Astrology by Lisa Stardust
The planet of communication, Mercury, enters Virgo on August 4, creating concise and clear communication. August 5’s First Quarter Moon in Scorpio dares us to change with the times. Venus in Cancer and Neptune retrograde in Pisces harmonize on August 7, heightening our emotions, while the tense square between Mars in Taurus and Saturn retrograde in Aquarius in the evening forces us to take control of situations. Venus and Pluto retrograde in Capricorn oppose each other on August 9th, making us fight for what our hearts believe in and desire.
Witch tip: Work deeply with your throat chakra to speak your truth without hurting others. Your suggested mantra for this week is “I respond instead of reacting,” which is generally easy for your sign to do! If you practice compassion, you may find you really like to balance out others and be a helpful source of light. You might want to light some delightful citrus incense around your space to increase and invite in cheerful vibes while cleansing your aura. Remember, communication is far more effective if you write your thoughts out before you articulate them directly, especially on August 4 and 5.
A life-changing crossroads coming out of left field this week and bringing you into a more aligned point of independence, where it’ll be far easier to stand up for what you want, what you believe in, and what you actually feel most driven towards accomplishing on a daily basis.
This week serves as a destined moment of truth for you to take action around the important lessons that are beginning to come to fruition. Look to the past and present to understand where you are going in the future and take note of the goals you aspire to attain.
This is a magical week for manifestation. You’ll be able to bring amazing things into your life if you believe in the dream. Being at the right place at the right time and following your instincts is all part of this greater path as well — acknowledge the ultimate vision.
Unresolved issues from the past could have popped up in a major way with an intensity that will give you a fuller perspective on your life. This energy can even bring you a connection that teaches you about your own power and how to stand in your strength of mind.
You are being asked to open yourself up more than you ever would in the past. This means you'll want to connect with others, which can feel quite vulnerable. Let the world see the most loving pieces of yourself because your good nature will also help others who you know.
Be on the lookout for a pivotal and transformative conversation that could set you on a completely new and unexpected path. Get ready for insights to channel in from beyond, as long as you are extremely careful. Carry some hematite in your pocket for extra protection just in case.
It may be feeling like you are trying all you can to evolve and grow out of old patterns, but you just keep hitting a wall. Take heart in knowing that this is the result of many transitions and transformations in play — it’s incubating and starting to change now.
Although relationships are in the current state of flux, it’s important for you to find a calming space in your personal life in order to get a reprieve from the flippant behavior of others. Ground your energy and connect with your heart to decide how to move forward this week.
Be sure to hold tremendous compassion for yourself as you dive into the dreamy waters of your heart. This will give you the incentive to speak your truth and give love to those who are in need of kindness. Your spirit will soar knowing that you acted compassionately to others.
The entire week is asking you to have faith and trust in the lessons of the universe. Some temptations with gambling and big moves can pay off with this fateful position. It can even bring back opportunities that you once thought were lost to create even bigger ventures for yourself.
Trust the synchronicities that you keep seeing. For many Aquarians, this can include having faith in all you do and knowing the right thing to do or say, or following an intuitive hunch that seemingly comes out of nowhere. No matter what, trust your gut and emotions when feeling them.
The energy you put out in the world will come back tenfold, which is why it’s important to make sure you’re giving positivity to others. That way you’ll receive an optimistic boost when you least expect it, instead of negativity and resentments from people who aren’t serving your best interests.