Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The week ahead is full of emotional ups and downs, so please be kind to yourselves. Venus retrograde in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus on August 9th, making our love lives and financial situations less than stable. Money and romance will be in flux over the next weeks, so try to find chill moments when you can. Mercury in Virgo connects with Jupiter in Taurus on the same day, heightening our perception and understanding of matters. The Sun and Venus retrograde link up in Leo on August 13th, bringing us the annual Venus Star Point. This “cazimi” aspect is the final chapter of the Venusian story that began four years ago (since Venus runs in an eight year cycle) and marks the time when the romantic planet transitions from being an evening star to becoming the morning star (which is called the Venus Portal). The Sun and Uranus face a fraught connection on August 15, allowing us to embrace our truest selves. 


Emotions are high this week, which is why we should make sure that we are able to protect our energy, since the intense vibes are contagious. Place obsidian in the corner of the entranceway to your home to ensure you’re not letting any negativity enter your home. Black salt the perimeter, windows, and door of your dwelling. Light a white candle and set an intention to protect yourself. Most importantly, rest your mind and body. Take care of yourself to keep the bad sentiments away from your auric zone. You don’t have to do all of these ideas — one is better than nothing. 


If you’ve felt a change or shift in your life, you might consider changing your path altogether. You are feeling pulled back to your old life even though you should be letting things go. Regeneration is the theme of the week as you’re redefining how you use your personal power.


The week ahead brings a spiritual awakening and you are ready to take some twists and turns that you've been keeping yourself away from for many years. You will get in touch with a deeper side of yourself and might even feel more inclined to go on an internal quest.


You are sharing some of your secrets with others in an effort to expose your intimate feelings. The caveat is that no one is listening, making you feel rejected. You don’t need the approval of others to comprehend your worth. All you need is to be more gentle with yourself.


This can be a very enlightening week for you on a personal level — if you choose to let go of the past. The challenge here is to move out of your preconceived notions about what success is supposed to be. You’re changing the game and giving it a new name.


This week brings a lot of mixed energies your way — mostly because you are busy unsure of what you want to manifest and  focus on what you want to bring to the world. Lean into a more fluid and less rigid way of thinking to find what your heart desires.


Your sharp tongue will create emotional upsets or miscommunications in your intimate relationships. With patience and understanding, your naturally reflective sentiments will help you to be able to smooth things over in no time. You might have to turn over some stones and look into what you want for yourself.


Your emotions could take you by surprise throughout the course of the week, which is why journaling your sentiments every day will help you to understand them now. Although feelings of jealousy and insecurity are consuming your mind and heart, they’ll go away once you discuss, comprehend, and own it. 


Although you’re wanting to jump into new and exciting situations, it’s best to be patient and reflective before taking the leap. The reason being is that you might commit before you know all the information and finite print. Read between the lines and keep your eyes open. Pay attention now. 


You’re finding that your daily existence is full of erratic moments that are bringing you emotional highs and lows. Finding structure will be hard, but necessary to do this week. However, you will eventually be able to organize your daily routines in order to ensure, construct, and design better habits.


If you’ve been restless, then it’s time to get a moment of calm through acts of self-care. Don’t skimp on taking care of yourself. You should always make yourself a priority and ensure that your stress levels are at a low. After all, you work hard and deserve extra TLC.


Finding your way through this turbulent cosmic period will be challenging. But, once you align with your ancestors and listen to the words of wisdom they’re sharing with you it will be easy for you to find solace. Let your guides help you evolve into the best version of yourself.


Don’t commit to one way of thinking or plan, as your sentiments are prone to change on a whim. Be flexible with your ideas and embrace new ways of expressing your visions this week. You may find that exploring your options is the best way to find your true path.