Through the Flower Scarf, by Judy Chicago

Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The week starts off with the Last Quarter Moon in Gemini, giving us a chance to discuss what we want to release. The Sun and Mercury retrograde connect in Virgo on September 6th, creating an astrological aspect called “cazimi” (which translates to “in the heart of the Sun”). This is the best day of retrograde, making it high time to implement plans and sign contracts. The Sun and Jupiter retrograde in Taurus link up on September 8th, expanding our earthly horizons and passions. 


The Last Quarter Moon in Gemini, on September 6, is a wonderful time to think about what you want to attain in life. With the retrograde in full effect, as well as the planetary ruler (Mercury) of the Sun in Virgo and Moon in Gemini being retrograde the same day as Mercury cazimi, it’s a great day to reflect on the changes that you wish to make in life. Journal and mediate your thoughts. Discuss them with others before making a decision to gain insight and to refine your choices. 


Acknowledging your part in a bad situation will create a hit to your ego. But, it’ll also allow you to see that you aren’t always able to get away with things and to own your actions. Accountability is key and essential, which is why you should be prepared to have discussions. 


You are ready to tackle your goals. There is a ton you can step into this week to really solidify your plans. The sun in detail-oriented Virgo is still in a glorious time to determine your aspirations and keep them moving despite any outside interference that may attempt to meddle.


The importance of self-love is imperative right now. You may have to sit with yourself in certain respects and maybe take some time away from the hustle and bustle of the world. This is the perfect week to set up and alter or honor your spirit guides in some capacity.


Peel back your layers and allow others to know you on an intimate basis. The more you share with those you care about, the easier it’ll be to forge a connection and create a long-lasting relationship. Don’t hold back this week, Cancer, and open your heart to love. 


It is time to finally let go of any bad habits that you are wanting to release. As long as you’re clear about what needs to change in your life, the more you’ll be able to make the necessary decisions and augmentations which will ultimately lead to personal growth. 


You’re yearning to find the right amount of drive to put into your career. The issue is that your personal life is in flux and you don’t have the energy to dominate your career. That changes on the 6th, when you’re driven to give your all to gain professional attention.


This week ahead offers you the chance to lean into your spirituality. You can start a daily meditation practice that aligns you with your inner self and sentiments. Also, start a journal to note your progress as the days go by. It’ll help you ignite and develop your personal faith.


You might consider partnering with an associate who has been working towards a common goal. Opening up the opportunity to create something bigger than anticipated will elevate you to a higher level. Remember, two heads are greater than one. Use their knowledge to your advantage to get your plans started. 


Maintaining your personal obligations and duties throughout the week will help you find balance, as you take on more mundane tasks. This will consume your energy and make you feel as if your purpose is to help others in big and small matters that can help them flourish and evolve.


You’re thirsting for infinite knowledge of the Universe, activating your wanderlust desires. It’s time to step out of your comfort zone and see the world without having any plans about where you will end up. You’ll travel with the incentive of broadening your mind and cultivating different experiences. 


This is a week for you to play by your own rules and to take advantage of the whimsical energy coming your way. You’ll be able to take multiple chances and play every circumstance by ear without shy hesitation, knowing that the universe is protecting you and has your back. 


You’re longing to share your secrets and rely on close friends when the going gets tough. The more you choose to ignite your instincts and embrace those who’ve proven themselves to you, the more you’ll be able to depend on and believe them through any adverse situation.


Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The Sun shifts into Virgo and Mercury retrograde commences in Virgo on August 23, making us aware of issues from the past and present that are confusing our minds. Mars in Virgo harmonizes with Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, giving it’s power and stamina to complete every task and to take charge of matters on August 24th. The Virgo Sun opposes Saturn retrograde in Pisces on August 27th, making us lack confidence and feel powerless in relationships. Practice affirmations to regain self-esteem and to feel positive when it comes to matters of the heart.


Mercury retrograde is causing a lot of havoc and confusion around communication and creating miscommunications. Carry a Lapis Lazuli or Blue lace agate crystal around with you to ensure that you’re speaking your truth. These crystals are great tools in expressing yourself — so it’ll be pivotal to have on you while Mercury is moonwalking in the sky.



Breaking free and away from structure and routines is extremely challenging to do, because you are used to them. However, this week’s frenetic energy is changing up your rituals since your schedule isn’t set. No one but you can thrive in the erratic vibes coming, so take care of yourself.



Stability is a sentiment that you yearn for, but the cosmos are preventing you from having security now. Embrace your fear of not being in control and the unknown. The more you allow yourself to live in the moment, these transits will affect you in an easier and kinder manner.



You may find that you’re career and status oriented r this week, making you feel eager to get rid of any obstacles that are standing in the way of your success. Watch your steps to ensure that you don’t lose opportunities because you are acting too pushy at this time.



Lessons around boundaries and communication will be a big part of your cosmic journey this week, as you are learning how to connect with others by reading the energy and not being aggressive. You’ll get the attention you crave and want, just don’t act too thirsty or demanding for it



Your foundation has felt somewhat rocky as of late, which is why you should use the shift to your advantage. Don’t be afraid to shake things up in your personal and professional life this week. Lean into the changes and explore how they can better your situation in the future.



When push comes to shove, you run away from confrontation. The caveat is that you’ll need to deal with matters head on in order to squash them. You shouldn’t put a band aid on issues as a temporary fix until you deal with them in a concrete and direct way.



If you’ve been feeling off balance lately, you’ll be able to regain your equilibrium by believing in yourself. Confidence is the first step towards finding your strength and rebuilding your self-esteem. The more love you give yourself — the easier it’ll be to flourish in every aspect of your life.



You’re not one to fake it till you make it — which means that you rely solely on the truth as it comes up. Your strong character will be needed this week, as you must manage different personalities and projects at the same time that require your attention and directness.



With your head lost in the clouds, you have been daydreaming on creating the perfect world for yourself. The issue is that it’s an illusion — so you should be aware of what is real and not before you start making plans that have no basis of becoming a reality.



Although you are not one to regularly step outside your comfort zone, it is time to take a chance and a risk in life. Do not let fear hold you back from making moves. Have the confidence to trust your instincts and roll the dice to navigate through your desires.



With your interpersonal relationships in flux at this current moment in time, you are wanting to hold back your innermost emotions instead of pushing them forward — that is until your friends and loved ones come to you. Give them and yourself space to understand the best way to move forward.



You may feel as though you’re being extra generous and forgiving in relationships, which is why you shouldn’t jump into compromising when conflict arises — especially since you are more right than wrong in such situations. Therefore, it’s important to stand your ground and to implement boundaries at this time.


Astrology by Lisa Stardust

Change is in the air! The New Moon in Leo occurs on August 16, the same day Mars in Virgo harmonizes with Uranus in Taurus. These astrological aspects are helping us develop our own sense of autonomy and authenticity. The Leo Sun aspects the Nodes of Destiny on August  19, urging us to make changes that benefit our future. Pay attention to news that’s being brought our way on the 19th — it’ll play an important role in the upcoming months ahead. Venus retrograde in Leo squares Jupiter in Taurus on August 22, expanding our capacity to love and care for others. Mars opposes Neptune retrograde in Pisces on August 22, making us unsure of how we want to proceed with situations and others after we’ve let our sentiments be known earlier in the day.  


There is a lot of transformative energies at play this week, which is why it’s important to take a minute and assess our progress, Journal the ways in which you've grown and note the ways you wish to progress in the future. This will keep you on track as you continue to evolve in the future.


Use this week to evaluate and define your personal beliefs. Although you’re aware of them, it’s a good time to reassess your views to reflect this moment in your life and the world around you. It's a sign of the times to ascend towards a new perspective on personal matters.


Your responsibilities may clash with some much needed self-care, creating an energetic drain that leaves you feeling exhausted both physically and emotionally throughout the days ahead. These difficult energies will begin to break up toward the end of the week, through a creative outlet. Tap into your artistic side, Taurus.


The unpredictable energy can throw you for a loop and brig arguments. The energy will remain fairly heavy throughout the week, and we will be cosmically asked to face our internal struggles. Stay calm and avoid talking to people who trigger or upset you, you'll have enough on your plate!


There is a lot of chatter and noise surrounding you. None of it’s assisting you in your quest for happiness or the truth (which is causing you to have anxiety). The moment you step away from people who are running their mouths, the more personal clarity you’ll find. Silence is golden. 


Your whole world may seem and feel as though it’s collapsing — but it’s not. Truth be told, you have to accept the changes that are happening and embrace each individual challenge. You’re more in control than you think, even though it seems like you’re not. Own your personal power. 


Set aside time in your busy schedule to decompress and relax when you feel overwhelmed. The less stress you put on yourself throughout the week, the easier it’ll be to find several moments of calm in which you can savor the amazingness of life — if even for a minute. 


Boundaries are an important element building block of your professional connections and development. Knowing when and how to say “no” in an effort to set limits will keep matters copacetic and chill at the office — also, it will help you gain respect and admiration since you know your worth. 


Relationships are a little topsy-turvy, due to the emotional toll that the past is having on your heart. Although you can’t redo the past, you can forgive yourself and stop projecting your insecurities onto others who weren’t a part of that story. Cut those who care for you some slack.


It’s ok to daydream about the future — but it’s not fine to ignore them. Your passions are ignited this week, which is why it’s important to go after what you love this week. Do not hold back and hide away from moving towards what brings you joy and happiness. 


Even though you are willing and wanting to dive into new friendships and relationships, you’re finding that taking emotional risks is going against your will. Slow matters down and get to know your pals before letting them have complete and total access to your life, as well as your sentiments. 


You’re wanting to rush through the process of healing and transcendence. You will soon discover that both take time and aren’t easily able to attain. The lesson is to stop putting pressure on yourself. Let your heart and spirit ebb and flow while they are on the mend to evolving. 


Words can be a source of inspiration to you at this moment in time. The foreseeable issue is that you aren’t listening to every sentiment that’s expressed, which is creating confusion and holding you back from growth. Open your mind and ears to ensure you’re fully processing the motivational sentiments

New Moon in Leo

Astrology by Lisa Stardust


The Leo New Moon occurs on August 16 at 2:38 AM PT and 5:38 AM ET. This lunation is going to make our relationships feel wild and out of control. With Venus retrograde and Uranus aspecting the Moon, old emotions will come back out of nowhere and will be stronger than ever. The erratic nature of Venus retrograde and Uranus is going to make us more anxious and susceptible to projecting energy at others, instead of dealing with our own emotions. The proximity of the Nodes of Destiny adds a fated element, making the events of the day part of our personal journey in life.


The centaur Chiron, as well as the asteroids Ceres, Eris, Vesta, and Black Moon Lilith are bringing a lot of intensity to the lunation. The desire to be free from the past is moving us towards a new state of mind — one which is going to break patterns, remove us from toxic situations, and allow us to see that we don’t deserve to be treated without love or kindness by anyone. Passions will be high, making us act impulsively without thinking of the consequences, which is why it’s important to understand the weight of our decisions before following through.


Mercury is in its pre-retrograde shadow. Keep in mind that many sentiments expressed will be given a second chance. Meaning, we’ll have two more times to get it right in the weeks ahead. If an argument occurs during the New Moon, we can expect all apologies to come when Mercury starts its planetary moonwalk on August 23.


What To Manifest During The New Moon

 Leo rules the heart chakra, which is why it’s best to give ourselves self-love, by healing and cleansing this energy center. Place a rose quartz crystal under the New Moon and let it absorb the lunar frequencies and vibrations. When it’s done charging under the Moon, put it on your heart chakra and meditate. Set an intention for yourself as you’re resting. Close your eyes and visualize it. Once you can focus on your goals and have a clear vision, it’ll be easy to work towards since your heart is in it.


Your New Moon Mantra, Based On Zodiac Sign



I am a powerful radiant being worthy of love.



I can stand tall and confidently by being myself.



I will implement self-care to maintain a happy life.



I can help others after I tend to my own needs.



I am open to all the changes that life offers.



I am an individual who shines bright.



I am not defined by others, I define myself.



I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.



I will embrace different philosophies to find my way.



I can use my innate talents to attain my dreams.



I am a giver of love and affection to my peers.



I will be present to attain happinesses.


Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The week ahead is full of emotional ups and downs, so please be kind to yourselves. Venus retrograde in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus on August 9th, making our love lives and financial situations less than stable. Money and romance will be in flux over the next weeks, so try to find chill moments when you can. Mercury in Virgo connects with Jupiter in Taurus on the same day, heightening our perception and understanding of matters. The Sun and Venus retrograde link up in Leo on August 13th, bringing us the annual Venus Star Point. This “cazimi” aspect is the final chapter of the Venusian story that began four years ago (since Venus runs in an eight year cycle) and marks the time when the romantic planet transitions from being an evening star to becoming the morning star (which is called the Venus Portal). The Sun and Uranus face a fraught connection on August 15, allowing us to embrace our truest selves. 


Emotions are high this week, which is why we should make sure that we are able to protect our energy, since the intense vibes are contagious. Place obsidian in the corner of the entranceway to your home to ensure you’re not letting any negativity enter your home. Black salt the perimeter, windows, and door of your dwelling. Light a white candle and set an intention to protect yourself. Most importantly, rest your mind and body. Take care of yourself to keep the bad sentiments away from your auric zone. You don’t have to do all of these ideas — one is better than nothing. 


If you’ve felt a change or shift in your life, you might consider changing your path altogether. You are feeling pulled back to your old life even though you should be letting things go. Regeneration is the theme of the week as you’re redefining how you use your personal power.


The week ahead brings a spiritual awakening and you are ready to take some twists and turns that you've been keeping yourself away from for many years. You will get in touch with a deeper side of yourself and might even feel more inclined to go on an internal quest.


You are sharing some of your secrets with others in an effort to expose your intimate feelings. The caveat is that no one is listening, making you feel rejected. You don’t need the approval of others to comprehend your worth. All you need is to be more gentle with yourself.


This can be a very enlightening week for you on a personal level — if you choose to let go of the past. The challenge here is to move out of your preconceived notions about what success is supposed to be. You’re changing the game and giving it a new name.


This week brings a lot of mixed energies your way — mostly because you are busy unsure of what you want to manifest and  focus on what you want to bring to the world. Lean into a more fluid and less rigid way of thinking to find what your heart desires.


Your sharp tongue will create emotional upsets or miscommunications in your intimate relationships. With patience and understanding, your naturally reflective sentiments will help you to be able to smooth things over in no time. You might have to turn over some stones and look into what you want for yourself.


Your emotions could take you by surprise throughout the course of the week, which is why journaling your sentiments every day will help you to understand them now. Although feelings of jealousy and insecurity are consuming your mind and heart, they’ll go away once you discuss, comprehend, and own it. 


Although you’re wanting to jump into new and exciting situations, it’s best to be patient and reflective before taking the leap. The reason being is that you might commit before you know all the information and finite print. Read between the lines and keep your eyes open. Pay attention now. 


You’re finding that your daily existence is full of erratic moments that are bringing you emotional highs and lows. Finding structure will be hard, but necessary to do this week. However, you will eventually be able to organize your daily routines in order to ensure, construct, and design better habits.


If you’ve been restless, then it’s time to get a moment of calm through acts of self-care. Don’t skimp on taking care of yourself. You should always make yourself a priority and ensure that your stress levels are at a low. After all, you work hard and deserve extra TLC.


Finding your way through this turbulent cosmic period will be challenging. But, once you align with your ancestors and listen to the words of wisdom they’re sharing with you it will be easy for you to find solace. Let your guides help you evolve into the best version of yourself.


Don’t commit to one way of thinking or plan, as your sentiments are prone to change on a whim. Be flexible with your ideas and embrace new ways of expressing your visions this week. You may find that exploring your options is the best way to find your true path.


Astrology by Lisa Stardust

Fortunately, there isn’t much action in the cosmos for this week. After weeks of nonstop drama, the planets are taking a moment of reprieve from the intensity and calming down. The Sun in Leo and Jupiter in Taurus square off on August 6th, bringing good vibes and abundance our way. This is a great day to reach for the stars and take risks because we could win big. The Last Quarter Moon in Taurus occurs on August 8th, pushing us to let go of the past and focus on the present.



Cleanse your aura during August 8th’s Last Quarter Moon in Taurus. Take a selenite crystal and use it like a wand around your body. This will pull negativity out of your energetic zone and heal your heart in the process.



Instead of running through life with high velocity and energy, you’re taking a more pristine approach to matters. The caveat is that it might be extremely repressive.  Don’t keep your heartfelt sentiments silenced. Allow yourself to speak up and be heard by sending a message that expresses how you feel.



Changes in the air, as well as your dedication to your home life. If you are happy and content in your personal environment, then you will begin to see yourself thrive in all areas of your life. Putting roots down will take you to new heights throughout the weeks ahead.



Although your mind is usually hyperactive and aware of everything going on around in your orb, you are in need of a break from the news and information surrounding you to find peace of mind. Rest and relaxation are important for you to revive and restore your senses this week.



Fear is standing in your way, which is why you are feeling stuck now. Rather than dwell on the past, focus on the present. The truth is that in order to have movement in your life, you’ll have to let go of former sentiments and accept it as a lesson.



There is a sense of empowerment surrounding you, but it could bring old wounds to the surface because of some residual relationship trauma from your past. Although they only reside in the depths of your own psyche, your reaction to such emotions can hurt others if you are not careful.



This is the ideal time to sit with your feelings and try to understand them. It is best to wrap your head around matters before making statements that don’t reflect your true heartfelt sentiments. Think first, then act second — but always come from a place of kindness and love.



The moment has come for you to redefine your hopes and aspirations. Use this week to set new goals for yourself that differ from the ones you implemented in the past. They should reflect the new path that you are on and all the professional visions you wish to attain.



Setting limits and boundaries will prove to be helpful, as the push and pull you’ve been experiencing within partnerships is proving to be super intense — even for a powerful sign like you. The more you stand up for yourself and bring the energy back onto you want — the easier it’ll be to break the cut the cord that is holding you back,



Feelings of insecurity might hold you back from going after what you want. In order to have a fulfilling and successful relationship with yourself, try saying words of affirmation at least twice a day to heighten your confidence. You will have a boost of energy and positivity in no time.



Relationships have the chance to grow and evolve this week — if you let them. Now is your chance to explore vulnerability with yourself and others that you’ve grown to trust. This will help bring you closer together, while allowing for new intentions to be set for your impending partnerships.



Your professional aspirations are in flux, due to your personal foundation shifting and intimate relationships are erratic. Find stability within yourself through meditation and embrace calmness to navigate through these fervid and intense energies. Then, you can find a moment of chill and peace that can help you move forward.



You’re the victim of emotional projection. Rather than allowing others to walk all over you, take a moment to solidify and implement boundaries so they don’t have another chance to do this again. Bring people into your life who lift you up and let go of those who do not.

The Super Full Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius

Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The Super Full Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius occurs on August 1 at 11:31 AM PT and  2:31 PM ET. This is the first Full Moon of the month, the second one is happening on August 30. Since it’s the second Full Supermoon of 2023, we will experience the lunation on a deeper and more spiritual level, because the Moon is in perigee (which means that it’s in closer proximity to the Earth than usual). With both the Delta Aquariids and Alpha Capricornids meteor showers in full gear, it’s prime time for us all to manifest our dreams and ignite our desires.

The Full Moon in Aquarius squares expansive and lucky planet Jupiter, who is currently in Taurus. The lunation also links up with the asteroid Ceres, who’s in Libra. These astrological aspects will push us to take more risks when it comes to partnerships and friendships. Speaking from the heart is a sentiment that we’ll want to share with those we care about, as well as defining relationships. Like a revolving door, connections will come in and others will exit our lives — not forever, just temporarily, while we figure out what brings us happiness and joy on a personal level. 

The same day, Mercury in Virgo opposes Saturn retrograde in Pisces, while sharing a minor aspect with Pluto retrograde in Capricorn. Mars in Virgo trines Jupiter, then shares a minor connection with Pluto retrograde and the North Node of Destiny. This means that there will be frustrations around expressing heartfelt sentiments — even though it’s necessary. If we are feeling shy, the cosmos are giving us a push to let our emotions be known, seen, and heard.  Fortunately, both Mercury and Mars share a minor relationship with Chiron, who is retrograde in Aries, which helps us understand our hearts and others. Also, aiding in healing the past.  


Since this Full Moon is all about connection — it’s a wonderful time to tie up loose ends in relationships and reach out to people that you haven’t spoken to in a long time. Even if you don’t send the letter that you write, it’ll feel good to put your feelings out there into the universe. If you want to eradicate some sentiments for good, you can mail a handwritten letter to a fake address that doesn’t exist with no return address. That way you can release and let go of the emotions you’ve been holding onto. 



Aligning with your hopes and aspirations will help you transform to align with your newly found passions. 


You’re defining your work and professional visions now, allowing you to emotionally connect with your career. 


Thinking outside-the-box will help you see situations and matters from a different perspective, offering you a new approach to handling them. 


Boundaries are important — not just for you, but for any relationship to grow — which is why you should adhere to them with others at all times. 


Intimate relationships are a top priority for you, as you’re wanting to focus on them more than yourself. 


You're letting go of some habits that aren’t emotionally healthy and bringing in new activities that are. 


You can express yourself through the art you make by creating images that speak of your feelings. 


Connecting with your ancestors and family will boost your power and make you feel more aligned with your spirituality. 


It’s time to slow down and stop trying to take on every project that comes your way at the same time.


Confidence is found within and isn’t a reflection of what others think about you or through materialism. 


Your foundation is shifting, which is why you should be open to evolving and growing with the changes in your life.  


This is a time of personal reflection and contemplation about the past, present, and future.


Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The week begins with the Cancer Sun in harmony to Neptune retrograde in Pisces on July 20. This is a time to rest, daydream, and brainstorm our aspirations. Later in the day, Mars in Virgo opposes Saturn retrograde in Pisces, urging us to push back against the shackles that are holding us down. Challenge authority, speak up, and fight for your rights! The following day, the Sun and Pluto retrograde in Capricorn share the same sentiments — but want to implement change to our lives. The Sun squares the Nodes of Destiny on July 22, forcing us to make choices about how we want to move forward and what we want to leave behind in the last moments of Cancer season. Venus retrograde in Leo officially commences 27 minutes before the Sun enters Leo on July 22. Emotions will run deep, making us contemplate relationships and our spending habits. Pluto retrograde aspects the Nodes of Destiny on July 23, serving as a spiritual wake-up call to us all. Mercury in Leo and Uranus in Taurus harshly connect on the same day, opening our eyes to how we need to evolve with the times.


Witch tip:

Place trinkets, flowers, champagne or wine on your altar to help you connect to Venus. Light pink candles around your home to welcome Venus retrograde. As you bring the match to the wick and ignite the flame, think about how far you’ve come in loving yourself. After you take a moment to feel yourself, write a new list of daily affirmations and state them every morning and night to boost your confidence.



You’re not one to shy away from being the face of a brand or business — but, you are finding that you’d prefer being the power behind the scenes instead of dealing with the public. The reason being is that you’re yearning for an easy week with absolutely no drama.



Your dedication is being tested, but your sign has never given up when it comes to a good fight. This time, however, it's an internal battle you'll have to overcome. It's a great week to assess what you don't need anymore and what seeds are required to tackle your goals.



Colleagues and contacts from the past might start reaching out to offer you work unexpectedly, making it a fantastic week for planning and getting things ready for you to make a famous re-entrance into the public and professional sphere when you are ready. Take your time and move with ease, Gemini.



Currently, you are wanting to utilize your naturally steady self and hone your innate skills through careful observation by knowing when to strike while the iron is hot. As long as you pay attention to your surroundings and read people’s energy correctly, you can achieve your desires without a hitch.



It may seem as though your inner circle is turning against you and not celebrating you. The truth is that you’re picking up on what they’re feeling about themselves. With your intuition on overdrive, it’s essential to fine tune these sentiments before jumping to conclusions and creating conflict with others.



The desire to commit is outweighing your feelings about who you’re aligning with. Before giving your all to another, make sure that they are the person you want to give your heart to. Once you allow yourself to think and assess the relationship, then you can make a conscious choice.



As humans, our goals in life are ever changing. This week, you are at a crossroads about the future you’ve always wanted to attain for yourself and the new visions you have for yourself. Instead of picking one over the other, blend some notions together to create an ideal fit.



Opportunities come and go, which is why you shouldn’t stress situations that are out of reach or your grasp. Something better will come along any day now, so prepare yourself for that chance. Odds are it’ll be more aligned with your ideology and beliefs than the ones you passed on.



You’re always ready to expand your mind and evolve with the times. Lately, you are having a hard time finding your path in the modern world — especially since your ideas are not so nuanced and defined at this moment in time. You’ll find your way soon — just be patient.



You’re finding that people are creating boundaries in the relationship they have with you. Rather than push limits, take a step back to recognize that it’s important to respect and acknowledge their right to define the relationship with hyper specific expectations. In return, you can do the same to them.



Just like that…the past finds its way back to you. Old relationships may surface, urging you to give closure to others and get it for yourself, while reopening situations that have long been forgotten. You have the option to choose the direction you want to go down, so decide wisely.



It’s a week of reflection, in which you’re deciphering between your wants and needs in relationships. You have the chance to make the changes that you want, but only if you are sure that you’re ready to evolve the connections with those who’ve held a special place in your heart  



Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The week starts off with the Sun in Cancer aspecting Uranus in Taurus on July 14th which is a soulful awakening and push to embrace our truest selves. The new moon in Cancer on July 17th urges us to change and evolve on an emotional level. Mercury in Leo squares Jupiter in Taurus on July 17, broadening our minds and opening us up to exciting opportunities. The Nodes of Destiny enter the Aries (North Node) and Libra (South Node) axis on the 17th, and will be there for the next 18 months. This is a calling for us all to focus on ourselves and to build our self-esteem.


Witch tips:

With the nodal shift occurring the same day as the new moon on July 17, this is prime time for a soulful awakening. Make a commitment to yourself to be the best version of you that you can be by letting go of all your bad habits or anything you want to release — after two new cycles are starting on the same day, which means it’s time for us to evolve. To do so, you’ll have to write them down on a piece of paper and then rip it up. Place in your caldron and burn them (practice fire safety prodecal and regulations). Cover your caldron as they burn and feel the release. Throw the ashes away and let go of your habits as you breathe new life into your body.



You might have to take on several roles this week in order to accommodate everyone’s needs. Prepare yourself to handle many tasks in an effort to keep the peace with your friends and family. Just know your limits to ensure that you’re not being completely taken for granted by others.



Holding yourself back from opportunities and projects out of fear will only lead to loss. You must believe in yourself more than ever and follow your own cosmic flow. Take the Bull by the horns and prove to yourself and to others in your life that you deserve incredible things.



There is a shift in your psyche that allows you to take a mature perspective despite another individual's inability to fully discern through their own behavior. Expanding your comprehension and understanding of yourself and others will help create a more peaceful environment, allowing you to break out of toxic situations.



You are evolving on all levels. At this moment, you have no choice but to be confronted to let go of your greatest fears right now. There is no more settling for the lesser end of the spectrum. This is a life-changing shift requiring full growth at an exponential rate.



Your willingness to learn no matter your age is such an empowering and refreshing strength. Your dedication to growing proves to be an undeniable asset that is quite admirable. Being diligent and doing your homework coincides with your intuition about the long-term changes you've been wanting to make for years.



You are currently trying to create opportunities that you never thought would be possible for yourself. Because of your impeccable work ethic, you have picked up multiple skills making you far more marketable than you realize. Put yourself out there, and see the wheel of fortune turn in your favor.



As of now, the connections you've made throughout the years will present you with the perfect advice at just the right time — this is a lesson for you to not do things alone. Currently, there is more power in the group effort for you — you should definitely utilize your resources wisely.



You’re being pushed to the ultimate limit in many aspects of life. This is go time, and you’re in the leadership seat throughout this week’s transits. It’s up to you to decide where you direct your energy — either way, there is no turning back from these tests of time.



Opening your mind to a new sense of being and truly seeing yourself for your gifts is important. You’re more than you let yourself fathom. This is why you are going through a major change right now, so that both personal life destiny and reality can meet in the sky.



There is a strong competitive element unfolding that drives you to attain the highest level of success giving you some renewed energy and power. You'll get a strong sense of how to take action and win at all you do by intuitively knowing what to do at the right time.



An epiphany might come out of nowhere, leading you down a path of sheer brilliance. It’s your time to step out and go above and beyond your own expectations of true success. Start being comfortable with yourself, so that you can let others in your personal life without any hesitation.



There is nothing easy regarding the growing pains of life; however, the alliances you make during this cycle will help you define your path. Be open to the suggestions that others give you, as their opinions may aid you in the spiritual and emotional journey that you are currently taking.


Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The week ahead is urging us to focus on attaining our personal aspirations. Mercury in Cancer links up with Uranus in Taurus on July 7, aiming to broaden our minds and shift our perspectives. The Last Quarter Moon in Aries on July 9 urges us to fight for our beliefs and to make major decisions. The same day, Mercury connects with Neptune retrograde in Pisces. This cosmic alliance serves to heighten our dreams and hopes for the future. Action planet Mars enters Virgo on July 10, bringing practicality and rationality to how we assert ourselves. Mercury opposes Pluto retrograde in Capricorn on the 10th, escalating debates and problems. This is an argumentative time, so tread lightly. The week ends with Mercury moving into Leo, on July 11, adding passion and drama to communication. Later in the day, Mercury and Mars aspect the Nodes of Destiny, pushing us to move forward with our goals.



The Last Quarter Moon in Aries is asking us to embrace our self-esteem. Take a red candle (the color of Aries) and carve your name, along with your astrological sign on it. Dress the candle with rosemary, nettle, and thistle to help ignite the confidence within. Think of ways that you wish to evolve. As you light the candle, meditate on these thoughts and aspirations. Watch your mindset and heart grow as the candle burns.



Being of service to others is going to allow you to think outside of yourself. This requires you to give your time patiently to those in need of support. If there is anyone who can check their ego and put others first it’s you due to your innate  compassionate nature.



There is a longing to escape and to live in your own bubble this week. Attaining your goals won’t be hard, but it might stir up some drama with friends who think you’re ignoring them — even though you’re decompressing and practicing self-care. Focus on yourself and no one else.



Life is full of choices and you should only commit to the ones that you’re confident in. You’ll feel as though others are gaslighting you into making decisions, which leads to uncertainty and conflict. Lean towards the decisions that you’re intuitively connected to before jumping into anything that’s questionable.



You are giving your career all the attention that you can, since there is an opportunity on the table that you truly desire. Before running to attain the job, make sure you can give your time and energy to it — otherwise it’ll be moot to take it on now.  



It’s hard not to turn your head when others are talking about you. But, you’ll take the high and regal road in order to embrace a positive attitude. Confronting people will lead to extreme issues and consequences (for you both), which is why you should let it go this time.



If you are unsure about where your relationships are headed, then you shouldn’t think about the future. Learning to be present and not overthinking about matters may be a new concept for you, but it’s the only way you’ll be able to make your partnership without any obstacles or stress.



Learning to trust your judgment may be hard to do. Rather than asking others for advice, lean into your innermost heartfelt sentiments and feelings. That way you can take action on matters in the way you wish to at this moment without worrying too much about what your peers think.



Being overprotective of friends and family means that you’re constantly defending them. Make sure that you’re helping people who would do the same for you in return. You don’t want to speak up for those who aren’t capable of treating you with the same level of respect you give them.



Your anxiety is at a high, which is why you’ll need to take a step back and deal with calming your nerves. Outside forces are giving you extra agenda, so try exercises that decrease your frustrations in the comfort of your home. Breathwork, meditation, and connecting with nature can help.



Pay attention to what your acquaintances are telling you at this moment. They’re letting you know who they are at the core, which is why you should listen with open ears. Then, you won’t expect more than they can give and offer to you in the future of the relationship.



Finding and creating order admits the chaos in your life is never fun — especially when you are the one who personally doesn’t adhere to rules and regulations. However, you’ll soon notice that you have the power and authority to make your own decisions and regulations that you believe in.



Step outside your comfort zone and do something unexpected. The sooner you realize that you don’t have to always play by the rules and that you should take more risks in life — the easier it’ll be to open yourself up to new experiences and opportunities in the week ahead.

Super Moon in Capricorn

July 3rd’s super full moon occurs at 4:39 a.m. PT and 7:39 a.m. ET. It is the first full super-moon of 2023 (the other three occur on August 1, August 31, and September 29). Supermoons happen when the moon is perigee, which means that the moon is in closer proximity to the earth than usual. The moon appears bigger and brighter. It’s effects are felt on a much deeper level to us earthlings.   

The full moon in Capricorn is ruled by the austere planet Saturn, who is retrograde in Pisces and in aspect to the luminary. This can bring a dissolution of boundaries within our subconscious, a softer approach to connecting with our dreams, and a creative energy to our lives. Communicative Mercury, who’s in Cancer, opposes the moon, forcing us to internalize our thoughts and innermost sentiments. The good news is that expensive Jupiter heightens the impact of the positive vibes by allowing us to explore our emotions in a healthy way and to grow the relationships that we care about.


With the lovely and radiant fixed star Nunki in alignment to the moon, we’ll be in happy spirits and wanting to embrace life to the fullest. Although it’ll be hard to express ourselves, joy and auspicious times are coming our way. The best way to handle the supermoon is to be present and live in the moment.


Ritual for the Full Moon

 The super full moon in Capricorn is a wonderful time to think about future goals. A visualization meditation can help you understand what you want to attain and how to get it. Dim the lights, spark incense (cedarwood is ideal because it’s a motivating essence for Capricorn, but sandalwood will do since it is uplifting and energizing), and put on soft tunes that can help in clearing your mind. Close your eyes and take a few calming breaths. After counting backwards from ten to zero, let your mind wander and think about what you want to accomplish and who you want to become. Lean into your sentiments. When you awaken or open your eyes, journal your thoughts. Revisit them in your journal every week after the full moon to ensure that you’re working towards the goal. If you keep it active and on your mind, your hopes will become a reality.


How will the Full Moon affect you?



A professional matter will require your immediate attention. Rather than stress over work, take on the matter with ease and certainty in mind.



Peace and calmness are coming your way. But, you’ll have to drown out the outside world and focus on yourself and nothing else.



Talking about the past comes with a price — it doesn't allow you to live in the here and now. Reflect, but know you have to be present.



Your partnerships are lit up, urging you to spend your day connecting and checking in with old friends, colleagues, and peers.



Take care of your wellbeing by being super gentle on yourself. Stop critiquing your actions and give yourself TLC.



The romance factor is high. You may not desire roses and love letters, but you’re craving affection and adoration.



You are feeling more connected to your home and wanting to spend time lazing about with the intention of creating a tranquil dwelling.



The full moon is making your schedule extra busy. Be efficient with your time and give yourself slack if you can’t keep up with those demands.



Your confidence is heightening, allowing your ego to expand. Don’t get too extra and diva-like. Maintain a chill vibe and stay grounded.



It’s ok to be emotionally demanding every once in a while. Being open with your emotions doesn’t make you dramatic, it means you’re human.



Allow yourself the opportunity to rest and relax. The more you take care of yourself, the stronger you’ll be and fully able to take on the world.



Acquaintances come and go, but the true ones will stay in your life forever. Now is the time to appreciate such people.

7 planets RX Summer

Astrology by Lisa Stardust

This summer 7 planets will be retrograde, creating a fog and confusion in our lives. It’ll give us a chance to reflect upon the past and remind us to stay present. The dizzying affect of these planets may make us earthlings lost in emotion, which is why we’ll be acting or feeling out of character during these transit.


These Are The 7 Retrograde Planets:


Pluto Retrograde

May 1 to October 10 in Aquarius and Capricorn


Confronting our dark side or edgier sentiments can help us heal our shadow self — as long as we accept ourselves for who we are and nurture those parts that are buried deep within.



Saturn Retrograde

June 17 to November 4 in Pisces


Boundaries may be blurred at this time, as well as our relationship with authority. However, we have the ability to take charge of partnerships and professional situations. We can develop our careers and love lives on our terms.



Neptune Retrograde

June 30 to December 6 in Pisces


The veil will be lifted and truth revealed, allowing us to see situations and people for who they truly are. Pay attention to the information you receive from the universe.



Venus Retrograde

July 22 to September 3 in Leo


Romantic and financial matters may become frustrating, since they aren’t moving smoothly. This is a moment in time for us to decide what and who we want to commit to and invest in.



Mercury Retrograde

August 23 to September 14 in Virgo


It’ll be harder than ever to find the right words to express ourselves and say how we feel, which is why we’ll want to run away and try to augment our lives.



Uranus Retrograde

August 28 to January 27, 2024 in Taurus


Rather than taking radical steps towards growth and making declarative statements about universal change, we’ll take baby steps and go with the flow when pushed to evolve with the times.



Jupiter Retrograde

September 4 to December 30 in Taurus


This is an introspective time in which we’ll be augmenting and developing our inner philosophies. We might find a new ideology and  views that aligns with our current mindset and speaks to us on a deep level.




How To Work Through The Retrogrades

● Journal your emotions to keep track of your thoughts and feelings. It’s a great energetic release of frustrations and can help in calming your innermost sentiments.

● Read the details in contracts, descriptions, and everything that you come across. Don’t overlook any aspect of a document or contract. Make sure someone else gives it a gander so you don’t miss anything.

● Nurture yourself with healing Epsom salt baths to ensure you don’t take on the energy of others.

● Carry protective crystals like citrine, black tourmaline, smithsonite, and clear quartz with you or keep in your home to keep your auric field clean and positive.

● Be kind to yourself. Don’t criticize yourself and be gentle with how you treat yourself at this time. The most important relationship is the one you have with yourself, which is why you should give yourself more TLC throughout the summer.


The Cancer Sun and Saturn retrograde in Pisces link up on June 28, creating a beautiful and creative Grand Trine with the Scorpio moon. Mercury in Cancer shares a sweet connection with Saturn retrograde, urging us to impose boundaries on June 30. Neptune retrograde in Pisces commences on the 30th, urging us to see the truth in matters — even though we won’t want to. The Sun and Mercury unite on July 1, creating the cazimini effect. This will give us charisma and strength. July 1 also brings a connection between Jupiter in Taurus and the Sun, as well as Mercury, which will add flair to communication and help us process information. Venus in Leo and Uranus in Taurus square off on July 2, pushing us to break free from the past. The week ends with the Capricorn full moon urging us to reflect and contemplate our future.


Witchtip: Create a gratitude journal on July 1. Write down everything that you’re grateful for. This will help you understand how lucky and loved you are. It’ll be inspirational and motivate you in different ways — as long as you are honest and open with yourself about your feelings.



Anxieties are creeping up in your mind, making you fearful of things that haven’t happened. Before you go down the rabbit hole and start embracing your trepidations, take a step back and release your inner frustrations through breathe work and meditation. Let go of your annoyances and breathe in positivity.



You are your own moral compass, which means that embracing a philosophy that suits your values is important. Think of it this way: You  get to make the rules and call the shots in your personal life. No one can tell you what to do because you’re stronger than them.



Your agile mind is in overdrive this week. Developing your confidence means reassessing relationships and deciding what is working for you. This will cause you to overthink and overanalyze every interaction. Use your heart to decide how you feel, not your head. Only then can you make the right decisions.



Your intuition is currently on fire, helping you see who and what is standing in your way. Before running away, test out your comfort zone to see where and who has good energy. You have to dip your feet in the water to understand what works best for you now.



You may find yourself getting overwhelmed easily now. Truth be told, you’re putting a lot of pressure on your shoulders to be the best at everything that you do. You’ll soon find out that being #1 isn’t important and you can have a more successful life when you stop trying.



It is hard for you to let go of things easily. But, I’m order to make room for what you truly desire, you have to release the old. This could manifest as feelings, relationships, or items that are no longer relevant to your current state of mind and belief system.



There is no place like home and you’re lapping up every minute you spend in your dwelling. The caveat is that you’re longing to connect to your space on a spiritual level which could call for renovations or redecorating. Choose an aesthetic that speaks to your soul, while honoring your heritage.



Taking the higher road is something you’ll do begrudgingly this week. It’s not that you know you’re right — but you are aware that you’re not wrong. You just want to keep the peace and not have extra drama in your life. Therefore, you’ll have to bite your tongue in conversations.



Lately, your emotions have been getting the best of you. While you rarely have a sentimental display for others, you’re finding that the release is clearing out residual stress that you’ve been under. Sometimes a good cry is a great way to get rid of old wounds and buried frustrations.



You have very strong opinions, and you cannot hide what you are thinking under these skies. The spotlight is directly aligned with you You are the caterpillar turning into the butterfly right now, so it is time to spread your wings and take command. Fly away and soar to new heights.



Making amends with those you’ve hurt is a finding that it’s the only way to move on from toxic situations and to heal the past. Be the bigger person and reach out with an open heart to rectify the past before moving onwards.



There are a lot of people telling you what to do — the unsolicited advice is making you swim away from their suggestions. Now is the time to stand tall and take back your power. The more you assert your feelings, the easier it’ll be to fight for what you want.