A Modern Witch's Guide to Honoring and Celebrating the Fall Equinox/Mabon 2023

Written by Bri Luna

The Fall Equinox in the Northern hemisphere took place Friday September 22 at 11:50PM PST and on Saturday September 23, we officially welcome in Fall also known as Mabon (MAY-bon) which is a significant time for witches and pagans as it marks the balance between light and darkness before the descent into the darker half of the year. Here are five ways for Modern witches to honor and celebrate this magical time:

1. Create an Autumn Altar: Set up a dedicated altar space to represent the energies of the Fall Equinox. Use colors such as oranges, yellows, browns, and deep reds to symbolize the changing leaves. Include harvest fruits, nuts, acorns, and seasonal flowers. Add representations of the sun and moon to represent the balance of light and darkness. Light candles and incense to fill the space with a cozy and magical ambiance.

2. Harvest Feast: Gather your friends and loved ones for a feast to honor the abundance of the season. Prepare a meal using ingredients harvested during this time, such as apples, pumpkins, squashes, and root vegetables. Set a table with autumn-themed decorations and incorporate traditional fall spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves. Offer gratitude for the bountiful harvest and share stories of abundance and gratitude.

3. Outdoor Rituals: Connect with nature by performing a ritual outdoors. Find a spot in nature, such as a forest, park, or your own backyard. Create a sacred circle by laying out leaves or stones to mark the boundaries. Meditate and reflect on the balance between light and dark in your own life. Offer gratitude for the blessings of the previous season while setting intentions for the coming months. Consider performing divination or tarot readings to gain insights for the upcoming season.

4. Craft Seasonal Decorations: Embrace your creativity and craft seasonal decorations to infuse your home with the spirit of Fall Equinox. Make a wreath using dried leaves, pinecones, and ribbons. Create corn husk dolls or decorate miniature pumpkins. Make a gratitude jar by writing down things you are grateful for and placing them in a jar to be read during the darker months to uplift your spirits. I am also very excited for cinnamon brooms!

5. Release and Let Go: The Fall Equinox is a time of releasing and letting go. Write down any negative emotions, limiting beliefs, or experiences that you wish to release. Find a safe place outdoors, such as a bonfire, cauldron, or a fire pit, and burn the paper, visualizing the release of those energies. As the smoke rises, imagine yourself being cleansed and renewed. You can also perform a ritual bath using herbs like sage, rosemary, or lavender to cleanse and purify your energy.

Fall Equinox journal prompt:

Reflecting on Balance: Take a moment to reflect on the concept of balance in your own life. In what areas do you feel balanced, and in what areas do you feel an imbalance? How can you work towards creating more harmony and equilibrium in those aspects? Consider how the energy of the Fall Equinox can guide you in finding balance within yourself and in your relationships, goals, or daily routines.

Remember, these suggestions are just a starting point, and you can adapt and personalize them to suit your own beliefs and practices. The key is to honor the changing season, express gratitude, and embrace the energies of balance and transformation that the Fall Equinox brings.