The Super Full Buck Moon in Capricorn
Make way for the Super Full Moon in Capricorn!
Posted in: Moon Phases
Astrology by Lisa Stardust for
The week starts off with a fraught Full Moon in Aries on October 20 that brings major changes to our lives. Mars, who’s in Libra, squares off with Pluto, who’s in Capricorn, on October 22. This powerful astrological aspect will create power struggles and drama with others. The Sun moves into Scorpio on October 23, allowing everyone to dive deep within themselves and evolve over the next 30 days. Venus, who’s in Sagittarius, and Neptune, who’s retrograde in Pisces, square off on October 26. Dreaminess, exhaustion, sensitivity, and paranoia in love will exist as a result.
We live in a material world, which is a sentiment that’s consuming your energies. When the Sun shifts into Scorpio on October 23, the focus will be on how you can use your power and status to attain your goals. Rather than fixate on how to rule the world, use the planetary alignments to implement change within yourself and the world. Being influential doesn’t mean having money and being bossy, it means having the ability to make changes that can benefit everyone — not just you.
It’s always good to check in on existing contracts that are in the works. Call your friends and arrange for a friendly get together when the Sun glides into Scorpio on October 23. Suggest an activity like a yoga class or lunch date a few miles out of town to connect with your pals. Use this time to discuss everything that’s been going on and share details of your life. Let those who are close to you into your world and feel your love.
Slowing down isn’t in your nature, but it will allow you to stay what you mean when you feel it, instead of impulsively stating unverified facts that can hurt others. Also, it gives you the chance to make the best decisions possible (that is if you choose to analyze the situations thoroughly). By the end of the week, you will have the opportunity to contemplate your next moves and think before you take action in pursuing your goals. This will secure a victorious triumph for you.
Scorpio season awakens your tender heart from its temporary slumber. The moment the Sun glides into Scorpio on October 23 is when you’ll begin to feel the intense emotional shift that heightens your sentimental vibes. You’ll want to take risks in putting your feelings out in the open and expressing your desires to others. Don’t be afraid to seek the love that you deserve this month. Rather than being lost in a dream, try to find the emotions and frequency that aligns with your vibe.
Your personal life is heating up. Being the vivacious lion that you are, it won’t go unnoticed. When the Sun moves into Scorpio on October 23, you’ll begin to implement extra self-care into your regular routine. This means taking more cat naps throughout the day, disconnecting from the drama, and adorning your claws with beautiful nail art. Boundaries are the only thing that’s getting in the way of having peace of mind. Double up on protecting your energetic realm by setting important and necessary limits.
The problem with not letting your mind rest and disengaging from obstacles that present themselves is that you are focusing too much on things that aren’t important. These are only minor obstacles. Allot yourself the chance to see the bigger picture. Don’t overthink matters too much and set yourself up for self-sabotage. Stop analyzing everything and everyone, Virgo. The moment you gain a distant perspective, the easier it will be to see situations with a clearer lenses. Consider this before becoming stressed or upset.
Use this week’s cosmic shifts to attain your aspirations — you know, the ones that you had in your youth that have been put on the back burner for years. This will lead you towards personal fulfillment and happiness because you are living out your dreams (minus the minor detour that you took for a minute). The more you connect with the visions that you wanted years ago and the person you believed you could be, the sweeter it will be when they come your way.
When you get a sense of a situation, you rarely debate your sentiments and trust your gut instincts. That is, until now. You’re starting to second guess yourself. This will lead you to investigate matters thoroughly to get to the bottom of the matter. It’s not that you’re unwilling to believe what is being shown to you, it’s more that you don’t want to. You’d rather believe in the dream — even though it’s not real, as the truth will prove to be stranger than fiction.
This week gives you the opportunity to restart your cash flow and discuss your spending habits with a confidant. This will give you the chance to set realistic financial goals and live nicely on the allotted budget in order to have extra money to spend on the upcoming seasonal holidays. When you go shopping for presents, purchase meaningful and sentimental gifts that will lift the spirits of those you’re giving it to. The cost doesn’t matter as long as it’s from the heart.
I Committing to a cause that you believe in well value to feel as though you are helping others, making headway in their personal aspirations, and fulfilling a part of your self that has felt empty. Use this week as a chance to align with organizations or projects that speak to your heart. Doing so will make you feel good so you are a part of a bigger picture that helps others heal, grow, change, and be the best version of themselves.
You’re finally making headway with your boss, peers, and family members by getting the positive praise and feedback that you have wanted to hear for the past few months. The caveat is that you are finding that all that glitters isn’t necessarily gold when it comes to your goals, objectives, and relationships (mostly because you are longing to focus more on your personal life at the moment) which is why you will be reassessing and reflecting on your plans for the future.
The Sun’s ingress into Scorpio calls for you to investigate life’s mysteries — particularly situations that are affecting your relationships. You can’t easily let matters go, that is until you’ve found answers that resonate with your line of thinking. What you find out may be disheartening, resulting in tensions rising with others. Before you take the argument to the next level, ask yourself if the punishment fits the crime? If not, you may opt to forgive and forget.
The first New Moon of the summer occurs today, on July 9th in Cancer. This luminary is asking us to embrace our amazingness and to own our power. The caveat is that we have to heal the past in order to create the present and future that we want.
This lumnation directly aspects the planet Uranus, which is currently in the sign Taurus. Emotions will be excitable, yet tender — particularly towards the way we care for ourselves. The fixed star Wasat aligns with the New Moon and pushes us to augment our pessimistic attitudes or feelings, due to the presence of Uranus, who serves as a transformative source of energies.
Chiron, the healing centaur, who is in Aries, will also lend its energy to the New Moon. This will bring unexpected and exciting emotions to the forefront of our hearts. It will urge us to discuss our sentiments with others, as well as make positive changes towards aligning ourselves with a higher vibration that can mend past wounds — even our emotional hurts that are ever present.
The days surrounding the New Moon heighten the Venusian energy in the sky. Saturn, Uranus, and Mars (in that order) will set off tender Venus. This will motivate us to understand that we can create the loving environments and relationships that we want. But, it starts with the relationship we have with ourselves.
The first step to attaining your dreams is believing in yourself. Without the confidence and affection we feel for ourselves, then we can hinder our desires from taking flight out of fear. Letting go of
Doing this luminary, it’s important to boost our self-esteem. Stating a positive affirmation in front of a mirror will allow us to inspire ourselves to believe that these sentiments are true (which they are). On a piece of paper, write down 5 positive and affirming statements about yourself. Repeat them twice a day at the same time for the next week while gazing at yourself in the mirror. The mirror will reflect the energy back to you and give you the strength you craze to create the positive mindset and confidence that we need to boost and heighten our inner vibration. Exhale and inhale between stating the affirmations out loud. You are exhaling the negative thoughts you have about yourself and inhaling the beautiful sentiments about yourself. Compliment yourself. Love yourself. Give yourself a smile.
Welcome the Capricorn full moon and discover which ritual is best for you by zodiac!
Astrology by Lisa Stardust
The Aries New Moon is asking us to be bold. Standing face to face with our deepest fears will require us to act boldly. If we are willing to be honest with ourselves, then we can squash the talk and doubt in our heads that’s been holding us back and attain our best lives.
The New Moon and Venus share an opening square with Pluto, allowing us to make changes that will be the beginning of the journey we’re committing to. The caveat is that we may let the negative vibes of Pluto stand in the way of attaining our goals, as we are scared of evolving and moving forward. Change is hard. After all, we are creatures of comfort. However, it’s essential to move towards newness and allow ourselves to feel new emotions, passions, and desires.
The opposite sentiment can lead to stagnation, which can make us feel stuck and frustrated. Don’t fight or rush the process. Move in flow of the cosmos. But, take your time towards achieving growth. The other side of this aspect can lead to a deep healing and to an attainment of spiritual transformation.
Jupiter and Mars lend a helping hand to this energy, by allowing us to discuss our plans for the future. Mercury and Mars, who are in mutual reception, are giving us the motivation to resolve the past by moving into the next vision and committing to a new journey. A new cycle is beginning. Are you ready?
This luminary will force us to embrace our shadow side in order to move forward without fear. In order to do so, we’ll have to do glamour magic to encourage confidence and power (both are descriptions and elements of Pluto) to attain our desires.
Take a mirror and lay it by the windowsill under the New Moon. Let the moon’s energy radiate and ignite the mirror with passion. After you’ve meditated on your personal affirmation and when you’re feeling ready, write down your mantra on a piece of paper. Affix it to the mirror. State the affirmation five times while staring at yourself in the mirror. When you’re done, state one thing, habit, or phobia that you would like to rid yourself of. Then, write it on a piece of paper and bury it in the dirt, flush it down the toilet, or burn it to ensure that you never hold onto that sentiment again. Practice your affirmations every morning and night to make sure that your visions come to fruition swiftly.
The New Moon in Capricorn is here, enjoy our new moon ritual + astro insights.
Astrology by Lisa Stardust
December 29th brings the last Full Moon of 2020 in the sign of tender Cancer. This luminary will bring a big emotional ending to 2020, by clearing up and releasing matters that haven’t been addressed throughout the year. The Cancer Full Moon is an important time for releasing and letting go of all of the negativity from 2020 (which as we all know is much needed) as we enter 2021.
Being that this Full Moon will occur in Cancer, we can expect repressed feelings to come to the surface which will push the floodgates open. Add in “Great Awakener” Uranus and healing centaur Chiron (“the wounded healer, who ironically could not heal himself”).
We will be forced to see things that we hadn’t before (all of which we didn’t see coming). This eye opening Full Moon will urge us to reflect about what we are giving to others versus what they’re giving to us. There will be a lot of tears. Keep in mind that crying is actually good for the body and soul. It releases pent up anxieties and frustrations, as well as endorphins and oxytocin (feel good chemicals in our bodies). Therefore, it’s important to unlock your feelings and let all of your emotions flow out.
The Full Moon will push us outside of our comfort zones. It’s important to take care of oneself during this luminary. A soothing and healing bath will help us feel better about our situations and relationships. Also, give us more self-love — which is what we need right now.
*The Cold Full Moon occurs on December 29th at 7:28PM PDT and 10:28PM EDT.
½-1 Cup of Dried or Fresh Rose Petals
½-1 Cup of Lemon Verbena or Lemon Peel
½-1 Cup of Epsom Salt
¼ Cup of Milk
3 Cups of Water
Place all ingredients in a mixing bowl. Bring water to a boil in a pot. Let the water cool and then drain all the ingredients out. Dispose of them. Add the milk in the cool water. Use the water in a bath or pour over your body from the shoulders down in a shower.
The Pisces Full Moon is among us, read more + full moon ritual.
Written by Lisa Stardust
The Supermoon in Virgo occurs on March 9th. During this luminary, the Moon will be brighter, fuller, and more potent due to the closeness to Earth. On an energetic level, we can feel its intense power and pull on our emotions. Being that the Super Full Moon is in Virgo, we will feel the disconnect between our head and our hearts. The incentive of this cosmic occurrence is to bring these two parts of ourselves together — if we can let go of the past and start fresh.
This luminary will directly oppose Neptune, who’s in Pisces, which means we can expect to feel our emotions on a soulful level. The truth may be ever cloudy and uncertain. During this time, it’s important for us to lean into our intuition and our gut impulses. We’ll find the truth of the matter from listening to our hearts and analyzing the information that the universe is telling us with a fine comb. It’s an amazing time to face fears head on and discuss them. Also, an opportune day to pay attention to our dreams and spiritual symbols we are receiving. Jupiter, Mars, and Pluto (who are all currently in Capricorn) give this luminary a chance to move forward; however, Neptune may make us feel stuck and unsure of our next moves.
Mercury turns direct later in the day, ending its retrograde journey that began February 16th. For the past several weeks, we weren’t able to make decisions. Now, we are being cosmically pushed to make choices in our lives, which will bring anxiety as we are unable to cut the cord on situations and relationships that need to end. Reminder, we don’t have to rush into resolving matters under this luminary. We can take our time. We have until Mercury leaves its post retrograde degrees on March 29th to let go.
Right now, the Moon is shedding light on that which needs to transform or leave our lives. Our hearts may be heavy, but deep down we know what we will eventually have to do. Whatever path we wish to choose, it will be the best road for us. Over time, we’ll come to see that it’s for the best. No regrets.
*The Super Full Worm Moon occurs at 10:47AM PST and 1:47PM EST.
Calming Bath for Emotional and Mental Clarity
-1 cup of Himalayan sea salt or Epsom salt -6 drops of lavender oil or a ½ cup of fresh lavender
-6 drops of peppermint oil or 6 sprigs of fresh peppermint
-One part Florida Water
-Rose Quartz and Clear Quartz (you can charge your crystals under the Moon, but it’s not necessary)
-Moon Water (water charged under the Moon) is optional
-Blend all of the ingredients together.
Rub on your scalp, third eye chakra, and heart chakra while in the shower or bath.
-Place the Rose Quartz Crystal on your heart chakra and the Clear Quartz Crystal on your third eye chakra.
-Relax your thoughts and feel your body align.
-Meditate on connecting the mind, heart, and intuition together for 25 minutes.
-Rinse off with water.
Written By: Lisa Stardust
This week brings necessary changes, beginnings, and endings our way — all of which will better our spirit and hearts. We kick off the week with Mercury, who’s retrograde, reentering Aquarius on March 4th. Mercury’s moonwalk will take us back to the story that was unravelling in our personal lives in the beginning of February. We will have the chance to revisit those events and change the outcome of them. Mercury and Venus softly connect, while Venus is in the last degree of Aries, giving us a tender push to assert our romantic feelings towards others. Venus enters Taurus on March 4th, allowing us all to embrace our flirty, sensual, and creative sides. The Sun and Neptune link up in the sign of dreamy Pisces on the 8th, adding sentimentality and confusion to our thoughts. Later in the day, on March 8th, Venus and Uranus align in the sign of Taurus, making us all see romantic and financial matters from a different perspective. March 9th brings the Super Worm Full Moon in Virgo, which will bring truths to the surface. Mercury ends its retrograde journey the same day (but, will be roaming through the Retroshade zone until March 29th). Lastly, Venus and the Nodes of Destiny make a fated connection on the 9th, bringing us fresh opportunities and possibilities — even new relationships.
March 21 - April 19
It’s time you take note that life is one big juggling act. While it may be hard to keep up with the daily occurrences in all areas of your life, it’s important that you are able to keep such endeavors in constant flow. You need to learn how to manage and prioritize your time more effectively. This will help you find solace throughout the week and not get overwhelmed if unforeseen issues come your way.
April 20 - May 20
Giving back to the local community is a sentiment that has been on your mind for quite some time. Finally, you have found a cause that’s close to your heart that you’ll want to advocate for. Call your coven for assistance to spread the word to others. With your help (and the assistance of your coven) you’ll change the world by giving attention to those in need and to charitable organizations that need your aid.
May 21 - June 20
Use your chameleon-like energy to transform yourself into the person of your dreams this week. With a little cosmic help (under the Full Moon), you’ll be able to shed the past and let go of outdated thoughts you’ve had regarding who you “should” be. You can create the path you desire on your terms. This will allow you to take back your power and create the life you crave on your terms with no apologies.
June 21 - July 22
Letting your guard down isn’t a bad thing. It’s ok to be emotionally vulnerable with others every now again. Contrary to what you may think, it doesn’t make you a pushover. Being open with others and sharing your feelings is a strong sentiment. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, it’s proof that your tough shell is softening up and allowing you to express yourself freely without the fear of being judged by others.
July 23 - August 22
You’re learning that it’s important to admit and apologize when you’re wrong (which is a big emotional step for you). Or, at least take responsibility for part of the drama that’s occurred in your relationships. This week will allow you to kiss and make up with members of your inner circle. You’ll be able to move forward with others, as long as you own your part in the situation and offer them a sincere apology.
August 23 - September 22
You’ve been trying to make all of your relationships work (including your intimate one-on-one partnerships) for the past few weeks by giving all of your energy to them. The issue you are now facing is that you’re emotionally exhausted from working hard for affection and attention from others. All of which is why it’s essential for you to set boundaries and decide if you want to proceed with these relationships (if so, in what direction).
September 23 - October 22
Lately, you’ve been projecting a lot of your issues onto others. This tactic is allowing you to shift the blame and place it upon someone else. Deciphering between your insecurities and theirs will be hard, as it’s challenging to recognize and take ownership of one’s flaws. Bringing conscious awareness to this issue within will help you to evolve. Also, releasing anger and frustrations in a healthy way (like yoga and meditation) is key for you.
October 23 - November 21
Your romantic past has come back to haunt you, causing you to reflect on your personal views. Reflecting on what could’ve, would’ve, should’ve been will have a deep effect on you, as you’re going to change how you proceed with your current relationships. Learning from the past will help you to open your heart to real love. All of the heartbreaks and wins you’ve endured will allow you to create the partnership you truly desire.
November 22 - December 21
You’re quite the busy bee this week! Many of your professional endeavors are finally coming together, firing up your creative and intellectual passions. Not only that, but your finances are beginning to finally come together. Words of advice: Strike while the iron is hot. Try to use this week’s energy as a jumping board to pitch new projects for the future, so your bank account is always lush and your professional calendar is always full.
December 22 - January 19
No one knows more than you how much the truth can hurt. While you may find honesty to be essential, you may find that you’re being gaslighted by your coworkers and boss. They aren’t being completely upfront with you regarding projects you are interested in pursuing. Don’t fret! The professional matter will change and reverse itself by the end of the week. You’ll get the promotion, project, and a raise. In the meantime, chill out.
January 20 - February 18
Communication will be strained this week, as a result of Mercury moonwalking on your Sun. Instead of running away and avoiding the frenetic energy, try to embrace it. Connect with old friends and make amends with those you’ve had conflict with in the past. Revisit former creative projects or hobbies. As long as you work with the energy and not against it, you’ll fly high. You can carry lapis lazuli with you, if you’re worried.
February 19 - March 20
Have you been feeling overwhelmed lately? Then, it’s time for you to take an emotional and mental break from your daily stresses. You may
hibernate at home by taking relaxing baths to detox and unwind. Or, even reading a book. One thing is certain — you need time off and away from others to focus on you. Escaping every now and again with the intention of self-care is essential and necessary to mend the spirit.
Artist Fabian Oefner
The first New Moon of 2020 occurs January 24th in airy Aquarius. Known for its quirky nature, Aquarian walk their own path and have a unique sense of self. Under this luminary, we will be cosmically pushed to embrace our evocative nature (that not many see) and take a walk on the wild side.
The New Moon squares off with Uranus, who is currently in Taurus. Coincidentally, Uranus is the modern planetary ruler of Aquarius (the traditional ruler of Saturn). This will aspect will bring sudden changes and losses our way — all of which we did not see coming. It’s also a celestial call for us to let our freak flags fly.
The fixed star Dabih connects with the New Moon and adds fear, reserve, and mistrust in the process of our evolutionary goals — particularly through friends, Those who do not understand our sentiments and desires will fall to the waste side, as our hearts yearn to be free and seen. Although letting go is hard, it’s essential at this time for our personal growth.
The Sabian symbol for this luminary is “A Council Of Ancestors Is Seen Implementing The Efforts Of A Young Leader.” Therefore, it’s necessary for us to acknowledge the past and present. Blending these energies together will help us become our own individual in the world and become the person of our dreams. Our ancestors are supporting our growth, which is a blessing.
Lean into your fabulous unique self! Let go of the restraints and norms that hold you back. Like a butterfly, we are in the midst of a personal metamorphosis towards change. Spread your wings and fly!
For this ritual, we will be working with the modern planetary ruler of Aquarius — which is Uranus. The reason being is that we are all going through major shake ups and transformations. We need to honor change, instead of working against it, in order to ensure cosmic protection during these turbulent and erratic times (also, to protect and give strength to our relationship with ourselves, as insecurities may flair up) This will allow you to embrace and bring luck to your unique thoughts and notions, rather than work against it.
Use a Blue-Green (if you don’t have this particular hue, you can use Blue or Green) candle.
Make a sigil with your intention by writing out your New Moon goals and deleting the vowels and striking out the duplicate consonants. Carve your zodiac sign into one side of the candle, your name, your personal sigil, and the glyph (astrological symbol) of the planet Uranus.
Place cloves, nutmeg, and the juice of half of a lime (all of these are essences of Uranus) into a mixing bowl.
Rub the blended essences on the candle.
You can add blue or green glitter for decorations. Also, a butterfly to mark the transformative nature of Uranus.
Meditate on your intentions. Breathe deeply and exhale.
Light the candle.
Astrology by Lisa Stardust
Uranus, who is known as “The Great Awakener,” is in opposition the Scorpio New Moon in earthy Taurus. We will make major discoveries today, which will shift our passions, minds, and hearts. Revelations will be made. Secrets revealed. The only caveat is that our emotions may force us to act impulsively, which will steer us in another direction.
Venus and Mars are currently in mutual reception, as are Mars and Saturn (by exaltation). This means that these planets are strengthening each other in the sky. Venus and Mars are forcing us to move towards our desires. While Mars and Saturn are forcing us to asset our individuality by letting go of the past. Mercury is in it’s retrograde shadow, creating internal confusion and uncertainty. We may be distracted by information that will prove untrue. Take scandalous and shocking news with a grain of salt.
The asteroid Nessus connects with the New Moon degrees with sour emotions. Don’t despair! The asteroid Varuna creates a T-Square in the cosmos with the New Moon and Uranus. This is a triumphant aspect. Honor, grace, and courage will have power over our judgements which will allow us to reach our highest potential.
The fortunate fixed star Syrma is allotting us cosmic inspiration and spiritual knowledge. We are getting divine help from the universe to take concise action during this luminary. The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon is “A
Massive Rocky Shore Resist The Pounding Of The Sea”—quite an accurate metaphor for the celestial energy—as we will all literally be pounding our heads against the wall while we try to gain clarity for the future.
Under the Scorpio New Moon, it’s magically advisable to to gain a deep, almost penetrating understanding, of wisdom. Using a black obsidian mirror, with patchouli incense (an essence of Scorpio) burning in the background, we can visualize our passions and gain clarity on how to achieve our dreams. We will know which road to choose and who to trust from the visions presented by the incense above the scrying mirror.
This will help us to break out of the constraints that hold us back and knock down blocks that stand in our way in our quest towards success.
Recharging under Friday’s super black New Moon In Virgo.
By: Lisa Stardust
The Strawberry Full Moon, occurring June 17th, offers us a time to connect to our inner truths on a deep level. The past and upcoming week’s cosmic energy is intense. During this luminary, we will have a momentary reprieve from the confusion and power struggles that have been permeating our auric fields and allow ourselves to evolve our thoughts.
The Sagittarius Moon will align with the asteroid Ixion (who rules over futurity) and softly connects with passionate asteroid Eris. Fair minded Juno and lovelorn Sedna (two other asteroids) will both form a frustrating aspect with the Moon. All together, this means that we will be cosmically tasked to assert our will and fight for our dreams—no matter what obstacles stand in our way. The only caveat, is that Neptune, who is extremely active in the sky, may create confusion around what our truest visions are. This also can mean self-deceit, which may create inner conflict, as we are not being honest with ourselves. However, there’s hope for us to reach our most idealized potential.
The degree of the Full Moon sits on the Galactic Center, which will help us understand and manifest our innermost desires. The Galactic Center falls in the middle of the entrance to the Milky Way. Sagittarius, who is the protector of our galaxy, stands on all fours at this celestial point with a bow and arrow ready to shoot at any given moment. As the defender of the galaxy, Sagittarius is touted as the high minded philosopher known to understand all worldly truths. This is because it’s important for the armed sign to know when and how to sling its arrows. The Galactic Center is a degree and place of insight. It’s the transmitter of “Divine Consciousness.” It’s a place of freedom. It’s where our hearts soar and where we can be the purest form of ourselves, with no restrictions and judgements.
Under the Strawberry Full Moon, in the sign of honorable Sagittarius, we will use smoke scrying to connect with the “other” world and find our inner truths. We will be able to decipher and clarify what we want as individuals. Only then, can we fight for our dreams.
*The Full Moon occurs June 17th at 1:30AM PST and 4:30AM EST.
Meditate on your goal or intention.
Take a smudge stick and light it.
Place in a bowl or cauldron.
Let the smudge stick burn.
Follow the smoke with your eyes as it fills the air.
Watch the smoke dance in the air and its shadows on the wall.
Make note in a journal about the messages are receiving messages from spirits.
Interpret the images once you receive them from the universe.
Use the images to help understand your truest intention and objectives to manifest under the Full Moon.