Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The Sun shifts into Virgo and Mercury retrograde commences in Virgo on August 23, making us aware of issues from the past and present that are confusing our minds. Mars in Virgo harmonizes with Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, giving it’s power and stamina to complete every task and to take charge of matters on August 24th. The Virgo Sun opposes Saturn retrograde in Pisces on August 27th, making us lack confidence and feel powerless in relationships. Practice affirmations to regain self-esteem and to feel positive when it comes to matters of the heart.


Mercury retrograde is causing a lot of havoc and confusion around communication and creating miscommunications. Carry a Lapis Lazuli or Blue lace agate crystal around with you to ensure that you’re speaking your truth. These crystals are great tools in expressing yourself — so it’ll be pivotal to have on you while Mercury is moonwalking in the sky.



Breaking free and away from structure and routines is extremely challenging to do, because you are used to them. However, this week’s frenetic energy is changing up your rituals since your schedule isn’t set. No one but you can thrive in the erratic vibes coming, so take care of yourself.



Stability is a sentiment that you yearn for, but the cosmos are preventing you from having security now. Embrace your fear of not being in control and the unknown. The more you allow yourself to live in the moment, these transits will affect you in an easier and kinder manner.



You may find that you’re career and status oriented r this week, making you feel eager to get rid of any obstacles that are standing in the way of your success. Watch your steps to ensure that you don’t lose opportunities because you are acting too pushy at this time.



Lessons around boundaries and communication will be a big part of your cosmic journey this week, as you are learning how to connect with others by reading the energy and not being aggressive. You’ll get the attention you crave and want, just don’t act too thirsty or demanding for it



Your foundation has felt somewhat rocky as of late, which is why you should use the shift to your advantage. Don’t be afraid to shake things up in your personal and professional life this week. Lean into the changes and explore how they can better your situation in the future.



When push comes to shove, you run away from confrontation. The caveat is that you’ll need to deal with matters head on in order to squash them. You shouldn’t put a band aid on issues as a temporary fix until you deal with them in a concrete and direct way.



If you’ve been feeling off balance lately, you’ll be able to regain your equilibrium by believing in yourself. Confidence is the first step towards finding your strength and rebuilding your self-esteem. The more love you give yourself — the easier it’ll be to flourish in every aspect of your life.



You’re not one to fake it till you make it — which means that you rely solely on the truth as it comes up. Your strong character will be needed this week, as you must manage different personalities and projects at the same time that require your attention and directness.



With your head lost in the clouds, you have been daydreaming on creating the perfect world for yourself. The issue is that it’s an illusion — so you should be aware of what is real and not before you start making plans that have no basis of becoming a reality.



Although you are not one to regularly step outside your comfort zone, it is time to take a chance and a risk in life. Do not let fear hold you back from making moves. Have the confidence to trust your instincts and roll the dice to navigate through your desires.



With your interpersonal relationships in flux at this current moment in time, you are wanting to hold back your innermost emotions instead of pushing them forward — that is until your friends and loved ones come to you. Give them and yourself space to understand the best way to move forward.



You may feel as though you’re being extra generous and forgiving in relationships, which is why you shouldn’t jump into compromising when conflict arises — especially since you are more right than wrong in such situations. Therefore, it’s important to stand your ground and to implement boundaries at this time.