Astrology by Lisa Stardust

Blessed Beltane!

 Venus in Taurus and Pluto in Aquarius square off on May 1, creating power struggles in relationships during the Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius. Pluto retrograde commences on May 2, lasting until October 11. This is a time in which we will reassess the past and present to make sure we are on the right path and making the correct decisions. Mars in Aries harmonizes with Pluto on May 3, forcing us to take charge and dominate. The Sun aspects Saturn in Pisces the same day as the New Moon in Taurus on May 7, urging us to commit to a different way of being.


Witch tip:

A great way to construct Beltane magic and to embrace the Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius on May 1 is to connect with Mother Earth. To do so, you might want to meditate in a garden surrounded by flowers, hug trees to show the earth how much you love her, or walk around barefoot to connect and ground yourself in the earth's energy. You might also want to light a candle or create a bonfire to celebrate Beltaine. If you do so, please practice fire safety rules and consider what you want to bring into your life as you watch the fire flicker. Just by thinking and manifesting these ideas, you'll find that they have wings to come to life in the months ahead.


Power struggles with friends could lead to arguments if you're not careful. It's important to check yourself before asserting your sentiments to make sure you aren't being too rigid and inflexible to work through matters cohesively. Be open to their viewpoints and try to find middle ground with your acquaintances.



You want to transform aspects of your life; however, in true Taurus form, you’ll realize that you can implement growth by taking baby steps. You don't have to do everything immediately, and you should be mindful of what you are bringing into your life rather than how far you get.



Secrets are coming to light, allowing you to see people and situations from a different perspective. Before confronting matters and people head-on take time to contemplate how you want to proceed. You may find that thinking things through is the best option, as well as trying to understand their motives.



Although it is hard for you to lean into different and new situations, you are stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing the celestial energy. Try to forge a path that differs from the past which allows you to evolve into the person you desire. Utilize this fresh start.



Many changes are occurring in the professional realm of your life. These are meant to propel you forward in the direction you were meant to be in. Remember that even though things might be complex, you are headed in the right direction and evolving your career, which is extremely positive.



You may find that your community is enriching your life by helping you hone into your craft. Relying on them for support will give you the enthusiasm to strategize and use your gifts to the maximum. You’ll feel more confident with their support and guidance, strengthening your confidence and skills.



Looking for inspiration may be more complex than imagined; therefore, it is essential for you to connect with nature and music to get your rhythm back. The sooner you enchant your life with different elements, the more you will be able to plunge your artistry and passions together into projects.



Triangular situations and intense dramas are holding you back from connecting with others on an intimate level. However, this week is offering you a chance to reconnect and create new dynamics with others. Use this time to your advantage and start fresh with those whom you've been struggling with recently.



Ridding yourself of habits may be challenging, but it's worth putting the energy into taking the first steps towards doing so. By the end of the week, you'll see that you've made progress, encouraging you to keep up the excellent work and to see the journey through to the end.



You may find that a creative endeavor gives you the confidence to transcend into a better state of being. It‘l motivate you to spread your wings and fly, and take you to new heights and ventures. This is your opportunity to grow your talents, so use it to your advantage.



If you want to redecorate or restore your home, this week offers an excellent opportunity to implement such changes. You can augment any part of your abode that needs to be fixed up for it to sustain the months ahead. The same theory applies to your intimate and familial relationships.



Be careful and mindful about what you say to others. Things you might not want to share could accidentally slip out of your mouth this week. Think before you talk or text to avoid such issues from occurring and to ensure that you don't ruffle any feathers in the process.


Astrology by Lisa Stardust

Lots of changes and shifts are coming our way this week! Mercury ends its retrograde journey in Aries on April 25. The planetary moonwalk, which began on April 1, will finally be over, allowing us to understand situations clearly. The post-retrograde feels last until May 13, allowing us to understand the miscommunications that happened in the previous weeks. Action planet Mars and elusive Neptune connect in Pisces on April 29, making us feel uncertain about what the future holds. This isn’t the time to make moves but a moment to reflect on what we want to attain. Later in the day, Venus enters Taurus bringing indulgence, luxury, sensuality, and tenderness our way. Mars enters Aries on April 30, adding passion and desire for our lives.

Witch tip:

This is not a week to push matters forward. Use it as a time to implement self-care into your life. Find an activity that speaks to your soul and makes you happy, whether it be taking a walk in nature, journaling, or meditating. It’s important for you to find something that speaks to yourself at an intimate level and brings peace to your mind and heart.



You can expect an energetic shift once Mercury turns direct on April 25 and when Mars connects with your sign on April 30. Due to your newfound view on life, you’ll feel as if possibilities are endless and anything is possible. You’ll come out of your shell and exude confidence.



You’re finding that the week ahead is bringing a lot of calming and relaxing energy to you because you are using it as a moment of reflection and implementing self-care into your daily routine. Make sure that you put yourself first to feel the amazing effects of the week ahead.



Before you take on more than you can handle, make sure you are available for extra projects. Just because you’re being offered more work doesn’t mean it‘ll benefit you in the long run to do your best. It would help if you weren’t stressed, which means having a light load.



With your popularity soaring, it’s time for you to connect with your friends and family. Make sure that you can have a lovely time out with them because you’re in need of positive social time that will allow you to connect with those you care about and share some laughs.



Asserting boundaries is going to be hard this week because you aren’t sure of what limits you want to set with them in order to understand what you need. It’s important for you to treat people with the respect that you want in return in order to set an example.



You’re ambivalent about the future of your intimate partnerships. You might find that your relationships are at stalemate. The good news is that you don’t have to make a decision right now. Take your time and process how you feel in order to choose how you want to move forward.



Although you have more wind in your sail than usual, you still want to avoid overworking because you hate to feel overwhelmed. Take a pause or two in the day to meditate and unwind in order to create balance at work. This will help you find peace in the frenzy.



Your creativity will be on overload, allowing you to put your artistic abilities into reality. Use this week as a time to let your artistry shine and be seen. It will enable you to feel that you’re on the right track, but everyone sees your talents and doesn’t hold back.



There might be some tension at home, but you don’t have to worry about it lasting for long. Remember that this is just a moment in time and that things shift and change every week. Try to be open to proceeding with kindness instead of reacting in a dramatic way.



It’s important to be objective in order to understand matters. Don’t jump to assumptions before you hear all the facts and are able to make an informed judgment on matters. If you don’t, you might find yourself in a very awkward situation because you are making fictitious statements a reality.



Practice declaring positive affirmations in front of the mirror to heighten your confidence. You might find that this makes you feel great about yourself and inspires you to take on the world. You never know what little powerful statements can bring to your life, significantly when they heighten your awesomeness.



You’ll be lost in your emotions this week. Before you swim away and try to resolve matters independently, consider reaching out to a trusted confidant or friend to explain what is happening and what you're feeling. They’ll offer guidance and help that will inspire and motivate you to feel better.


Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The Pink Full Moon in Scorpio will occur on April 23 at 4:49 PM Pacific Time and 7:49 PM Eastern Time. This is the first full moon after the lunar eclipse on March 25, which will compel us to let go of in pent-up emotions. As the Scorpio moon tends to dominate situations, our feelings will be intense, and our desire to regulate others will be high. Nonetheless, we should refrain from controlling people and situations because everything is about to change.

The Full Moon in Scorpio’s square to Pluto in Aquarius will compel us to confront our fears and insecurities, as well as the power struggles that exist in our relationships. This may be challenging, as Scorpio's energy is naturally suspicious of others and may make it difficult to have blind faith in others. However, it is essential to work on building trust with those around us to maintain healthy relationships. If trust cannot be established, it may be necessary to distance ourselves from certain situations or partnerships.

Although walls may be broken down, they can always be rebuilt. This presents an opportunity for us to re-establish and heal connections if we are willing to put in the effort. Reconstructing more efficiently will require hard work and dedication. Avoiding problems will not benefit us, as we must confront them directly to achieve our goals. This may prove to be a difficult task. Still, we must roll up our sleeves and invest our energy into obtaining what we truly desire, especially since the asteroids Juno and Vesta are urging us to. 

On April 20, Jupiter and Uranus will unite. This powerful event is expected to cause a significant transformation in our lives and the world by dismantling existing relationships, dynamics, and situations. This astrological event will mainly impact the Full Moon, and we need to understand that the Jupiter and Uranus conjunction is urging us to begin a new journey. However, to achieve this, we must unlearn old ways of thinking by re-programming our minds and hearts with what we believe is right.

With Mercury still retrograde until April 25, it's essential to be mindful of potential miscommunications and projections. It's crucial to take a moment to think before reacting and approach situations compassionately. As everyone is likely to project their feelings onto others, it's essential to break this cycle and show empathy towards others and ourselves.

The Full Moon encourages you to embrace our emotions and confront them head-on. Take a moment to look at yourself in the mirror and acknowledge the parts you have been hiding. Although these emotions may be difficult to understand and express, they are an integral part of your authentic self. It's important to fully accept and comprehend these emotions, even if they are uncomfortable. Remember that many of these feelings stem from past experiences and insecurities, so show compassion and kindness to facilitate healing.


Between April 19th and May 20, the zodiac sign Taurus will be in full effect, bringing forth a season of indulgence, sensuality, creativity, and tenderness. Over the next 30 days, we have the opportunity to explore our artistic abilities and tap into our inner talents. Additionally, this season encourages us to speak from the heart and activate our throat chakras. Enjoy this time of self-expression and pleasure.

How It’ll Affect You?

Fire Signs 

(Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius)

This is a time of boldness in which you can go after what you want and make moves to attain them. Dreams and goals can come true now.

Earth Signs 

(Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn)

Flaunt your artistic creations and let the world see them. People are likely to appreciate and admire your skills, which in turn will boost your confidence.

Air Signs

(Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius)

The Bullish energy is offering you a chance to understand your emotions and do some deep healing.

Water Signs

(Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces)

Connecting with others will be key to feeling aligned with yourself. Your pleasant demeanor will make you the life of the party!

Key Astro Dates

  • April 19: At 7:00 AM PT and 10:00 AM ET, the Sun enters Taurus. 

  • April 20: The Jupiter and Uranus conjunction in Taurus occurs, bringing sudden, interesting changes to our lives.

  • April 23: The Full Moon in Scorpio pushes us to evolve today, giving us a chance to move forward and leave.

  • April 25: This current Mercury retrograde cycle, which began on April 1 in Aries, has come to an end. This is a crucial time to reflect, address any issues that arose, and gain clarity on the matters in question.

  • April 29: Venus enters Taurus, bringing pleasure, sensuality, and decadence to our life. It's a time to connect and bond with others and strengthen.

  • April 30: The action planet Mars moves into Aries, bringing passion, desire, and enthusiasm into our daily vibe.

  • May 2: Pluto begins its retrograde journey in Aquarius, which lasts until October 11. We will be looking back to see if we have grown and to ensure we are on the right path during this planetary backspin.

  • May 7: The New Moon in Taurus occurs, allowing us to commit to projects, relationships, and goals.

  • May 15: With Mercury entering Taurus, our words and perspectives gain structure, clarity, and determination. It's important to remain open-minded and flexible in order to fully comprehend the situation.


Astrology by Lisa Stardust

On April 17th, Venus aligns with the North Node of Destiny in Aries, which will enable us to embrace our confidence and indulge in romantic pursuits. Then, on April 19th, the Sun enters Taurus, which will bring sensuality, creativity, and tenacity to the forefront of our minds and hearts. Later that day, Mars in Pisces will connect with Jupiter and Uranus, both of whom are in Taurus, providing us with the motivation to pursue our dreams. On April 19th, Mercury retrograde will connect with Venus, providing us with an opportunity to speak from the heart. The following day, Jupiter and Uranus will align in Taurus, bringing significant changes to our lives and the world. The Sun squares Pluto in Aquarius on April 21st, heightening power struggles and conflicts, but also allowing us to evolve and grow as individuals. Lastly, April 23rd will bring a powerful Full Moon in Scorpio, urging us to transform ourselves for the better.


On April 20th, the conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus presents an opportunity for you to redefine your philosophy. Consider your current perspectives and contemplate how you can shift them towards a more progressive outlook. To signify Jupiter and Uranus, light purple and blue candles respectively and create a list of your intentions. Meditate while focusing on your intentions to manifest them into reality.


If you're experiencing tension with your friends at this moment in time, it is crucial to assess your role in the situation and take a step back. Setting clear boundaries is essential to ensure that everyone's perspectives are heard and understood, and it can facilitate the process of making amends.


You may face several power struggles. However, it is crucial to concentrate on connecting with your inner self and bringing your core beliefs to the forefront. By doing so, you will be in harmony with yourself and be able to resist all the drama that people are projecting onto you.


Shift your focus from what others possess to what you have. Once you realize that your life is full of countless opportunities and blessings, you'll value and comprehend that you don't require more to feel content. You can choose to channel your energy into selected things that you're aligned with.


If you're struggling to kickstart your endeavors and projects despite giving it your all, maybe it's time to focus on the core foundation of your goals. By understanding the fundamental aspects of what you want to achieve, you'll be able to identify the necessary steps to bring them to life.


Embrace the upcoming changes in your professional sector without resistance. By being open to the ebb and flow of these shifts, you'll be better equipped to make progress and achieve your goals. With a flexible mindset, you'll be able to navigate these changes with ease and come out on top.


You're redefining yourself and thinking outside the box to find a new aesthetic that aligns with your new branding. To be the unique person that you want to be, you're going to have to embrace a new attitude. Then, you'll be able to be your true self at all times.


Setting limits for oneself is crucial. It's essential to maintain a balance between work and personal time to avoid exhaustion and burnout. Overworking can impact creativity and mood negatively, emphasizing the importance of leisure time. Having downtime will fuel your motivation and inspiration, as well as leading you towards success.


You may find that you're currently giving too much energy to other people, so it's time to ensure you're giving enough to yourself. Remember that you can help other people, but at the same time, you must allow yourself to be the first and most important person in your life.


We all have personal things that we keep to ourselves, but it looks like some of yours may be revealed this week. To avoid any unwanted surprises or skeletons being revealed to others, it's important to be open and honest about sensitive matters before they're brought to light by others.


You have the power to control the narrative this week, which means you can turn situations to your advantage. This is especially useful when you're unsure of how to handle situations with your peers, as it allows you to stay out of the drama and avoid getting your hands dirty.


Your beliefs are evolving as your foundation shifts. Despite your progressive nature, your views are leading you towards a new way of thinking. Embrace this change. The more you allow yourself to pursue different mindful ventures, the easier it will be to align yourself with the times and current ideology.


You're finally letting go of things that you've been holding onto from the past, and it's going to be easy for you to express yourself. This is a great time to speak up and let your feelings be known. No one is judging you, so don't hold back this week.


Astrology by Lisa Stardust 

The connection between Venus and Neptune in Pisces on April 3rd could lead to a sensitive, emotional state. Conversely, it might also bring up any underlying fears and anxieties. The Sun in Aries aligns with the North Node of Destiny on April 4th, which could temporarily lower our confidence but also give us the power to trust in ourselves. When Venus moves into Aries on April 5th, this could heighten our passions and desires. On April 6th, Venus harmonizes with Pluto in Aquarius, which could make us feel even more empowered. Finally, the American total Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8th brings a sense of newness and allows us to make a fresh start.


Practice breathing exercises when you get irritated and feel like you have a lot going on. The world may seem like it's on your shoulders, but just a simple moment of release from your body will do you a lot of good because you are detoxing yourself of the negativity.


It's always important to be aware of how you communicate with others. You never know when a poorly chosen email, text, or phrase might cause unintended harm or miscommunication. Remembering to choose your words carefully can help prevent unnecessary conflict and maintain positive relationships with those around you.


Although you may feel like hiding under the rock for the week, you can't because you have obligations. You may have to face conflicts when it comes to you, but take it on with a grain of salt. Knowing that emotions are temporary will help you navigate your feelings.


Your friends might be testing your patience, making you more irritable than ever. It would help if you tried to set boundaries with them for you to focus on yourself and then give them the time. Suppose you have a moment to discuss your feelings. Always remember to put yourself and your limits first.


There are a lot of changes happening in your professional world, which is making you contemplate the future of your career. The path that you're on might be changing, but it just means there's a different way to win, and you have to think of how you did it.


If you are currently experiencing imposter syndrome, don't let it undermine your accomplishments. When you're feeling creatively stagnant, try meditating on your goals and brainstorming outside-the-box ideas. Don't be afraid to incorporate your unique vision into your work. By blending your talents with your artistry, you can create something unique.


Past relationship problems are coming to light this week, allowing you to understand where and to whom you should commit. You might think it's worth holding on to you, but it's best to give matters a second look and see if it's even worth that or moving on. 


Sometimes, you can be a tad fanatical on some issues. It can be challenging to comprehend others when we don't give them a chance to express themselves without being defensive. Grant others the courtesy and space to convey their emotions and viewpoints and, afterward, decide how to respond to them.


Despite your thorough planning, unforeseen issues may arise and disrupt your schedule. This week, be prepared for unexpected problems that may require immediate attention. Ensure you allocate enough time in your daily schedule to address them without compromising on other essential tasks that demand your attention.


The romance factor in your life isn't dead; it's just on a quiet reserve for the time being until you figure out what you're looking for. This means asking about how you can improve your life from another perspective, offering you the chance to live well with a new outlook.


Old wounds may hurt more than ever because they're hitting you close to your heart and where it hurts. To move past them, you need to give space to your feelings and not hold on to anger and believe any negativity you've felt. Move with ease right now.


It may be tempting to spread rumors you've heard, but it’s important to remember that doing so can have negative consequences. Not only can it harm others, but it can also come back to haunt you. Loose lips sink ships, as they say. So, be mindful of what you're saying.


It's possible that small situations could trigger and hinder you. But it's important to acknowledge and be grateful for your progress so far in such a short period. Try not to let these issues stress you out and focus on being thankful for everything that's yet to come.

The Total Solar Eclipse in Aries

The Total Solar Eclipse in Aries occurs on April 8th at 11:21 AM Pacific Time and 2:21 PM Eastern Time. Known as “The Great American Total Solar Eclipse,” this cosmic phenomenon will affect most of Northern America as “the path of totality” goes from the Pacific Coast of Mexico to the Northern Atlantic Coast of Canada.


The penumbral lunar eclipse occurs on March 25, at 12:00 AM Pacific Time and 3:00 AM Eastern Time. The lunar eclipse in Libra is part of the series of eclipses that began when the North and South Node of Destiny entered the Aries-Libra lunar axis on July 17, 2023 (recent previous eclipses include the total solar eclipse on April 20, 2023, and the solar eclipse on October 14, 2023). 


Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The new moon in Pisces occurs on March 10th at 2:00 AM Pacific Standard Time and 5:00 AM Eastern Standard Time. This is the last new moon of winter and occurs right before the upcoming eclipse season begins on March 17th during the first quarter moon in Gemini (the lunar eclipse occurs on March 25th and the solar eclipse occurs on April 8th). The new moon will propel us into the last days of the season before the Astrological  New Year, and Spring Equinox commences on March 19th.

What makes this new moon unique is that it is a supermoon, meaning that it is closer to our planet than other lunations, and being that this is the biggest supermoon of 2024, our feelings will be felt on a deeper level than ever when the moon is in perigee to earth.

This new moon connects with the planet Uranus in Taurus, as well as Black Moon Lilith in Virgo and the asteroid Vesta who's currently in Gemini. The convergence of these cosmic forces will compel us to break free from old habits and embrace new perspectives. We are transforming our lives, unapologetically expressing our truest emotions and thoughts. Though others may not understand our drive to break free from the chains that bind us, it is crucial to accept ourselves and become the people we were destined to be.

On the same day, Mercury in Aries will harmonize with Pluto, who is currently in Aquarius. This planetary alignment provides an opportunity for us to connect with our intentions during this new moon phase and propel them forward. As we move forward, our manifestations will gain strength and lead us towards our next vision. Words hold immense power, so it's essential to be mindful of what we think and feel to set our desires and dreams into motion.

Since Venus is at the late degree of Aquarius, the planet of love, beauty, and confidence will enter Pisces the next day. It's important to focus on ourselves rather than others, and not to feel as though we have to push things forward immediately. Be mindful that growth comes in steps, and today is a moment in which we can move forward and plant the seeds for the future.

New Moon Ritual

Conquer your phobias and confront your shadows by writing a love song or poem to yourself. This project promises to be both enjoyable and personally enriching. Creating this piece will allow you to connect with your innermost emotions and aspirations, and provide you with a source of inspiration when you need it. You can even sing or recite it to yourself during moments of self-doubt. You can even customize it by adding music or your favorite tune to make it memorable and catchy.

How The New Moon Will Affect You?  


Speak your mind, but make sure to do it with kindness and empathy.


Your newfound confidence is allowing you to recognize and appreciate your amazing attributes. Showcase them to the world.


A new professional opportunity may come your way, making it important to seize the moment.


It's perfectly fine to daydream and envision a future that you desire, as long as you maintain a realistic perspective on what is achievable.


You're in need of some rest, which is why it's best to choose a relaxing activity to unwind.


You might feel as though you're lost in love, which is why you should relish these feelings.


Adopting a new routine brings structure to your day. Therefore, it’s advisable to acquire and sustain it.


Your creativity will soar at this time, so it's time for you to ignite it with passion and emotion.


Your foundation may feel topsy turvy, which is why it's best to meditate on grounding yourself.


You may have to confront the truth within. Try to get in tune with your innermost thoughts.


Instead of prioritizing your material possessions, concentrate on the spiritual energy you possess. 


Have confidence in yourself and your actions, so others will truly listen to you.


The planetary alignment on March 8th between Mercury and Neptune in Pisces may lead to issues due to a lack of clear communication. It's crucial to consider your thoughts before speaking and gather all the necessary information before voicing your intuitive ideas. By doing so, you can express yourself effectively and make informed decisions. On March 9th, Mercury moves into Aries, enabling direct communication and thorough self-expression. Additionally, Mars in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus on the same day, presenting an opportunity to break old patterns and move towards fulfilling our heart's desires. On March 9th, the Sun in Pisces will be in harmony with Uranus, providing us with an opportunity to embrace our authentic selves. We can now break free from any limitations that may have been holding us back, and awaken the inner fire that can radiate our entire being. The next day, March 10th, marks the beginning of Daylight Savings Time. The new Moon in Pisces brings with it the chance for us to pursue our dreams and welcome new hope into our lives. Later on, Mercury aligns with Pluto in Aquarius, providing us with the power to use our words to our advantage and make a strong statement on the same day. On March 11th, Venus enters Pisces, bringing a sense of romance and compassion to our love lives and relationships.



To harness the power of the new moon in Pisces, it's recommended to invite new energy into your life. A relaxing bath with Epsom salts and lavender can help cleanse any stagnant energy and bring a sense of rejuvenation. Allow the water to wash away any negativity and embrace new beginnings. This can be a helpful practice to release stress, detoxify your body, and purify your heart and spirit.



This week may push you to indulge in your fantasies and desires. However, it is important to avoid letting fear take over and remain grounded. It's possible that your emotions will create illusions that do not exist in reality. You can defeat your worries if you believe in your strengths.



As a natural leader among your peers, you have a talent for gaining their admiration and earning their trust. Nevertheless, it's extremely crucial that you use your influence for the greater good and make an effort to connect with each member of your group, especially when they are experiencing difficulties.



Your career is going through significant changes, and you might be finding it challenging to decide which path to take. Take your time in making the right decision, but make sure you carefully consider your options before committing to a new role or direction. Listen to what your intuition says.



You might discover that your head is on cloud nine. It's a great place to be, where you can reflect on your goals and assess how you can improve yourself. You could try exploring new interests through a hobby class or going on a rejuvenating vacation to enhance your life.



Although you may be feeling invigorated at the monent, it's important to acknowledge that your high energy levels may be preventing you from taking a break and recharging. It's crucial to prioritize getting enough rest and finding ways to relax in order to optimize your productivity and elevate your performance.



Understanding and expressing oneself in relationships can be challenging. It's crucial to acknowledge that projecting personal thoughts and feelings onto a partner can add to the confusion and create relationship anxiety. Ultimately, it is up to you to make the decision and know what you want out of the relationship.



To make the most of your free time, it's important to stay organized and focused. Create a schedule or to-do list to prioritize your projects and ensure that you're using your time effectively. By staying structured, you can make the most out of each day and avoid wasting valuable time.



This is a lovely time in which you can indulge in your deepest sensual desires. Ensure you can express them, don't feel shy, and let your partner know how you feel. They may be interested in expanding their horizons with you and embracing new, exciting, and pleasurable moments with you.



Exploring your ancestral roots can provide you with a stronger sense of connection to your family's history. By delving into your past, you can gain a deeper understanding of your heritage and how it has shaped your present. This knowledge can help you gain clarity about your goals and aspirations.



To avoid any miscommunications, it's important to be clear and direct in your communication. This means being decisive and getting to the point. Make sure you state the facts clearly so that you can speak your mind effectively. Only then can you make the proper and correct decisions for yourself.



Try to let go of the preconceptions that you have in order to be at peace with yourself. It's easy to put things together once they have fallen apart, because then you can put them in the proper way needed to be in order to have the life you desire.



Trust your instincts and intuition. Even if the situation seems unclear, pay attention to the signs that the universe is sending your way. Your heart knows what is right for you, so listen to it and make the decision that feels best. Then, the answers you long for will come.


Astrology by Lisa Stardust


The alignment of the Sun, Mercury, and Saturn in Pisces on February 28th allows us to gain clarity on long-standing concerns. This alignment enables us to differentiate between truth and falsehood. However, due to the emotional nature of watery sign Pisces and planets, we may experience heightened anxiety. Take a healing bath with Epson salt to decompress. On Leap Day, Mercury's harmonious connection with Jupiter in Taurus generates significant psychic insights. Later in the morning, Venus in Aquarius aligns with the Nodes of Destiny, emphasizing the importance of connecting with individuals who may play a role in our future. The Sun's conjunction with Jupiter on March 1st heightens our persona and energy. The Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius on March 3rd, on the other hand, inspires us to pursue our goals with a sense of good fortune. Venus squares Uranus in Taurus on the same day, encouraging us to break free from relationships or situations restricting our freedom. Mercury and Uranus come into a sextile on March 4th, enhancing our emotions and awareness. Finally, Mars in Aquarius aligns with the Nodes of Destiny on March 4th, instilling us with energy and determination to succeed in any endeavor we undertake.


Witch Tips:

To manifest our ideas during the Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius on March 3rd, it's advisable to cleanse our sacral chakra where ideas are born. This can be done with the help of citrine crystals, which will help us eliminate negativity and enhance our creativity. With clarity of thought, we can develop unique ideas that will enable us to achieve our goals, embrace a new philosophy, and make positive changes in our lives.



Although you may be currently feeling a little lost, your determination will lead you towards success if you embrace change. You have the ability to not only survive but thrive in any situation. It is essential to have an open mind and a broader perspective when seeking to do so.



Let your mind wander and get caught up in a daydream. Your fantasies could help you become a more creative and artistic version of yourself, as well as allow you to lean into different endeavors that could help you grow and blossom along the way — take note of your visions.



It’s imperative to remain focused on your goals. Despite the many uncertainties you may face, staying true to yourself and your aspirations is key. Avoid overwhelming yourself with excessive speculation, and instead, take a step back and assess your priorities. This way, you can stay on track and achieve success.



Your desired perception among others can change over time, leading you to showcase different aspects of yourself. It is important to safeguard your energy and not let others have access to it at their convenience. Therefore, it’s crucial to light white candles and black salt your home to have protection from others.



Utilize your power to make a positive impact. Avoid getting caught up in trivial matters and instead, use your strength and integrity to support those who are in need. By doing so, you have the ability to assist them in achieving greater success and make a difference in their lives.



Avoid comparing yourself to others as you can never be certain of their thoughts towards you. It's possible that they might even desire to be in your position, so it's best not to indulge in such thoughts as the saying goes "the grass is always greener on the other side."



If you're having difficulty trusting your instincts, take time to meditate on the situation. It’ll help you gain clarity about what your intuition is telling you. Once you have a better understanding of the matter, you'll be able to reconnect with your inner vision and align with your true self.



This week is all about taking steps towards your future vision. But before you dive into the work you need to do, take a moment to reflect on your past mistakes. Learning from them is the key, try to revisit old situations with a compassionate eye. Be kind to yourself.



When it comes to discussing sensitive topics with loved ones, finding the right words can be a challenge. It's important to remember that it's okay to feel emotional and vulnerable during these conversations. Don't feel like you have to hide your true feelings behind a mask. Be honest and open.



With all the activities you've been doing lately, it's important to make time for yourself to rest and recharge. Neglecting to do so can lead to feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. To prevent this, it's recommended that you engage in some soothing and revitalizing activities to help you feel energetically refreshed.



Getting your confidence in check can be a challenge, but it is vital to remember that you are a remarkable and radiant individual who deserves great things. The key is to trust in yourself and never settle for less than what you deserve, regardless of the consequences you may fear.



It’s important to set boundaries and prioritize your needs while still caring for others. It's important to avoid being taken advantage of, as your generous nature may lead people to ask for too much. By taking care of yourself first, you can maintain healthy relationships without feeling overwhelmed or resentful.