Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The Last Quarter Moon in Aries occurs on July 20 and urges us to release the past with gusto with the hopes of starting over. The Sun enters Leo on July 22, adding passion and flair to the hot summer days. Mercury in Leo and Jupiter in Aries connects on July 23 and open our minds to new philosophies. Venus in Cancer squares Jupiter on July 25, heightening the romance factor. Mercury in Leo shares a tense aspect with Mars in Taurus on July 26, pushing us to fight for what we love.

Witch Tip: Being that the Last Quarter Moon is an Aries on July 20, we should focus on the energy and how we can make our lives better. What do we need to get rid of? What do we need to add? Light a white candle on the evening of the 20th and meditate on such questions. Take note of where the inner quest takes you and release others or any situations that aren’t aligning with your current energy. 


Feeling a bit lost, Aries? Spend the next several days committing to a new passion project. This will keep you busy and away from drama. Plus, it will bring you closer to finding your innermost goals and hopes, which is exactly what you need to focus on right now.


Life has been pretty busy lately and it’s taken you away from doing the things you love. More importantly, you've been neglecting your self-care routine and it’s beginning to have a toll on your emotions because you’re stressed and exhausted. Be sure to pamper yourself and rest. You deserve it.


A thirst for adventure and knowledge will find its way to you this week. There will be an appreciation for both order and chaos under this energy, so be sure to plan out an exciting week for yourself, but leave room for exploration and improvisation to play it by ear.


If there are any mundane activities that fell to the wayside over the last few weeks, you should use this time to play catch up. Don't worry though, you won't have to spend the entire time catering to your responsibilities, thanks to the other cosmic action that’ll lead you to fun.


Even if you're feeling lonely and blue, avoid the temptation to return to toxic situations or relationships. The comfort you feel will be fleeting and isn’t real. But, it’s familiar — even though it is unhealthy for you and can ultimately get in the way of your next great love. 


Diplomacy will go a long way right now. Therefore, it’s important for you to give others the space to truly be heard. In return, they’ll do the same to you. Alliances will continue to be strengthened, which will also be a time in which your heart softens up to love.


This week kicks off an inspirational high, giving you a sense of optimism that you are happy to bestow upon others. Even if you encounter a few grumpy birds, your shine and charisma is likely to be contagious, which will surely boost your confidence greatly under the chill planetary action.


The week ahead brings psychic dreaming. If there is anything you need guidance on, ask the universe to bring you answers when traversing the astral realms. Record your dreamland encounters as soon as you awaken, otherwise, you may forget the message before you have a chance to process it fully. 


This week’s energy is great for ironing out any rifts within your relationships, so try to talk things out if your relationships hit a few bumps. Pretty soon you’ll be discussing your future with someone special, as you are connecting over shared dreams and visions for the long road ahead. 


Try to avoid frustrating conversational power struggles and watch your words right now, as they have the potential to really hurt someone. Don’t get caught up in pleasing people or putting the needs of others before your own right now because it could cause frustrations or resentment if this occurs.


Don’t get caught up in pleasing people or putting the needs of others before yourself now. Although you want to make sure everyone is copacetic, the one person who often suffers is yourself. Therefore, you should be a little bit more selfish and make sure your needs are met first.


Be mindful of how generous you are with others and try not to invest too much time, energy, or money into someone who wouldn't return the gesture. As the week comes to a close, look for reasons to raise a glass with your success. Give yourself permission to dream big.