New Moon in Leo

Astrology by Lisa Stardust


The Leo New Moon occurs on August 16 at 2:38 AM PT and 5:38 AM ET. This lunation is going to make our relationships feel wild and out of control. With Venus retrograde and Uranus aspecting the Moon, old emotions will come back out of nowhere and will be stronger than ever. The erratic nature of Venus retrograde and Uranus is going to make us more anxious and susceptible to projecting energy at others, instead of dealing with our own emotions. The proximity of the Nodes of Destiny adds a fated element, making the events of the day part of our personal journey in life.


The centaur Chiron, as well as the asteroids Ceres, Eris, Vesta, and Black Moon Lilith are bringing a lot of intensity to the lunation. The desire to be free from the past is moving us towards a new state of mind — one which is going to break patterns, remove us from toxic situations, and allow us to see that we don’t deserve to be treated without love or kindness by anyone. Passions will be high, making us act impulsively without thinking of the consequences, which is why it’s important to understand the weight of our decisions before following through.


Mercury is in its pre-retrograde shadow. Keep in mind that many sentiments expressed will be given a second chance. Meaning, we’ll have two more times to get it right in the weeks ahead. If an argument occurs during the New Moon, we can expect all apologies to come when Mercury starts its planetary moonwalk on August 23.


What To Manifest During The New Moon

 Leo rules the heart chakra, which is why it’s best to give ourselves self-love, by healing and cleansing this energy center. Place a rose quartz crystal under the New Moon and let it absorb the lunar frequencies and vibrations. When it’s done charging under the Moon, put it on your heart chakra and meditate. Set an intention for yourself as you’re resting. Close your eyes and visualize it. Once you can focus on your goals and have a clear vision, it’ll be easy to work towards since your heart is in it.


Your New Moon Mantra, Based On Zodiac Sign



I am a powerful radiant being worthy of love.



I can stand tall and confidently by being myself.



I will implement self-care to maintain a happy life.



I can help others after I tend to my own needs.



I am open to all the changes that life offers.



I am an individual who shines bright.



I am not defined by others, I define myself.



I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.



I will embrace different philosophies to find my way.



I can use my innate talents to attain my dreams.



I am a giver of love and affection to my peers.



I will be present to attain happinesses.