See what’s in the stars for you this week!
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Weekly horoscopes for March 21, 2024 are here, see what’s in the stars for you this week!
Astrology by Lisa Stardust
The Last Quarter Moon in Libra today, January 3rd presents us with the opportunity to determine the course of our relationships. We've been indecisive since the Full Moon on December 26th, 2023, regarding what we want to keep or let go of in our lives. Now is the time to make that choice. Mars, the planet of action, enters Capricorn, its favorite sign, on January 4th, giving us the drive to pursue our goals and finish our tasks with zeal. On January 8th, Mercury in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces, increasing our emotions, sensitivities, and paranoias. It's advisable to hold off on making judgments or decisions until we have all the necessary information. It's better to avoid confrontations until we know the whole story since crucial facts might be missing. The Capricorn Sun harmonizes with Uranus retrograde in Taurus on January 9, allowing us to embrace our true selves. We will want to stand up for what we believe in and allow people to see who we are at the core on an intimate level. Mars and Saturn in Pisces connect on January 9th, giving us the motivation to elevate our passions and to make sure that we conquer all that we wish to. We will want to assert ourselves and take charge. Try to be kind to others on this day.
The Last Quarter Moon in Libra allows us to relinquish any negative sentiments we harbor towards others. To achieve this, it's crucial to document our emotions and release any lingering feelings. To assist with this, we can ignite a black candle once we have compiled a list to expel these sentiments and relinquish negativity. This will help in providing us with a chance to commence fresh relations with others. Additionally, once the black candle has finished burning, it may be beneficial to light a white candle to usher in positivity.
Releasing the need for approval from others can lead to remarkable personal growth in the coming week. Prioritizing your own goals and desires over the opinions of others can empower you to make choices that align with your true self and lead to new opportunities for personal growth and development.
The upcoming week presents an opportunity for you to expand your knowledge and perspective by exploring nature and philosophies that resonate with you. This will motivate and encourage you to achieve greatness in the future — when you least expect it. Therefore, remain open-minded and receptive to new ideas and possibilities.
This week, your attention may be drawn towards your personal life. Rather than concentrating on work-related goals, you may prioritize assisting your loved ones and yourself on a more intimate level to develop and progress. The focus is on supporting those you care about and yourself rather than other matters.
In the upcoming week, your relationships and friendships may undergo some changes and shifts. It is important to remain open and flexible and allow growth to happen naturally with those you care about. Embrace the evolution of your relationships and be open to the possibility of something bigger and better.
Setting limitations with others can be challenging, particularly when you fail to recognize the boundaries you have established in your relationships. It is essential to take a step back and evaluate the role you have played in these situations and find ways to improve them to create a better future.
To fully explore your creative potential, it's important to consider unconventional approaches. This means experimenting with different mediums or techniques or simply being open to new inspirations and perspectives. By embracing fresh ideas and pushing the boundaries of your creativity, you can continue to evolve and grow as an artist.
You possess a greater strength than you realize. Embracing change and releasing past experiences will enable you to evolve into a more advanced version of yourself. By doing so, you will improve and amplify your abilities. Don't be afraid to embrace newness — it’s part of your current path. Let go or be dragged.
Take this opportunity to address any recent relationship issues and start anew. Use this time to refresh yourself and let go of any negative feelings you've been holding onto. With the new year upon us, it's the perfect time to cultivate new and positive dynamics with friends, family, and partners.
During these times, it's crucial to find ways to efficiently utilize your day instead of aimlessly going through the motions. It's essential to break away from your usual routine and establish a distinct daily ritual that brings structure to your life. Be open to stepping out of your comfort zone.
Your romantic feelings may be heightened, leading you to desire more intimacy with those you care about instead of suppressing your emotions. It's crucial that you take the initiative to express your feelings to the people you care about and adore with whom you want to build a connection.
You may discover that you prioritize enhancing your emotional intelligence and overcoming past traumas over confronting external issues head-on. In such a scenario, you may choose to focus inwardly and work on yourself instead of involving yourself in situations unrelated to you and outside your control throughout the week ahead.
It's crucial to prioritize revitalizing your energy, particularly since you have a tendency to absorb the emotions of those around you. Concentrate on ways to replenish your sense of well-being and be more kind to yourself. This week, it's crucial to conserve your energy and take care of yourself.
With our second eclipse just around the corner …see what the stars have in store for you.
Astrology by Lisa Stardust
Happy Beltane! This year’s midpoint between Spring and Summer will be remembered in years to come, as the the sparks will continue going off throughout the day, due to Mercury’s many aspects.
We kick off this week, on May 1st, which is also the holiday of Beltane, with a seemingly harmonious aspect between Mercury, who is transiting impulsive speaking Aries, and Mars, who is in chatty Gemini. Both planets are currently in mutual reception with each other, and in exact orb. Mutual reception occurs when two planets are transiting signs of the other’s rulership. In this case, Mercury is in the sign of Aries and Mars is in the sign of Gemini. Mars rules Aries and Gemini is ruled by Mercury. Both signs are being controlled by the other’s planetary ruler. This is called mutual reception. Although, they do make a lovely connection in the cosmos, what happens on earth is that Mars will push Mercury to say regrettable things and Mercury will make Mars take swift action. Usually, this tends to become an argumentative energy, as both planets are feeding off of the other’s energy. However, the flip side is that we may be motivated to make plans for the future and pushed to complete tasks. The only caveat, is to think before speaking, as we may put our foot in our mouths. Later in the day, Mercury squares off with Saturn, who is retrograde in steady Capricorn on the South Node of Destiny, and the Nodes of Destiny, making us feel somber about the past. We may receive news that will alter our current decisions and change the course of events in our lives. May 2nd brings another tense Mercurial aspect our way. Pluto retrograde back steps it’s way into Mercury, causing inner tensions to flair up. Pluto is moonwalking in the pragmatic sign of Capricorn, pushing Mercury to uncover and discover new facts about ourselves. These are two planets who like each other. Remember, Mercury was the only god that Pluto allowed to enter and exit the Underworld. When these planets collide, we can expect to experience psychological barriers within and with others to be broken. The truth can set us all free and help us to gain a deeper understanding of our subconscious desires. Unfortunately, there are negative side effects, which may include power struggles and false gossip (expect major pot stirring on May 2nd). If we try to evoke the positive traits, such as curiosity and personal development—we will reap the benefits of the transit. Try to stay open minded and rational, even when provoked. The same day, Mercury and Jupiter, who is gliding backwards in retrograde motion in Sagittarius, cross paths. Mercury and Jupiter retrograde will push us to take the higher minded philosophical perspective on the Plutonian energy. Therefore, we can either evolve our desires, or keep arguments with others going throughout the day. The choice is ours. The Taurus New Moon on May 4th synchronizes our bodies and minds with the earth, alchemizing us to the spiritual world. May 5th (Cinco de Mayo) brings an opposition between Mars and Jupiter retrograde, bringing us courage and determination to move forward and carry on with our dreams. Venus, who is in fiery Aries, is busy making decisions around love and money on the 6th, by squaring the Nodes of Destiny. We will be cosmically pushed to think clearly and carefully about ALL the partnerships in our lives (as well as our relationship with money). Mercury enters earthy Taurus later in the day, on May 6th, blending poetry with our words and meaning to our actions. The week ends with Venus and Saturn retrograde making serious noise around investments and relationships. How we spend our time will be a crucial matter, as well as who and what we give our energy to. Psychic and energetic vampires will be kicked to the curb on the 7th. Try to add extra TLC to the 7th, in order to feel confident and positive. The asteroids Pallas and Vesta clash throughout the week, while adding stress to Venus. Pallas, is currently backpedaling in fair minded Libra, the goddess of wisdom and strength. Vesta, who is moving full steam ahead in tempestuous Aries, represents the home (or the heart of the home) and family. These asteroids are making us uncouple and disconnect from unhealthy relationships and situations. Others may fight to keep us enslaved to the past, or we may find ourselves chained to toxic affairs. It’s up to us to shut the door on that which is causing us pain and frustration. Lilith is another asteroid making waves this week, by entering the sign of mystical Pisces on May 3rd, which will add vigor and enlightenment to our magical practices. Lilith was the first wife of Adam in the Garden of Eden. She was cast away because she was more powerful than Adam. In mythology and astrology, she is the voice within us that has silenced and yearns to break free. Through willful independent acts, Lilith brings out our truest desires. Lilith will link up with Mercury on the 6th, allowing us to assert ourselves and create new enticing spells.
March 21-April 19
Your words are powerful, and certainly not meaningless this week. While you may go back and forth deciding the best way to express yourself, the New Moon offers you the chance to assert your views without drama. Owning and standing in your truth will prove challenging throughout the week, as you are pushed to make many karmic choices around professional goals. Deciding which venture is worth your energy is dependent on how valued you feel. Don’t be afraid to ask for more than your regular rate—you may be surprised by what you are offered. The same advice proves fruitful in personal relationships. Asking for more will yield high rewards, as long as you communicate honestly and effectively about your needs, leaving the subject open for negotiation. Listen to others and they will meet you half way.
April 20-May 20
After a mini hibernation, you are coming back in the limelight stronger and wiser than ever. The New Moon pushes you to get back into the swing of things. However, there still is a fine line you must cross this week between working and nurturing yourself. Finding a balance between what you give to others and what you take for yourself will be challenging in the beginning of the week. Obligations consume your schedule, yet you want to enjoy the merriments of life away from the office enjoying the springtime air. Divide your time 3 ways—split between “you” time, work time, and time with others. This will allow you to find the equilibrium you need and rest before your anxieties take control. A hot calming bath with CBD oil, rose petals, and Himalayan salt will elevate you toward tranquility.
May 21-June 20
No other zodiac sign knows better than you that words can hurt. While you may be tempted to get one last definitive statement out there to others who have offended you this week, you may want to take a step back and think your feelings through before cutting others down to size. What may feel good in the moment, will wind up eventually hurting you down the road. Before asserting your opinions and hurts on others, write down your feelings on a piece of paper, or send an email to yourself expressing your sentiments. This will help you understand your emotions better and allow you to release the built up frustrations and anxieties from within. If you still desire one-on-one communication, it’s advisable to call upon a mutual acquaintance to act as the buffer to minimize collateral damage.
June 21-July 22
After weeks of focusing on others, you are finally reclaiming your personal power. The caveat, is that you still may be struggling to loosen your claws away those who do not serve your best interests, as the ups and downs of these relationships have proven to be exhilarating. Unfortunately, this is a false security. While you may enjoy the highs and lows of such partnerships, as they keep you on your toes, it will prove mentally and emotionally exhausting by the weekend. The New Moon asks you to place all that pent up energy on healing yourself, not others. Reevaluating your role in such circumstances and relationships will give you much food for thought, allowing you to rethink your past behavior. While you may be inclined to work out issues with others, put your needs first. Take time for yourself this week, then decide your next move.
July 23-August 22
Life has been a tad monotonous lately. The same old routines are making you lustful for excitement. Whether it’s your fiery thirst for adventure, or your desire for higher minded pursuits—you are in the mood to battle on all fronts (physically, emotionally, and mentally) this week. However, you are also feeling emotionally fierce and protective, which may inspire arguments to occur. Rather than battle with others, challenge yourself to grow within and use your gusto to break down the restraints of your subconscious mind through mindful breathing. Mindful meditation will help you connect on a deeper level with the self (body, heart, and mind), as well as understanding your feelings on a soulful level. Adding this healing technique to your day-to-day activities (even for two minutes a day) will prove beneficial in the long run.
August 23-Sept. 22
This week you are cosmically called upon to take a leap of faith—within others and yourself. While you may feel as though you are standing by the edge alone, you must believe in the higher good of those you hold dear. Even if people seem uninterested and busy, you can rely on their support. More importantly, learn to listen to the voice inside your head. Trusting your sentiments may be challenging, as past events have made you weary of your intuition. Don’t ignore your inner-voice. More often than not, it can be a savior from mistakes. Also, make sure to connect with like-minded people who can sympathize with your issues within your community. It’s hard to take risks alone. If your friends are busy, then it’s important for you to meet others (who are going through similar situations) which can be a solid soundboard.
Sept. 23-Oct. 22
Life has been moving at an accelerated pace for you, throwing your scales off-balance. This week calls for you to take steps to reorganize and revise all sectors of your life. Making lists may be beneficial. However, you need to change your strategy in how you implement tasks. Compartmentalizing and prioritizing will allow you to focus on that which is urgent. Blocking out distractions and vampirism will add more vitality to your day. Your time will free up and your vibe will be high, as a result of disconnecting from those who drain your energy. Also, don’t be afraid to say “no.” Creating boundaries, setting limits, and turning down work can feel freeing. The final and missing piece of the puzzle, to maintain your balance, is to allot more time toward self-care. Indulge yourself as a reward for your hard work.
Oct. 23-Nov. 21
This week forces you to evoke your strategic mind, in order to win big against those who aim to hold you down. In the past, you have lost your temper and fought hard for others to see your views. This week, you are using your mind to allow others to take notice of your splendor. Manipulative games and hurtful words will seem like a waste of time, as you are realizing that you are spending more time engaging in drama than evolving your situation towards greatness. This may result in you draining your energy on nonsense, rather than the endgame. Take strategic steps and alliances that will ensure success. Most importantly, don’t be afraid. No one can hold you back from achieving your goals. Remember, you are a born fighter—don’t be scared to reclaim your throne.
Nov. 22-Dec. 21
As the cosmic doer of the zodiac, you love to manifest new projects and activities. This week, you are inclined to create something tangible, which you can touch and feel in the material world. This may result in a new partnership of artistic or romantic nature (also,, the desire to start implementing grounding exercises into your daily vibe). Awakening your senses will make you feel more alive in the moment. Connecting to earthy delights (whether it be by meditating with your feet firmly planted in the ground or ASMR) will awaken your soul and brighten your spirit—even activating the pleasure center of your chart. The tingling feeling within, will clear out your head and motivate you to feel freer than usual, evoking your passions that have been dormant over the past seasons, in time for your spring awakening.
Dec. 22-Jan. 19
Insecurities may flair up this week, pushing you to take a deep hard look at yourself in the mirror. Squashing childhood trauma can be a life long objective, but this week you are letting go of some pain from the past. Looking your fears straight in the eye, will kill any negative thinking and resentments you have with felt within, lessening the burden you have been carrying. You will feel reborn and renewed by week’s end. Change starts within. Becoming the ultimate version of yourself is a lifelong process. You have the power to transform yourself, as long as you commit to doing the work. What you may find along your path of self-discovery, is that you are already the person of your desires and dreams—you just got lost along the way and couldn’t see yourself clearly.
Jan. 20-Feb. 18
This week is pushing you to evolve your core beliefs, which may involve you implementing alone time under the New Moon to help revolutionize your life. The veil that once blindfolded your eyes is falling off, giving you the opportunity to see situations and people clearly. Recently, you may have been manipulated into conflicts and unscrupulous activities that have proven to hurt your ego, rather than elevate your spirit. This week, you are dropping the facade and allowing others to see the “real” you. Your feelings may be unfiltered and raw, but they are your sentiments and should always be honored by others. Being honest about personal setbacks and triumphs will move you past the fake tough exterior you’ve created, giving others and yourself the chance to connect with the purest part of your soul.
Feb. 19-March 20
This week serves as your cosmic wake-up call. You may feel as though you have been in a deep slumber for months, as you start to clearly see who you can and cannot trust. Also, you will come to see who will stand by your side through thick and thin. Your friends may not actually be as true blue as you had once thought, allowing you to consciously disconnect and cut the cord from their energy. Letting go is always hard, but in your case essential for your personal health. Toxic connections will consume your energy, cause exhaustion, and anxiety. While you may decide not to confront others (although you will fantasize endlessly about this all week), make sure to cut the energy you give to the situation—only then can you live in accordance with your highest self.
Your favorite weekly guide to the stars! see what’s in store for you!
Written by Jessica Lanyadoo
On the 7th there is a powerful New Moon in Scorpio that delivers deep healing potential. This New Moon brings with it a powerful intensity that can shine new light on old problems or simply bring something to the surface that you’ve been avoiding. Don’t shy away from intensity; it’s exactly what you need to feel in order to heal. New Moons happen when the Moon and Sun meet in the sky at the exact same degree, and they happen once per year in each sign. When it comes to the Moon, the only way out is in, so stay with whatever comes up for you this week instead of trying to explain it away or ignore it. Scorpio is a deeply emotional sign. Expect to be confronted with feels that you’ve had shame around or on topics that are somewhat taboo. It’s good to look at your shadow, even if it feels bad. Your shadow is a part of you, and only by accepting and owning it can you transform it. That’s exactly what this lunar shift is here to help you do.
Be willing to use your feelings as information. Here are some questions to explore, as honestly as you can. Now is the time to heal your wounds.
New Moon Homework:
- What have I been avoiding?
- What people, situations, or attitudes am I holding on to that I know aren’t working?
- What am I willing to release in efforts to be more whole?
- Where have I held others or myself to excessively harsh standards?
- Can I give myself permission to make mistakes? Furthermore, can I commit to a living amends?
As Jupiter, the planet of luck and benevolence leaves Scorpio on the 7th and enters Sagittarius, we have the potential to let go of some of the pain that the past year has unearthed. Beginnings and endings are irrevocably linked up with each other. The healing that Jupiter provokes tends to be quick, but it may not be thorough.
Jupiter is in its native placement in Sagittarius, and it’s here for the first time in twelve years. This shift is a powerful one. It opens the door to strangers, it opens minds, and it yields an increased potential for understanding others, especially those who have cross-cultural experiences. This transit will last about a year, and it marks a time of increased growth. The only trouble is that not all things should grow. The downside of this energy is that it can compel you to jump to conclusions, to sacrifice common sense to your impulses, and to err on the side of extremes. While this can help us to better understand each other, it can also lead to cross-gendered mansplaining, aka soapboxing. If you’re in a rush to convince others of your views, you may not be doing a great job of listening. This is a period where we can find new ways of communicating and learn a ton, but this will require listening at least as much as you speak. If you feel called to teach or travel over the next year, it’s likely to be an expansive experience. We are moving into a time when you get to rewrite your story. If you do this at the expense of the truth, justice, or fairness, you will find that you are restless and hungry. You are not better than anyone else, and you are not worse. When your version of the truth justifies cruelty or condemnation of others, you’ve veered off a dangerous edge. We still have the heavy hitters of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, and Uranus in Taurus, so it’s not sunshine and rainbows quite yet, my friends. Beware of the pitfalls of extremism; if your version of utopia is at the expense of other people’s wellness, then that vision is at the expense of both the collective and your own Soul. Confront your shadow with kindness. Shine light into the darkness, and don’t recoil from what you see. Embrace yourself so that you may heal, and then use the resiliency of your own healing as a resource that you can share with others. Good intentions, thoughts, and prayers are only the first in the many steps needed from each and every one of us.
March 21-April 19
You can find your best self, inner peace, or the path forward, but it won’t happen by avoiding your stresses or by overwhelming yourself to the point of paralysis. It’s time to take stock of the big picture: look at your goals, and look at how far you’ve come. Don’t be in such a rush to fill in the details that you do so before you're clear about your modus operandi. Believe it or not, you can put some things down now in order to more effectively deal with them later.
April 20-May 20
You’ve got all of the tools you need to get up and make it happen, but right now that’s not the best course forward. This week’s New Moon in your relationship house is a great opportunity to slow down and get grounded, Taurus. Things are changing, and it won’t do you well to have knee-jerk reactions. Take the time you need to consider your past. Commit to learning from your experiences rather than dooming yourself to repeat them, dear Taurus.
May 21-June 21
When things slow down is when you start to stress out. Don’t confuse the space in which to create infrastructure with being stuck. Sometimes the movement in your life is meant to be internal, and sometimes it’s about productivity and action. Slow down and regroup this week, Twin Star. Realign your plans with your circumstances. Be willing to make carefully considered changes based on the information that you have now, my love.
June 22-July 22
This week’s New Moon is likely to put you right in your element, sweet Moonchild. Show up emotionally for yourself and the people in your life. Allow the wisdom of your heart, including all that you’ve learned and lost, to inspire you to hold space for others and for yourself. You’re in a unique position to honor your feels and to support others too. Align yourself with the generosity of spirit that helps you to not only have peace within yourself but to also generate it in the world around you.
July 23-Aug. 22
Letting go is hard work, even when that letting go is absolutely the right thing to do. This week is likely to kick up some seriously sad feels, but that doesn’t mean that they’re bad feels or an indication that you’re off track. Don’t confuse what you’re feeling with a green light or a red light. Your feelings are a response to your situation right now in tandem with the baggage you came here with. Be patient and kind as you work through them, Leo.
Aug. 23-Sept. 22
You don’t need to know what’s coming next in order to be safe. This week you’re likely to feel your control issues are triggered. Instead of taking those feelings at face value, try to investigate them. Why do you want control? And truly – of what? Dig deeper into your reactions so that you don’t end up relocating messes instead of cleaning them up. Even better, try not creating them in the first place. Change yourself before you go trying to change others, Virgo.
Sept. 23-Oct. 22
Embrace what you have with both arms, Libra. This week, the power of gratitude will help buoy you along. Take pains to appreciate the air you breathe, the food that nourishes you, and all the other little things that are so easy to take for granted. Finding balance isn’t like finding the perfect pair of jeans. It isn’t waiting somewhere for you; you have to make it happen. Counterbalance the tough stuff by paying greater mind to the abundance in your life.
Oct. 23-Nov. 21
The New Moon in your sign on the 7th marks a powerful shift for you, Scorpio. This can be a time when you feel overwhelmed and shut down, or you rise to the occasion by using the tools and inner resources at your disposal. Be your own best ally, my love. Show up for yourself, wherever you’re at, and put into practice your hard-earned wisdom, even if your feels would have you regress back into old habits. You’ve got this.
Nov. 22-Dec. 21
Don’t get so caught up looking around for excuses that you check out from the story as it unfolds. You are here now, and you have a part to play in the events of your life. Don’t forget why you’re in it, Sagittarius. Reconnect with your sense of purpose, and let that guide you – not being right, not rushing to the part where you understand the big picture. Get accustomed to uncertainty, and strive to pair it with faith and patience this week.
Dec. 22-Jan. 19
Your fears are likely to catch up with you this week if you’re not careful, my salty friend. Instead of losing yourself in a soup of what ifs, start with accepting where you’re at, including the parts that are yet unknown. You can only make plans based on the information you have, so start there. Don’t overwhelm yourself by taking on too much. Dont' try to cultivate a long-view when so many details are blocking your view. Do only what you can today, and handle tomorrow when it comes, Cappy.
Jan. 20-Feb. 18
The New Moon on the 7th may fill you with a sense of purpose, or it may highlight that you’ve strayed from having one. You may have to take a slow road forward, but that doesn’t mean that you won’t get there. Find strength in your vulnerability and a purpose that can propel you to whatever comes next. This week is bound to reveal something that you’ve been trying to avoid dealing with, and while it’s not fun, it was really a matter of time, Aquarius.
Feb. 19-March 20
You seriously need a break, Pisces. You are likely to have people around you with lots of demands this week, and it’s on you to articulate and honor your own limits. It’s not true generosity when you don’t give it with an open heart. Saying no to a person is not the same as denouncing them; give yourself the same latitude as you would offer to others. You get to do what works for you in a healthy way, even when it’s a bit complicated. Prioritize self-care, my love.
Written by Jessica Lanyadoo
This is a week for change, growth, and the unexpected. Don’t jump to conclusions or rush to complete matters that are still developing.
On the 12TH Venus will form a disruptive opposition to rule-breaking Uranus and a creative sextile to law-building Saturn. The potential here for growth (positively) or distraction (negatively) is huge. This combination can inspire you to expand beyond self-imposed limitations or even the limitations of your circumstances. Think about new ways of relating to the people and things that you value. Venus governs your finances and relationships, so especially look at those areas of your life for both surprises and innovative solutions. You will be able to create new structures that better serve you, but none of this will happen on its own. The key here is not to get caught off guard (by the upsets that Uranus will inevitably bring) and lose sight of the bigger picture. You’ll have the chance to see things differently or to obsess on how others are seeing things. Choose wisely.
From the 12th-17th, Mercury will first oppose Neptune, then trine Pluto and sextile Jupiter, and friends, that’s a whole lot of Mercury. The best-case scenario here is that you find new, more effective ways of coping with anxiety, indecision, and uncertainty. This will require you to stay with your unpleasant feels when they come up and to earnestly seek new responses. The risk, however, is that you hit a wall of anxiety and then create a story about it. Watch out for reactive feelings that you confuse for reliable information. No matter how intuitive you are, this week is likely to muddy the waters a bit. Slow down, reflect on your intentions, and evaluate your instincts, feelings, and cold hard facts. This will help you to fortify your insights and make use of your logic; most of us are more fluent in one form of processing than the other, so if you think of this period as your chance to strengthen your internal resources, you’ll get the most from it.
Finally, on the 18th ambitious Mars will form a challenging square to freedom-obsessed Uranus. The energy around this date is going to be frenetic, as both of these planets are individualistic, impulsive, and quick to fight. In fact, you’re more likely to be irritable or
agitated as restrictions chafe and people with power trigger you. Life is not an ad for Las Vegas. What you do now can’t be undone and will not stay confined. What you do now will either create more freedom or create more problems, so tread lightly, my loves.
The theme for you to grapple with this week is intention. You don’t need to know all the details or feel at ease all the time, but you do need some clarity of intent. Find the goals that motivate you – to be kind, to be at peace in your own skin, to make a certain dollar amount, whatever – and orient your actions to reflect them. Practice being present with your thoughts and feelings as they race in circles, but don't chase them down dead-end rabbit holes or self-destructive alleyways.
March 21-April 19
You’re ready to make it happen, Aries, but the trick is to pace yourself. Your inner voice is trying to get your attention, but intuition doesn’t necessarily come with an instruction manual. Slow down, get centered, and remember why you set out to do what you’re doing. You’re capable, and you’ve even got the inspiration. Strive to cultivate the kind of abundance that you can share. Whether you’re up or you’re down, you don’t have to do it alone, my love.
April 20-May 20
It feels so good to have it all figured out, but all things change. You may be holding on to what worked for you last year (or even last week) when it clearly isn’t working for you anymore. Don’t worry so much over what you “should” do. All you need to concern yourself with is what’s true and real for you. Find your center, and sit with it, Taurus. You’re growing, and that is likely to kick off some earthquakes in your world. Pay attention to what’s shaking loose this week.
May 21-June 21
Without being emotionally centered, it’s hard to figure out where you’re going and how to get there. This week you’re meant to be in motion, but if you’re not moving towards a clear goal, how will you know what choices to make along the way? People and situations around you aren’t exactly stable right now, and that’s an opportunity. Prioritize finding what’s right for you and making changes that reflect that. You’re almost there, Twin Star.
June 22-July 22
Sometimes you have to let go in order to hold on. This isn’t the time for making assumptions or being glib. Look carefully at yourself and the people around you. Pay attention to the gap between what you say and what you do, and then do the same when looking at others. No one is perfect and that’s okay, but a person’s intention means a lot. Tighten up your relationships by looking at the truth, even if that means acknowledging some uncomfortable stuff, Moonchild.
July 23-Aug. 22
Your patterns will follow you anywhere you go, so wherever you end up finding yourself time and again is on you. Your greatest challenge this week will be to avoid making decisions from an agitated place. Yes, you need change, and yes, it may need to be somewhat dramatic, but anything worth doing is worth doing right. Instead of making change to create new problems, strive to solve the old ones first. Find the potential for joy and then act to expand it, Leo.
Aug. 23-Sept. 22
The thing about trust is that it’s earned; over the course of time, you prove yourself to be reliable or not. When you don’t trust yourself, it’s really hard to move forward with any kind of confidence. This week it’s wise for you to look at your proven track record. If you have kept your word and protected yourself in the face of danger, it’s time to cultivate more faith. If you’ve abandoned yourself in your own times of need, then it’s time to get real and get to changing, sweet Virgo.
Sept. 23-Oct. 22
Your growth is in your own hands, Libra. You’re ready for change, but it’s important that you don’t push yourself to be somewhere that you’re not. Create your life from the inside out and not the other way around. In other words, identify your needs, adopt healthier boundaries, and follow through with your stated intent. If you can be reliable to yourself, it doesn’t matter what anyone else is doing. Step up and do you, my love.
Oct. 23-Nov. 21
Sometimes your fears are useful, sometimes, not so much. If you indulge your knee-jerk reactions, you can’t extrapolate the wisdom from your worries, Scorpio. Take a moment to consider your patterns this week. Consider the times you were freaked out by things for no real reason, and other times that your fears turned out to be correct. Seek wisdom from your experiences with yourself, and build your confidence from there.
Nov. 22-Dec. 21
In real life most stories don’t have a tidy beginning, middle, and end. Our stories loop in surprising ways and directions, and there’s no point in trying to fight them. There is a bigger picture to what you’re going through, even if you can’t quite see it now. Feel your feels, take care of your here and now, and keep on moving, Sagittarius. You won’t get further by trying to tell yourself a tidy narrative about what you’re going through before it’s ready to be told.
Dec. 22-Jan. 19
Happiness – like fear or angst – is a fleeting emotion. When you seize upon your feelings, you’re not present; when you try to escape or hold on, you’re not in a state of flow. You can’t figure this out, Capricorn. It’s not your job to know what happens next or to be right all of the time. Retrain your vision inward this week. Where are you now? Try to stay with that. Take the steps
that are immediately in front of you, and let the future unfold in its own time.
Jan. 20-Feb. 18
When things are going your way, it’s easy to be magnanimous. It’s when you feel scared that the true test of your character emerges. Explore the limits of your generosity this week by giving freely of yourself, but only as much as you can give without resentments. If you’re expecting more compassion or support than you’re willing to offer, you’re in trouble, my love. Seek balance by adjusting either your expectations or your output this week.
Feb. 19-March 20
You can’t please everyone, Pisces. This week notice how, before you check in with yourself, you try to accommodate others. Investigate the tension you create within yourself as you rush to tend to other people’s desires. Compromise is fantastic as long as you don’t have to abandon yourself to get there. Seek balance and patience as you navigate the space between your needs and the needs of others, my love.
Written by Jessica Lanyadoo
It’s all about boundaries this week. On the 6th both the planet of your thoughts and attitudes, Mercury, and the planet of identity, the Sun, form a challenging square to spiritualizing Neptune. When you see the potential in a person or a situation, it can feel like love, kindness, or faith, but what about when the other person doesn’t want that same potential for themselves? It’s important that you listen to what others are telling you about themselves. Whether it’s their actions or their words, people are always revealing themselves to you, and it’s your job to listen. Trying to change others, even if you truly believe it’s for their own good, will not go well for anyone. The key is acceptance. Only when you can accept what you’re being shown can you determine if you want to consent to it. It’s time to take stock of your boundaries and stop looking to others to manage your needs. At the end of the day, you can’t control people – and that includes trying to show people, unsolicited, how to be what you want them to be. What you can control is what you’re willing to participate in and for how long. This is a rough time for assumptions and projections, so put the tarot cards down, and use your common sense. If you have questions, ask, and if you don’t have enough comfort or trust to have honest conversations, take ownership of what that really means.
On the 12th Mercury moves into emo Cancer, which may result in you feeling more self-protective. Crabs move sideways, and these Cancerian energies can inspire you to go about things in a roundabout way, even when the truth is right in front of you. This transit may coincide with a greater concern for your family (chosen or otherwise). It may also increase your sensitivities and find you feeling more introspective. Just remember that you're likely to find evidence for what you seek; if you focus on the negative, you’ll see lots to be negative about. Keep it constructive, lovers.
March 21-April 19
You're going in a fantastic direction, but it’s different and change can be hard. How you handle your own attitude is really important. It may be too easy to convince yourself that you’re entitled to acting in ways you wouldn’t want others to. It’s okay to take a seat, Aries. You don’t always have to be on, and you don’t always have to be in the right place. Let things develop in their own time, even if that makes you a little crazy this week.
April 20-May 20
You’re being guided, Taurus, and the only way to get it wrong is by ignoring your own truth. Events are testing your ability to stay strong without slipping into egotistical behavior. The difference really has to do with empathy. Are you considering your needs and the needs of others in concert with each other? Are you allowing others to have their own perspective, even when it’s different from your own? Consider your wants and needs within the broader context of your life this week.
May 21-June 21
Resistance is futile, Twin Star. You’re at a kinda magical place where you can heal and be healed. Or not. This week is all about the choices you make when no one is forcing you to do anything. You can show up and do your utmost; you may alternatively find yourself really checked out. There’s no doubt that real stuff is going on for you. How you handle it is a reflection of your willingness and ability to be present in your life. Do your very best, even when you feel your worst.
June 22-July 22
Instead of pushing yourself to go harder, take a minute to slow down, Moonchild. You need to be able to rely on yourself when the going gets tough. If you don’t, you’ll end up creating insecurities that run deeper than just the situation you’re in. Sometimes the kindest thing you can do for yourself is take a nap, drink a tall glass of water, and then follow through on your most annoying commitments. With kindness, do what needs to be done this week.
July 23-Aug. 22
Life is like an organism; it grows and changes, and as it does, so should you. If you get too fixated on your version of who and what you are, you’ll stop exploring, asking questions, and growing. It demonstrates strength to be able to change your mind and explore your options. Nothing is meant to stay the same forever, Leo. Look into possibilities, even the ones that would require you to make sweeping changes. You’re ready to see things as they really are and from that place, to better envision how they could be.
Aug. 23-Sept. 22
Your intuition is an invaluable resource, but you need to be willing to clear your mind in order to access it. It’s time to make a change, Virgo. Your instincts are more reliable than you give them credit for, and troubles arise when you don’t actually listen to them. It’s time to honor your feelings and use them as a resource for better understanding yourself and the world around you. Be receptive, even if it’s awkward or uncomfortable this week.
Sept. 23-Oct. 22
There’s no time like the present, and there’s no force like love. You don’t need to be anyone but yourself, and you don’t need to be anywhere but here. This is not a stable time. It’s hard to grow and keep your balance all at once. Learn from the past without tethering yourself to it. Be daring enough to grow into the person you want to be – not the one you think you “should” be or the one you think others want you to be. This is your life to live; get to it, Libra.
Oct. 23-Nov. 21
It may seem like you’re dealing with setbacks, but they’re more like disappointments than material problems, Scorpio. Just because you don’t know why something is happening or where it’s taking you doesn’t mean you won’t be happy with it in the end. When you’re emotionally exhausted, it inclines you to look for the worst in things. Take care of your feels before you set out to manage your situation. It’s time for a massive shift, my love.
Nov. 22-Dec. 21
When things don’t go how you want them to, it’s easy to get demoralized. If you are looking for answers to the burning question why me?!, you’re looking in the wrong direction, ‘Tarius. Instead of lamenting what isn’t, try to be interested in what is. It may not be clear where you’re going, but the place you’re at on your path right now is what needs your attention. There’s a great deal to be earned from the very things that pain you this week. Don’t allow your ego to throw you off track.
Dec. 22-Jan. 19
Worry does nothing more than strip you of energy and deplete you for dealing with real life in real time. It’s time for you to step up and take some risks, Captain Capricorn. Your relationships are shifting around you, and this isn’t the time to hide from how that feels or what it means. Have the difficult conversations; show up, even when it’s uncomfortable. If you’re willing to fight for what you believe in and who you love, then it’ll all be worth it in the end, my love.
Jan. 20-Feb. 18
You’ve got to believe in yourself, Aquarius. If you want true success, it’s not enough to go through the motions. You’ve got to actually be a friend to you. Take stock of the ways that you’ve been phoning it in, and ask yourself why. You may need to make some adjustments, or you may just need a pep talk. Either way, it’s time for you to take active steps to advance yourself and not just your interests. Value your true self this week.
Feb. 19-March 20
It’s not selfish to like what you like, to use what’s yours, or to go your own way. This week you’ll be wise to really consider the difference between taking away from others versus taking what you need for yourself. No matter which side you’re erring on, this is the time to try to come to balance. You can’t always please others or yourself, so if you can let go of that goal, you can get to your real work: strive to be the best, most authentic version of who you are.