Venus Portal: The Venus Star Point X Venus Cazimi In Gemini

Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The Sun and Venus connect on June 4, creating “cazimi,” which translates from Latin to English as “the heart of the Sun.” When a planet forms an exact conjunction with the Sun, it’s fortunate because the Sun adds power to the Earth by highlighting its attributes. Venus becomes an evening star and embraces the Libra vibe, making the energy more airy, communicative, and negotiable.

When Venus is “cazimi,” it also makes a Venus Star Point (a term and theory coined by the astrologer Arielle Guttman). Venus runs in an 8-year cycle, and every time it gets to a similar place, it creates an energetic point that resembles a pentagram in the sky throughout its journey. Each time the Sun and Venus meet over several decades, they hit a part of the pentagram, the effects of which can last many years and influence society and our personal lives.

This year, the Venus Star Point occurs in Gemini. Interestingly enough, the first Venus Star Point began in 1964. Every grouping has its eight-year course, with activation every four years. So, the story from 1964 to 1972 focused on 1964, 1968, and 1972. The next batch of dates was from 1976 to 1984, with 1976 being the first part of the story, 1980 being the midpoint, 1984 being the end of this particular time…and so on. Now, we are dealing with the second telling of the narrative that began on June 3, 2020, and ends on June 1, 2028. Then, four years later, another Venus Star Point Story in Gemini begins.

June 4  brings BIG Gemini energy, as the stellium of the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter lead us to the New Moon in Gemini on June 6. Also, Venus connects with the Nodes of Destiny; Mercury aligns with Jupiter while getting a push from Pluto under the beautiful Taurus Moon, all on the same day as the Venus Star Point, making it a time to lean into our fate and to attain psychic downloads from the universe.

Themes that will come into play:

From 1964 through 1972, we saw protests on college campuses beginning. With this Venus Star Point in the same sign with the addition of Jupiter in Gemini, we’ll see more of them at schools and on social media since Gemini is the communicator of the zodiac.

Remember how we began communicating in 2020 with Zoom calls, Instagram Lives, and group FaceTime calls. There may be innovative ways to exchange information, work, and connect. 

What does our heart want to commit to regarding love, relationships, friendships, financial investments, and creative projects? Are we happy, or do we want to break free? How can we evolve partnerships? What do we want to attain in the future?

Remember, this Venus Star Point is in Gemini. We don't have to commit to anything but should talk it out and think about matters. After all, the universe is checking in with us, so we should use this time as our cosmic wake-up call.