Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The week ahead is urging us to focus on attaining our personal aspirations. Mercury in Cancer links up with Uranus in Taurus on July 7, aiming to broaden our minds and shift our perspectives. The Last Quarter Moon in Aries on July 9 urges us to fight for our beliefs and to make major decisions. The same day, Mercury connects with Neptune retrograde in Pisces. This cosmic alliance serves to heighten our dreams and hopes for the future. Action planet Mars enters Virgo on July 10, bringing practicality and rationality to how we assert ourselves. Mercury opposes Pluto retrograde in Capricorn on the 10th, escalating debates and problems. This is an argumentative time, so tread lightly. The week ends with Mercury moving into Leo, on July 11, adding passion and drama to communication. Later in the day, Mercury and Mars aspect the Nodes of Destiny, pushing us to move forward with our goals.



The Last Quarter Moon in Aries is asking us to embrace our self-esteem. Take a red candle (the color of Aries) and carve your name, along with your astrological sign on it. Dress the candle with rosemary, nettle, and thistle to help ignite the confidence within. Think of ways that you wish to evolve. As you light the candle, meditate on these thoughts and aspirations. Watch your mindset and heart grow as the candle burns.



Being of service to others is going to allow you to think outside of yourself. This requires you to give your time patiently to those in need of support. If there is anyone who can check their ego and put others first it’s you due to your innate  compassionate nature.



There is a longing to escape and to live in your own bubble this week. Attaining your goals won’t be hard, but it might stir up some drama with friends who think you’re ignoring them — even though you’re decompressing and practicing self-care. Focus on yourself and no one else.



Life is full of choices and you should only commit to the ones that you’re confident in. You’ll feel as though others are gaslighting you into making decisions, which leads to uncertainty and conflict. Lean towards the decisions that you’re intuitively connected to before jumping into anything that’s questionable.



You are giving your career all the attention that you can, since there is an opportunity on the table that you truly desire. Before running to attain the job, make sure you can give your time and energy to it — otherwise it’ll be moot to take it on now.  



It’s hard not to turn your head when others are talking about you. But, you’ll take the high and regal road in order to embrace a positive attitude. Confronting people will lead to extreme issues and consequences (for you both), which is why you should let it go this time.



If you are unsure about where your relationships are headed, then you shouldn’t think about the future. Learning to be present and not overthinking about matters may be a new concept for you, but it’s the only way you’ll be able to make your partnership without any obstacles or stress.



Learning to trust your judgment may be hard to do. Rather than asking others for advice, lean into your innermost heartfelt sentiments and feelings. That way you can take action on matters in the way you wish to at this moment without worrying too much about what your peers think.



Being overprotective of friends and family means that you’re constantly defending them. Make sure that you’re helping people who would do the same for you in return. You don’t want to speak up for those who aren’t capable of treating you with the same level of respect you give them.



Your anxiety is at a high, which is why you’ll need to take a step back and deal with calming your nerves. Outside forces are giving you extra agenda, so try exercises that decrease your frustrations in the comfort of your home. Breathwork, meditation, and connecting with nature can help.



Pay attention to what your acquaintances are telling you at this moment. They’re letting you know who they are at the core, which is why you should listen with open ears. Then, you won’t expect more than they can give and offer to you in the future of the relationship.



Finding and creating order admits the chaos in your life is never fun — especially when you are the one who personally doesn’t adhere to rules and regulations. However, you’ll soon notice that you have the power and authority to make your own decisions and regulations that you believe in.



Step outside your comfort zone and do something unexpected. The sooner you realize that you don’t have to always play by the rules and that you should take more risks in life — the easier it’ll be to open yourself up to new experiences and opportunities in the week ahead.