New Moon In Cancer

The New Moon in Cancer concerns desires about the home, emotional security, nostalgia, and the desire to nurture. Women especially may notice heightened emotional and physical sensitivity at this time, and due to these strong emotions, the Cancer moon is playfully nicknamed the "crybaby" moon.

Full Moon In Capricorn

A Full Moon that occurs between June 22 and July 22 will be in Capricorn. We will be experiencing two full moons in the month of July, which is called a "Blue Moon". The Blue Moon is when a full moon occurs twice in one month, with the first being in the beginning of the month. This term is also used for a full moon occurring twice in a row in the same sign of the Zodiac.

New Moon In Gemini

The New Moon in Gemini

This is a time of communication and other means of expression, freedom, adaptability, reading, writing, and a desire for having variety. Which usually means having and taking on more things than you can handle at once. You might be feeling more social and talkative with our moon in the chatty mercurial sign of Gemini. All communication (talking, writing or reading) all matters of intellect are easier to express during Gemini moon. The tarot suit of swords is ruled by AIR (intellect) and the ace of swords is a card that represents raw power, victory, and mental clarity. As does working with clear crystal Quartz the amplifier, and ruler of the higher chakras. Crystal Quartz has the ability to give insight and mental clarity when our minds are feeling cloudy and foggy much like the power of mercury, and the swift electrifying energy of the swords suite.

Ritual: Use this creative moon to set new goals for yourself by using our New Moon guide to creating meaningful personal rituals HERE

Quartz Crystal meditation:

  • select a room that is quiet and softly illuminated. Preferably, the room you choose will be the same room you use for each of your meditation periods. If at all possible, try to schedule your meditation time and durations at the same time and at the same time of day
  • Clothing should be comfortable and shoes should not be worn.
  • Select your quartz crystal (a single or double terminated generator is suggested) about palm sized or larger and bless your crystal in advance by any of the methods I have listed here you may even place the crystal in the sunlight for an afternoon.
  • Once you are seated in a comfortable position, begin a rhythmic breathing sequence by inhaling deeply through the nose, holding the breath for three seconds and slowly exhaling from the mouth. As you inhale, visualize cleansing golden/white light vibrations entering your body through your nose, and traveling down your trachea and filling your lungs, chest cavity and heart center with warm, glowing sensations.
  • As you exhale, visualize discordant vibrations, tension, confusion, and stress leaving your body through your mouth in dark, cloudy swirls of energy. Bless yourself, and your discordant vibrations in the name of Spirit or any deity you deem fitting when you seek comfort, protection, and solace. Cast these discordant vibrations unto the ether to find peaceful resolution.
  • Pick up your clear quartz crystal with your left hand and begin to gaze upon it, observing the unique features it has to offer (rainbows, chlorite phantoms, healed fractures, mists, etc) allow your consciousness to merge with your crystal.
  • As you inhale, use both hands to hold your crystal. Feel the transmuted energy, peacefully flowing into your hands. Let the crystal tell you about itself.
  • Your crystal may seem to come alive in your hand, you may experience warm, tingling sensations in your hands. For some these sensations may be calming giving you feelings that instantly make you feel at peace, or this may be a gradual process.

Gemini Moon Affirmation: "I let go easily and quickly. I communicate well and teach that skill to others."

meditating with the Gemini new moon & quartz crystal will offer much clarity to confusion, worry, or doubts in your mind. Making you feel weightless. Allow yourself to breathe deeply and be still. When you are ready to return from your meditation, count slowly from 10 to 1 and open your eyes.





Moldavite specimen with Moldavite infused oil.

Moldavite specimen with Moldavite infused oil.

The "Extraterrestrial gem" Moldavite is a unique & rare green gem much different from the crystals that we are most familiar with grown on Earth. Moldavite was in fact sent to us from the Cosmos 15 million years ago! While scientist differ in theories regarding moldavite's origin, nearly all agree that it fell in the form of a large meteor.

Moldavite is classified as a tektite. Tektites are glass stones created by the impact of large meteorites on Earth’s surface. When a meteorite of sufficient size, enters earth’s atmosphere, the force of the impact causes a melting of terrestrial earth, which fuses with the meteorite material. This molten substance then re-enters the upper atmosphere, and falls again to earth in the form of rather small, molten, aerodynamic shaped stones. Tektites are only found in four strewnfields (dispersion areas) on our planet. Of these four sources of tektites, Moldavite is the most highly prized, because of its unique texture, translucent green color and fascinating shapes. No other substance caused by an extraterrestrial event, can be faceted, polished, and has the classification of a gemstone. These rare and unique stones can only be found in the Czech Republic.

Moldavite stone is the ritual stone for integration of body, mind and spirit and can be a great catalyst for change, even if a person is simply in possession of it. In Judy Hall's book "The Crystal Bible"  she states that moldavite is "a useful stone for star children and sensitive souls who find it difficult being in incarnation on the earth, and who cannot adjust to suffering and deep emotions." When placed on the heart, Moldavite uncovers the reasons and purpose for why one is here, and eases the "homesickness" for those whose origin is not Earth.

Moldavite is a very high vibratory stone and can also amplify the energy of other crystals, especially when paired with clear quartz. It is recommend that one practices proper grounding techniques while working with moldavite for healing. If you are drawn to the energies of moldavite, try working with it. The pieces are small but VERY potent, and their price tag can be quite pricey, as they are rare sought after specimens. With that being said, there are sadly many high quality fakes. Purchasing moldavite from online vendors is not a preferred method. Here is a guide to spotting fake Moldavite 

How To Spot Fake Moldavite

True genuine Moldavite is getting more rare and the price is going up, the counterfeiters are getting better at their craft. Some fakes are very convincing, especially when mounted in jewelry where the signs of seams are hidden. Some counterfeiters are even now creating a mold from an actual genuine piece of Moldavite and replicating the color and texture to almost close to perfection. The best way to catch this is by noticing the stone is flawless and the price asked, which is a very low price usually. If the price is too good to be true, most the time it is a sign of a possible fake. There are sellers demanding higher prices for these fakes also. If the Moldavite you are examining is bright vibrant green in color, you are most likely looking at a fake Moldavite that was produced by melting green glass bottles. Also, be aware that the larger the Moldavite, the higher the price, as most genuine Moldavite is sold by the gram. If the seller claims the stone was mined anywhere but the Moldau River valley in the Czech Republic, it is most definitively a fake. If the Moldavite looks really wet or shiny, like melted glass, you are more than likely looking at a fake Moldavite. Now, there are some sellers that state up front that their Moldavite is lab-created, created or synthetic, which is just green glass made and formed to look like Moldavite. Just be aware that if it states lab-created, created or synthetic, you are getting green glass or maybe worse. Some fake Moldavite on the market isn't even green, which is a true sign that it is definitely fake. Below  here are photos of real and fake Moldavite so that you may see the difference for yourself.

Here are images of some real Moldavite

Goddess of the week: IXQUEL aka Zulu Na$ty


Name: Ixquel/Zulu Na$ty
Location: Los Angeles
Sign/rising: Sagittarius

Which Goddess or Goddess Archetype do you most identify with and why?

At the age sixteen on a annual return to the mother country visit to India my Bua (aunty) had planned a trip to Calcutta to meet some relatives. She had decided to take me on a tour around the city. I remember traveling on boat gliding along the Ganges river, passing by other ferry packed boats, and watching the people of this city performing their "puja", or prayer. We were then brought to a small canal called Adi Ganga which connects to the Hooghly river. At this crossroads I was introduced to the Kalighat Kali Temple, which is dedicated to the Hindu Goddess KALI. Immediately she resembled something familiar to me. With her hair untamed, curvaceous body, and infamous tongue laid out, her presence resonated so much with my teenage self. I was organically drawn to her. Her body and energy possessed so much power. I was desperate to find a maternal figure that resonated with my character. I wanted to properly translate my "teenage anger and rage" into beauty. It wasn't about chopping men's heads off and dangling them on a chain around my neck or being a goddess of destruction because she often get's mistaken for this. Her iconography is immediately misinterpreted by her physical appearance. I can relate to that. She reinforced the eternal "I am" and "not the body". She is the mother who is compassionate who engages in spiritual practice to remove the illusion of the ego. Simply we are forces of spirit and not flesh. Constantly looking for resurrection and liberation in mind body and spirit. To me she has the most magnificent power of Awareness and most importantly the power over her own heart. Kali owns her sexual energy. And for a young brown queer womyn, she spoke to me.

What is your Goddess superpower?

I have a multi-ethnic background,  a Punjabi father and Mexican mother so music and dance was extremely affluent in my upbringing. Also as a young dancer in the underground scene of Los Angeles I was introduced to different styles in dance. Los Angeles is a city full of so many cultures and with that comes variety of music, instruments, languages, and people. Through observation and feeling i was able to gain confidence in my own style. Never pressured to choose a style in dance I naturally gave in to how my body wanted to move.  What started at dancing in family gatherings with my cousins and elders to dancing in cyphers with strangers who then became my extended family, to now as "performer",   When I moved to Oakland for College I would balance term papers, thesis proposals, midterm exams, and pressure to perform well from my parents by sneaking into clubs with a fake I.D. just to dance. I needed this other language to be exercised. The juxtaposition of  two my  "life's" created a new found freedom to which I even apply to my work today. Creating an Alter ego known as Zulu Nasty became my goddess superpower.   Working in a corporate office for a Berlin company in Sales and Marketing  (aka a 9-5) to a free agent freestyle dancer who get's booked for parties from San Francisco, Oakland, Hawaii, Vancouver, San Diego, Los Angeles, and New Delhi,  India.  Dance is my connection to rhythm, to feeling young and free, to where the dance floor is the lover that never disappointments.  It is my spirit to erase memory or live in heartache to breakthrough any obstacles.  I surrender to dance because it has the power to seduce me in the way a lover could never.  Dance belongs to me, it is my refuge, my home to explore over and over again, creating new imaginations and dreams. Where I dance is a home free of judgement, it is a place to shatter borders, and experience our breakdowns

How do you get in touch with/unleash your inner goddess?

When in the shadows of electric bass, modal harmonies, surreal lyrics, synth riffs, swoops, or TRIPPY SOUNDSCAPES my body becomes infused with elements of some gothic, tribal, urban, spiritual, rebel hybrid. Even taking on the alias "Zulu Na$ty"  which quickly became known across Los Angeles underground club dance scene for her freestyle, her charisma and ever changing identity. The fantastical elements that make up Zulu Nasty are as synonymous to that of the Mayan Goddes Ixchel and the Hindu Goddess Kali birthing a child and then naming her ZULU NASTY. Once falsely imprisoned by her worst enemy, her own mind, her dancing offered an exciting path to breaking free. Illustrating an intensely personal narrative on every dance floor she touched, Zulu Nasty explores the imagination with her movement, expands her vocabulary to cross boundaries, decolonize minds, and salvage her own body in which she was subjected to years of self imprisonment to only be emancipated by the DJ.

Will You join us in the sacred twerk circle?

Most Definitely.

Break Blaze Burn: 40 Days of Fearless, Out of Bounds Writing

Our lovely Goddess Of The week Rachel White has teamed with expert astrologer Sherene Schostak to offer a magical 40 day creative writing work shop that will surely get your creative juices flowing. This project incorporates guided Jungian journaling and active imagination techniques, along with tarot-inspired writing prompts and meditations.

"This is a time to change our stories and thus change our lives. You don’t have to be an aspiring writer in the literary sense to benefit from this Project 40. We all have a story inside of us that needs to be told."- Sherene S.

CONCEPT: Use the 40 Days and 40 nights to take those old ideas, manuscripts and other forgotten gems off the back burner and get writing! This project is designed to keep you inspired and on fire: For 40 Days and 40 nights Writing does not have to be isolating and tedious! This Project 40 is designed to bring depth, desire and sexy back to the art of pen to paper or (fingers to keypad)! This P40 will break all the rules….. without apology!


Cost is $160

This workshop begins June 2, 2015

For more information  regarding this workshop and how to sign up, head on over to Rachel's site HERE

Full Moon In Scorpio Wellness

A full Moon that occurs between April 21st and May 21st will be in Scorpio.

Use this moon for:

  • Purging intense emotional matters  such as: guilt, lust, or obsession.
  • Keeping things secret.
  • Solving mysteries and getting to the root of the issue.
  • Concentration, and exam revision.
  • Healing the sexual organs.

Scorpio Full Moon is a time of Death and rebirth (not necessarily physical death), intensity, extremes, and heightened sensitivity. It is good for focusing, being sexual, and also doing psychic work because of the deep emotions and desires Scorpio brings. Since sensitivity is heightened, this moon is a wonderful time to deeply connect and feel the Goddess, especially the dark Crone Goddesses. During the Scorpio full moon opinions and feelings are intense and penetrating. Strong desires, especially sexual yearnings , run deep with emotions at their peak.

Be cautious of emotional resentments, as this is a time where past feelings can surface and block your very heightened creative energy, so fight the urges to be suspicious, secretive, and moody. This is a time of regeneration, and cleaning out of emotional debris from the previous month. There is great energy to complete things and focus on certain areas that you have found yourself too scattered to deal with the previous cycle. Take the time now for sexual exploration, as well as relaxation.


Full Moon in Scorpio (Taurus Sun) rituals are high energy and psychic. The veil is thin between the worlds, so during your Scorpio full moon rituals the Goddesses joins the circle easily. Anything that you can do in the two to three Scorpio days for the region of the sexual organs has a doubly beneficial preventative and healing affect, as Scorpio rules the sexual organs. Anything that puts a heavier burden on the sexual organs and urinary tract has a harmful effect during this transit than any other days. If you are able to postpone surgery or operations on the sexual organs during this time, it is best. Expectant mothers should also be cautious to stay clear of any heavy strain/exertion during this time. As  it is believed that miscarriage occurs easily during the Scorpio full moon.

  • Vaginal steams/healing baths with herbs such as: Yarrow, rose, jasmine, raspberry, holy basil can be used as a healing aid for women during this full moon. Vaginal (Yoni) steaming is effective because the soft tissues of a woman's vagina are extremely porous and quickly absorb the vapors of the steam. The heat of the steam stimulates circulation and blood flow to the pelvic area, and combined with the medicinal benefits of the herbs, will nourish, tone, and cleanse the vaginal tissues and whole pelvic region. *Please do not use vaginal steaming if you are: pregnant, menstruating,  or if there is infection present.
  • Healing baths
  • Meditation and/or releasing ritual.
  • Healthy sexual play

Erotic Bath

  • 4 drops essential oil of neroil
  • 4 drops essential oil of tuberose
  • 4 drops essential oil of ylang ylang

These essences added to the bath or blended into massage oil have been said to put women in the mood, and the fragrance worn on a woman's skin serves to put men in the mood, or whoever you intend to attract.



Light a deep red candle and burn incense of or oil of Myrrh or ginger. Sitting in silence, breathe in the sign of Scorpio and place it in your heart center. visualize the color scarlet surrounding you, and breathe that color into your heart, allow it to fill you with stregnth, courage, intensity, and passion. Honor these powerful energies and ask that they be used to assist in the journey to transform lower nature into your highest good.



Goddess Of The Week: Rachel Smith


Name: Rachel Smith
Location: Chicago
Astrological Sign: Gemini
Occupation: I'm a visual artist (acrylic painting/ watercolor), a nature photographer, and seamstress!


Which Goddess or Goddess Archetype do you most identify with and why?


I most identify with two Goddesses: Yemaya and Oshun. Seeing how I have a deep connection to water and aquatic life, it's befitting that I would see myself in these two Goddesses. Yemaya is the mother of the ocean. She invokes these feelings of self-acceptance, unconditional love, and nurturing for all. While Oshun represents everything I am now. She is romance, healing, magick (witchcraft), and beauty. Yemaya is who I aspire to be, Oshun is my present. Although, I don't see myself gaining Yemaya's maternal instincts anytime soon, haha!

How do you get in touch with/unleash your inner goddess?

Locking myself in the bathroom and taking long hot showers. Being in water, just opens this door within me that allows for my healing to take place. I'm pretty big on rituals nowadays so lighting white or blue candles and burning incense helps set the mood for my goddess to unleash. I can sit in the water for hours, talking to myself. Yes, I totally talk to myself just like everyone else. But it's more like I am speaking with my Goddess, my guides,my oracles, my mermaids, who are essentially within me. During these times, I hear their voices as if they are my own thoughts and it brings me clarity.

What is your Goddess superpower?

That's so hard, but I'll have to go with healing. Emotional and verbal healing. I've always had this ability to say the right words during the right moments, and in turn activating this spark within the people who listen. A spark that opens up something within them that's been closed for so long. I don't think there's a word for it but being able to speak these magical words that could help others. It's all the work of my Goddesses, speaking through me I suppose! 

Will You join us in the sacred twerk circle?

YES! I'm all for women reclaiming the sacred twerk. With wombs dancing in unison, and hearts racing as one!

Instagram: @Raychillster

Twitter: @threesunsets


Goddess Of The Week: Hasnaa At-Tauhidi

Name: Hasnaa At-Tauhidi

Location: Bay Area, California.

Astrological Sign/rising: Sun and Moon Pisces, Leo Ascendent.

Occupation: Currently I hold several vocations. I work at a non-profit, cultural and wellness center. I teach workshops about specific Spirit based wellness practices. I see clients one on one as a transformational visionary guide. Basically I help people awaken to their life's purpose, their pre-birth plan, and their soul lessons. I educate people about the intersection of karma, fate, destiny, past lives, soul contracts, universal law and how energy and vibration can be used to fulfill our divine plan. I make kits that include tools for vibrational attunement. I have a lot of different mediums but I work mostly with plant and earth medicine. That's the work that im blessed to do. My own pre-birth plan was to incarnate as a way-shower, to help the planet ascend into higher frequencies at this very important time in the evolution of the planet. My focus is on channeling ancient hidden wisdom, disseminating it, making it very tangible and accessible for everyone to integrate into their daily lives. So i'm also a writer.

Which Goddess or Goddess Archetype do you most identify with and why?

I definitely have resonated with Lilith for many lifetimes. Lilith is often depicted as a demon which is typical because there are so many situations where the person who is marginalized becomes demonized when the story is told by the oppressor. The myth of Lilith is that she was the first partner of Adam prior to Eve. Adam wanted her to lay beneath him during sex and she refused. She said, why would I lie beneath you, I am your equal. After she refused to become subservient to him she left the Garden of Eden(or was banished). For me Lilith symbolizes the very nature of Free Will. How despite fate, destiny and karmic bounds we all have agency in our lives, the free will to chose. She also symbolizes our shadow, the part of ourselves that we cast away, banish or withhold love from because it is deemed "unacceptable" by someone else's standards. She has been the goddess that I have worked with the most. However recently I began to resonate much more deeply with Sophia, the goddess of wisdom who is considered to be Gods bride.

How do you get in touch with/unleash your inner goddess ?

In my practice, I channel or invoke various Goddesses depending on the type of work that I am doing. If I am working with a particular goddess for a long period of time I will create an altar in her honor. Because I have my favorites, I have specific rituals that I have found work well with certain archetypal energies. For example if i am doing shadow work I will invoke Lilith. If I am doing creative work I will call on one of the Muses. It all depends on what I am using them for.

What is your Goddess superpower?

I always jokingly say that my superpower is charm. But I actually as a born Empath my superpower is Clairsentience, feeling other peoples energy.


Will You join us in the sacred twerk circle?
Depends on the vibes I suppose : )

Twitter: @thatgirlhas

Instagram : Vibrationalmedicine
