your inner radiance, let it guide you.


Compromising your needs can be challenging, especially when you are the one who always takes the lead. Finding a middle ground to work off of will help you connect with others more efficiently and give you the chance to understand them (as well as your desires) on a deeper level.


Strategizing the direction of your career will keep you a step ahead of the fray. As long as you solely focus and don’t lose sight of the ways in which you can evolve and grow your career, it’ll be easy for you to maintain the drive and passion for work. 


Allowing yourself to take risks now will yield beneficial results in the future. If you feel as though your romantic life is stagnant, things are changing. You need to take a gamble in love to ensure success in the long run by planning an activity that’s out of the ordinary.


You may be inspired to take on exciting projects that help you evolve into the best version of yourself by trying a unique approach to your life and career. This is an amazing time to hit the refresh button. The world is waiting to see what you come up with.


It’s a time of immense change and transformation. However, all of that may be overshadowed by the stress and conflict that is brewing internally as you navigate these intense energies. The cosmic sentiments dissipates these inner vibes, allowing you to let go of the negative thoughts within and start fresh.


Personal partnerships and the feelings you have for others is getting in the way of being an effective leader. Use this energy to set boundaries and limits with the people you’re working with and upper management — even your friends — to ensure that you’re not being manipulated or gaslighted.


The connection you have with yourself is the most important relationship you’ll encounter in life. Boosting your confidence and faith in yourself through affirmations and journaling is going to heighten your self-esteem. Trust the process to grow and lean into your fabulousness to brighten the way you feel about yourself. 


There is no shame in taking some time to zone out and relax. The caveat is that you might fear that you’re missing out on work projects and social events. Don’t let these things get in the way of cultivating wellness. Decompressing from stress is essential for a better lifestyle.


You may find that opportunities are free-flowing, or that there is talk on linked in about an opportunity you’d be perfect for. If you have a side hustle this is an ideal time to level up your game, as you could make an exorbitant amount of money at this time.


Don’t be too cavalier with how you move forward with others and advantageous ventures. Nothing is a done deal until the contracts are signed, sealed, and delivered. When the deal is signed and you’re receiving the pay back from the deal, then that is the time to apply to yourself.


There is a lot of chatter occuring in your world, but not much action. Rather than talking about what could’ve, would’ve, and should’ve happened, it’s necessary to get these endeavors started. Lip service is nice, but you want to put your money where your mouth is and take a leap.


Although you're in a position of power, it’s important to reboot and reassess your goals in order to ensure you are on the right path. As the week progresses, it is vital to make a list of your aspirations to ensure you are able to manifest your goals and hopes.

Cancer New Moon 2024

New Moon in Cancer

Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The summer’s first New Moon falls in the water sign Cancer and commences on July 5th at 3:57 PM PT/6:57 PM ET. The New Moon begins the lunar cycle, which resets monthly in a different zodiac sign. This is a time of fresh starts, new beginnings, introspection, and reflection as we grow in the weeks ahead due to the seeds we plant under the lunation.

The Cancer New Moon aspects Mars in Taurus, Saturn retrograde in Pisces, and squares the lunar Nodes of Destiny in the Aries-Libra axis. Mars in Taurus is pushing us to take the high road and focus on romantic sentiments, while Saturn retrograde teaches us the importance of slowing down. The Nodes of Destiny want us to decide how to invest our energy in the weeks ahead and urge us to find a balance in life. It’s vital to take a step back and focus on healing our hearts and spirit — especially with the presence of the asteroids Ceres in Capricorn (who's a maternal influence), Pallas in Scorpio (the wisdom within us), and Juno in Virgo (the asteroid who defines fairness). 

The fixed stars Sirius and Canopus want us to move into a safe space that helps us mend the past. Embracing and caring for the shadowy parts of our personality can allow us to feel unconditional love for ourselves. So, saying positive affirmations throughout the day is vital to lift our hearts. Also, give yourself a big hug because you deserve it — most notably from yourself. The Sabian symbol that aligns with the New Moon is “Two Dutch Children Talking To Each Other, Exchanging Their Knowledge.” Share personal triumphs and stories to let others learn from our experiences. This will create a bond with those we care about and give us the space to be heard and seen without judgment.


New Moon In Cancer Ritual

Written by Bri Luna  

As we embrace the gentle and nurturing energy of the Cancer New Moon, it is the perfect time to tune into our emotional depths and set intentions for self-care and healing.

Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths, centering yourself in the present moment. Visualize the moon's soft and healing light enveloping you. Set intentions for self-care, emotional healing, and nurturing your inner self during this lunar cycle.

Light a white or silver candle to represent the Cancer zodiac sign. White symbolizes purity and cleansing, while silver represents the moon's energy. As you light the candle, affirm your intentions for emotional healing and self-nurturing.

Take a moment to reflect on your emotions, desires, and dreams. Write them down in a journal, expressing yourself freely and authentically. Use this as an opportunity to delve into your emotional depths and gain clarity on what needs nurturing and healing in your life.

Retrograde summer : 5 planets will be retrograde this summer

There are 5 planetary retrogrades that are happening this summer. We can use them as a catalyst for breaking bad habits and reinforcing our beliefs from the past in the present. 

Saturn Retrograde in Pisces 

June 29 to November 15

Defining commitments is key at this time. Embracing our personal power will teach us responsibility and accountability. 

Neptune Retrograde in Pisces 

July 2 to December 7

The truth of matters and relationships may give us whiplash, but it’ll open our eyes to seeing what lies beneath the surface.  

Mercury Retrograde in Virgo and Leo

August 5 to 28 

Communication and travel will be chaotic, urging us to pause and reflect on how we want to interact with others and handle situations.

Uranus Retrograde in Taurus 

September 1 to January 30, 2025

We will veer from the norm and embrace our unique selves. Forming our own identity is crucial in order to grow as individuals.

Pluto Retrograde in Aquarius and Capricorn 

May 2 to October 11 

Change is hard, but pivotal. Use this planetary retrograde to mend old wounds and to heal heartache.

The Two Capricorn Full Moons Of Summer

Astrology by Lisa Stardust 

The weeks ahead bring only one but two Full Moons in the sign of Capricorn. The answer to why is simple:  modern calendars aren't in complete sync with the phases of the Moon. Contrary to popular belief, it's not a Blue Moon (we’ll have one on August 19 in Aquarius.

The first Full occurs right after the Summer Solstice, empowering us to mend relationships, and the second Capricorn Full Moon heightens our need to escape and feel our feelings. Both will heighten our emotions, so prepare to let out every sentiment built up inside. 

Full Moon Ritual

Make a spiritual bath with mint to rejuvenate, chamomile to heal, lavender for love, Epsom salt to cleanse the aura, and Florida water for protection. Bring all ingredients to a pot and boil them together. When the pot cools down, strain the ingredients and pour over your shoulders in the shower to cleanse the body. Then, air-dry your body without a towel. The bath will allow you to release old emotions holding you back and bring in fresh sentiments that will open your heart to self-love. 

The Strawberry Full Moon In Capricorn On June 21

The Strawberry Full Moon occurs on June 21 at 6:08 PM PT and 9:08 PM ET. This lunation occurs at 1 degree Capricorn, the day after the Summer Solstice commences. Since this luar event opposes Venus in Cancer, it’ll allow us to mend relationships and speak our romantic sentiments. 

With Mercury in Cancer and Mars in Taurus harmonizing on the same day, it’ll be hard to hold back our tears and passions. Passive aggressive comments or sentiments can trigger if people don't want to work through issues and mend problems. Hear others out before reacting to ensure that we can create a better dynamic with them. Try to be understanding to others to receive goodness in return. 

The Buck Full Moon In Capricorn on July 21

The day before Leo Season commences, the  Buck Full Moon rises on July 21 at 3:17 AM PT and 6:17 AM ET. This lunation occurs at the anorectic 29th degree of Capricorn, pushing us to race through our emotions, which you shouldn't do. Move at your own pace. The Buck Full Moon aspects Uranus in Taurus and Neptune retrograde in Pisces. Finding the balance between fantasy and reality will be challenging, but it’ll spark creativity and romanticism within in unexpected ways. 

That day, Venus in Leo harmonizes with Jupiter in Gemini, Mercury in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus, and Mars in Gemini connects with Pluto retrograde in Aquarius, making the overall verve feel overwhelming. Power struggles and emotional outbursts will consume our hearts. Take time to understand your feelings and not make rash decisions. Be empathetic to others and compassionate to yourself. Kindness is the only way through the fraught energy.


Astrology by Lisa Stardust 

Neptune in Pisces squares Mercury and the Sun in Gemini on June 17 and 20, making us feel burnt out and emotional. Rest is essential to get through the Neptunian haze. Venus and Mercury swim into Cancer on June 17, then form a conjunction later in the day. This gives us a chance to express our innermost sentiments with tenderness and compassion. The Sun enters Cancer on June 20, bringing a new season and the Summer Solstice to fruition. The Strawberry Full Moon in Capricorn occurs on June 21, bringing earthy desire to the forefront of our minds and hearts. Mercury aspects Mars in Taurus on the 21st and the Nodes of Destiny on the 22nd, pushing us to make important decisions in our lives. Think about what inspires you and move towards that. Don’t let anything else cloud your judgment.


Written by Bri Luna

Start by taking a relaxing bath infused with Epsom salts, lavender essential oil, and dried chamomile flowers. As you soak, visualize the water washing away any emotional heaviness and fatigue.

Take a few moments to reflect on your emotions and thoughts. Write down any feelings of burnout or overwhelm that you may be experiencing. Allow yourself to release these emotions onto the paper, creating space for clarity and healing.


Rather than focusing on others, you must give yourself the tender love and care you deserve. Start by tenting to the emotional garden within yourself to blossom and grow as an individual. This will allow you to be the best version of yourself not just for others but for you.


You're trying to look at the bigger picture in life, but it's hard to. Take a step back and think about what you want to achieve. This will provide you with the capability to see things through a larger lens and different perspective, which will open your eyes to new possibilities.


Do not jump to conclusions this week, as communication might get tricky and make you emotional instead of articulate. Your intuition bolsters your thoughts, but might not be accurate. You should opt to strengthen your bonds with by fostering an understanding of the needs of others through acts of kindness.


This week, you need to find a balance between their own creative pursuits and how much time they invest in your relationship. It is not a bad idea to seek out stability, so try to compromise where you can in order to keep the peace and love in partnerships flowing. 


We all have issues we are trying to overcome; however, we do so with empathy and compassion. When you find that happening, it's time to hone in your energy and try to correct it so that others aren't offended by your current state of being and what you're going through.


A lot of miscommunication will consume your peer group. It will be hard for you to express yourself because others are not listening to what you're saying and putting their spin on your comments. To be clear and concise, send an email that expresses such sentiments to stand your ground.


Instead of reacting to other people's emotions, try to reflect upon their situation and understand those you care about. When you put yourself in their shoes and comprehend their perspective, matters will be easily resolved. You can save the drama and theatrics for another boring rainy day in the summer. 


Many people are projecting their emotions and feelings onto you. You don't have to take on their problems; you shouldn't ignore them to ensure they don't burden you either. Draw a line in the sand and create boundaries with them. If they come at you, then you will react differently.


You might feel a little bit lost underneath the fray due to insecurities and anxieties heightening this week. To stay present, it's essential to focus on your dreams. You can keep your passions alive as long as you hone in on what you want to attain and bring to life.


Being the strong, silent person that you can be at times means that you pick and choose when confrontation is ideal. This week, you are finding your voice and not holding back. You’re unapologetically putting your feelings on the table and let the cards fall how they may within relationships.


Finding the confidence to do what you want takes gusto. You might find that your vitality is low to assert yourself at the beginning of the week. However, as it progresses, you'll have the energy and drive to take on anything you desire. Have faith in yourself and you'll succeed.


Avoiding responsibilities and living in a fantasy might be appealing, but it can be frustrating when you're woken up from the dream. Try to remain grounded and calm before opting to run away from mundane life. If you don't, then things will come crashing down when reality and logic calls.

New Moon In Gemini

Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The New Moon in Gemini occurs on June 6 at 5:37 AM PT and 8:37 AM ET. It’s the last New Moon of Spring and ushers in positive vibes. The Gemini New Moon is a glorious time to spread love, take a stand, and communicate our feelings to others.

The New Moon connects with Venus, Saturn, and the Nodes of Destiny. This is a fateful moment in which we communicate our desires and let them be known. The possibilities are infinite, and anything seems to happen. The caveat is that Saturn creates a square to the lunation, bringing roadblocks. Therefore, it’ll take effort and work to attain our goals — as long as we are down to give our visions all of our energy to come to fruition, we are golden. The lesson Saturn imparts upon us is to not give up on our dreams and ourselves — even if it takes time and requires patience.

The Gemini stellium (the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter are in the air sign) asks us to choose wisely. Using our voices and thoughts to implement radical change will enhance and evolve our lives. The Venus Star Point (aka Venus Cazimi) and the Mercurial alignment with Jupiter from June 6 is ushering forward towards greatness. But, we may get stuck in a moment since the Venus Portal asks us to reflect on the events from June 2020. Think of ways to transform that moment in time and reclaim it. Gemini energy is mutable, so we can augment matters and situations to demonstrate our power and strength. 

The asteroid Juno and centaur Chiron link up with the New Moon, allowing us to heal partnerships — especially our relationship with ourselves. Balance, compassion, and understanding are crucial. The fixed star Rigel adds abundance and beauty to the New Moon's overall performance, positively impacting us.

Under this lunation, we should cleanse the roads ahead and utilize energy to our advantage. Take copal incense and cleanse your home with it. Open the windows and use the incense in the room's corners and doorways. This should detox the energy swiftly. Also, take a cup of water and invert it on a plate on the floor in the corners of the room for a week to dispel negativity. These activities will bring freshness and goodness to the mix, helping you jumpstart your endeavors on a great note.

Venus Portal: The Venus Star Point X Venus Cazimi In Gemini

Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The Sun and Venus connect on June 4, creating “cazimi,” which translates from Latin to English as “the heart of the Sun.” When a planet forms an exact conjunction with the Sun, it’s fortunate because the Sun adds power to the Earth by highlighting its attributes. Venus becomes an evening star and embraces the Libra vibe, making the energy more airy, communicative, and negotiable.

When Venus is “cazimi,” it also makes a Venus Star Point (a term and theory coined by the astrologer Arielle Guttman). Venus runs in an 8-year cycle, and every time it gets to a similar place, it creates an energetic point that resembles a pentagram in the sky throughout its journey. Each time the Sun and Venus meet over several decades, they hit a part of the pentagram, the effects of which can last many years and influence society and our personal lives.

This year, the Venus Star Point occurs in Gemini. Interestingly enough, the first Venus Star Point began in 1964. Every grouping has its eight-year course, with activation every four years. So, the story from 1964 to 1972 focused on 1964, 1968, and 1972. The next batch of dates was from 1976 to 1984, with 1976 being the first part of the story, 1980 being the midpoint, 1984 being the end of this particular time…and so on. Now, we are dealing with the second telling of the narrative that began on June 3, 2020, and ends on June 1, 2028. Then, four years later, another Venus Star Point Story in Gemini begins.

June 4  brings BIG Gemini energy, as the stellium of the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter lead us to the New Moon in Gemini on June 6. Also, Venus connects with the Nodes of Destiny; Mercury aligns with Jupiter while getting a push from Pluto under the beautiful Taurus Moon, all on the same day as the Venus Star Point, making it a time to lean into our fate and to attain psychic downloads from the universe.

Themes that will come into play:

From 1964 through 1972, we saw protests on college campuses beginning. With this Venus Star Point in the same sign with the addition of Jupiter in Gemini, we’ll see more of them at schools and on social media since Gemini is the communicator of the zodiac.

Remember how we began communicating in 2020 with Zoom calls, Instagram Lives, and group FaceTime calls. There may be innovative ways to exchange information, work, and connect. 

What does our heart want to commit to regarding love, relationships, friendships, financial investments, and creative projects? Are we happy, or do we want to break free? How can we evolve partnerships? What do we want to attain in the future?

Remember, this Venus Star Point is in Gemini. We don't have to commit to anything but should talk it out and think about matters. After all, the universe is checking in with us, so we should use this time as our cosmic wake-up call.

Jupiter In Gemini 

Astrology by Lisa Stardust

From May 25, 2024, to June 9, 2025, the expansive planet Jupiter will be in Gemini. Since Jupiter moves from sign to sign every 12 months, returning to each one every 12 years, we can use lessons from the past to understand what we can expect. The last time Jupiter transited the air sign was from June 2012 to July 2013 and June 2000 to July 2001. Look back to this timeline and focus on what was happening in your life to gain clarity on the themes that could persist this year. 

What To Expect?

There will be significant changes in travel, publishing, communication, technology, and the information we receive, particularly from the news and media. Jupiter is a truth-teller, while Mercury (the planet that rules Gemini is a trickster). When Jupiter is in Gemini, we can expect the integrity of matters to be exposed not because people want to share but because they have to. 

What To Be Aware Of?

Jupiter is not in its best placement when in Gemini because Jupiter thinks globally, and Gemini (like Mercury) acts locally. This means the transit will urge us to focus on the details instead of the big picture. When Saturn comes to square Jupiter on August 19 and December 24, we’ll feel this energy more intensely.

How To Utilize The Energy?

  • Don't get caught up in a moment or idea. The less you overthink, the easier it'll be. If you do, then journal your feelings to understand them.

  • Talk things out with those you have issues with and find a middle ground rather than argue. You can agree to disagree on matters.

  • Listen to what others are saying. That way, you can make informed decisions. Also, make sure you're being heard, too.

  • Be open to new ideas or ways of thinking. This will help you grow and evolve in the months ahead and align with the times.

  • Allow yourself to be in the moment. Meditate to stay focused on situations and relationships more importantly, yourself. 


Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The last Full Moon of spring rises on May 23 at 6:53 AM Pacific time and 9:53 Eastern time. The whole flower moon in Sagittarius is a moment in which we can embrace our power, and connect with our dreams.

This lunation is activated by Pluto, which is currently retrograde in Aquarius. This magnetic aspect will push us to excel at all we do. With Venus entering Gemini, we’ll be able to celebrate the good times and the positives in our lives as well as express our truest feelings.

 The fixed stars Yed Prior, Dschubba, and Acrab bring a touch of passion to the overall vibe. There could be a tinge of competitiveness, especially if we compare ourselves to others. Remember, we are all on the same playing ground. Things are just happening quicker for others. Keep the faith and remain patient because good things are on the way.

Full Moon Ritual

The Full Moon is a great time to get back in touch with the things we love best about ourselves. Write your positive affirmations and recite them in front of a mirror three times, each time with more passion. Ignite your passions and let your inner wisdom guide you towards excellence.


What Does The Full Moon Mean For You? 


Embrace your adventurous spirit and try something new.



Transformation is key as it will unlock all possibilities.



Make sure you're extending your energy to those who appreciate you.



Focus on the amount of TLC you're giving yourself and double it.



Go with the flow and let your talents take you towards excellence.



Abundance and prosperity are coming, as long as you believe in your visions.



Looking at matters with an open mind allows you to find balance and peace.



You're more powerful than you know, so make sure you use your intuition and divine spirit.



You're in high demand, but you should set limits to ensure you don't overextend yourself.



Take space away from the social scene to meditate and unwind.



Committing to a new cause that will let you speak your mind will serve you and the community.



Connect with your ancestors and family to evoke your inner spirit and energy.


Gemini season 2024

Gemini Season lasts from May 20 to June 20, 2024.

The upcoming weeks will bring duality, excitement, and discernment to our lives. With the Sun in the airy and mutable sign, communication and flexibility in thought will be easy. Now is the time to relish the positive energy coming during the last month of spring.

How Will Gemini Season Will Affect You?

Fire Signs

(Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius)

Relationships will prove to be enlightening, inspiring, and rewarding if you try to evolve these friendships. 

Earth Signs

(Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn)

Organizing your professional ideas will benefit your career path and strategy in the coming months. 

Air Signs

(Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius)

Thinking outside the box can lead to great innovative ideas and creative solutions if you open your mind.  

Water Signs 

(Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) 

The month ahead allows you to reflect on past actions and assess what you want to attain in the future. 

Key Dates

May 20: Gemini Season begins!

May 23: The Full Moon in Sagittarius helps to shift our perspectives and mindsets.

May 23: Venus enters Gemini, allowing us to speak our truth around love.

May 25: Jupiter starts its year-long journey in Gemini, pushing us to understand matters, others, and ourselves while growing into our most authentic selves. 

June 3: Mercury swings into Gemini, allowing us to articulate our thoughts concisely.

June 4: The Sun and Venus in Gemini form their yearly conjunction, bringing romance to the forefront of our hearts.

June 6: The New Moon in Gemini urges us to consider the future. 

June 9: Mars enters Taurus, making us more passive than argumentative. 

June 17: Mercury swims into Cancer, adding sensitivity to our words and communication. 

June 17: Venus glides into Cancer, enlarging our capacity and desire for love and connection. 


Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The week starts with the First Quarter Moon in Leo on May 15th, urging us to set new intentions and manifest greatness. The same day, Mercury enters Taurus, urging us to be practical-minded, tender, and sincere with our words. Mercury and Pluto retrograde in Aquarius square off on May 17th, bringing intense and defensive interactions and reactions into the mix. The flip-side of this transit can help us heal and grow, if we choose to remove ourselves from the drama. Venus and Uranus unite on the 18th, the same day that the Sun and Jupiter share a conjunction (all of these planets are in Taurus), encouraging us to take risks and step out of our comfort zone. The Taurus Sun harmonizes with Neptune in Pisces on May 19, making our dreams tangible. Mars and the North Node of Destiny aligns on the 19th, adding desire and passion to our lives. The Sun ingresses into Gemini on May 20, heightening our communication for the month ahead.



May 18’s celestial energy is a prime time to manifest. Write a letter of intention to the universe to bring growth and expansion to areas of your life that need to change. Then, light a purple candle to honor the planet Jupiter and meditate on your goals. The sky’s the limit, so dream big!



You will feel truly supported and reunited with those you care about. There is a strong understanding of compassion as mind-expanding experiences propel you forward on a journey that has you feeling all of your emotions on a soulful level. Embrace this sensation as a result of your personal growth.



This is a time to appreciate what makes you truly feel good. There is a strong influence of wanting to escape from the mundane and to travel in order to catch a glimpse of your heart’s desire or be more open towards experiencing something new and different in your life.



Be careful not to go into hermit mode and escape your duties throughout this week, which can be quite tempting. The key is to be strong, in charge, and dynamic in what you have to offer the world. This will allow you to push beyond what you know and change.



The energy of the week highlights your partnerships and alliances. Try not to allow the expectations and emotions of others influence your personal relationships. Conversations might be a bit difficult during this timeframe, as a result, but they'll serve as a turning point for your friendships for years to come.



It might often be difficult for you to step away from work, and this is a great time to let yourself play a little bit more. Plan for some fun time and see great rewards brought to you. This is a time to really step into your power and confidence.



Sometimes the way you speak to yourself that generates the energy of love. If you are hard on yourself continually this also lowers your vibrations. If you are kind to yourself and allow compassion to flow through you this will make you absolutely unstoppable and irresistible to your love interests.



You’re blossoming as you spread your wings and follow your intuition. You’re on spiritual love journey that grows overtime and connects you to higher realms of vibrations. Remember this when you feel any delays as your often inquisitive air sign might become impatient. Let the universe catch up to you.



This week is a great reminder that you are desired by many! Your charming ways attract a lot of people from various walks of life.You might conjure up a connection that is extremely intoxicating during this cosmically intense time; just be careful as to who you attract into your vim.



You don't have to let the lack of structure and stability in your daily routine keep you away from attaining your goals. The truth is that you love a challenge, so this week gives you the opportunity to think outside-the-box and slightly shift the focus of your visions.



You’ll begin to feel more inclined to take extra time for your emotional needs this week. As a result, you might find that putting yourself first is the antidote you’ve always needed to hear. Those in long-standing relationships will undergo many spiritual and necessary transformations from your evolving heart and mentality.



You may feel that your home life and family matters are more erratic and out of control than ever. Instead of trying to push through matters, try to ebb and flow through them. The more you actively resist change, the harder it will be to embrace it as it comes.



A culmination of circumstances feel out of your control at the moment, allowing you to take a look at your previous actions and augment them in the present. It is never too late to do the right thing, even if it means having to heal and deal with the past.



Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The Moon makes it’s way from Waxing Crescent in Taurus to Leo this week. It’ll create intense emotions along the way as the Moon connects with every planet in the sky. Other than that, no significant transits are happening, making it an excellent time to reflect, contemplate, and understand our feelings.


Witch Tips:

Journaling is critical this week. As the Moon shifts from Taurus to Leo, we’ll want to take note of our innermost sentiments. Leaning into our heartfelt emotions will require compassion and tenderness — especially from ourselves — so journaling can help us with the process.  


A gentle current of nurturing yet exciting energy will manifest throughout the week ahead. You'll be surprised where the conversation takes you and shifts right now, providing you with the insight you need to determine whether or not you want to move forward with specific projects and people.



People will feel comforted and at peace when they are around you, which will help any romantic interests let their guard down. Just make sure you're not wasting your energy on others, and plan a reprieve from socialization during the weekend to decompress and relax.



If any passion projects have fallen to the wayside recently, now would be the time to reorganize your creative side. This week is also great for reconnecting with others, so if you don't feel like busting out the art supplies, go out and hang out brunch with friends.



The week will begin with the universe sending comfort your way. These vibes will hit subtly, activating the sector of your chart that rules the subconscious, so try not to question your elevated mood and take notice of your dreams. Your intuition will guide you to greatness.



Try to position yourself within your local community. You might be able to start a program that helps others and allows you to take the lead. The celestial vibes will bring you luck wherever there is a charitable platform for you, making it the perfect time to cruise the scene.



You can create the world you want. With your ruling planet, Mercury, making necessary changes and acting as a breath of fresh air is reconnecting you with your optimism. Just make sure you're choosing to lean into your passions and try to gravitate toward healthy friendships or romantic interests.



Despite your calm exterior, you're one of the zodiac's most driven and motivated members, dear Libra, striving for professional perfection where others might settle for mediocrity. You’ll be ultra-focused on your career since this week illuminates the sector of your chart that rules professional ambitions and endeavors.



Pay attention to how people make you feel over the next couple of days, and don't let other people's sense of self-importance diminish your self-worth. Luckily, the week will allow you to reset while bringing you back to your true self emotionally. You will thrive then.



It won't serve you to participate in any mean-spirited gossip that those around you might be engaging with. Getting involved could ultimately cause your ego to take a hit. Instead of socializing, spend an evening at home caring for your needs. You’ll feel more spirited next week.



The cosmos are inviting you to focus on yourself. This week shines a light on emotions, people, or projects you've disregarded, but it's all in the name of personal evolution. They'll find a way if things are meant to land in your lap right now.



If you run into insensitive behaviors with anyone during this time, take it as a sign from the universe to let them go. You don’t have to stay in an unhappy situation. No one should treat you negatively since you radiate positivity and care for others with all your heart.



If you've been feeling uninspired lately, your creative juices will begin flowing this week when the moon shares sweet connections. Use an artistic outlet to process your feelings in the upcoming days, and don't be afraid to showcase your work, as it could catch the eye of some fans.


Taurus New Moon 2024

Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The New Moon in Taurus lights up our lives on May 7 at 8:22 PM PT and 11:22 PM ET. The beginning of the lunar cycle offers us a fresh start around material issues, particularly money, love, friendship, and artistry. It's our spring awakening.

The New Moon connects with rebellious Uranus in Taurus and austere Saturn in Pisces. These two planets bring juxtaposing energy to the lunation; however, they yearn to bring stability to our lives, urging us to break free from the past and offer us structure in augmenting our daily actions. The asteroid Lilith, as well as Black Moon Lilith (both are currently in the sign Virgo), play a part in the New Moon, offering us a chance to assert our power. Due to the asteroid Ceres in Capricorn, we’ll succeed in our objectives if we don't deviate from the plan, which might be challenging.

The stellium (a cluster of 3 or more planets in the same sign) of Taurus planets (Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus) will bring out our stubbornness and fear of living outside our comfort zone. Although change seems frightening, we must lean into our future hopes to evolve and grow. If we don't, then we’ll feel stuck in an ongoing cycle that fails to develop in any way. Being open to expansion (even minimally) can open us up to new possibilities that can enrich us on many levels. We have to stop resisting and embrace the messages the universe is trying to tell us.

The flip side is that this New Moon can bring abundance and prosperity our way. The Earth sign Taurus can improve our lives if we lean into its creative, lucrative, and sensual flavors. Learning to ebb and flow with the universe is vital, as it will unlock doors and take us on exciting journeys that lead to triumphs. We shall prosper as long as we are willing and wanting to move forward and not dwell on the past.

New Moon Ritual:

This is a prime time to manifest money and wealth. Since bay leaves are associated with money, it's imperative to use them in this ritual.   Take a green or purple candle and place crushed bay leaves on the sides of the candle so that the candle can absorb its energy. Green candles are ideal for bringing wealth, and purple candles are great for the same purpose; therefore, you can use either color to manifest wealth. Before lighting the candle, you must have a clear intention. Please write down your aspirations and hopes on paper and meditate on them then. When you're ready, carefully light the candle. If you don’t have a candle or do not wish to use one, you can achieve the same goal by placing a bowl of crushed leaves underneath your bed at night. Be sure to leave your letter of intention under the bowl to bring your hopes to fruition.