"The Fridas" by Spencer Tunick



“I used to think I was the strangest person in the world but then I thought there are so many people in the world, there must be someone just like me who feels bizarre and flawed in the same ways I do. I would imagine her, and imagine that she must be out there thinking of me too. Well, I hope that if you are out there and read this and know that, yes, it's true I'm here, and I'm just as strange as you.”

― Frida Kahlo

  • The beautiful photo that you see above was taken by world renowned photographer Spencer Tunick at Frida Kahlo's home "Casa Azul". Yesterday, this image was originally posted to our Instagram account, where well over 3,000 women& men were inspired by the power and beauty of Spencer's image and Frida's words. The image was removed from our account, even after we made the proper edits to cover up each woman's exposed breasts to fit the "moral" guidelines which are implemented rigidly on images (including art), breastfeeding, or anything showcasing women's bodies in a manner that isn't overtly sexualized. Social media sites such as Instagram have gone so far as to evenban words like "Goddess" (but have kept "God). Their explanation being that the "high volumes of nude content" under the tag "Goddess" were against policy. The backlash to the ban was something they were not prepared for and eventually The #Goddess tag was restored. However, these blatant acts to suppress the female form are still taking place, and our post was the perfect example of that. Wake up people, THE HUMAN BODY IS NOT SHOCKING!

Our First Mercury RX Of 2016


From January 5th, 2016 to January 25th, 2016 We will be experiencing the first Mercury Rx of the New Year, hooray! We all just survived 2015, so let's show this retrograde how mentally prepared we are (kinda). Be open and receptive to the lessons our lovely Mercurial teacher has in store for us by being mindful of the usual stuff.

• Don't sign legal documents and/or major contracts

• Expect travel delays, give yourself some flexibility in your travel schedule. • Be open to subconscious messages (the truth ALWAYS comes to the surface).

•Tell your ex you're still not interested (pesky ex's love making appearances during  retrogrades) • Go inward: truly use this time for deep introspection: grounding mediation, journaling, painting, resting. release & explore all of your emotions in a healthy creative manner. 

'We're all familiar by now with the dreaded Mercury Retrograde post, but life isn't about hiding from the difficulties or setbacks that may take place during retrograde. The Universe gives us very deliberate lessons for our personal growth, and healing.  Let's try to keep our thoughts positive and our vibrations raised high! we are setting the foundation for the rest of our year. We got this!

Happy Full Moon In Cancer!

Happy Holidays + Happy Full Moon In Cancer! this is our final full moon of 2015 ! and as I'm sure you've all read the last Full Moon we’ve had on Christmas Day was in 1977, which was 38 years ago. The next will not happen again until the year 2034. The emotional intensity of this moon alone has some feeling as if they'd like to stay hidden inside with a blanket over their heads until next year, but fret not! The Hoodwitch is here!

Practical Chakra Balancing.

A while back, I wrote an introductory to The 7 major chakras centers titled
"CHAKRAS, COLORS, & STONES" in this article I discussed recognizing blockages or over-activity in the chakras + the benefits of using gemstones and of course the healing power of color. Today, I wanted to touch on some very simple activities that can literally jump-start your sluggish energy centers. Face it, we live in an extremely fast paced world full of an array of energy draining living conditions: work schedules, school, and of course family life.  All of these daily task can make finding time for self-care pretty difficult on the average person. Here at The Hoodwitch we're all about the practical magic. As a working mother, I understand the struggle in finding the time for self-nurturing activities that will not only inspire me, but keep my frequency/energy levels high and my aura nice and sparkly. The practices listed below require little to no time, money, and can be done alone or with your closest family & friends. Daily, or weekly.  Different activities will stimulate different chakras, If you do at least ONE thing different each day, the direction of your life will change .


Remember, it is important to be honest and listen to your body. When the chakras are too open, balance is the remedy!  If you have excessive power in your chakras (Think: type A, aggressive, neurotic behaviors), step back and let someone else drive. If you're around people all of the time, it's important to spend time alone. See, BALANCE. Generally speaking, when a chakra is too open, the balance for this is to do the opposite of what you would normally do. Are your chakras over active or deficient? You can read more about that HERE.  Intuitive counselor and author Dena Marie says "One new practice a day, could potentially keep the doctor away!" and we agree!

Practical Chakra Balancing Activities:

  • First Chakra (Survival) : Walk in nature, plant a garden, pay your monthly bills (early), slow down, take a hike, Hug a tree, feel your roots, clean your house, Eat healthy foods, walk outside with bare feet, take a vacation in nature, Go bird watching, and admire the plants and animals there, play the drums, Do yoga, Do nothing (in the most relaxing of ways), wear the color red, eat red foods + protein.

  • Second Chakra (Relationships): Take a luxurious bath, Sit by water, stretch your body, swim, move your hips, dance, Drink plenty of fresh natural liquids, Be sexual (responsibly), Be spontaneous, Go to the ocean, Do volunteer work, drive somewhere you've never been, Go on a retreat with people you don't know. Wear the color orange, eat orange foods.

  • Third Chakra (Empowerment): Laugh, run, cry, watch a fire + burn stuff (not your ex-boyfriend's house), take up a martial art class, tai chi or boxing, lift weights, ride a bike like a child again, play a competitive sport, Wear the color yellow, Eat yellow food.

  • Fourth Chakra (Connection): Hold hands, talk about how you feel, Buy yourself flowers, Take yourself on date, Tell someone you love them (and mean it), get a massage, Look in the mirror and say you love yourself just the way you are, Send yourself a valentine, Learn Reiki (healing touch), wear pink or Green. Eat plenty of fresh organic green fruits and vegetables.

  • Fifth Chakra (Expression): Sing, Write, Draw, play an instrument, paint, talk to trusted friends, work with clay or wood, Go to an art gallery alone,  Read poetry, write a song, support local art, Verbally pass down a family tradition, writer a meaningful letter to yourself. Wear the color blue. 

  • Sixth Chakra (intuition): Just breathe, Listen to your inner voice, Guess someone's astrological sign, Daydream, Start a dream journal, Pull a tarot card for each day and don't use the manual to find the "meaning" (trust your inner guidance), Candle gaze, Read an esoteric/metaphysical book, watch a fantasy film. Talk to the moon, Wear Purple, or white.

  • Seventh Chakra (knowing): Meditate for 10-15 minutes a day, connect with your higher power, talk to an Angel (of the light) be still, listen, trust your inner knowing, connect with others, Think dreamy thoughts, Use rainbow prisms for healing, speak to the stars in the nighttime sky, practice positive affirmations, pray for yourself and others, write down your goals and ask your higher-self to help you achieve them. Wear Indigo, and gold.

Full Blue Moon In Aquarius

Full Moon in Aquarius

A full Moon between July 23 and August 23 will be in Aquarius. Be prepared for an electrical full moon, this is the brightest moon of the year and anything can happen, expect the unpredictable. By some definitions, the full moon July 31st is blue; and it is called this because it is the second full moon in one month. However, by  older definition, if there are four full moons in an astronomical season versus the normal three, the third full moon of the four is then the Blue Moon. Which is a rarer occurrence than the above.

This potent moon energy is for wishes to come true and all workings pertaining to:

  • Creating detachment/releasing what no longer serves.
  • Inspiration
  • Humanitarian efforts
  • Telepathy
  • Expanding your social circle
  • Healing problems with the ankles

The Aquarius Full Moon says “I experience”. This is a transit dealing with facts,organizing, political issues, desires to save the world through social action, connecting with others in social situations, detachment, and the need to come and go without restrictions.

Aquarius Moon  is a dramatic mood change, where Capricorn valued tradition and caution, Aquarius’ energy craves anything new, innovative, different or unconventional. Expect extremes of optimism and pessimism but take time to relax into yourself, meditate, breathe, allow for your expansive nature to appear. During this lunar transit, women may feel the need to be friendly and social but don’t want to be too personal or go too deep.

The Aquarius moon energy is  detached/rational rather than emotional, and will change only if it’s logical to do so. Freedom is very important right now, so live with as few restrictions as possible, and please be careful  with what you ask for, the full Blue Moon will give you everything in double measure. Take the time to contemplate on your wishes and dreams, write them down

  • A Full Moon in Aquarius Mantra: "Can I hold my vision steady, knowing I create the world I want by the power of my vision and thoughts?”

Moon Honoring Ritual

This ritual can take place during a full moon circle with a group, or be a private ritual with yourself. I prefer to be alone & outside under the full moon. But if this is not possible, It can also be done sitting, standing, or facing a window with the moon’s rays shining in on you.

Start by cleansing & raising the energy of your sacred space by either casting a circle of protection, smudging, playing a crystal bowl or chanting. Chanting breaks down any inner resistance quite nicely and is a magical journey inside yourself, chanting also raises the energy for the moon energy you're going to take in .

Place your hands with palms facing the moon, index fingers and thumbs touching, forming the sacred triangle, or sign of the yoni. spread your fingers as wide as possible, so they are receptors for moon energy. After you chant to raise power, focus all your energy and vision on mother moon and draw her energy down into your body. move your hands (if desired) back and forth, from an arms outstretched position to your heart center and back again. After a few minutes of holding your hands up to the moon you can feel them tingle . This is the magical energy. I usually take 15 - 20 minutes to allow her glowing radiant energy into me , but you may take more or less time, there are no rules. Close your ritual by thanking The Moon, your guides, and those present in your circle. Or you may go about closing your circle in a more traditional manner. As i've said there is no right or wrong, other than what feels good for you, or your group.