Astrology by Lisa Stardust
Mars in Scorpio trines Neptune retrograde in Pisces on November 17th making us reflective and unsure of how to proceed in matters. The following day, the Sun forms a conjunction to Mars in Scorpio on November 18, allowing us to take action. November 20’s First Quarter Moon in Aquarius allows us to see the bigger picture in situations, pushing us to make amends with others. The Sun and Mars connect with Pluto in Capricorn on November 20 and 21, heightening our passions and desires.
Witch tip:
Embrace the Mars and Pluto energy by making a list of everything you want to change and transform in your life under the First Quarter Moon. Since this is the perfect time to manifest, you can put the energy out in the universe then to see fast results.
You'll feel more emotionally in control this week because the cosmic energy is bringing healing to your soul. Remember the importance of setting boundaries, and taking a time out when you need to. As the week comes to a close, you may feel slightly energized, even with all of the dramatic energy hanging about, so be sure to give yourself plenty of time to decompress.
Keep an eye on how much energy you're giving to others, as the cosmic energy could make implementing boundaries or saying "no" more difficult and harder than usual. There's a risk you could deplete yourself serving others, leaving you drained by the end of the day. Remember that even though you sympathize with someone else's circumstances, it doesn't make you responsible to solve their problems.
Try not to put too much pressure on yourself or others right now, and give yourself permission to take some alone time if you need it. If you do feel weighed down by emotions or responsibilities, a healthy outlet like walking or stretching can help ground you while releasing physical symptoms of stress. Remember to put your needs first, before anyone else’s at this moment.
Spend some time this week thinking about your dreams and what you hope to nurture moving forward. As the days progress, use the energy to recharge and let go of any residual emotional turmoil that you've been repressing. Use that energy as fuel to jumpstart your aspirations. You never know what you can achieve if you invest your heart in it and take calculated risks.
Right now the cosmos are giving you everything you need to plan for your future, especially when it comes to handling logistics or foundation building activities as well as forming familial ties. You might not see immediate results from your hard work this week, but the effort you put in is sure to pay off down the line. Keep the faith and believe in yourself.
Try not to lend your ear to any gossip during this time, as you're unlikely to get the actual story, and it could distort your perception of someone without any real cause. As the week moves forward, you will want to keep an open mind in such matters. While you'll be in the mood to have important discussions, they might not change your circumstances much.
There's nothing wrong with spoiling yourself from time to time, but there is a serious risk that you might blow your budget right now, so it will be important that you set and stick to a reasonable budget. On the other end of this spectrum, unexpected expenses could manifest, making it even more important that you're retaining some money for emergencies in your bank account.
This is the perfect time to recognize your strength, especially in reference to any hardships you've overcome. Pluto brings a huge shift in the way we connect, as it ignites your inner sentiments. You’ll feel more at ease expressing their emotions over the next several weeks, so don't be afraid to express sentiments to those you care for most. Be mindful you don't cross boundaries.
If you've been spreading yourself thin recently, things could catch up to you during this time as well, so rest will be key for all you workaholics out there. Use the week to catch up on your self-care routine, eat a nice home cooked meal, or even a soak in the tub with healing crystals and Epsom salt to decompress your body, mind, and spirit.
You’ll be confronted by conflict between two friends and it’ll be a delicate balance trying to manage the situation. Keep an eye out for power struggles within relationships, as well as controlling or possessive behaviors. The best course of action will be to let all of the people in your life know that you care about them and don't want to be in the middle.
If you feel the need to seclude yourself a bit, you should. A protective meditation will go a long way right now, and can help open you up to divine messages while filtering out any energy you'd rather not encounter. It'll be important that you are extra supportive of not only your loved ones but of yourself right now. Try to protect your personal energy.
This is a great time to study or pick up a new hobby, as your neurons will be firing more efficiently than normal. New insights are likely to manifest later in the wek. You may be confronted with an issue that's repeated itself, but the universe is giving you guidance on how to break cycles right now and move forward in a more productive manner.