Astrology by Lisa Stardust for The Hoodwitch

The week starts off with the Black Moon in Capricorn igniting our hopes on December 30. The following day, Pluto in Aquarius activates the Nodes of Destiny, giving us the drive to move forward. Venus swims into Pisces on January 2, illuminating our romantic desires. Mars retrograde in Leo opposes Pluto on January 3, creating power struggles with authority figures. Don’t push matters on the 3rd, let them resolve themselves in time. The Sun in Capricorn meets up with Saturn in Pisces on January 5th, calming down the frenetic energy from the 3rd. Mars retrograde and the Nodes of Destiny are ready to make moves and augment decisions on January 5th.


January 3 is intense, due to the opposition between Mars retrograde and Pluto. We’ll want to react to matters and create drama. Before asserting yourself, calm down by connecting with nature as a way to decompress. Take a hike, smell the fresh air, and let your stresses out through outdoor activities.


Self-doubt could rear its ugly head, when Mars and Pluto face off. Remember that there are solutions to every problem, and alternative paths around any obstacle. Don't let feelings of being stuck prevent you from trying to manifest your dreams. You’ll be able to move forward if you think rationally.


Use this week to cozy up at home with the people you're closest to and fully trust. As the week comes to a close, the cosmos are allowing you to find motivation in planning for a brighter future. Your squad will stand behind your goals and support every endeavor imaginable.


If you find yourself in a conflict during the first part of the week, remove yourself from the situation until the weekend, when the vibe lightens up a bit. Check in with your mind, body, and soul, and look for ways to bring any unbalanced elements of your energy back. 


If you've been neglecting your emotional needs or self-care lately, this could be the time it catches up with you. You'll likely be more sensitive than normal right now, but this energy could put those around you in a foul mood. Don't project your sentiments onto others at this time. 


Avoid speaking impulsively, as you might blurt out things that are regretful later. Be aware that you're staying grounded and practical right now, as this energy could also have us chasing what we believe to be strokes of genius, only to find out later that the idea held little weight.


An opportunity to let go of old wounds and insecurities will manifest throughout the week. This energy will also present the perfect opportunity to step into your personal power, especially if you've been feeling undervalued recently. You can evolve present situations to create better dynamics as you start moving forward.


Stepping into your personal power might be challenging at the moment, but know that it's totally okay to take some time at home to recharge before you make any big moves at work. The moment will come very soon to discuss your hopes and goals with management for the future.


You can assume that this week is pivotal in how we deal with problems as it will be an important factor in the celestial energy ahead. You‘re able to control your own destiny, and the days ahead totally confirms that sentiment which you are feeling deep within, so take charge.


Emotions get bigger, as you open up in ways you never thought. You’re beginning to see the world through rose colored glasses. This can impair our judgment of situations as you are inclined to believe the best and other people even if it may not be necessarily true or real.


As the week comes to a close, a difficult exchange could bring a hazy element to the table, which could lead to confusion on both an internal and external level. Try not to jump to any conclusions right now, as it's unlikely you have a complete grasp on the situation. 


It is the perfect week to reconnect with your self-worth and confidence through mindfulness and thought. Put your needs first, even if those around you don't like it. Your mind should be in a good place with this energy present, opening the doors for brilliant ideas and innovative new concepts.


You can get played or used without even seeing it coming, which is why it’s important for you to be aware that this is a possibility. The other side of this vibe is that you will knowingly let others take advantage of us because we are game for the rapture.



The last new moon of 2024 occurs on December 30 at 2:37 PM PT and 5:37 PM ET. The new moon in Capricorn commences before the new year, urging us to start 2025 off on the right foot. With the new moon comes ambiguity and confusion—but we’ll manage and thrive by focusing on transforming the past.

Since it is the second new moon of December, the new moon in Sagittarius was on December 1, called a black moon. This rare lunation isn't the first Capricorn new moon of the year. One on January 11, 2024, kicked off the year with many hopes and aspirations. As the year progressed, we were able to put our dreams from January 11‘s new moon into gear, allowing us to manifest our desires. Now, we can augment and revise those desires to align with who we've matured into being.

With Mercury exciting the post-retrograde shadow on January 2, 2025, and Mars currently retrograde, it is prime time to look back and reflect—not a moment to craft fresh ideas. Therefore, we should assess the visions from the beginning of the year to see how we can evolve them. So, rethink former topics and let them inspire you to greatness. 

Saturn, the planetary ruler of Capricorn, galvanizes the new moon. This sweeping effect allows us to ignite our intuition and rely on our emotions. Also, we’ll be persistent in all we wish to attain and do. The new moon doesn't want us to throw our hands up in the air—it motivates us to ensure we are on the correct journey as we enter 2025. 

The asteroids Pallas and Pholus, which unite with the new moon, might drive us to act impulsively; however, their presence in the Earth sign makes us slow down and decide how to proceed. Doing so requires care and mindfulness, so we must resist the urge to strike first. Instead, meditate on practical tactics and insights to drive the cart forward (so to speak). 

The fixed star Facies wants us to express our desires intentionally—all the more reason to use a mood board as a method of doing so. Not only will it guide us, but it'll also serve as a reminder of what we are passionate about to ensure we don't stray or get distracted.

New Moon In Capricorn Ritual 

A New Moon in Capricorn is a great time to set intentions related to ambition, structure, and long-term goals.

The best way to utilize the new moon's energy is to create a mood board. A mood board is a collection of visuals that helps us map out our thought process, enabling us to come to conclusions about what we want to bring to fruition. As mentioned above, this lunation is about looking backward to cultivate the best means to move forward, so it's advisable to show what you are bringing to life and figure out how to do it through making collages, art, or visual charts. You can always add on images, ideas, or quotes to the mood board as you bring your goals and hopes into being.

Your Astrology Guide Of 2025

Astrology by Lisa Stardust For The Hoodwitch

2025 begins amid Mars Retrograde from Leo to Cancer until February 23. The planetary backspin will make us feel like nothing is happening on the timeline we want. Relish the opportunity to decompress. Use the time to organize professional goals for the year. 

A week after Mars turns direct, Venus, the planet of money, begins retrograde in Aries and Pisces, lasting from March 1 to April 12, making matters of the heart extra complicated. Indecisiveness around love and relationships will consume our lives. 

On January 11, the Nodes of Destiny enter the Pisces and Virgo axis, urging us to embrace magical thinking for the next 1.5 years.

Neptune fights for our dreams when it temporarily enters Aries from March 30 to October 22. After that, Neptune moves back into Pisces.

When authoritative Saturn gets fired up in Aries from May 24 to September 1, we’ll take charge of our careers. Saturn dips back into Pisces after that for the rest of the year after September 1. 

Expansive Jupiter will be transiting the air sign Gemini until June 9, when it enters Cancer. We’ll be able to walk and talk the talk that drives us to succeed. 

With Uranus wandering in Gemini from July 7 to November 7, we can implement change and growth into our professional aspirations and bank accounts.

Eclipses are intense new and full moons that connect us with our journey in life and bring matters to light. There are four eclipses this year that include: 

  • A lunar eclipse in Virgo on March 14

  • A solar eclipse in Aries on March 29

  • A lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 7 

  • A solar eclipse in Virgo on September 21

Mercury retrograde brings miscommunication, travel issues, and technological mishaps. These are the dates of Mercury’s moonwalk in 2025:

  • March  15 to April 7 in Aries and Pisces

  • July 18 to August 11 in Leo

  • November 9 to 29 in Sagittarius and Scorpio

Here's what your Sun sign can expect: 


With Neptune and Saturn connecting with your Sun after Venus retrograde links up with your sign, you’ll find it hard to concentrate on one professional goal. There are so many things you want to do and not much time to do them, which is why you might want to start journaling your thoughts for clarity and listening to your intuition before putting energy into them.


Venus’s retrograde from March 1 to April 12 will make you unsure of how you want to elevate your career. Rather than stress over the matter, think about your former ideas and try to augment them for current times. Doing so is going to work to your advantage, especially since Jupiter and Uranus in Gemini offer a hot advance on your creative and novel concepts.


FYI: The flow of potential opportunities being offered will amaze even the most cynical twin star. Prosperous Jupiter’s presence on your Sun until June 9 will make every headhunter and employer have you in their corner, leading to a raise, promotion, or new venture. Think of what excites you over the summer and fall because Uranus dances on your Sun, adding spunk to your individuality. 


Pluto is aiding in taking care of debts weighing on your shoulders, so you’ll feel lighter and happier moving forward. The most significant flex occurs during the solar eclipse on March 29, as it’ll catapult you into new spheres of prosperity. By the time Jupiter starts its year-long transit on your Sun, beginning June 9, you’ll be ready to boss up and be a leader.


PSA: Update your LinkedIn account ASAP and keep it active all year. It will be a source of new endeavors. The beginning of the year urges you to focus on organizing your taxes and keeping track of your spending habits. Fortunately, Jupiter will expand your network until June 9, and from July 7 to November 7, Uranus will bring you unique opportunities from these colleagues.


Being that you're usually responsible for taking care of others, you want to commit to people who make you laugh and reciprocate the sentiment. You’ll dispel the energetic vampires during the eclipses in the winter and summer. Autumn is the season in which your dreams will come to fruition. Plant the seeds in the beginning of the year and watch them harvest in the fall.


Venus’s Retrograde from March 1 to April 12 will have a dizzying effect on defining relationships. However, Neptune and Saturn’s orbit through your seventh house of partnerships will have you dancing on cloud nine with your significant other/crush. You’ll level up the connection and commit to the person you adore. This is a beautiful time to be in love and create a life together.


The year starts with your traditional planetary ruler moonwalking through your tenth house of career. As a result, you're looking for ways to redefine your brand. The good news is that you’ll find your way and be ready during the lunar eclipse on March 14 and the solar eclipse on September 21. They’ll give you the push you need to spread your wings and fly.


Jupiter is galvanizing the seventh house of partnerships until June 9; then it moves into the eight house of joint resources until 2026. This abundant aspect is pushing you to partner with someone you trust on a joint venture—it could even be a lucrative side hustle that brings in passive income. You’ll be able to make a sizable profit because luck is on your side.


Brace yourself, Capricorn! Pluto’s transformative presence in your chart's financial sector will bring highs and lows to your bank account. IKYK that Pluto loves a threesome—we’re talking about asking a few peeps to help you get your money on track. Contact an advisor, trusted friend, or family member for guidance on upgrading your bank account. The more people who can assist you in your journey.


You haven't been keeping up with your pals and it’s having an adverse effect on your sense of stability. When you do see them, try not to get caught up in power struggles with your crew by arguing about consequential issues. Pluto’s alignment on your Sun is the motivating factor, which is why you should step aside and let them win if the moment arises. 


On January 11, the North Node of Destiny starts its 1.5 alignment with your Sun sign, which is the driving force that makes you successful in every endeavor you choose to partake in.  Ultimately, it will leveling up your career, but  you’ll to make personal sacrifices—some of which you might resist. Find a middle ground to balance out these elements of your life throughout 2025.


Astrology by Lisa Stardust 

This week brings a bit more calmness! On the 23rd, the Sun in Capricorn forms a challenging square with the Nodes of Destiny, prompting us to make significant choices that will impact our future for years. The next day, Jupiter retrograde in Gemini creates a tense connection with Saturn in Pisces, similar to what we experienced on August 19th. This connection may leave us feeling uncertain about our direction and create conflicts in our affairs.

On December 26th, Mercury in Sagittarius opposes Jupiter retrograde, intensifying arguments and expressive communication. Then, on the 27th, Mercury aligns strongly with Saturn, encouraging us to establish structure and clarity in our conversations. Finally, on December 28th, Venus in Aquarius interacts with Uranus retrograde in Taurus, signaling a time of change. This energy pushes us to break free from restrictive relationships and embrace our individuality.


Since Mercury is an active planet this week, it’s important to exercise the throat chakra. Try singing out a statement rather than speaking or writing it in order to tune into the chakra and connect with the truth. 


As one of the more strategic signs of the zodiac, the week ahead is a time to set professional goals for the new year. If there have been any objectives left on the sidelines, now is the time to start making moves to bring them to life by manifesting greatness.


No one knows more than you about the importance of R & R. You deserve to break from the stresses of your mundane existence and struggles by indulging in a spa day or a walk in nature. Even bed rotting will have an immense effect in heightening your energy levels. 


Your intuition is powerful during the upcoming days, so you should listen to your potent dreams. You might recall a former vision that comes to fruition now, making you totally aware of its nuances. Pay attention to what you're being shown now, it will open your eyes to underlying themes.


Think of how you can upgrade your daily routine. Doing so helps you get organized and strive for a thorough life. The first thing you need to do is create an iCal and stick to the schedule. That way you won't miss out on events and have time for yourself. 


Your generous heart is getting the ultimate present. A white elephant gift from a coworker speaks to your spirit, urging you to thank them in a very special way. Log into your social media account and give them a shout out and send them some love to show your gratitude. 


Being the compassionate earth sign that you are, it is vital that you protect your energy. Although you want to connect with your crew, you are becoming aware that not everyone has your best interests at heart. Make sure you're spending time with those that truly care instead of the vampires.


Taking charge of your finances can be daunting, especially during the onset of the holidays. However, you can be a baller on a budget if you get the look for less and focus on sales rather than paying 100% retail. Spend within reason and fight the desire to buy luxuries.


You’ll find comfort in hanging out with friends from the gym, book club, or the local bar. Make plans with them to welcome in the new season. Spending time with these peeps might let you see their softer side, ultimately bringing you closer. Sparks of friendship will begin to fly.


Love comes in many forms and you are discovering what they are. Embrace the tender vibes and engulf yourself in the romantic sentiments. Do not sabotage yourself in matters of the heart by acting out. Try to be a devoted archer by committing to one person instead of running away.


Since your solar is underway, it is time for you to become more intentional. Meditate on what you wish to manifest and build in the months ahead. Start planting the seeds now to cultivate the future dreams you desire. With a bit of gusto and drive, you can accomplish anything.


With all the changes in your life, you should decompress and understand how you've grown. Think of yourself as a sphinx rising from the ashes as you become your true self. You are becoming unstoppable—it is time you take notice of how powerful you truly are. You got this, Aquarius! 


Reach out to the acquaintances you haven't recently seen to share several laughs about the good old days. Make plans to spend more time with each other in 2025. Connecting with them will bring a smile to your face and make you feel golden as you enter the new year.

Capricorn Season

Astrology by Lisa Stardust 

From December 21 to January 19, the Sun will be in the earth sign Capricorn. When Capricorn season commences, the Winter Solstice begins in the Northern Hemisphere, which is the shortest day of the year. During this time, we are focusing more on how we can attain greatness this year. It might be a little more challenging to make things happen due to Mars' planetary moonwalk, which began on December 6 and lasts until February 23, 2025. Instead of pushing things forward, we should focus on slowing down and unwinding in the days ahead.

How You’ll Be Affected?

Fire Signs

(Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius)

Now is the time to boss up and take charge of matters, particularly in the professional realm of life. 

Earth Signs 

(Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn)

Think outside the box to advance your creativity and artistry, as well as the way you process information.

Air Signs 

(Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) 

Focusing on home life and family matters will bring out the warm and cozy sentiments we’re feeling with the onset of winter. 

Water Signs

(Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces)

Interpersonal relationships require effort and TLC to drive them forward; do so with empathy and understanding.

Key Dates

December 21: The Sun enters Capricorn, bringing reflection and sentimentality our way.

December 24: Jupiter retrograde in Gemini squares Saturn in Pisces, creating a push-and-pull dynamic with others. Be nice and not naughty. Move towards compassion.

December 30: The New Moon in Capricorn jumpstarts our goals for 2025. 

January 2: Venus swims into Pisces, adding fantasy, glamor, romance, and tenderness to our lives. 

January 6: Mars retrograde enters Cancer, heightening our temperaments and exhaustion. 

January 8: Mercury moves into Capricorn, making communication more straightforward, concise, and efficient. 

January 11: The North Node of Destiny glides into Pisces as the South Node of Destiny enters Virgo, starting a 1.5-year journey. During this transit, we will be making our dreams a reality. 

January 13: The Full Moon in Cancer aligns us with our inner emotions and intuition. 

How To celebrate The Winter Solstice

As the longest night of the year approaches, we prepare to honor the Winter Solstice, also known as Yule. This year, the Winter Solstice will take place on Saturday, December 21, 2024, at 1:21 AM Pacific Time and 4:21 AM Eastern Time. It’s a perfect time to reflect, recharge, and reconnect with the energies of the earth as we transition into the light once again.

The Cold Full Moon In Gemini

Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The final Full Moon of 2024 occurs on December 15 at 1:01 AM PT and 4:01 AM ET in the air sign Gemini. This lunation is going to be confusing and exhausting, but will be a good emotional detox. The aim is to free our minds and hearts from the past in an effort to be able to get closer to what we truly desire.

Illusive and tender Neptune, which is currently in the water sign Pisces, squares the Full Moon, sensitizing the overall energy. As a result, we will become more emotional and sentimental in matters of the heart, prioritizing ourselves over others. Another effect of Neptune's presence is that our intuition will be heightened, allowing us to see things from a different perspective. Logic will be thrown out the window as we navigate the cosmic climate. Dreams will be prolific, encouraging us to journal our visions in order to make sure that they come true in the future. 

Neptune may urge us to believe in the lies we are told. The reason being is that we want our happily ever after storybook ending, so we'll push ourselves to find resolve in thinking that we can attain it. Be aware that the tales we hear are not the whole truth and we may not gain clarity on such matters until weeks later. However, we will be able to put the pieces together eventually. The biggest form of deception are the falsities we tell ourselves and believe. Try to be real with yourselves.

The centaur Chiron, who is retrograde in Aries, lends a healing hand to the Full Moon. Chiron will enable us to look at matters from an outside view to see how we can mend situations and relationships. The asteroids Eris, who is retrograde in Aries, and Vesta, who is in Libra, add passion and vigor to assure we can fix matters by releasing old and residual feelings that have built up over the last several months. Now, we can work on moving forward in a new direction that is different from the past. 

The fixed star Alnilam connects with the Gemini Moon, bringing optimism and joy our way. Even though moments might seem bleak, Alnilam grants us the determination to plow through the roadblocks holding us back and embrace a new philosophy about matters. If we lean into the positive side of matters and opt to forgive, then we will experience good fortune.

Later in the day, Mercury ends the retrograde journey that began on November 25. Since Mercury is turning direct in Sagittarius, we will be able to comprehend everything confusing and ambiguous matter that manifested over the past weeks. It'll be easy to make amends with others and move forward in relationships because Mercury is enabling us to clear up miscommunications that have recently transpired. 


Communicate and give TLC to yourself! Write a letter to yourself that denotes your fabulousness. Stating all of your attributes and qualities will help boost your confidence and give you the power to believe in yourself. Since Mercury is the planetary ruler of Gemini and has been retrograde, this activity will give us the courage to connect with our true selves. When you're done writing the letter, please stamp it and address it to yourself. Receiving it a few days later will encourage us to set our goals in motion for the new year.

Embracing the Magic of Friday the 13th: Lore, History, and the Divine Feminine

Friday the 13th is a date that ignites a whirlwind of emotions, from trepidation to intrigue. For many, this day is steeped in silly superstitions, often viewed as an omen of bad luck. However, beneath this veneer of fear lies a rich tapestry of lore, history, and a profound connection to the divine feminine that invites exploration and understanding.


Astrology by Lisa Stardust

Venus in Aquarius harmonizes with the North Node of Destiny on December 10th, urging us to step up and define relationships. Two days later, Venus opposes Mars retrograde in Leo, intensifying the way we connect to others. Grievances will be aired, pushing us to debate our feelings and actions. You don't have to participate in this messiness—remain unbothered and focused on yourself. Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius aspects Venus on December 13, allowing us to speak from the heart and make amends. December 15th’s full moon in Gemini occurs hours before Mercury turns direct. Be mindful of what you express.

Don’t create drama just to make a point.


To let go of limiting beliefs that are holding you back, it's important to meditate on what you truly wish to manifest in your life. Concentrate on your soul's desires and identify which beliefs or structures no longer serve you. Take some time to create two lists in your journal: one for what you want to attract and one for what you want to release. Reflect deeply on each item, and write about your feelings regarding them. This process will help you gain clarity on the path you should take.


Avoid meltdowns and drama if you can. A good way to deal with this energy is to meditate or count to three before confronting others. This will alleviate the situation and melt away stresses. By the end of the week, you’ll feel worn out and tired. Give yourself a rest.


Try not to put too much pressure on yourself or others right now, and give yourself permission to have some alone time. If you do feel weighed down by emotions or responsibilities, a healthy outlet like walking or stretching can help ground you while releasing the physical symptoms of stress.


Letting go of emotional upsets requires work and takes time. This isn’t something that can be done overnight. However, this week is a chance to allow yourself to get it right and to walk down the path that will inspire you to grow into the person you want to be.


Try not to give up your own sense of peace to make others happy. It is not going to remedy the problems you're experiencing and undergoing. Sweeping emotions and sentiments under the rug never served the greater purpose, it only represses feelings and makes us stifled about our personal situations.


The opposition between Venus and Mars retrograde makes it challenging to focus on personal responsibilities. You may also feel as though you're being restricted in your movements during the week, which could result in a cagey or temperamental disposition. Luckily, the full moon is the key to unlocking such frustrations.


There is hidden information that will be uncovered. It might not be immediate, but it will come out with the bathwater soon. Listen to what people are saying before reacting to ensure you don't tell on yourself and spill your own tea. Stay tuned and be cautious throughout the week.


Connecting to loved ones is strongly encouraged. You don't know how others are feeling right now, but that will be soon revealed especially in romantic situations, so just be patient. Relationships in general are going through a phase of affection and evolution as the full moon sorts out the details.


The full moon kicks up the dust and sends you in a totally different direction. Be prepared for some unexpected news and surprises that have you jumping into new experiences almost instantaneously. The old way of looking at things won't help us evolve, so it is best to look forward.


There are many challenges presented that require careful analysis. In fact you might be way too hard on yourself these days especially as trickster Mercury retrograde encourages you to weigh out every situation making it tough to make a final decision. Remember that you know what is best for you.


There is a feeling of being deeply supported on an emotional scale despite how vulnerable the healing process might be. You are not alone even though it can feel like you're alone these days. Reach out to a friend or family member for guidance to assist you along the way.


The central theme of the week centers around partnerships and those who mirror you on a soul level. The energy commands you to dive into your psychological wounds, and purge them through the energy of the full moon. You will find that you're able to mend relationships and your heart.


There is an internal grappling happening between your personal need to feel secure. You should think about how you wish to proceed and take steps towards planning ahead for your own peace of mind. Create a budget that suggests the best strategy to save money at this moment in time.

Mars Retrograde in Leo and Cancer

Astrology by Lisa Stardust 

Mars, the action planet of sex, war, and aggression, begins its moonwalk on December 6 in Leo and turns direct on February 23, 2025, in Cancer. As Mars glides backward in the sky, we are learning how to assert ourselves mindfully. The caveat is that the inability to make strides forward could create frustrations.  

Putting problems on the back burner is ill-advised when Mars retrogrades in Leo because they will only mount up for the future and continue to weigh on your shoulders. Try to discuss issues with others or reach out to those in need. A little compassion will go a long way today and let people know they aren’t alone — the same applies to you. Even though we may become frustrated, releasing the energy through mindful and spiritual endeavors like journaling, meditation, breathing exercises, and yoga is vital.

When Mars retrograde re-enters Cancer on January 6, we won’t be able to suppress our emotions, which means they’re coming out in the open. This isn’t a bad thing. There is a catharsis and personal growth that can help us evolve and change if we allow ourselves to. The only way to deal with the energies at play is to think before expressing yourself and to meditate on what your heart truly wants—then take action towards attaining it.

The following months, during Mars’ post-retroshade shadow, which ends on May 2, 2025, will give us the proper closure and understanding of perplexing situations during the retrograde. As long as we open our hearts and minds toward compassion, we can begin comprehending matters causing uncertainty and anxiety. It’s our job to pay attention to what has been happening and open our eyes to seeing matters. The next few months will be rocky due to the post-retrograde degrees. However, it will allow us to make things right.

key Dates: 

December 6: Mars retrograde commences in Leo. 

January 3, 2025: Mars retrograde opposes Pluto, leading to destructive arguments.

January 5, 2025: Mars retrograde aspects the Nodes of Destiny, cementing fated events.

January 6, 2025: Mars retrograde reenters Cancer.

January 12, 2025: Mars retrograde stifles us when it aligns with Neptune.

January 23, 2025: Mars retrograde sextiles Uranus, urging us to embrace our individuality.

January 23, 2025:  Mars retrograde opposes Mercury, causing conflicts to arise.

January 25, 2025: Mars retrograde and Venus link up, adding sentimentality to the day.

February  9, 2025: Mars retrograde connects with Saturn, creating issues with authority. 

February 23, 2025: Mars retrograde and Mercury harmonize, softening up the energy.

February 23: Mars turns direct in Cancer.


Astrology by Lisa Stardust

December is set to be an emotionally charged month, starting with Venus in Capricorn harmonizing with Uranus retrograde in Taurus on December 2nd. This alignment will likely bring any repressed feelings to the surface, prompting you to confront what's been hidden. Just two days later, Venus connects with Neptune retrograde in Pisces, adding a dash of passion and desire to your interactions.

Watch out for some drama around December 4th and 7th, as Jupiter retrograde in Gemini opposes Mercury retrograde and the Sun in Sagittarius. These influences can exaggerate situations, so it’s a good idea to take a step back for clarity. On the 4th, the Sun squares Saturn in Pisces, which can feel limiting, but you might find some insight when it aligns with Mercury on the 5th—this is known as the “cazimi” effect, bringing moments of clarity. However, on the 6th, Mercury retrograde and Saturn clash, making it hard to express your true feelings.

Starting December 6, Mars retrograde in Leo will encourage you to conserve your energy and focus on self-love until February 23, 2025. When Venus enters Aquarius on December 7, you may feel more detached in relationships. It’s important to connect with your emotions, especially when Neptune turns direct that evening. Later that day, Venus aligns with Pluto, intensifying feelings and passions.

Finally, on December 8, the First Quarter Moon in Pisces will infuse the week with sentimentality and tenderness, providing a comforting, emotional backdrop. Embrace these energies to navigate the month with awareness and compassion for yourself and others.


Elemental Release for Fear

What You’ll Need:

- A small bowl of water

- A candle (white or your favorite color)

- A piece of paper and a pen

- A handful of soil or small stones

1. Find a quiet area and light your candle. Place the bowl of water nearby to symbolize emotional cleansing.

2. Take a few deep breaths and visualize roots growing from your feet into the earth, anchoring you securely.

3. On the paper, list your fears—be specific and honest.

Invoke the Elements:

  •  Earth:Hold the soil or stones in your hands while stating, "With this earth, I ground my fears."

  •   Water:Sprinkle water on the paper, saying, "With this water, I cleanse my fears."

  • Fire:Burn the paper over the candle flame, declaring, "In these flames, I transform my fears into strength."

  • Air:Blow the ashes outside or out of a window, exclaiming, "I release my fears to the wind."

Snuff  out the candle, thanking the elements. Let the bowl of water evaporate as a sign of your release.


Your words may not come across clearly, as you  long for the right ways to express what is in your hearts. Finding ways to communicate in an effective way will be tricky, so think before you speak in order to clearly define your intentions with others. Keep an open heart. 


You’re currently being pushed to embrace your emotions and honor the needs of your loved ones. This result could create power struggles or triangular relationships. The good news is that you can use the higher vibration of Pluto, which is to transform, if you are wanting and able to grow. 


As you know, relationships require a lot of work. You are deciding whether or not to pursue them as you head into the future. Therefore, it is important to embrace your freedom today and to allow ourselves to do as you please, without your significant other attached to your hip.


Although astrological  frustrations usually bring extreme tensions to planets, this week is going to add positivity and happiness to your vibe. Your energy will be high, giving you the motivation to take calculated risks and a leap of faith. Take a chance and lean into activities that bring you joy. 


The universe is taking away people that aren’t meant to be in your life for the next few months. They’ll come back eventually — when the time is right. Don’t stress because everything will work out in the end. Focus on making your existence better by giving yourself extra TLC.


The need to protect your privacy will be essential, as you aren’t wanting to be judged by others. This aspect can also create brain fog, paranoia, and exhaustion. On the flip side, it heightens the romance factor. However, this could lead to believing situations in order to keep the peace. 


Your sentiments are intense and can hurt others — that is if you are not careful. Be wise and direct in the words you choose and how you relate to others. You will want to take immediate action to remedy such issues in order to have a successful and thriving life.


Balance is important, which is why you won’t over-communicate or overexpress yourself at this moment. Rather than arguing back, you’ll opt for a less confrontational and chill way to let your emotions and thoughts be known. Consider meditating on your feelings to understand them on a soulful and spiritual level.


If there is a situation that causes emotional hurt due to the intense lunar energy, it’s important that you take the built-up sentiments out while discussing them with close acquaintances or friends. The more you hold things in, the harder it’ll be to release the energy and move past them.


Winning is an essential part of your being this week. Watch out for feelings of competitiveness that you cannot control, as you have the drive to go up against anyone who starts challenging you. With the right amount of gusto, you will fight outside forces to claim what is yours. 


Your truest self comes out of the shadows this week, allowing you to showcase your inner being to others. This will bring confidence your way, as others applaud you for not hiding behind a mask anymore. The result is going to be freeing and encourages you to continually express yourself.


The week is full of surprises and excitement, as well as erraticism since you’re seeing situations from a different perspective. Your sentiments will be up and down, adding a tinge of unpredictability to the air. If you ride through the impulsivity, you can make it through to the other side.


Astrology by Lisa Stardust

Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius commences on November 25, lasting until December 15. As a result, communication, travel, and technology will be challenging. The Sun in Sagittarius and Nodes of Destiny give us a gentle push towards attaining our goals and desires on November 26. The Sun and Mars in Leo connect on November 27, invigorating each other. As a result, our confidence and energy will be at a high. December 1st brings the New Moon in Sagittarius, urging us to embrace unique philosophical views on matters and life.  

Witch tips:

Since Mercury Retrograde might hinder our ability to process matters, it’s essential to look to other means of understanding and knowledge to find answers. A pendulum reading is great, due to the spirits giving their input from their presence and the energy surrounding the situation could bring clarity. When questioning issues this week, let your pendulum guide you. 


A thirst for adventure pushes you to embrace fun. There will be an appreciation for both order and chaos under this juxtaposing energy, which is why you should try to have an exciting week  — but to also leave some room for exploration and improvisation. Try to live in the moment.


There will be a positive shift in matters of the heart and money throughout the week. You will be at ease when it comes to expressing your sentiments, giving yourself the chance to discuss your emotions freely. Love and kindness will reign in relationships at this tender moment in time.


If there is a conflict brewing with someone else, it’s not the best time to confront them. There is no direction as to where the situation may go. Without certainty, it’s ideal to skirt around issues if you can. But, if you cannot, choose kindness and compassion in your reaction.


Don’t be surprised if emotions hit an extreme, due to the immense paranoia you’re feeling at the moment. Pay attention to what you know instead of adding made up  facts that aren’t real. Let your close friends and family members help guide you at this time by offering solid advice.


You have the opportunity to push through the constraints which hold you back. The caveat is that you must give yourself the grace to heal your past and wounds along the way. This will help you move forward and feel better about situations that have been weighing on your heart.


Be receptive and open minded to hearing out issues arise with friends and family. As a result, you’ll cultivate an amazing problem solving skill set that will help you get through every hard obstacle while building interpersonal relationships. You’ll be ready to mend ongoing problems in your brood through altruism. 


Your communication skills are becoming more direct and blunt. You won’t be able to hide secrets and only speak your input. The only thing to watch out for is that you may say things in the heat of the moment that you don’t mean, but are hard to hold back.


You will be prone to being more guarded, suspicious, and private this week because you assume others are concealing important information or spreading inaccurate words. The New Moon will get you in the mood to look and search for insight  — especially since matters and relationships are more complex than ever.


There is so much to do and little time to do it. Don't worry about errands. In the meantime, it’s best to focus on giving yourself TLC and implementing self-care into your life by treating yourself to something nice. It’s a prime week to put your needs and wants first.


Try not to get too sensitive when people make assumptions and comments that are unsolicited. You hold the power to control the outcome of matters. Don’t escalate a situation to ensure it refrains from becoming larger than life. You can always walk away from situations that are toxic and confrontational.


This week’s lunar verve pushes you to turn away from stress or emotional turmoil that others bring into your aura. You may find that others are more moody than usual, resulting in you wanting to hide away in a cocoon to be safe. By doing this, you’ll protect your energy.


This is a meaningful week where you can set boundaries and take charge in every aspect of your life. You will be a force to be reckoned with and able to be the boss in the office as well as personally. No one and nothing can stand in your way.


Astrology by Lisa Stardust

On November 18, chatty Mercury in Sagittarius opposes expansive Jupiter retrograde in Gemini, expanding our minds and horizons. The same day, the Sun in Scorpio trines Neptune retrograde in Pisces, urging us to believe in our dreams. Transformative Pluto re-enters Aquarius on the 19th, taking us back to the beginning of the year and spring of 2023. This is the Universe’s way to see how we've grown and if we are on the best path. The Sun enters Sagittarius on November 21, adding positivity and pep to our lives. Later, the Sun connects with Pluto, heightening our drive and passion. The Last Quarter Moon in Virgo on November 22 pushes us to be mindful of what we want to attain. Venus in Capricorn harmonizes with Saturn in Pisces on November 22, helping us to commit to whom and what we love most. Mars in Leo links up with the Nodes of Destiny on the 23rd, energizing us with the momentum to make moves in advancing ourselves.


Use the Last Quarter Moon in Virgo on November 22 to declutter and cleanse your personal space. Since the Virgo Moon aims to purify, it’s a great time to banish dull and negative frequencies. Pour salt into each corner of the home to absorb unwanted energy. Light your favorite cleansing herbs and let them burn for a few minutes, and allow the smoke to permeate every room. Also, donate unwanted items collecting dust to a charity or give them away to lighten up the home and your feelings.  


You may be more passive because you're trying to avoid arguments with others. This will eventually result in you wanting to express your feelings. If you desire to speak up, you should send an email to express your feelings and make edits before sending it to appear kind.


The upcoming days will make you feel very powerful, which means you'll assert your energy in confronting matters and people. Make clear statements to ensure that you are being heard. Since you are mandating respect, it is important to make your sentiments known and demand that you be taken seriously.


There might be ambivalence in committing to relationships, as your emotions and mind are waffling back and forth while juxtaposing each other. Before making any moves, take time to feel out the situation. When you are ready, you'll know what your heart wants and needs. Give yourself time to decide.


Being consistent is simultaneously easy and hard for you. On the one hand, you find comfort in your daily routine. On the other hand, you like to be wild at heart — since you change your emotions with the lunar signs and phases. Find a middle ground to satisfy both parts of yourself. 


Power struggles with others will hit a high. Rather than dominating those you care about, allow them to speak up and try not to oppose their opinions with force. You can avoid the drama by giving them room to be free and think for themselves without having to answer you.


Pressures are beginning to weigh heavily on your shoulders. Therefore, it’s vital to find a way to decompress instead of internalizing everything. Release the pent-up sentiments by taking a walk in nature, enjoying a deep tissue massage, or taking a relaxing bath. Self-care is a must this week, Virgo.


Although you aren’t usually into gossip, your ears might be burning to hear some salacious news. The caveat is that there might be missing facts to the news. All the more reason why it’s best to not repeat the information, so you can avoid fights with others down the road.


Do not let unfortunate work news get you down. If you're up for a promotion or raise, use this offer as a way to negotiate. Think of it as an opportunity to counter the offer you are receiving to get what you wish to attain. Have patience and never settle. 


Empathy and creativity are activated this week. It is a wonderful time to meditate and manifest since the cosmos are making you feel sentimental. Your optimistic mindset will end with positive outcomes because you can vocalize your opinions. It’s time to uncover and discuss hidden emotions brooding beneath the surface.


Your finances might take a minor hit. Do not let this issue spill over into your relationships, as you may want to argue with others about money. Things lighten up as the week comes to an end. You will feel the support of loved ones who will cheer you up.


It is a great week to start working on any goals you have in mind or have been on the back burner. Sit down with friends and talk about your hopes for the future. They might inspire you in ways you can't even imagine and offer solid advice that helps you. 


Professional aspirations might seem out of reach. But, that doesn't mean they aren't impossible. Think about how you can make your visions a reality. This requires a lot of time to plan matters, so make sure you have the bandwidth to do so to ensure you can carry them out.

The Balance of Magic

Written by Bri Luna

In the diverse and beautiful tapestry of magical traditions, very few subjects ignite as much debate as the notion that "a Witch who cannot hex cannot heal." This statement, while provocative, encapsulates a profound truth about the dual nature of magic itself. Some practitioners argue against hexing, citing principles like the “Threefold Law,” which cautions that any negative energy sent out will return threefold, as a reason to avoid any form of what is perceived as "dark magic." However, this perspective often overlooks the complexity and necessity of understanding both sides of the magical spectrum.

As a Black and Mexican practitioner, my heritage carries a rich history of spiritual practices that emphasize self-defense and protection. In a world that often feels hostile, the idea that one should shy away from hexing feels not only impractical but also unjust. The reality is that magic, like fire or electricity, is inherently neutral. It possesses the potential for both creation and destruction, and recognizing this duality is crucial for any serious practitioner.

The labels of "black" and "white" magic come with historical baggage that suggests a moral alignment that simply does not exist. For me, the more accurate terms are "constructive" and "destructive" magic. Both forms of magic can be wielded to support or harm, and neither is inherently good or evil. The magic itself does not carry a moral compass; it is the intention and application of the practitioner that determines the outcome.

Destructive magic, often conflated with hexing, is not solely about inflicting harm. It can encompass actions that, while initially seeming negative, lead to positive outcomes. Consider the act of demolishing an old building to make way for a new and safer structure, or the medical procedures that destroy cancer cells to save a life. Hexing can serve as a protective measure, a means to break curses, or a way to defend oneself from harm. In this light, the practice of hexing transforms from a dark act into a necessary tool for empowerment and safety.

To refuse to explore the full spectrum of magic is to limit oneself, akin to a doctor who only studies preventative medicine but ignores the healing of existing ailments. Mastery in magic requires a comprehensive understanding of its entirety. We must engage with both the constructive and destructive aspects of our craft. The choice of how to use that knowledge, whether for healing or hexing will always remain a personal decision, reflective of our values and circumstances.

Embracing both sides of magic does not make one an evil Witch; rather, it fosters a sense of balance and wisdom. It is through this understanding that we can navigate the complexities of our practice with integrity and intention. The true essence of magic lies in our choices and the responsibility we take for them. By acknowledging and respecting both the light and dark within the magical realm, we empower ourselves and others, creating a richer, more profound engagement with the forces of the universe.

Ultimately, the debate surrounding hexing and healing is not merely about ethics; it's about understanding the full spectrum of what it means to be a Witch. By recognizing the value of both constructive and destructive magic, we can cultivate a practice that is not only powerful but also deeply rooted in self-awareness and respect for the forces we wield. Ultimately, the magic we create is a reflection of the choices we make, and it is in that choice that our true power lies.