Halloween, Samhain, & The Thinning Veil.

The leaves begin to change colors; beautiful oranges, reds and yellows against some still-green foliage. The air becomes so crisp and clear with the far-away scent of burning wood as the sky turns dark overhead. Autumn, in all of its burning glory, is upon us. It is the time of Halloween and the thinning of the "Veil Between the Worlds" and contact with the Other Side.

New Moon In Leo 2016

"More radiant than the Sun,

Purer than the snow,

Subtler than the ether,

Is the Self.

The Spirit within my heart.

I am that self.

That self am I."- Alice Bailey

With the new moon in Leo comes some dramatic happenings especially concerning emotions and being the center of attention. This is a moon of exuberance, vitality, and the best time to successfully work out issues with people who are in authoritative positions of power. Now is the time to take the direct approach and assert yourself. It is high drama with this moon, as she is going to step out onto the stage to entertain us once again. You may be tempted to act out the “drama queen” aspect of yourself, or you may simply just want to be romantic. Either way, this is a time of vital energy, affection, and again romance. A fiery Lion extravaganza! “Everybody is a star” and everyone will be recognized for his/her particular Goddess within.

You will want to spend money during this moon transit as it’s a bit hard to recognize limits when the moon is in Leo. This is also a time for power issues to ERUPT! Who will be the center of attention? Ambition + leadership can become very important issues as we are all well aware that Leo has great pride, which can become extremely evident right now. As our moon moves to Virgo, the ambitious energy of Leo will become unassuming. Try enjoying the warmth of kindness and generosity, excitement and exuberance with parties and celebrations. Renew & invigorate yourself this New moon.

Sun oil

Our beloved moon falls into the fiery sign of Leo, and Leo knows all about confidence so be ready to be the center of attention with this amazing "sun oil" potion.  Use this oil to bring out all of the benefits of the sun. This oil will have you feeling invigorated, powerful, sexy, and ready to take center stage!


  • 4 drops essential oil of Frankincense
  • 4 drops essential oil of Myrrh
  • 1 drop Essential oil of Chamomile
  • 1 Essential oil of cardamon

Add the oils to a full bath just prior to entering. *If you do not have a bath tub, you may use these oils blended into your favorite carrier oil (grape-seed, jojoba) and worn as a body oil, or infused with salts to make an invigorating scrub.

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