The Hoodwitch x Open Eye Crystals: Los Angeles, CA
Los Angeles re-cap from my sold-out 2-day book tour event and workshop at Open Eye Crystals! Read more!
Los Angeles re-cap from my sold-out 2-day book tour event and workshop at Open Eye Crystals! Read more!
Mercury retrograde is in full swing, causing communication, travel, information, and technology issues. Remember to back up your files and keep electronic devices safe. Avoid jumping to conclusions without knowing the full truth to prevent problems. Be cautious when sending texts or confronting others as you might come across as unruly. It's always better to think before speaking or sending messages. Edit your thoughts carefully to avoid saying regrettable things.
Mercury entered its pre-retrograde zone on November 25, and we started to notice the beginnings of the story and pieces of the puzzle that would shape the personal challenges we would face during Mercury's planetary backspin. It's important to reflect on this date because it's likely that we began to see situations that required a closer look and more careful consideration. Taking the time to contemplate and understand these matters is crucial, which is why it's great that we are revisiting them.
On December 13, Mercury will begin its retrograde journey in Capricorn. This planetary movement may cause some chaos in our lives, especially if we have been struggling with certain relationships and situations. However, it also gives us an opportunity to evaluate what we want to put our efforts into. We might decide whether we want to make an extra effort to fix something or let it go. This retrograde period may also bring back some work projects, giving us a chance to deal with them again. It may also make us reflect on the future of our careers and the direction we want to take.
As of December 23, Mercury retrograde moves into Sagittarius, allowing us to look at the bigger picture. After spending time piecing things together and completing a puzzle, we must now decide whether to dismantle it and start anew or leave it as it is. This same sentiment applies to our personal lives as well, with the bold and daring nature of Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius. It may mean that we are more cautious and avoid taking big risks until we have all the facts. Additionally, holiday travel may be challenging, and New Year's plans may be unpredictable. Nonetheless, the lesson is to make the most of every situation and not let minor setbacks get in the way of enjoying ourselves. However, we must be cautious not to speak too hastily or say things we don't mean. Sagittarius is not the most comfortable placement for Mercury, and it may cause people to be blunt or speak before thinking.
The effects of Mercury retrograde will end on January 1, 2024, New Year's Day. It might take some time for us to set our intentions and assess what we want to achieve in 2024. It's important to prioritize rest on this day and let our bodies recover from the previous night's events. Instead of pushing ourselves, it's best to focus on relaxation and taking it easy.
Although Mercury retrograde officially ended on January 1, we are still experiencing the aftershocks of all the information we gained during the retrograde. This phase is known as the retroshade phase, giving us the third chance to deal with the situations that began to appear on November 25. We have until January 20 to get things right and wrap up the events that began in November during the pre-retrograde zone phase. Utilize this time to contemplate what you want. Mercury in Sagittarius encourages us to be bold and fresh during the new year, leaving the past behind and allowing us to evolve into the person we aspire to be.
To help manage Mercury's planetary backspin, there are various ways of using magic, one of which is practicing crystal meditation. Placing a crystal, such as Labradorite, on the throat chakra can help us maintain a calm mindset and express our honest opinions with TLC. This practice not only benefits our energy but also enables us to choose the right words and communicate joyfully, avoiding defensiveness and arguments. Additionally, citrine can be used as it enhances communication skills, allowing us to articulate our thoughts more effectively. When placing the crystal on your throat chakra, it's important to close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to calm your body. Then, focus on being in a place that restores your personal balance. Find your center in this happy place and wrap everything you want to say to others with light and healing energy. This will give you the chance to express yourself with kindness.
The Sagitarrius New Moon will be the last of 2023! See What’s in store for you.
Astrology by Lisa Stardust
On December 6, Neptune will turn direct, marking the end of a journey that began when the planet went retrograde in Pisces on June 30. After facing some harsh realities in recent months, we can finally retreat into our dreams again. However, we must now determine how we want to proceed after having our illusions shattered. Mercury in Capricorn connects with Jupiter retrograde in Taurus on December 7; expanding our minds, Jupiter offers us a new philosophy in which we can see different perspectives and look at the bigger picture of situations. On December 9, Venus in Scorpio will be in opposition to Jupiter retrograde, making it an exciting time to take risks in love. Spending time with friends, family, or your significant other might enhance emotions and connections. Mercury and Venus connect on December 11, giving us time to speak about our passions and to allow ourselves to be seen and heard. This isn't the time to shy away from your feelings; whatever's in your heart, should be spoken into existence. On December 12, the New Moon in Sagittarius occurs, which is a powerful day for manifestation. This is an ideal time to make progress towards achieving our deepest desires. As long as we maintain faith in ourselves and our goals, we can bring our visions to life.
With Neptune turning direct, it is a time in which we should face our fears and honor our shadow self. In order to understand the suppressed parts
You may find that you are currently lost in a dream or a vision that is unobtainable at the moment. Your dreams can become something if you give them a chance to soar. The more energy you put into making it happen, the more you will be able to attain the vision that you want.
You may find that you are currently lost in a dream or a vision that is unobtainable at the moment. Your dreams can become something if you give them a chance to soar. The more energy you put into making it happen, the more you will be able to attain the vision that you want.
This is the perfect time for you to start building the connections that you need to take your aspirations to the next level. You'll find that many people are willing to offer you valuable insights and information that inspire and motivate you. By crafting a strong network, you can find ways to achieve your goals.
It can be difficult to realize, but you’re going above and beyond in a current situation or opportunity. It's important to ensure that your goals are aligned with the mission of what you're doing. If they're not, it may be challenging to feel comfortable and successfully complete the tasks and projects you're currently involved in.
Finding balance between different aspects of life can be challenging, especially when you feel like you can't handle everything that's going on. It's important to recognize when you're experiencing burnout and take some time to relax and recharge. Self-care can be a helpful tool in these moments and provide you with a sense of peace.
Currently, you may feel that the boundaries are hindering the creation of an intimate connection with someone. Nevertheless, it’s crucial to acknowledge and respect the limits of others to provide them with a chance to learn mutual respect and avoid overstepping or overwhelming them. This is crucial to help both of you grow and evolve.
Your intuition might be causing you anxiety as you struggle to distinguish between what to believe and what not to believe. Observing the true nature of others may have left you feeling uncertain about how to proceed with them. It’ll be helpful to make a deliberate effort to think analytically and make a well-informed decision.
If you're struggling to stick to a daily activity, try keeping your schedule flexible and focusing on pursuits that allow you to move around and avoid feeling trapped in one place. Take some time to explore your interests and embrace the freedom to create your own daily routine. You’ll be more aligned with the universe.
This week, try to embrace vulnerability and share your innermost feelings with others. It may be difficult to do at first, but it will allow people to understand you better and connect with you on a deeper level. Don't be afraid to let your walls come down and show others what's happening in your life.
You may feel that people surpass you in what they attain this week. Before letting your insecurities and fears get the better of you, know that your ship is coming in. The more pressure you put on yourself, the less able you’ll be to make it happen. Remain patient. Your time to shine is coming.
Reconnecting with old friends and family can help you set the tone for the new season. You might feel like there's some unfinished business that needs to be addressed before you can have a joyful reunion. Take the time to work on your relationships and heal any wounds to establish the connection you truly desire.
While it's disappointing that you may not receive the admiration you’re hoping for, it's important to remember that your work is valued. Instead of dwelling on the negative, try to focus on the positive aspects of your job. Maintaining a positive attitude will help you appreciate what you do have and matters in your life.
Now is the perfect time to rely on your intuition. It's understandable that you've been uncertain about what's genuine and what isn't over the past few months. However, you can now turn to your heart and inner feelings to make choices based on what feels right for you at this moment. Believe in your instincts.
Astrology by Lisa Stardust
Venus aligns on the South Node of Destiny in Libra on November 29 and squares Pluto in Capricorn on December 3, making us want to assert our power in relationships. Mercury enters Capricorn on December 1 then connects with Saturn in Pisces on December 2. Communication will become more concise and direct at this time. Venus glides into Scorpio on December 4, adding passion to romantic matters. The following day, Venus harmonizes with Saturn, urging us to commit to others. The Last Quarter Moon in Virgo occurs on the 5th, pushing us to make practical decisions and assessments.
Utilize the Last Quarter Moon in Virgo on December 5 to eliminate unwanted situations and habits from your life. To make the most of this lunar phase, create a list of everything you want to improve. Select the top three items that hold the most significance and either write or highlight them on the paper. Afterward, fold the paper into a smaller size and either bury it in the ground or dispose of it by tearing it up and flushing it down the toilet. In case you want to burn the paper, be cautious and considerate about how you want to let go of the negative energy and remove it permanently.
This upcoming week seems to be treating you well, making you feel more lovely than usual. It's possible that someone in your life may suggest that it's time to invest your energy in reconnecting with people from your past. If you approach these relationships with care and tenderness, you’ll be able to strengthen these partnerships.
It’s important to prioritize self-care in your daily routine, especially during these times. If you find yourself feeling more tired than usual, consider taking a step back and reassessing your workload. Focus on organizing your tasks and taking time to relax and recharge. Remember, TLC is just as important as taking care of your responsibilities.
If you find yourself yearning for some pleasure and fun but can't seem to make it happen, try shifting your focus towards doing things for yourself. Rather than relying on friends to plan events, take an evening to enjoy the high life solo. This could end up giving you the energy boost that you need.
Take a break from work and spend some quality time with your family or with close friends. Visit them and enjoy a delicious meal together that will rejuvenate your spirit and give you the motivation to tackle the world with renewed enthusiasm. Their encouraging and supportive words will inspire you to fly and soar high.
It's important to be mindful of the impact of your words. Take a moment to think before speaking and make sure you're addressing the issue at hand in a clear and direct manner. This will help ensure that others understand your message and can respond appropriately. Make sure you give them time to address matters.
Your confidence may fluctuate like a rollercoaster, making you feel unsure about yourself and the decisions you are making throughout the week. It's important to boost your self-esteem before taking on new challenges, whether it's starting a new project or entering a new relationship. Consider doing affirmations to help you feel more confident and capable.
It is totally understandable to feel unappreciated despite putting in a lot of effort and hard work. However, this should not discourage you from connecting and collaborating with others in the future. The good news is that your recognition is on its way. Try not to worry too much about not receiving it just yet.
Moving forward, it is crucial not to let past insecurities hold you back. Take this as an opportunity to regain control over your emotions and assert your passions and desires. Do not get tangled up in old situations and focus on reclaiming your ability to be the shining star and best in all you do.
Now is the moment to take your career to the next level by asking your boss for a promotion or raise. If you're hesitant about being assertive, initiate a conversation with management. Don't miss out on the chance to make progress in your career, as you have the potential to succeed in everything you do.
Nurture your network of contacts with attention. By doing so, they can help connect you with opportunities that can allow your career to grow. While they may be willing to lend a hand, you can en your relationship with them by doing something kind in return. Show them that you appreciate their generosity and support.
Take a look at what you value most and what’s important to you about the world around you on a soulful level, and then decide how you want to move forward with this energy. The more you give yourself time to figure things out, the easier it will be to come to the conclusion necessary.
When faced with people who spread false information to create drama, it's important to trust your higher mind and intuition. Remember that these rumors are simply made-up manifestations meant to make you feel uncertain. Don't let their negativity bring you down. Rise above it all and utilize your personal strength to move past the situation.
Astrology by Lisa Stardust
The Beaver Full Moon In Gemini occurs on November 27 at 1:16 AM PT and 4:16 AM ET. During the day, the energy will be very intense. It is crucial to prioritize self-care to avoid being overwhelmed. As for the Gemini Full Moon, it is known for its desire to communicate emotions. However, this time, it may be challenging to express our feelings accurately due to the overwhelming emotions at a feverish high.
The current planetary alignments are causing a strong desire for control and dominance over others and our emotions. With Mars in Sagittarius and Saturn in Pisces aspecting the Gemini Moon, we must be aware of our tendency to jump to conclusions and take a strict approach when communicating. Additionally, there is potential for confusion due to conflicting energies between Mercury in Sagittarius and Neptune retrograde in Pisces (the square between these two planets occurs the same day). To avoid making false assumptions or creating unnecessary drama, it's essential to gather all the facts before confronting any issues — especially since Mercury entered its pre-retrograde zone on November 25 (the retrograde begins on December 13). Unfortunately, this Full Moon story will re-emerge on December 27 and January 8, 2024, when Mercury and Neptune square off again.
The fixed star Prima Hyadum, γ Tauri, aspects the Full Moon, along with Black Moon Lilith in Virgo and Ceres in Sagittarius. We will want to break free and embrace freedom, if only for a moment, before returning to our obligations. This is when we put ourselves first and stand up for ourselves, even if people get annoyed; we must stand our ground and assert our needs and desires. As a result, confrontations and arguments might occur. It’s important to speak up — but do so in a gentle way to not overstep. Boundaries are important, even though they might be hard to come by.
It's time to let go of the bad relationships and bad situations that are holding you back. You will need to think about who you are and what you want in order to leave your life. Sometimes, the energy that we share with people and the energy that connects us keep us from letting go. Insuch cases, a cord cutting ritual is required.
To perform a ritual for releasing negative energy and relationships, start by taking two black candles and tying their wicks together in a knot. Light the middle of the knot and focus on the energy that connects you with situations or people that you wish to let go of. As the candles burn, visualize that energy dissolving and releasing its hold on you. This will allow you to move forward without being weighed down by that energy.
After using the candle, wrap the leftover fragments in a cloth or napkin and dispose of them a few blocks away from your residence. Avoid keeping any remaining pieces of the candle near your home.
Participating in gossip is not a good idea. It can negatively affect your reputation, and before long, you might find others gossiping about you. It's best to avoid rumors whenever possible. Even if you have strong opinions about someone or something, it's important to be careful about the words you choose to express them.
With your confidence at its peak, you have the power to assert yourself and speak from the heart. Though it may be daunting to express your emotions, your words are the best reflection of your feelings. By doing so, you can form a deeper connection with those close to you and build stronger relationships with others. Don’t hold back from expressing yourself.
It's common to overlook your own needs and concentrate on others' issues, but that often results in neglecting your own problems. Take this opportunity to reflect on your desires and how to balance them with your responsibilities towards others. Take some time to connect with your inner self and channel this energy to your advantage, making meaningful progress.
Take advantage of the Full Moon as an opportunity to unwind and recharge. As someone who absorbs a lot of energy from others, it's crucial to take a break and avoid overexertion. If you feel like disconnecting from the outside world, there is no better time to do so. The Full Moon presents the perfect chance to unwind.
It can be crucial to establish boundaries with friends. Those who disregard your limits and push boundaries should be reminded to respect your personal space. It is important that they understand that prying into your personal life is not acceptable — the same sentiment applies to how you treat others as well.
If you're considering taking on a new project at work, it's important to fully understand the requirements before committing your time and energy. This will help you avoid investing in projects that don't align with your interests and allow you to pursue opportunities that are more meaningful to you.
Before speaking, it's important to consider how your words might affect others. You shouldn't push people to their limits and expect no consequences. If you believe in fairness and kindness, then you should also practice those values towards others. Communicate gentler to get your points across.
Your energy is soaring, giving you a boost in power and passion. But before you attempt to exert control over situations or other people, channel that energy towards positive endeavors that improve your life. Remember, positivity begins with you and your willingness to embrace it. Stay mindful and open to the good that surrounds you.
You may feel as though relationships are intense. Instead of wanting to dominate others, give them the chance to be free and explore life. The less you pressure them, the easier it will be for them to find their way home to you. No one knows more about autonomy and this sentiment than you do, Sagittarius.
Changing your daily routine may feel difficult, especially if you're someone who tends to stick to their habits. However, trying something new every once in a while can give you the excitement and motivation to explore new activities and ventures. This can help you bring fresh energy into your everyday rituals.
Pursuing a creative project that has been postponed can reignite your passion for it. Be open to the suggestions of others as they may provide valuable insights. Use the advice that resonates with you and incorporate it into your work. Accept the support and guidance they are offering to you.
Connecting with your ancestors during this full moon can be a meaningful experience that enriches your spirit. By exploring your family history and learning about your ancestors, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in the world. This can lead to greater emotional depth and a stronger connection to your roots.
Astrology by Lisa Stardust
From November 22 to December 21, the Sun will be shining its light on Sagittarius. At this time we’ll all be impulsively moving through the end of fall, waiting to embrace the festive merriments of Yule and winter. In the meantime, we should focus on speaking our truth and standing in our power.
November 22: The Sun enters Sagittarius
November 24: Mars enters Sagittarius, making us react and take action before thinking matters through.
November 27: The Full Moon in Gemini occurs, asking us to make vital and necessary changes.
December 1: Mercury enters Capricorn, creating direct and no-nonsense communication.
December 4: Venus enters Scorpio
December 6: Neptune Direct
December 12: The New Moon in Sagittarius urges us to embrace our innermost visions and dreams.
December 13: Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn begins — expect to be reflective and sensitive until the planetary moonwalk ends on January 1.
(Aries, Leo. and Sagittarius)
This is a passionate time in which you’ll be the life of the party. Don’t socialize too hard — decompress to avoid burnout.
(Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn)
Take time to rest and chill out from the seasonal blitz. This will revitalize and restore your strength and vibrancy.
Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius)
Say how you feel when you feel it. Don’t let your ego stand in the way of expressing your emotions and heartfelt sentiments.
(Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces)
Maintaining boundaries is important to ensure that no one is overstepping or interfering in your relationships and decisions.
Astrology by Lisa Stardust
Mars in Scorpio trines Neptune retrograde in Pisces on November 17th making us reflective and unsure of how to proceed in matters. The following day, the Sun forms a conjunction to Mars in Scorpio on November 18, allowing us to take action. November 20’s First Quarter Moon in Aquarius allows us to see the bigger picture in situations, pushing us to make amends with others. The Sun and Mars connect with Pluto in Capricorn on November 20 and 21, heightening our passions and desires.
Embrace the Mars and Pluto energy by making a list of everything you want to change and transform in your life under the First Quarter Moon. Since this is the perfect time to manifest, you can put the energy out in the universe then to see fast results.
You'll feel more emotionally in control this week because the cosmic energy is bringing healing to your soul. Remember the importance of setting boundaries, and taking a time out when you need to. As the week comes to a close, you may feel slightly energized, even with all of the dramatic energy hanging about, so be sure to give yourself plenty of time to decompress.
Keep an eye on how much energy you're giving to others, as the cosmic energy could make implementing boundaries or saying "no" more difficult and harder than usual. There's a risk you could deplete yourself serving others, leaving you drained by the end of the day. Remember that even though you sympathize with someone else's circumstances, it doesn't make you responsible to solve their problems.
Try not to put too much pressure on yourself or others right now, and give yourself permission to take some alone time if you need it. If you do feel weighed down by emotions or responsibilities, a healthy outlet like walking or stretching can help ground you while releasing physical symptoms of stress. Remember to put your needs first, before anyone else’s at this moment.
Spend some time this week thinking about your dreams and what you hope to nurture moving forward. As the days progress, use the energy to recharge and let go of any residual emotional turmoil that you've been repressing. Use that energy as fuel to jumpstart your aspirations. You never know what you can achieve if you invest your heart in it and take calculated risks.
Right now the cosmos are giving you everything you need to plan for your future, especially when it comes to handling logistics or foundation building activities as well as forming familial ties. You might not see immediate results from your hard work this week, but the effort you put in is sure to pay off down the line. Keep the faith and believe in yourself.
Try not to lend your ear to any gossip during this time, as you're unlikely to get the actual story, and it could distort your perception of someone without any real cause. As the week moves forward, you will want to keep an open mind in such matters. While you'll be in the mood to have important discussions, they might not change your circumstances much.
There's nothing wrong with spoiling yourself from time to time, but there is a serious risk that you might blow your budget right now, so it will be important that you set and stick to a reasonable budget. On the other end of this spectrum, unexpected expenses could manifest, making it even more important that you're retaining some money for emergencies in your bank account.
This is the perfect time to recognize your strength, especially in reference to any hardships you've overcome. Pluto brings a huge shift in the way we connect, as it ignites your inner sentiments. You’ll feel more at ease expressing their emotions over the next several weeks, so don't be afraid to express sentiments to those you care for most. Be mindful you don't cross boundaries.
If you've been spreading yourself thin recently, things could catch up to you during this time as well, so rest will be key for all you workaholics out there. Use the week to catch up on your self-care routine, eat a nice home cooked meal, or even a soak in the tub with healing crystals and Epsom salt to decompress your body, mind, and spirit.
You’ll be confronted by conflict between two friends and it’ll be a delicate balance trying to manage the situation. Keep an eye out for power struggles within relationships, as well as controlling or possessive behaviors. The best course of action will be to let all of the people in your life know that you care about them and don't want to be in the middle.
If you feel the need to seclude yourself a bit, you should. A protective meditation will go a long way right now, and can help open you up to divine messages while filtering out any energy you'd rather not encounter. It'll be important that you are extra supportive of not only your loved ones but of yourself right now. Try to protect your personal energy.
This is a great time to study or pick up a new hobby, as your neurons will be firing more efficiently than normal. New insights are likely to manifest later in the wek. You may be confronted with an issue that's repeated itself, but the universe is giving you guidance on how to break cycles right now and move forward in a more productive manner.
Astrology by Lisa Stardust
The New Moon in Scorpio occurs on November 13 at 1:27 AM PT and 4:27 AM ET. This lunation ends eclipse season and allows us to manifest our innermost desires. The veil between the physical and metaphysical world is thin. Also, our intuition is heightened daily as we navigate through the shadowy depths of Scorpio season. With our sentiments and passions coming to the forefront of our hearts and minds, we can expect this New Moon to be both emotionally intense and fulfilling simultaneously.
The New Moon aspects Mars in Scorpio, Uranus retrograde in Taurus, and Neptune retrograde in Pisces. The cosmic energy will push us to be daring and to embrace newness. It's time to start fresh and embark on a heartfelt journey — a sentiment that the Fixed star Unukalhai (associated with “the heart of the serpent”) brings us due to its bold demeanor. With the asteroid Ceres linking up with the New Moon in Scorpio, we can expect to feel an emotional tug coincide with our changes and decisions.
On the day of the New Moon, the Sun and Moon are in juxtaposition with Uranus retrograde. Two days before, Mars in Uranus retrograde opposed each other. This vigorous energy is making us pay attention to what needs to be augmented in our lives for us to evolve and transform into the person we want to be. The Scorpio energy is urging us to grow, while Mars is the driving force that is making us ignite the spark within, and Uranus retrograde wants us to take the path less taken.
Since the planets Mars and Uranus are the trigger points of the New Moon, we should take action and speak our minds through peaceful protest. The time has come to stand up for ourselves and those who cannot. Donate money to organizations, light a white candle to bring peace, post on social media, attend protests and sit-ins. Don't let anyone silence you and fight for the world to become a better place.
I will embrace the power within and use it for good.
I reciprocate the respect and honor people give to me.
I will allow myself to rest and relax my mind right now.
I will step out of my comfort zone and welcome change.
I will celebrate and show appreciation to my ancestors and family members.
I will use my words to implement change and growth.
I will give myself the time to make decisions instead of impulsively doing so.
I will allow myself to be loved by others and give myself tenderness and kindness.
I will allow myself to heal and mend the past with compassion.
I will reconnect and realign with my goals and visions.
I will forgive others and myself in order to emotionally evolve.
I will open my mind and heart to new possibilities,
Astrology by Lisa Stardust
Venus will be extra sensitive and driven — so expect to fight for who and what you love. Mercury in Scorpio aspects Uranus retrograde in Taurus on November 4 and Neptune retrograde in Pisces on November 6, urging us to embrace newness into our lives. Saturn in Pisces turns direct today on November 4th after being retrograde since June 17. We’ll be able to commit to the future and create boundaries on today. The Last Quarter Moon in Leo occurs on November 5, ushering us to envision a new way of thinking, being, and living.
It's important to focus on yourself during November 5’s Last Quarter Moon in Leo. Light an orange or gold candle (the colors of Leo) to ignite your passions. Meditate on what brings you pleasure and joy as you spark the flame to bring these attributes to life.
Unexpected expenses have the potential to manifest under this cosmic climate, so tread lightly if you can. You may also notice that people are overstepping their boundaries with you this week. If someone starts to push limits, try to find a polite way to shut them down, without acting defensive.
Romance will be in the air throughout the week, as the Sun forms a sweet aspect to lucky Jupiter. If you're a night owl, burning the midnight oil, this is the perfect time to cozy up with someone special, or give a little extra TLC to yourself. You deserve it!
Trying to take care of many things at once could lead to mistakes that are hard to recover from later. Don't worry though, this energy won't linger all week. A significant shift will occur, adding an element of organization. It's a good time to sit down and create a to-do list.
Feel free to dream big right now, but keep in mind that things will move more slowly right now than they have over the last few days. Rather than feeling impatient, try to look at this as a reprieve and enjoy taking a more relaxed approach to your daily life.
You'll want to keep your guard up against overly charismatic people. There is potential that you could be taken for a ride if you fall hard for charm over substance. Though the week may feel like it's filled with uncertainty, fluctuation to energy levels, and confusion, it'll clear up soon.
You may feel as though you're stuck or emotionally shut down, which could leave you feeling isolated during the first days of the week. Luckily, the planets will send love your way, asking you to be patient and loving with both ourselves and the people around you by week’s end.
Your mind will be ectremely active throughout the week, making it the perfect time to engage in a creative activity or brainstorm ideas for the future. Just be sure to write down any brilliant ideas that pop into your head, otherwise you might forget them later. Ignite the spark within.
The week ahead brings a lighter energy, putting you in the mood to show compassion. Your psychic abilities will be on fire right now as well, making it the ideal time to use your pendulum or tarot cards. Take cleansing breaths if you encounter anyone with less than ideal vibes.
The planetary square that is occurring under the Last Quarter Moon in Leo on November 5 could bring strange dreams your way, but try not to read into them too much, as any messages that come through will likely be too convoluted and hard to unpack in the days ahead.
You’ve been working hard and deserve a break from mundane life. You are in the mood for adventure and socialization. If you can swing it, try to make some plans to meet your best pals for dinner, but be sure to try out a place you've never been to before.
You’re setting boundaries with those you care about in an effort to protect your energy. Keeping your emotions in check will help when dealing with matters. You'll be able to stand your ground if others are pushing limits and reciprocate the sentiment to respect the feelings of friends and family.
The balance you keep between your responsibilities and self-care will be an important theme, so you'll need to make sure you're checking in with yourself to avoid running yourself into the ground. This sentiment will gain further traction under the Last Quarter Moon, leaving you scrambling to keep things together.
Written by Bri Luna
Our ancestors have shaped who we are today, and it's essential to honor their memory and keep their legacy alive. Join me as we explore the significance of honoring our ancestors and discover powerful rituals to pay tribute to those who have passed away.
Embracing Our Roots: Our ancestors are the foundation of our being, and by honoring them, we honor ourselves. Take a moment to reflect on your family history, the sacrifices they made, and the values they instilled in you. Embrace the richness of your heritage and let it guide you on your journey.
Rituals to Honor the Dead: Rituals provide us with a sacred space to connect with our ancestors and express our gratitude for their presence in our lives. Here are a few rituals you can incorporate into your own practice:
Ancestor Altar: Create a beautiful altar in your home dedicated to your ancestors. Place photographs, mementos, and objects that remind you of them. Light candles and incense as a symbol of remembrance and create a serene atmosphere for reflection and connection.
Ancestral Offerings: Offerings are a way to show reverence and appreciation for our ancestors. Prepare their favorite foods, drinks, or other items they enjoyed in life. Leave them on your altar or in a special place, inviting their spirits to partake in the feast.
Ancestral Prayers: Take time each day to offer prayers or affirmations to your ancestors. Speak your gratitude for their guidance and protection, and ask for their continued blessings. This practice strengthens the bond between the living and the deceased and deepens your connection.
Ancestor Meditation: Set aside a quiet space and time to meditate on the memories and wisdom of your ancestors. Visualize them surrounding you with love and support. Allow their presence to wash over you, bringing comfort and reassurance.
Visit Their Resting Place: If possible, visit the gravesites or memorial places of your ancestors. Bring flowers, light candles, and spend a moment in silence. Reflect on their lives, express your love, and leave tokens of remembrance as a sign of your continued connection.
Let's remember that honoring our ancestors is not confined to a single day or season—it's an ongoing practice that enriches our lives and connects us to something greater. By recognizing their contributions and celebrating their presence, we ensure that their spirits live on.
Astrology by Lisa Stardust
October 28 brings the Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, which aims to shapeshift the way we feel about ourselves and romantic endeavors. The same day, Mercury and Mars, who are both in Scorpio, oppose Jupiter retrograde in Taurus, creating tension as we demand to be heard and seen by those who aren’t giving us attention or affection. Mercury and Scorpio formally unite in Scorpio on October 29, allowing us to speak concisely and directly.
Venus in Virgo harmonizes with Uranus retrograde in Taurus on October 31, making Halloween full of excitement and celebration.
The veil is thinning between the physical and metaphysical worlds, which is why we should light a white candle, salt our homes, and place an obsidian or Black tourmaline by our beds to offer us protection. As the energy heightens, it’s vital that we meditate to center our energy and to decompress our minds.
You don't know how others are feeling right now, but that will be revealed to you during October 28’s eclipse — especially in romantic situations and matters of the heart. All of your personal relationships and acquaintances are going through a phase of reconnection and psychological evolution throughout the week.
The public gaze is totally on your amazing self these days, making you a prime candidate for that dream job or favorable news that you've been waiting for. If you’re self-employed this is a great time to expand your horizons. As long as you believe in yourself, success is guaranteed.
you need to feel and be supported on an emotional scale this week. No matter how vulnerable the healing process might be, you are not alone in the world. Even though it seems like you're the only one in the room that is filled with lots of people these days.
Be prepared for some unexpected news and surprises that have you jumping into new experiences almost instantaneously. On the flip side, you may even want to jumpstart an activity or revise a creative project that has been on the back burner. The week aims to help you in reclaiming your artistry.
There is a cornucopia of abundance being sent your way in all realms of your career. It might even be the perfect week to revamp and send out those resumes to job prospects, or start that project you've been putting on hold. The cosmos are supporting your ability to succeed.
The lunar eclipse might cause upsets or miscommunications in your personal and professional relationships. But you can overcome such obstacles with patience and understanding. You’l be able to smooth things over in no time, as long as you practice empathy and compassion before having an emotional reaction to the situation.
Let go of your preconceived notions about what success is supposed to look like. You are changing the game and giving it a new name. You're having a spiritual awakening. Perhaps you didn't realize what’s important to you until now and want to move towards enriching those aspects of life.
You've always been an extremist when it comes to igniting your passions, and this is a good week to experiment with different possibilities, projects, and endeavors. At times you might be jumping into unknown territories, but it is all the better for you to be directly involved in your pursuits.
Your dedication is being tested this week. That doesn't mean you should stress at this moment. Your passionate sign has never given up when it comes to a good fight. This time. However, this is an internal battle that you'll have to overcome more specifically related to fear of rejection.
Pay close attention to what news you receive over the next few days. With plenty of raw and real conversations going on, you might just come to a conclusion that you've needed to see understand for many years. This can create a complete change in direction for your internal compass.
This is a perfect week to show the world what you got! Harness the celestial energy and use it to guide you along this incredible path. Appreciating yourself will allow you the advantage over your competitors and will help you to see much you’re worth to others and to yourself.
You will gain more psychic insights as the week progresses and veil thins, adding to the contextuality of these times and also bringing you a spiritually guided mission. Expect something magical to happen since your intuitive and sensitive sign is making you totally in alignment with the energies at play.
The Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus occurs on October 28 at 1:24 PM PT and 4:24 PM ET. This eclipse marks the end of the cycle that began on January 18, 2022, when the Lunar Nodes of Destiny entered the Taurus and Scorpio axis. The next time we’ll experience similar eclipses will be in 2040.
The eclipse aspects Mercury in Scorpio, Mars in Scorpio, Jupiter retrograde in Taurus, and Saturn retrograde in Pisces. These planets are urging us to find our true calling and stand up for ourselves in matters of the heart. Add in the asteroids Juno in Virgo, Vesta in Cancer, and Black Moon Lilith in Virgo, and we'll want to break away from the past and start anew to attain happiness. Tears will be shed, arguments will intensify, and our intuition will heighten since the veil between the spiritual and physical world becomes thin close to Halloween.
Mercury and Mars are both in Scorpio (they form a close conjunction the following day) and oppose Jupiter retrograde in Taurus the day of the eclipse. This creates a turbulent vibe. Words can hurt. Don't say things that can be callous — choose kindness instead. With Venus currently in Virgo, the planet’s least favorite placement, we may be critical of others — especially ourselves. The good news is that the Moon is exalted in Taurus, helping to ground us amidst the eclipse.
Your confidence is peaking, helping you to feel more secure and bold.
You're currently letting go of outdated views that are no longer serving you.
Being alone with your own thoughts can help you evolve and grow.
You are augmenting your aspirations and vision to align with your current dreams.
When one professional door closes, another one opens — remember to go with the flow.
Doing something out of the ordinary will shake up your vibe and energize your life.
Creating boundaries with others will help you find a middle ground in relationships.
You can start fresh with friends, lovers, and family if you give them a chance.
Give yourself a break from work by taking a moment to decompress.
Your creativity is flourishing, allowing you to create vibrant projects.
Focus on building a stronger foundation for yourself to create a balanced life.
Your words have power, which is why it's best to choose them wisely.
Written by Bri Luna Astrology by Lisa Stardust
From October 23- November 21st, this is a period of death & rebirth. At this time, our life force withdraws from the world of activity and goes inward. Scorpio’s energy is passionate, intense, destructive, regenerative, and feminine. This is a fixed water sign and Scorpio represents the urge to sink deeply into the depths of emotional experience and to destroy old structures in order to make room for the new to emerge.
How to work with scorpion energy: Work to eliminate old habits and behaviors that have been holding you back. Issues that involve control/power can also arise now as emotional patterns and conditions stemming from childhood or past lifetimes. psychological counseling can be helpful during this period.. There is no shame in taking the necessary steps to provide balance and tranquility for your mental health. Scorpio is also associated with magick of all types: this sign is the ruler of the genitals so sex magick, and occult power, as well as the hidden realms, are at the forefront. It’s no surprise that many pagan holidays celebrating the life cycles of death and rebirth I.e Samhain, Halloween, and Dia de Los Muertos fall within the Scorpio season.
This is a month when we’ll feel strong and secure in all we do making it a prime time to embrace our magic.
Use this time for magical workings pertaining to sexuality, divination, journeying, and prosperity rituals crystals: obsidian, and garnet.
Your self-esteem is growing, helping you feel better about yourself and everything you do. Lean into your fabulousness to boost your confidence.
You’re craving intimacy with others, which is pushing you to connect with them on a deeper level than ever and make commitments.
Your foundation is evolving, which is why you should embrace the changes that are coming your way instead of running away from them.
This is a time in which your creativity and imagination will flow. Your artistry and talents are taking center stage, allowing you to shine.
Key Dates:
October 23: Scorpio season begins, heightening our passions and drive to succeed.
October 28: The lunar eclipse in Taurus serves to enlighten our hearts by reminding us of our worth.
November 4: Saturn in Pisces turns direct, ending the retrograde journey that began on June 17. Now is the time to commit to a plan, project, relationship, or job.
November 8: Venus enters Libra, giving us the chance to find balance in our relationships.
November 10: Mercury moves into Sagittarius, giving us the strength and confidence to use our words to speak directly to others.
November 13: The New Moon in Scorpio allows us to move towards personal growth and transformation.