Astrology by Lisa Stardust
Life is a dream this week! Mercury enters Pisces on March 9, giving us the chance to lean into our intuition and sentimentality. We’ll choose to listen to our gut feelings over facts. The First Quarter Moon in Gemini on March 10, allowing us to have essential conversations and forge important connections. The Sun and Neptune align in Pisces on March 13, heightening our creativity, paranoia, and exhaustion. The following day, the Sun links up with the Nodes of Destiny, boosting our confidence and esteem.
Witch Tip:
Under the First Quarter Moon in Gemini on March 10, take a cleansing bath with lavender and Epsom salt. This will calm the energy and allow us to understand our creative desires and artistry on a clearer level once the vibes around us are calmer. Listen to your dreams and visions this week. Dream journal and write your visions down. They’ll play an important part in your life later on.
Instead of defending your emotions and viewpoints with passion, you’re trying to find sensitive and kind ways to express them to others. This will allow you to problem solve situations in a cool and calm way, rather than insert unnecessary drama into the matter. It’ll help in resolving issues swiftly.
Once you attain success in one project, you’re moving the goal post further away from you. This means that you are never satisfied with the wonderful things that you’ve attained. Rather than set the standard higher, relish in the amazing things you’ve done and honor your efforts with a treat.
It’s a wonderful week to dust off old work projects and to insert your creative sentiments into them. If you use your talents to craft a new perspective, then everyone will take note of your innate talents and be able to show off the lesser seen parts of your personality.
Your head is in the clouds, which may distract you from completing the tasks at hand. Before you completely disappear into your own world, try to finish projects that are due to ensure that your work doesn’t suffer and that you are not completely lost in your own secret world.
Although it’s unlike you to let another dominate your life, you’re finding that a close acquaintance has taken control of your emotions. Setting boundaries is super important to do. Once you draw a line in the sand, no one will tell you what to do and how to feel anymore.
Take a step back from relationships and friendships to see the dynamic from a distant perspective. You may begin to see holes in the partnership that need fixing or believe the situation is going swimmingly well. The only way to know is to get clarity and understand your confusing emotions.
Lately, life means more than just working, paying bills, adhering to daily routines, and sticking to mundane activities. Allow yourself the freedom to do as you please, when you want it. Not only will this shift your energy, but it will help you to be more creative in the process.
With your romantic sentiments at a high, it is a week that allows you to fall down the emotional rabbit hole. Although you rarely wear your heart on your sleeve, you’re finding that you are more open to love and connecting with others on a deeper level than ever before.
You’re longing for a connection to your ancestors, lineage, and home. Consider revamping your altar and adding family photos to ignite a relationship with them. It’ll spark a lot of memories and nostalgic feelings that will awaken the past. Plus, it’ll bring you closer to your roots and familial bonds.
Major miscommunications may cause conflicts with others. Before asserting yourself with aggression or arguing with others, make sure that your points are being heard in a clear and concise manner. Also, be aware that you’re not listening to the details, so try to pay extra attention when others are speaking.
Your relationship with the material world is dwindling. You’re more content with embracing a spiritual center and focusing on artistic pursuits. The caveat is that it may be hard to exist without having a balance between the two, which is why you’ll spend this week trying to accommodate both areas.
You’re mirroring others, and they are projecting their feelings onto you. All of this illusionary energy will be hard to get out of, but with the right amount of grounding work, you’ll be able to evolve past it. Cleanse your aura and space to make the overall vibes better.