Astrology by: Lisa Stardust 

The Super Full Harvest Moon in Aries rises on Sept 29th and offers us a chance to reflect on our aspirations. Venus in Leo squares Uranus retrograde in Taurus on September 29, bringing exciting romantic and financial news our way. Mercury in Virgo harmonizes with Uranus retrograde on September 2, expanding our understanding and knowledge. Mercury opposes Neptune retrograde in Pisces on October 2, creating confusion and paranoia. Don’t trust the information that comes our way, as the Neptunian influence is making it faulty. Venus connects with the Nodes of Destiny on October 2, urging fate to take a hand in bringing us together with others and strengthening relationships. Mercury aspects Pluto retrograde in Capricorn on October 3, adding power to our words and thoughts. 

witch tip:

The week ahead is a powerful time for divination — especially on the Full Moon. Tap into your own intuition by giving yourself a tarot or an oracle reading. This will allow you to understand yourself on a deeper level and have better insights into your desires. 


You might be struggling with finding the right words to express yourself. Rather than vocally communicating, try to find other alternative means like writing a letter or email. Getting your feelings out there is important for you, which is why you shouldn’t hold them back and let them be known. 


In order to move forward, it’s essential to look at your fears in the mirror and see that they’re not as intense as you thought. You’ll be able to squash a few by understanding they’re a manifestation of your insecurities. Accepting and owning your phobias is instrumental in letting them go. 


Your hopes and goals seem out of reach this week. But, they are actually not. Your aspirations are on hold until you figure out what your truest vision is and what you want to create or bring to the world. Rethink your approach in order to achieve your current objectives. 


If you’re looking to make professional moves at work, now is the time to do so. You could get one-on-one time with management, your boss, or an investor who’ll listen to your career plan and business goals. Once they listen to your pitch, they’ll want to invest in your future.


It’s never too late to do the right and correct thing. If you’ve gotten into arguments with others, you shouldn’t take a stubborn stance or approach to the situation that you played a part in. Consider having a discussion to mend issues before they escalate. Leave your pride at home. 


Do not let outside noise or influence confuse your thoughts and sentiments. The less you share with others, the easier it’ll be to make your own judgments without anyone whispering information in your ear. Hold your emotions close to your chest and let your intuition guide you towards your destiny. 


The more you give to others, the less time you’ll have to focus on yourself. Strike a balance to have enough time to heal from a hard day. This will allow you to have more vigor when in the company of others and energy to help those you care about. 


Although you usually rely on your intuition as a guide, you’re finding that it’s not on point this week. Therefore, looking at the cold, hard facts of the matter is important in determining the outcome of the matter at hand. Use your investigative skills and innate intelligence to find answers. 


Your love life might feel as though it’s in the rinse cycle, but that is just a temporary sentiment. Allow it time to regain momentum by gradually working on relationship goals with your partner. Make sure they’re involved in this process, because it takes two to tango in romantic matters. 


Everyone needs a shoulder to cry on at one time or another — including you. It may seem as though the whole world is against you, when it’s not. You just need a lot of tender love, kindness, and compassion right now to help get through this emotionally sensitive time, 


Embrace your true self and let it be seen by the world. You don’t have to hide who you are in order to get attention and affection. If anyone has an issue with you — then it is their problem because you are beyond fabulous on the inside and out. 


It is wonderful that your confidence is at a high, but that doesn’t mean you should let it get to your head and act like you rule the world or to be showy with others. Keep yourself grounded and humble by remembering where you came from by honoring your roots.