"There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls."- George Carlin


A full moon that occurs between September 23 and October 23 will be in the sign of fiery Aries. Use this time for magic pertaining to:






Road Opening

Facing challenges

Overcoming obstacles

Letting go of Anger


Healing any ills of the head/headaches.


October 15th -16th we will experience a Full Super Moon (Hunter’s Moon) in the fiery sign of Aries. The Aries energy is dynamic, fiery, and electric. This Aries moon offers us initiating energy. During this transit, there is a tendency towards losing your temper, which should be watched carefully, especially as the moon nears Taurus. Since Aries is the sign of the knife, be especially careful around sharp cutting tools such as knifes on the Aries full moon, as you might end up injured and no one wants to spend their magical Full Moon in the ER. Full moon's have long been associated with increases in the amount of births, accidents, and deaths, yikes!

For your full moon ritual, concentrate on dealing with the outward fire energy in your life. A bonfire for this moon would be spectacular! If you do not have access to an area where you can create a bonfire, a cauldron with a candle placed in it’s center  is acceptable as we are honoring the element of Fire. Cleansing your ritual tools: crystals, tarot decks, and the like should be done now. The power of the full moon can be accessed for a period of three days prior to, and three days after the full moon and any magic worked during this time takes about a complete moon cycle to come to fruition. Use this potent warrior Hunter’s moon as a time for transition, release, and bringing much needed inner peace.

  • CANDLE COLOR: Red is associated with the sign of Aries, and the planet Mars. Red candles symbolize energy, strength, sexual potency, physical desire, passionate love, courage, will power, and good health. This color is also used to protect against psychic attack, and to conquer fear & laziness.

  • CRYSTALS: Obsidian, Apache tears, Carnelian, Hematite, Smokey Quartz, clear quartz, Garnet.


“Throughout this day I am mindful that I hold within me the energies of fire, of new beginnings, of hope, and vitality. The urge to unfold is strong within me, I am ready to burst forth into this new cycle of creativity.”

Moon Journal: How can I be a silent distributor of the fiery, dynamic energy of Aries while being mindful of impact?