Astrology by Lisa Stardust
The last Full Moon of spring rises on May 23 at 6:53 AM Pacific time and 9:53 Eastern time. The whole flower moon in Sagittarius is a moment in which we can embrace our power, and connect with our dreams.
This lunation is activated by Pluto, which is currently retrograde in Aquarius. This magnetic aspect will push us to excel at all we do. With Venus entering Gemini, we’ll be able to celebrate the good times and the positives in our lives as well as express our truest feelings.
The fixed stars Yed Prior, Dschubba, and Acrab bring a touch of passion to the overall vibe. There could be a tinge of competitiveness, especially if we compare ourselves to others. Remember, we are all on the same playing ground. Things are just happening quicker for others. Keep the faith and remain patient because good things are on the way.
Full Moon Ritual
The Full Moon is a great time to get back in touch with the things we love best about ourselves. Write your positive affirmations and recite them in front of a mirror three times, each time with more passion. Ignite your passions and let your inner wisdom guide you towards excellence.
What Does The Full Moon Mean For You?
Embrace your adventurous spirit and try something new.
Transformation is key as it will unlock all possibilities.
Make sure you're extending your energy to those who appreciate you.
Focus on the amount of TLC you're giving yourself and double it.
Go with the flow and let your talents take you towards excellence.
Abundance and prosperity are coming, as long as you believe in your visions.
Looking at matters with an open mind allows you to find balance and peace.
You're more powerful than you know, so make sure you use your intuition and divine spirit.
You're in high demand, but you should set limits to ensure you don't overextend yourself.
Take space away from the social scene to meditate and unwind.
Committing to a new cause that will let you speak your mind will serve you and the community.
Connect with your ancestors and family to evoke your inner spirit and energy.