
Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The Aries New Moon is asking us to be bold. Standing face to face with our deepest fears will require us to act boldly. If we are willing to be honest with ourselves, then we can squash the talk and doubt in our heads that’s been holding us back and attain our best lives. 

The New Moon and Venus share an opening square with Pluto, allowing us to make changes that will be the beginning of the journey we’re committing to. The caveat is that we may let the negative vibes of Pluto stand in the way of attaining our goals, as we are scared of evolving and moving forward. Change is hard. After all, we are creatures of comfort. However, it’s essential to move towards newness and allow ourselves to feel new emotions, passions, and desires. 

The opposite sentiment can lead to stagnation, which can make us feel stuck and frustrated. Don’t fight or rush the process. Move in flow of the cosmos. But, take your time towards achieving growth. The other side of this aspect can lead to a deep healing and to an attainment of spiritual transformation.

 Jupiter and Mars lend a helping hand to this energy, by allowing us to discuss our plans for the future. Mercury and Mars, who are in mutual reception, are giving us the motivation to resolve the past by moving into the next vision and committing to a new journey. A new cycle is beginning. Are you ready? 

*The Aries New Moon occurs on April 11th at 7:31PM PST and 10:31PM EST. 

New Moon Ritual

This luminary will force us to embrace our shadow side in order to move forward without fear. In order to do so, we’ll have to do glamour magic to encourage confidence and power (both are descriptions and elements of Pluto) to attain our desires. 


Take a mirror and lay it by the windowsill under the New Moon. Let the moon’s energy radiate and ignite the mirror with passion. After you’ve meditated on your personal affirmation and when you’re feeling ready, write down your mantra on a piece of paper. Affix it to the mirror. State the affirmation five times while staring at yourself in the mirror. When you’re done, state one thing, habit, or phobia that you would like to rid yourself of. Then, write it on a piece of paper and bury it in the dirt, flush it down the toilet, or burn it to ensure that you never hold onto that sentiment again. Practice your affirmations every morning and night to make sure that your visions come to fruition swiftly. 

Manifesting With The Gemini New Moon


Astrology by Lisa Stardust

It’s been a long and intense few weeks. Now, we are at a pivotal point of the madness, where we can truly embrace ourselves and let our freak flags fly high. For the past few months, we have literally been locked in cages (understandably, due to the current state of the world). While it’s been fun catching up with old friends and making new acquaintances we are longing for human interaction. This luminary acts as a kind of divine intervention to us all. While we cannot “touch” others. We can certainly have fun with sex magic and connecting with others virtually. 


Mars and Saturn retrograde are the planetary key figures. They are urging us to make action around implementing our desires. The caveat is that we may have trouble finding the vision we wish to embrace, as the planetary ruler of the New Moon in Gemini is Mercury. During the day, Venus retrograde and Neptune will aspect the Moon creating confusion around our hopes and dreams. The good news is that this lineup will help us embrace our fantasy life which will serve to intoxicate our minds and act as a catalyst for emotional, mental, and sexual release. We can be who we want to be to ourselves and others without judgement. Our desires and passions will be ignited, calling for us to use sex magic to manifest our dreams. 


The Sabian symbol for this luminary is “The Garden Of The Tuileries In Paris.” This means that the New Moon will serve as our sexual spring awakening, as all of our flowers are now in bloom. 

The fixed star Alcyone aligns with the New Moon, heightening our sexual cravings and yearnings. 


*The New Moon occurs on May 22 at 10:38AM PST and 1:38PM EST. 





-Meditate on your intention. Think of your ultimate fantasies — this can include who you want to be or what dreams you want to accomplish.

-Write it down on a piece of paper.

-Cross out all of the vowels to create your personal sigil.

-Run a hot bath with Epsom salt, Himalyan sea salt, or Kosher table salt. 

-Soak in the warm bath. 

-As you begin to pleasure yourself, concentrate on words of the sigil.

-Think about your intention as you begin to orgasm to ensure it happens in reality. 

-Release, restore, and rejuvenate.  


Emotional Healing Under the Cancer Full Moon


By: Lisa Stardust

The Cancer Full Moon occurs less than 24 hours after the Winter Solstice, illuminating the sky with light right after the darkest and longest day of the year. With the juxtaposing energies at play, we will experience spiritual and emotional awakenings as we honor the rebirth of the Sun and the Full Moon at the same time.

The line between the spiritual and psychical world will be thinned, as the Moons glow will enlighten us all to the secrets of the universe, allowing us to see clearly, without hesitations. The veil between realms will be thinner than usual, turning on our intuition and raising vulnerabilities to psychic attacks, emotional meltdowns, exhaustion, and anxiety. The most sensitive tipping point occurs at the exact time of the Full Moon, which is why emotional healing and protection is essential during this particular luminary. The Grand Water Trine occurring the day before the Full Moon (during the Solstice) will make us extra absorbent, by picking up the energies of others (by way of sentimental Venus and delicate Neptune).

The Cancer Full Moon gives us the opportunity to mend loose ends and close chapters in our lives, as we head into new season and year. As the second Full Moon in Cancer this year (the first one occurred January 1st) we are emotionally releasing all the upsets, grief, anger, and pain we have felt since New Year’s Day 2018, giving us the strength to enter a new season and new year with a clean slate.

Creating a purifying salt bath (to purify our aura), filled with eucalyptus (to aid in healing emotional ailments), lavender (to help us relax), rose quartz (to mend our hearts and confidence), amethyst (to revive and treat our emotional upsets), and moonstone (to evoke the Moon Goddess in balancing out our best emotions) will boost our auric field and attune our inner vibration, allowing us to release old sentiments by cleansing our body, mind, and sprit under this luminary.

*The Cancer Full Moon occurs December 22nd at 9:48AM PST and 12:48PM EST


-Moon Water

-6 drops of Eucalyptus Oil or Eucalyptus Leaves

-4 Lavender Oil or Fresh Lavender

-Rose Quartz

-Amethyst Crystal


-Himalayan Sea Salt, Epson Salt, or Kosher Salt


-Place rose quartz, amethyst, and moonstone in a cup of water. Charge a cup of water under the Moon’s glow during the day. You can leave the cup by the window sill to absorb the lunar energy.

-Run a warm bath.

-Put a cup of salt in the bath.

-Place 6 drops of eucalyptus oil or leaves in bath (the number 2 is the numerological number of the Moon, therefore, we are using even numbers to honor the Moon Goddess).

-Place 4 drops of lavender oil or flowers in bath.

-Add the rose quartz, amethyst, and moonstone to water.

-Enter bath and close your eyes, meditating on the stillness of your mind and the warmth of the water.

-Put on soothing music, lay in the bath. Let the water heal your mind, body, spirit, and heart by washing away the pain and frustrations you feel within.

Becoming the Earth: Contemplation, Visioning & Aesthesis.

Written By Alicia Bello

I wanted to write an erotic love article to you. I wanted to write love to you by saying: May all kinds of milks, honeys, fragrant oils and flowers fill your home, altar, and bath. Let there be Eros possession in which every word rolled off the tongue is a spiced nectar. Let there be every lush nude sensation. Let every body in whatever sensual embrace undulate, hum, shudder and drunk on rhythm and ecstasy … whether crying out or soft sigh of respiration, mouth the genuine expression of ecstatic release (and please do always). Hopefully that article will want to be written soon because, well… what a sensation. Instead this article transformed from body in relationship to body into body in relationship to earth… a different kind of body, of intimacy.. the same and different.. but kind of the same. I have found myself outside significantly more than being inside anywhere. My hands and feet have been constantly investigating and trampling through the tropical landscape of Florida and so the intimacy running through me has been the aesthesis of shoots of new green covered in dew, balmy air scented with salty wet earth, and bees pressed deep into the center of flowers… and all of this is happening in the wide open, no shame, Nature needing no permission to burst with her blatant sensuality.

Connecting to the earth is not a new concept for those who practice the craft (to each and every guardian of the directions, the elementals, Hail and Welcome). It is a foundation of study and also a potent remembering. Within every natural witch lies dark earth, fertile, lush with the protected seedcrets of ancient ways, alive with mystery and kept sacred and untainted from the “normalization” of the status quo. No matter how we practice, each and every expression of the work that we do is beautiful to behold in its own right. Our earnest devotion to our practice is the catalyst to what peels away the layers so we begin to see the world completely differently. The earth is living, breathing, pulsing and we perceive it perhaps as our ancestors have, not in the grandiose Hollywood kind of way, but magic in the very real sense that begins to show itself when we learn(remember) how to look (be in relationship to it).

The Anima Mundi, the spirit of the world at this point is no longer a concept but so much more. It is perceived in the body and felt in the depths of individual experience. We, in turn, interact with our planet instinctually, in which in any given moment we turn on and tune in, and allow the power to course through our very body vessel. We can play the subtle vibrations like an instrument that opens the gates to other perceptions and other realities. The relationship that we cultivate with the spirits of the land is so very vital and just like any important relationship we’ve got to keep in touch, forget the small talk so to speak, and nurture it. We know the state of earth right now and quite obviously to say that it’s not healthy is a gross understatement. Just being with the understanding is like a glacial shower and it’s a beginning. We start right here, right now, with what is right in front of us. Without projecting rage or blame on anything, or fear, for the current state of the earth but to just be in a state of heightened mindfulness about say, the decline of bees or the poisoning of water… The Mother is where she’s at just as we are. Just to be in a heightened kind of mindfulness before any practice in which we evoke the elements, and contemplate their actual current state is incredibly important because we have to start where we are at. That being said, magic works non-linearly. No matter how we are working we can heal through coming into contact with root essence of the elements. What I am offering, however is to maybe initiate any ritual with that kind of present acknowledgment and then move into connection with the spiritus, gennii loci, and/ or Anima Mundi.


I practice this visualization outside with meditation and contemplation either at sunrise or sunset, but as I usually instruct: if it feels right to practice it in ritual then do it. If you feel inspired to practice on the spot totally do it….except if your driving…listen to your intuition.

Demeter, just one name for Earth Mother is birthing and dying and birthing for us constantly...

Photo: Alicia Bello 

Photo: Alicia Bello 

Vision your body/full self becoming Demeter by dissolving into the earth completely and merging with her creative chaos and order. Lie down on the earth while practicing. If you can, be completely naked or partially naked. See the shape of your body turn into dirt. Watch all of what you were dissolve into the earth completely. You are gone, but now you are also the whole of the earth. You are reborn in spring. See your blooms opening and the bees drinking your nectar. Smell sweetness of the season on the wind. Go through all the seasons of the earth in this way over and over. See the earth, which is you, floating in space. Place the periphery of your attention on the rhythm of the breath of your body. See the earth in your visioning breathing, the rhythms are in synch. Draw the scope of your vision to the place within the earth that you inhabit. See you where you are envisioning yourself as the earth while you are also the earth. Draw this harmonic image into the vision of your heart and let the vision pulse with your breath as you bring your attention back to your physical body. Enjoy your breathing still seeing the earth pulsing with your breath as your beating heart. Start all over again. Do it as many times as you can.

  • Take notes on how this practice affects you after two weeks and a month.

 As you move through your day, contemplate aesthesis as drawing in the essence of the world, the Anima Mundi with robust sensory perception. Drink in everything.

Full Blue Moon In Aquarius

Full Moon in Aquarius

A full Moon between July 23 and August 23 will be in Aquarius. Be prepared for an electrical full moon, this is the brightest moon of the year and anything can happen, expect the unpredictable. By some definitions, the full moon July 31st is blue; and it is called this because it is the second full moon in one month. However, by  older definition, if there are four full moons in an astronomical season versus the normal three, the third full moon of the four is then the Blue Moon. Which is a rarer occurrence than the above.

This potent moon energy is for wishes to come true and all workings pertaining to:

  • Creating detachment/releasing what no longer serves.
  • Inspiration
  • Humanitarian efforts
  • Telepathy
  • Expanding your social circle
  • Healing problems with the ankles

The Aquarius Full Moon says “I experience”. This is a transit dealing with facts,organizing, political issues, desires to save the world through social action, connecting with others in social situations, detachment, and the need to come and go without restrictions.

Aquarius Moon  is a dramatic mood change, where Capricorn valued tradition and caution, Aquarius’ energy craves anything new, innovative, different or unconventional. Expect extremes of optimism and pessimism but take time to relax into yourself, meditate, breathe, allow for your expansive nature to appear. During this lunar transit, women may feel the need to be friendly and social but don’t want to be too personal or go too deep.

The Aquarius moon energy is  detached/rational rather than emotional, and will change only if it’s logical to do so. Freedom is very important right now, so live with as few restrictions as possible, and please be careful  with what you ask for, the full Blue Moon will give you everything in double measure. Take the time to contemplate on your wishes and dreams, write them down

  • A Full Moon in Aquarius Mantra: "Can I hold my vision steady, knowing I create the world I want by the power of my vision and thoughts?”

Moon Honoring Ritual

This ritual can take place during a full moon circle with a group, or be a private ritual with yourself. I prefer to be alone & outside under the full moon. But if this is not possible, It can also be done sitting, standing, or facing a window with the moon’s rays shining in on you.

Start by cleansing & raising the energy of your sacred space by either casting a circle of protection, smudging, playing a crystal bowl or chanting. Chanting breaks down any inner resistance quite nicely and is a magical journey inside yourself, chanting also raises the energy for the moon energy you're going to take in .

Place your hands with palms facing the moon, index fingers and thumbs touching, forming the sacred triangle, or sign of the yoni. spread your fingers as wide as possible, so they are receptors for moon energy. After you chant to raise power, focus all your energy and vision on mother moon and draw her energy down into your body. move your hands (if desired) back and forth, from an arms outstretched position to your heart center and back again. After a few minutes of holding your hands up to the moon you can feel them tingle . This is the magical energy. I usually take 15 - 20 minutes to allow her glowing radiant energy into me , but you may take more or less time, there are no rules. Close your ritual by thanking The Moon, your guides, and those present in your circle. Or you may go about closing your circle in a more traditional manner. As i've said there is no right or wrong, other than what feels good for you, or your group.

New Moon In Cancer

The New Moon in Cancer concerns desires about the home, emotional security, nostalgia, and the desire to nurture. Women especially may notice heightened emotional and physical sensitivity at this time, and due to these strong emotions, the Cancer moon is playfully nicknamed the "crybaby" moon.

New Moon In Gemini

The New Moon in Gemini

This is a time of communication and other means of expression, freedom, adaptability, reading, writing, and a desire for having variety. Which usually means having and taking on more things than you can handle at once. You might be feeling more social and talkative with our moon in the chatty mercurial sign of Gemini. All communication (talking, writing or reading) all matters of intellect are easier to express during Gemini moon. The tarot suit of swords is ruled by AIR (intellect) and the ace of swords is a card that represents raw power, victory, and mental clarity. As does working with clear crystal Quartz the amplifier, and ruler of the higher chakras. Crystal Quartz has the ability to give insight and mental clarity when our minds are feeling cloudy and foggy much like the power of mercury, and the swift electrifying energy of the swords suite.

Ritual: Use this creative moon to set new goals for yourself by using our New Moon guide to creating meaningful personal rituals HERE

Quartz Crystal meditation:

  • select a room that is quiet and softly illuminated. Preferably, the room you choose will be the same room you use for each of your meditation periods. If at all possible, try to schedule your meditation time and durations at the same time and at the same time of day
  • Clothing should be comfortable and shoes should not be worn.
  • Select your quartz crystal (a single or double terminated generator is suggested) about palm sized or larger and bless your crystal in advance by any of the methods I have listed here you may even place the crystal in the sunlight for an afternoon.
  • Once you are seated in a comfortable position, begin a rhythmic breathing sequence by inhaling deeply through the nose, holding the breath for three seconds and slowly exhaling from the mouth. As you inhale, visualize cleansing golden/white light vibrations entering your body through your nose, and traveling down your trachea and filling your lungs, chest cavity and heart center with warm, glowing sensations.
  • As you exhale, visualize discordant vibrations, tension, confusion, and stress leaving your body through your mouth in dark, cloudy swirls of energy. Bless yourself, and your discordant vibrations in the name of Spirit or any deity you deem fitting when you seek comfort, protection, and solace. Cast these discordant vibrations unto the ether to find peaceful resolution.
  • Pick up your clear quartz crystal with your left hand and begin to gaze upon it, observing the unique features it has to offer (rainbows, chlorite phantoms, healed fractures, mists, etc) allow your consciousness to merge with your crystal.
  • As you inhale, use both hands to hold your crystal. Feel the transmuted energy, peacefully flowing into your hands. Let the crystal tell you about itself.
  • Your crystal may seem to come alive in your hand, you may experience warm, tingling sensations in your hands. For some these sensations may be calming giving you feelings that instantly make you feel at peace, or this may be a gradual process.

Gemini Moon Affirmation: "I let go easily and quickly. I communicate well and teach that skill to others."

meditating with the Gemini new moon & quartz crystal will offer much clarity to confusion, worry, or doubts in your mind. Making you feel weightless. Allow yourself to breathe deeply and be still. When you are ready to return from your meditation, count slowly from 10 to 1 and open your eyes.