
Written by Jessica Laynadoo

Lets take a minute to talk about Venus, the planet of like, as she’s pretty busy this week. Its influence inspires us to seek security, peace, and comfort. Venus is of course the planet of sensual delights as well; she governs beauty, socializing, hooking up, and the arts. She’s also the planet of diplomacy, counsel, and the very things that you value. What you buy and own is a reflection of your values. How you express and embody love is also a reflection of your values. This week is a juiced-up time to explore not what you think you value but what your actions actually reflect of your values. When your actions don’t match up with what you care about, life can lack meaning, and that’s when it gets tempting to prioritize the image of happiness instead of the real thing.


This week is a perfect time to think about love; not relationships per se, but how you know that you’re loved, and how you express love to people through your actions and in your choices. Look for opportunities to act from a place of love and to see evidence of it in the world around you.


On the 5th the illuminating Sun will conjoin confusing Neptune, and Venus will sit opposite of intense Pluto. This can be a great time to put yourself out there and meet new people, get romantic, or lose yourself in creative ventures. But be careful of what you wish for around this time because you just might get it. The energy of these two transits may have you thinking that things are one way when they most firmly are not, or it may have you thinking that you should manipulate others “for their own good.” Watch out for negative or positive obsessions, and try not to let the unknown unhinge you. This is a chance for you to not just talk love and light, but instead, actually embodying it. This is a fertile time to put into practice using your spiritual and self-care tools. Do what you know is right, even if it’s in the smallest of ways. Harness the healing and transformative powers of the action of love.



March 21-April 19

While it isn't fun, having ambiguity is normal. This week, uncertainty about your relationships may take up more space than you’d like. Instead of recoiling from the vulnerability of it all, lean in, Aries. Explore the things that you aren’t comfortable with in order to better understand your situation and also yourself. You are growing, but your blind spots and bad feels are in need of your attention so that they don’t become bigger problems down the line.



April 20-May 20

Anyone who tells you that the garden is full of roses that are always in bloom is lying to your face. Life is full of highs and lows, and that’s just part of being a human. Don’t fear your lows so much that you can't bear the absence of your highs. You can take risks or stay at home, but no matter what you do, there are consequences to your actions, Taurus. There’s not just one way to be or one path to take, and there isn’t a right or wrong way to go. Just live your life, my love.



May 21-June 21

When you’re overwhelmed, it’s easy to get wrapped up in blame in an attempt to cope with upset feelings, but it only displaces your bad feels; it doesn’t handle them. You may be feeling pretty over dealing with a situation or relationship that is giving you exactly what you don’t want, but there’s a bigger picture at play, Gem. Own your part, and use your agency. If you don’t like the game, no one is making you play. Do what’s right – not what’s right in front of you – this week.



June 22-July 22

You may feel tempted to jump to conclusions or participate in self-fulfilling prophesies this week, but it’ll do you no good, Moonchild. Instead of assuming the worst – or anything at all – be brave and direct. Instead of deciding for them, it's a great kindness to ask people where they’re coming from when you’ve been offended. Give others the same chance that you want to be given in upsetting moments. First pursue due process. Then figure out what to do about what you discover, my love.



July 23-Aug. 22

Instead of asserting yourself into people’s lives, try being a better listener, Leo. Your desire to be free and do your own thing and your need for quality intimacies may be having a little tug of war this week. Instead of bowing to pressure, take a minute to really consider the consequences of either course of action. You are free to do what you want, but you are not free from consequence. Strive to have healthy boundaries with yourself and others this week.



Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Sometimes you just need to decide to be done. It might be easy to dip into some pretty serious stress spirals this week, but it won’t help you one bit. Insight is not gained from panic, and peace isn’t found through obsession. When you find yourself all riled up this week, try to decide to let it all go. Don’t follow the freight train of your thoughts when they’re speeding because they won’t bring you anywhere you want to go, Virgo.



Sept. 23-Oct. 22

As things develop in your life so too does your relationship to them. Don’t be in such a rush to get where you want to go that you stop being present and interested in how the process is changing you, Libra. All big transitions leave their mark on you. You’re shifting in big ways, and if you’re not able to own and explore those changes, you risk ending up pretty frustrated by even the most pleasant of things.



Oct. 23-Nov. 21

You’re on your way to happy, and you totally deserve it, Scorpio. There can be a real fine line between chaos and excitement; sometimes that line is about what’s happening, but often it’s more about how you’re responding to it. Try to remember what your intentions are so that you don’t allow distractions and petty struggles to set you off course. If it doesn’t serve your larger goals, it’s not worth your energy this week.



Nov. 22-Dec. 21

You’re great with beginnings, but when those pesky middles start to drag on is when you lose your enthusiasm, Sagittarius. Make decisions to back up your decisions. There are many smaller choices within the broad and sweeping ones that you’ve made, and if you don’t direct yourself, they’ll end up forcing your hand sooner than later. Identify the compromises that you can make that will both advance your goals and not drive you crazy this week.



Dec. 22-Jan. 19

You are not supposed to have all the answers, nor are you supposed to always steer the boat. Life is a journey and when you cant control the climate or the tempo, you can decide to be a beneficent ruler in the land of your feels, Cappy. This week is a mixed bag and not meant to be exactly easy; seek balance instead of perfection and hope instead of assurances. You are not meant to manage anyone’s wellness but your own. Be kind, and do what you have to do in order to be right with you.




Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Try to better understand your relationship to fear (not the things you fear, mind you). Try not to get so caught up in your insecurities that you lose interest in the ways your emotions play themselves out, Aquarius. Be on the lookout for the conditions that exist right before you get caught up in your fears. Are you hydrated and well fed? Have you just gotten off of social media? There are patterns to your responses. Seek them this week.



Feb. 19-March 20

When you overextend and push yourself too far, your body has a funny way of slowing you down, Pisces. This week you may be confronted by some anxiety or exhaustion that is here to get you to tend to the basics. How you support and care for yourself when you’re struggling is of the utmost importance. Don’t let anyone else tell you how your relationship to self-care should go. Apply what you know works for you to your daily actions, sweet one.








A Full Moon that occurs between May 22 and June 21 will be in Sagittarius. This moon has many names "Rose moon" "strawberry moon", and of course,  Honey moon. This Moon is helpful in matters of:

  • Understanding
  • Adventures; both mental and physical.
  • Travel that broadens the mind.
  • Expanding conceptual horizons.
  • Long-term planning

The restless and enthusiastic energy of the Sagittarius moon pushes us in the direction of seeking adventure, change, and motion. The Full moon in this sign is a time for philosophy, metaphysics, traveling, studying, and freedom from responsibility. This moon's energy brings the need to feel free of restrictions, and to be spontaneous. The restless and independent nature of this astrological sign is to offer us the gift of exploration. Warm & friendly vibes can make this a good time for seeing new places, encountering different people and relating to a changing environment.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius is the best time  hold a group ritual. The spiritual and psychic forces are very evident now and the desire to connect with us is strong.


The Moon in Sagittarius tends to affect the extended vertebrae (sacrum and coccyx) as well as thighs. At this time massages are particularly beneficial and can loosen up sore or stiff muscles. Stiff thigh muscles and deep-seated contusions can be quickly cured with long soaks in Epsom salt and soothing herbal mixtures that smell great and relax the senses. You can even take this soak a step further by lighting a purple candle (the color associated with Sagittarius) and close your eyes for a healing moon meditation (see below)




Sitting comfortably in silence welcome the fiery, passionate, and expansive energies of Sagittarius in. Practice being mindful of the destructive potential of these energies by allowing thoughts of lower nature to come in, and release them out with each breath. At this time,  it is essential that we choose to fill our mental and emotional natures with temperance, silence, and mindfulness.  Only from this place can we find alignment and sense the vision of what is possible. Allow your body to relax completely and focus on using your energy to renounce all obstacles that might be hindering the union of achieving your highest spiritual goals. 


  • Carrying inner silence, can I walk through this day as an observer? Mindful of my thoughts, words, deeds, and of the vision I hold within? 
  • What is my highest aspiration? 


June's Rose moon, strawberry moon, and mead moon is a time for casting spells offering protection, making decisions, personal strength, love and fertility.


 Honoring the full moon can be integrated into parties/groups by meditating together with silent witness to the moon being our center. Ritualized touching/laying on of hands for healing. chant together using syllables or sounds of power.



Written by Jessica Lanyadoo

Witch Tips

How you participate in the world at large and the world within is a matter of choice. Life moves fast and it can feel like it’s happening to you, but the truth is that life is more of a democracy than a dictatorship. You have choice within your circumstances. There is of course due process to be observed, but with vision, effort, and patience, much can be achieved. 

There’s a great deal happening in the stars this week, but here’s the upshot for you: it’s time to honor your heart. In the most simplistic terms, life can be distilled down to two things – fear and love. It's easy to say always choose love, but in reality, it isn't always easy to do. There are times when heeding your fears is an act of love. There are times when acting from a place of love means choosing pain, or loss, or personal hardship. Life is not black and white, and the “right thing” is not always a fixed point. The expansive Jupiter trine to empathetic Neptune is exact on the 25th. It may be easy to rest on your laurels and confuse intent for action, but this would be a missed opportunity. Prioritize generosity and empathy in your actions and your choices, and not just philosophically. Humanity is going through a period of great duress. Every choice you make matters, including the choice to do nothing, say nothing, or feel less. On the same day, the Venus opposition to Saturn will be exact, marking this as a time for making material choices. Who you value and the ways you protect them are on the line, lovers. Choose to invest in and protect a relationship that’s outlived it’s purpose, and you’ll find that you still feel anxious or off. This is the time to confront the realities that you find yourself in, not just in your personal life but within the larger communities that you are connected to. 


The Moon is full in inspiring Sagittarius at 6:19amPST on May 29th. What you believe in is on the line now, and this Full Moon is a chance for you to focus on the big picture. The risk here is that you'll weave a story about your life that justifies your feels instead of exploring 

your feels in efforts to understand the true story. It’s important that you listen to what others are telling you about themselves – not just in their words but also with their actions – and accept what you are shown, even if you're compelled to try and change things. Acceptance is a foundational step. In order to properly address something, you must first understand it. This is the time to confront the truth and to mobilize from that place. 


There is no one meant to save or heal you – seek inspiration and guidance instead of fixes, lovers. You are the one, and the time is now. 





March 21-April 19 

Having fun is nice, bit have you tried prioritizing true happiness? This week is all about the difference between pleasure and joy. One is fleeting, while the other lasts. One fills your cup to the top, while the other flows through the pipes of your house. Don’t be so quick to feel nice that you miss out on opportunities to feel fantastic, Aries. The easiest route may not be the best one; invest in what will improve your whole life and not just this moment. 



April 20-May 20 

If you’ve taken on too much or overindulged lately, you’re going to have to take the first half of this week to recuperate. Use your body as the resource that it’s meant to be, and work it out. Exercise, dance, take long walks, or try to get yourself into nature. Take care of your physical self, as it’s your home and meant to be your BFF. You don’t have to be perfectly healthy or even well adjusted; all you need to do is to treat yourself with care and love, Taurus. 



May 21-June 21 

If you have extra to give, it will make you feel better to share, Twin Star. This week is all about the expansion you get through service. The Full Moon in your relationship house is pulling you out of your head and into the world of interconnectedness. Make yourself available to others who need you, and you’ll find that you have more to give. The trick is to only offer what you can give with an open heart; anything more and you do a disservice to yourself and others. 



June 22-July 22 

Prioritize healing small wounds this week. Full Moons are always a little extra for you, and this week your ruling planet invites us all to shed the past. It’s time to take care of yourself, Moonchild. If you’re tired, rest. If you’re hungry, nourish yourself. If you’re lonely, reach out to people who are emotionally available and kind, even if only to share a smile. All you can control are your choices, so make the most empathetic and productive ones you can, my love. 



July 23-Aug. 22 

It can be hard to sit alone with yourself, but it’s truly important. This week is likely to test your relationship with yourself, and the best way to face it is with compassion. This means that you run the risk of shutting down or disassociating in the face of stresses. It’s time to step up and do your best in the face of your less than ideal qualities. You don’t need to be perfect, you only have to try. Work to become the best version of yourself you can be today, one good choice at a time. 



Aug. 23-Sept. 22 

It’s time to make a change, Virgo. Regardless of what anyone else is or isn’t doing, this week is all about what you need to do in order to be right with you. The Full Moon brings with it the risk of getting caught up in projections that based on feelings you don’t know what to do with or don’t truly know how to interpret. These feelings aren't 

the same as the truth. Remember that you want to be happy, and make sure that your actions reflect that drive, my love. 



Sept. 23-Oct. 22 

You can react to the upsets in front of you and get caught up in interpersonal dramas but to what end, Libra? It’s time to get emotional. Sit with your feelings so you can understand what’s happening within you and really take care of your heart. You get to have a different version of shared events because your perspective is your own. Seek independence by validating your own experience instead of waiting for anyone else to do it for you. 



Oct. 23-Nov. 21 

There’s no amount of proof you can compile to change your view of yourself without doing emotional work alongside it. This week you may be confronted with some things that you’d rather not see, but it’s time to stop playing games and honor the truth. You’re strong, and you’re capable, Scorpio. You can move mountains if you decide you want to. It’s time to make the decision to start doing what you know deep inside that you need to do. 



Nov. 22-Dec. 21 

The Full Moon in your sign on he the 29th is your time to own up, Sagittarius. You know what you’ve been struggling to accept and just can’t. It’s time to let go. Sometimes the things you want or the people you love are at cross-purposes with what’s whole and true for you. You don’t have to manage the whole world, you just have to do what’s right for you in the best way you know how. 



Dec. 22-Jan. 19 

Fear is a trickster. When it’s not instructive, it’s destructive. How you react to what you fear is an important reflection of your 

relationship to those feelings, not just to the content of your concerns. This week is all about the delicate balance between what was, what is, and what you intend to create. Your power lies in not letting your emotions usurp your plans, Capricorn. If you’re going to make changes, make sure they’re thought-out and intentional. 




Jan. 20-Feb. 18 

You have so much, Aquarius. It would be a shame to focus on what you don’t have, but that’s exactly what you’ve been doing. Yes, there are things you want, but if desiring them inspires you to feel more aligned with scarcity than it does with fertility, then you're missing out. Be where you’re at, and try to honor the goodness of this moment. Finding joy in imperfect circumstances while still moving forward is a skill that has no downside, my love. 




Feb. 19-March 20 

When you get don’t believe that you have a right to something, it’s easy to get defensive. The trouble is that when you act overly sensitive, you do a disservice to what you rightfully deserve. This week will challenge your sense of entitlement. Too much and you believe that your feelings matter more than those of others. Not enough and you think that yours matter less. Seek to strike balance, Pisces.

The Hoodwitch: Weekly horoscopes 5/2-8/2018


Written by Jessica Lanyadoo

Witch Tips:

Astrology is awesome because it allows us to have a greater sense of why things are happening and what we’re meant to do about it. That said, it doesn’t do the work for you. Part of being a person is making choices, and even when it feels like you don’t have many options or all of them are crappy, you always have a choice. What you allow yourself to focus on, the language that you use for self-talk, and the care you give to your body's most basic needs are all invisible parts of well being. These take up huge amounts of real estate in our lives, but we somehow underestimate their impact. Develop awareness of how you treat yourself when no one is looking. When you’re a good friend to yourself, even the most upsetting parts of life get easier to bear. This friendship, which includes your relationship to your body, is the longest relationship you’ll have in your life and is the central place that you greet the world from. Prioritize it, now and always.

From the 5 through the 7th, the Sun will form a creative sextile to generous Neptune. This is a perfect time to channel empathy and kindness into what you do. Part of being a good leader is listening, and this transit will help you hear your inner voice, other people, and the world around you if you decide to try.

From the 6th through the 8th is when things get heavy. Chatty Mercury will form an upsetting square to petty Pluto, while diplomatic Venus forms a square to idealistic Neptune. The combination of these transits can feel pretty dramatic, especially if you haven’t been honest with yourself or others, lately. These days can kick up some serious anxiety as your impulses come quick and sharp (especially if your clarity doesn’t). If you’ve decided to do the Gossip Cleanse <insert link> with me this month, these days are likely to be trying. You may be tempted to evade your bad feels by projecting them at others by projecting or by picking them apart. Sh$t talk may be very tempting, but it’s a diversion that will only make you feel worse this week. Tolerate your feelings without needing to put anyone down, and remember that you’re not more or less than anyone else. This is a great time to watch your reactions and to show yourself kindness as you make sense of what’s happening and determine the best ways to cope. Be gentle with what you let motivate your actions, my loves.


March 21-April 19

In your heart of hearts you know that you’re okay, but you might be having a hard time reconciling that with your thoughts this week. Thriving isn’t the same as winning, Aries. You can lose some, and as long as you learn from those experiences, they’re not real setbacks. Life may not be playing out as you wish it to be, but you’re exactly where you need to be. Lean in, and make the most of what you’ve got by focusing on what it can be instead of what it isn’t.


April 20-May 20

You’re capable of so much! The worst thing you can do now is to squander your potential by doing things you don’t really care about, and being burnt out for what holds true value to you, Taurus. Warren Buffett said “The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say ‘No’ to almost everything.” While I don’t know if this holds true in all circumstances, this bit of wisdom is the perfect guide for you this week.


May 21-June 21

You’re just about at the end of a cycle of development that’s had you figuring out what you want and why. You may have figured everything out, or you may still be unpacking your options, but either way it’s time to slow down and get on the road you have to traverse to get where you want to be. Don’t let the easiest route lull you into thinking it’s the best. You may need to work really hard for the next little while, but it’s totally worth it. Honor your needs over your wants, Twin Star.


June 22-July 22

Individual failures, just like the successes, aren’t meant to define you. This week is all about power. Seeking the best possible approach requires being able to stay present with the yuckiness of your fears, and it’s totally worth it, Moonchild. You’re on your way to some beautiful changes, don’t let fear of failure block your flow. If you were willing to own the abundance and resources that you have both internally and externally, how would your struggles seem different?


July 23-Aug. 22

Showing yourself compassion doesn’t mean giving yourself a pass, it means staying present with kindness in the face of suffering. It’s important that you give yourself and others space to sort through the fast moving feels that are in the air this week. Everything comes and goes, so don’t get too attached to whatever you’re going through right now. Find the creative potential in even the most stuck feeling things, and keep on keepin’ on, Leo.


Aug. 23-Sept. 22

You may want to forge ahead, but the truth is you need to slow down and focus before you do something rash. Find a healthy outlet for your pent up energies this week so that you can act with intention, Virgo. The key is to stop fighting ghosts and projections and to just move forward. Lay foundations for the future that you want to live in without unduly looking over your shoulder. All you gotta do is keep your side of the road clean, and place one step in front of the other, my love.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Fear is a tricky monster. We need it to alert us to danger, but it often goes rogue and is anything but helpful. This week you run the risk of allowing your fears to create the very problems you’re trying to avoid. Don’t focus so much attention on the things that you never want to have happen, Libra. Take a chance on the positive potential in your life by giving it at the very least as much attention as you give your worries, or if you’re ambitious, make it your primary focus for now.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Someone once said that “to set a boundary you must be willing to lose something: the other person’s approval.” And no truer words have been spoken. This week is all about be brave enough to confront the needs you’ve been ignoring because you’re scared of the consequences. Find the truth and honor it, even if its scary. If you don’t like the game, you don’t have to play; choose your battles and your investments with an open heart, Scorpio.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

There’s so much that is unknown and unknowable, and sometimes that’s exciting while at others it’s downright intimidating. This week is testing your ability to stay present when you feel upset, ‘Tarius. This doesn’t mean that you’re going to have a bad week, but it does mean that your ability to stay present is being tested. Strive to not take upsets at face value, and stay open to what they have to tell you about yourself and the world around you, my love.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

You’re coming out of a hard time, and while it may be tempting to look over your shoulder and keep on expecting the worst, your best move is to move onwards and upwards. Try to become more mindful of your fears and the energy that you give to them this week. It’s OK to have concerns, but what gets you into trouble is when you let them dominate your thinking. Pursue balance in all things as you move to the next playing level, Capricorn.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

You need to take better care of yourself, Aquarius. You’ve been burning the candle at both ends of the wick, and it’s taking its toll on you. Take a break from life’s demands, and turn to the things that give you life. You’re likely to have a million items demanding your attention, but if you’re frayed at the edges, you can’t really handle any of them. Give yourself permission to take a much needed breather and rejuvenate your spirit so you can get back to business with renewed energy.


Feb. 19-March 20

You’ve got one job, Pisces, and that’s to follow through with your commitments. There’s a peace to be had from simplifying your life and while that’s not possible all of the time, this week it’s wise to stick to the basics.  If you can, try and commit to the present and only the present this week. Don’t make plans or try to divine your future. Just work on what’s in front of you and tend to the feels that you have – even the unpleasant ones.


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Beltane Rituals for Every Element


Written by  Lisa Stardust

Beltane is here! It’s May 1st, May Day, halfway between the spring equinox and summer solstice. It’s time to invite some friends over eat, drink, and be merry, embracing the beauty within and outside of ourselves as we celebrate the awakened, blooming flora and fauna of Earth. Originally celebrated as a Gaelic festival to protect cattle and encourage growth, Beltane is the light and beauty where we celebrate the sun and blossoms which perfume the air. In this May Day ritual, we are celebrating and giving back to the Earth, using all the elements (fire, earth, air, water) to ignite the hearth of Beltane. 


Ideally, a bale fire is traditional merriment for the last night of April going into Beltane, May 1st. However, in this modern world, it may be impossible to have access to space which permits a bonfire. Consider using a small cauldron or candles. The colors of the earth, including red for passion, green for prosperity, purple for spirituality, yellow for happiness, white for harmony (or as a stand-in for any other colors. Red, green, and white are traditional Beltane colors. If you don’t have access to colored candles, you can use tea light candles. It’s ok to use the materials you have, remembering that the most important thing about magic is your intentions. 

Facing North, light the candles, evoking the goddesses you cherish and ancestors you admire as you go. Take a deep breath. As you inhale, close your eyes while the warm glow surrounds you. Amidst the warmth of the flames, envision a protective light surrounding, purifying, and stoking your own inner hearth. Open your eyes to the beauty of the flames burning. Let the heat serve as a shield against negativity, as you welcome in positive vibrations. 

Any urbanite can grab a fist full of fresh greenery and place it in a cauldron. Smelling fresh grass and flowers will bring life and abundance to any room. Honor their magical power and embrace the evergreen aroma. If possible, add some dandelions for positivity, hawthorn for fertility, and violets for protection. Try crossing twigs together with a red string to create a talisman that will also serve as a protective force against evil. When done using, recycle back to the universe by placing all remains outside to give back to Mother Earth. 

Make a wish for Beltane and release it to the air. Write down your desires on flying wish paper and let your desires travel on the wind. Through setting the intention and releasing your dream into the universe, you have the opportunity to plant valuable seeds of hope and creative renewal during these festivities. Giving prayers to the earth goddesses, pleases and inspires their support of your deepest desires to be manifested in the months to come. 

Milk and honey is an offering made to Flora, Goddess of Flowers, to ensure vegetation blossoms in abundance during the Spring season. Added to baths, this mixture was notably used by the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra freshen up her soft, vibrant look and add beauty to her appearance. The mixture of milk and honey adds an element of fertility and sensuality to daily life. Rose petals infuse bathwater with feelings of self love and emotional healing. Use this combination for some bath magic to connect to the Earth Goddesses (such as Flora) and meditate. In this bath, be sure to take a moment of pause to connect to Flora’s lustful springtime earthy desires and evoke her spirit, as well as other water spirits like the river Goddess Oshun, who is also giver of love and fertility, and abundance, meditating on what you hope to grow. 


  • 2 Cups Milk
  • 1/2 Cup Honey 
  • 1 Cup Salt 
  • Rose Petals 


  • Run warm bath water. 
  • Add milk, honey, and salt in a jar. 
  • Seal the jar and shake to mix ingredients together. 
  • Pour the mixture into bath.
  • Add rose petals to bath.
  • Lie back, relax, allowing your skin to absorb the 
  • Gently rub skin and soak in bath. 



Written by Jessica Lanyadoo

Witch Tips

Mercury Gatorade got you down? Don’t worry – this is the last full week of it! The planet of communications goes direct on the 15th, but not before it wreaks a little havoc, of course.

From the 4th through the 6th, Mercury will form an upsetting square to the master of Daddy issues himself, Saturn. This combination of planets can have you feeling depressed, pessimistic, or acutely aware of your aloneness. If you can keep in mind that you (and everyone else) are seeing the glass half empty, it may be easier to cope. The trick is to not be so “reasonable” that you reason yourself into a scared and sad hole. Reach out to people you trust, and don’t reject connection. This isn’t a great moment for serious introspection because you’re likely to be lacking in perspective, and for the same reason, it’s not wise to hang out with your most critical friends. If you’re feeling worked up, tend to your feels before you go seeking fixes. This is a great time to deal with your taxes, sort through your inbox, or any other annoying but finite task that requires attention to detail and concentration.


From the 6th through the 8th, we get a well-deserved break. Diplomatic Venus will form a harmonious trine to long-term planner, Saturn. Relationships or projects started at this time may carry a feeling of being fated, and they may very well be. Just wait until Mercury goes direct next week before signing papers or jumping to conclusions. This is the perfect time to tend to the folks that hold you up, to manage your finances, or to clean out your closet; basically this transit helps you to organize and prioritize the things that you value (but also just cute stuff).

From the 9th through the 11th, we have two events: romantic Venus is forming a trine to passionate Mars, and the planet that governs your sense of self, the Sun, will be square to creator/destroyer Pluto. The combination of these two transits is a mixed bag. You’re likely to feel compulsive, obsessive, and have your survival mechanisms kicked up, and there’ll be plenty of fodder for you to feel paranoid about. Pluto triggers issues of abandonment, feelings of resentment, or the drive for vengeance. The Venus transit suggests that this is likely to play out in your relationships (yay!), but don’t fear – there’s much to be gained here. Practice letting go. If there’s a dynamic at play in your life that you don’t want to deal with, recuse yourself. If you can’t walk away, you certainly don’t have to play games or take the bait when someone isn’t acting right. Moderate your behavior and what you give your attention to so that you can make the most of this time. Pluto brings intense growth or intense break downs; the only thing it never does is chill. Seek the best possible good in the situations you find yourself in, and as always, act in ways that reflect your integrity, not your situation, my love.





March 21-April 19

When you obsess on things that bring you pain, all you succeed in doing is making yourself feel awful. If you don’t like something, fix it. If you don’t know what direction to point your efforts, you simply haven’t sat with the problem long enough. Picking at your wounds will result in slowed healing and nothing more, Aries. Let go of your version of who did what and why, and focus on your part. In this way the answers will organically present themselves to you this week.



April 20-May 20

You don’t have all the facts, and it’s got you feeling off-kilter. Whether you’ve been mislead, you’ve misunderstood, or things simply haven’t played out enough yet, you can’t rush certainty. Instead of trying to collect data so you can plan your next moves, take a durn break, Taurus. If life is allowing you to pause and catch up, it’s on you to receive the gift. There will be more than enough time to plot your course once things change. Take a break, my love.



May 21-June 21

Fritz Perls famously said that “fear is just excitement without breath.” Fear doesn’t always make sense; sometimes it’s when you’re doing your best that you find you can’t shake negative thoughts. When something powerful moves through your life, it’s easy to mistake the accompanying exhilaration with anxiety, and then when you go looking for what’s got you freaking out, it’s easy enough to pinpoint what might go wrong. Make a decision and stick with it – just remember to breathe, Twin Star.



June 22-July 22

It’s not always necessary to assert your opinions, even if they’re objectively the best ones in town. Being right is fun! But it won’t always win you popularity contests, and more importantly, being right doesn’t make you right. Be weary of shoving your views down someone’s throat this week because no matter how high the ground you’re standing on seems, you’re not immune to consequences. Pick your battles with reason and integrity, Moonchild.



July 23-Aug. 22

When you don’t resist it, heartache can be baptismal. The only things you mourn are those that you’ve loved, gotten value from, or have become attached to. This week you may need to grieve something or someone, and while it’s not pleasant, it’s not a bad thing either. Determine what’s driving you – love or attachment – and whether you need to let go or fight with all your heart. You’re a person with a great capacity for love; pour your heart’s energy into what feeds your soul, not just your habits, Leo.



Aug. 23-Sept. 22

There are creative solutions to your problems, but you won’t find them when you’re tapped. Rest is an essential part of self-care, and when you forgo it for too long, you stop thinking clearly. Take a break – not watching videos, not scrolling through your phone, and not taking care of anyone else; take an actual break, Virgo. Carve out some time this week to act like a cat that has nothing better to do than recline and enjoy a bit of sunlight. It’s just what you need.



Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Can you accept what you don’t like? This week is going to kick up how you cope with interpersonal annoyances. Before you get worried, there’s a bigger picture to consider: you’re not naturally great at this and could use the practice! Think of this time as a chance for you to be more honest, diplomatic, assertive – whatever it is that the situation calls for. Don’t protect others from the truth of who you are and how you feel, Libra. There’s no long game in that.



Oct. 23-Nov. 21

When you’ve spread yourself too thin is when you start feeling overwhelmed and dramatic. It’s important that you keep your self-care game on point this week, or you’ll find yourself overreacting to people and jumping to conclusions about situations. Tend to the basic needs of your body (that’s water, food, rest, and breath), and this will set the foundation for managing your life wisely. What you do now will boomerang back to you, so make sure you believe in what you’re selling, Scorpio. 



Nov. 22-Dec. 21

If you’ve taken on too much, this week is gonna be extra stressful for you, my love. How you engage with your responsibilities is a huge deal. Whether you tend to get rebellious, resistant, or go full-throttle on getting things done, you’re in the same boat now. No strategy is sustainable when it’s your only one. You need support because you need to change, ‘Tarius, and the place to start is by letting go of your drive to be in control. You can do it all, but not all at once.



Dec. 22-Jan. 19

The bad news is that you’re not in control, and in fact you may find that things are progressing in such a frustrating way that you want to fast forward to find out how the show ends. The good news is that you can’t do that (obvi), and life wouldn’t be better if you could. Have faith, Capricorn. There’s a bigger picture playing out in your life, and what you do now is not as important as how you do it. Pace yourself, honor your values, and keep on showing up.




Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Pacing yourself is not an Aquarian trait, as your sign prefers to focus on the future. Feeling like you’ve arrived is not as important as having confidence that you’re solidly on your way. Likewise, you don’t have to have all the answers. You’ll get them sooner or later. Staying in the here and now has its advantages though. The goal is to work smarter, not harder, and that requires not trying to forge plans based on predictions. Keep it simple and put one foot in front of the other this week. You’ve totally got this, my love.




Feb. 19-March 20

This week will test your clarity. What you want can get clouded by what you think is possible, your hopes, fears, and of course, other people’s projections onto you. When you get caught off guard by your reactions, take a moment to center yourself. If you’re not careful, you may catch yourself defending something you actually don’t want to protect, or busting your hump trying to achieve something that you don’t actually care about, Pisces.