::Summer Solstice::
Written by Michael Cardenas
The summer solstice is a powerful time of the year when the sun is at it's height of potency and power. Tapping into this energy through the use of bonfires is a common theme in most pagan traditions. The bonfire replicates the sun and dancing around the the bonfire especially with chanting and drums replicates our planets orbit in space around the sun. Our symbolic interpretation of this natural phenomena places us in direct alignment with the seasonal shift and with the Universe itself.
This year the full moon occurs at the same time as the solstice. The Sun and Moon come together in spiritual alchemy symbolizing the unification of the feminine, masculine, dark, and light energies.This is also happening within us. This abundance of spiritual and cosmic energy makes it a perfect time to cleanse the darkness from our homes and light bodies, release toxic etheric cords to past lovers and relationships, perform love divination, and manifest your desires
The Solstice by Sea:: Photo by Michael Cardenas
Tarot spread photo by Michael Cardenas
There's an overwhelming energy of loneliness, sadness, and feelings of isolation surrounding love. Know that the dark time is almost over! You are ready to move forward and leave behind the past. Disconnect from it. Stop feeding it with your energy. We are collectively breaking through this difficult time and opening up to self acceptance and change on many levels. The energetic shift that is occurring on the planet at this time is causing everyone and everything to shift to a higher frequency. Things that no longer serve a higher purpose like toxic relationships, unfulfilling jobs, negative living situations, and cycles of addiction are no longer being supported energetically. We no longer have an option to hold onto them. In order to get the energy moving in a positive direction reflect on what worked for you and what didn’t work for you in the past. Change your approach to achieve a different result. If the necessary work is done like cutting energetic cords, cutting off toxic people, and physically leaving situations that are not worthy of you, I see a major positive shift occurring as a direct result. A beautiful, poetic, sensual, supportive energy enters and brings emotional and for some sexual renewal. This can either manifest as a new romantic relationship, lover, or developing a deeper loving relationship with self.
Yarrow:: photo by
- For those who want to take matters in their own hands, to dream of your true love or next lover sleep with Yarrow flowers under your pillow and write down your experience as soon as you wake up. Keep the yarrow until they manifest and then burn it in a fireproof dish.
Cut toxic energetic cords to past lovers and relationships.
- 3 cups Sea salt
- 1/2 cup Baking soda
- 1 tsp Almond or grapeseed oil
- 40 drops Lemon essential oil
- 20 drops of Lemongrass oil
Mix the salt and baking soda together. Put 40 drops of lemon oil and 20 drops of lemongrass oil into the almond or grape-seed oil. Mix the salt and baking soda blend with the oil and mix well. Take your regular shower and then use the scrub after. Ask that all negative energetic attachments connected to love be cleansed off of you. Visualize a purple light within through and around you melting off energetic cords to your exes and toxic relationships. Dry off as normal and wear light colored and preferably white clothes to bed.
White Sage:: Photo
- Salt
- White candle
- Bowl of water
- Sage or Palo Santo
Take the salt and place your dominant hand (the one you write with) over it and say: I empower this salt to cast out all evil in the name of the Divine (feel free to include specific deities) So it is.
Take the water and add three pinches of salt to it. Mix it three times, place your hand over it and imagine a blue light radiating from it. Say: I cleanse, consecrate, and empower this water to cast out all evil in the name of the Divine. So it is.
Sprinkle the water through your entire house. Next take the salt and sprinkle a little throughout the house. Next Burn sage or palo santo through the entire house. And lastly take the candle light it hold your hand above the flame and say: Creature of fire I empower you in the name of the Divine to cast out all evil and bring peace to this home. Take the candle through the entire home. When finished stand at the front door and say:
Power of moon I have over it,
Power of sun I have over it,
Power of sea I have over it,
Power of land I have over it,
Power of stars I have over it,
Power of planets I have over it,
Power of universe I have over it,
Power of ancestors I have over it,
As above so below
As above so below
As above so below
You will need a gold or white candle, two pieces of paper, a pen, and heat proof dish.
You will be making two lists. First write a list of 9 things you want to release. Take some time to process and experience them. Rub the list all over your body and burn it in a fireproof dish. Flush the ashes down toilet.
Next make a list of 7 things you want to manifest in your life. Rub the list all over your body, blow on the list three times, and place under the candle. Place your hand over the candle and read your list out loud. Close your eyes and visualize a gold light energizing your list and candle. Place the candle on top of the list and let the candle burn completely. Keep the list until next full moon and burn it. Once it has cooled scatter the ashes to the wind.
Read all about Today's Full Moon HERE!