Valentine's Day Astrology 2/14/2024

The astrology for Valentine's Day will be intense. On February 13th at 10:05 PM Pacific Standard Time and February 14th at 1:05 AM Eastern Standard Time, evocative Pluto and action planet Mars form a conjunction in Aquarius. This is the first time these planets have come together in the same sign and degree (Aquarius) in hundreds of years.


Astrology by Lisa Stardust

January 10th the Sun in Capricorn squares the Nodes of Destiny, presenting an opportunity for us to make a fresh start in our lives. The next day, the New Moon in Capricorn arrives on the 11th, providing us with a chance to embark on a journey toward our dreams and passions. On January 12th, Mars in Capricorn aligns with Jupiter in Taurus, boosting our energy levels and inspiring us to take action towards our goals. Meanwhile, Mercury re-enters Capricorn on January 13th taking us back to December 1st, 2023, when the planet of communication first entered the Earth sign. Venus in Sagittarius connects with the Nodes of Destiny on January 14, creating an opening for us to pursue romance and love, as well as ways to invest our time and money wisely. Finally, on January 15th, the Sun in Capricorn connects with Neptune in Pisces, unleashing our imagination and creativity.

Witch tip:

This week brings a fresh start, so it's important to bring new energy to our surroundings. Sweep the living space from back to front and light palo santo to pass through the whole home. Then, make a floor wash with some water, vinegar, and essential oils like lavender to calm and protect, eucalyptus to cleanse and clarify, and basil for prosperity. Use 1/2 cup vinegar for 4 liters of water and 30 drops of essential oils. Mix and then mop or wipe on the floor. 


You may find that novel and innovative ideas are emerging in your consciousness to help in advancing your personal and professional goals. By looking to your past, you can determine what you wish to manifest in your life. Think outside of concepts and philosophies outside of the box for inspiration.


As you plan the next stages of your life, take this time to reflect. Embrace an adventurous spirit and think about what you want to add in your life in the coming months. This is an opportunity for a fresh start, so seize the day and ivest your energy wisely.


As a powerful being, you can advance your life and make it better. Instead of worrying about what others are doing, use your abilities to overcome any obstacles in your path and improve your situation. Take charge of your life and make the most of your strengths.


It's perfectly acceptable to believe in new beginnings with the people in your life or cultivate and evolve current relationships. However, it is important to ensure that these connections are in line with your goals and aspirations. This will help you determine whether these people are worth investing energy into.


Incorporating fun activities into your daily routine can help you make the most of your days. Not only does it help release tension, but it also brings positivity into your life. So, try to add some laughter and fun into your daily routine and make the most of every day.


If you are feeling the urge to take risks, be prepared for it to require more enthusiasm and planning than you might expect. As someone who typically sticks to calculated risks, ping outside of your comfort zone may be uncomfortable. Be sure to proceed with caution and embrace the unexpected.


When considering the next steps of your career, consider the importance of the decision-making process. As you grow and develop as a person, it's important to align your professional goals and aspirations with your innermost feelings and beliefs. Only then can you thrive in both your personal and professional life.


Don't hesitate to speak your thoughts and feelings, as this is an opportunity for others to understand what's going on in your heart and how you perceive certain situations. If you convey your message with kindness and politeness, people will be more open to receiving it instead of shutting down.


To boost your self-confidence, it is important to engage in exercises that can help you feel better about yourself. Consider incorporating positive affirmations, color magic, or glamor magic into your routine daily. These practices can help bring out your amazingness and showcase your greatness to the world.


You hold the power to shape your life as you see fit. Imagine a blank canvas where you can paint any color of your choice. You are in control of what you project, so it is important to align yourself with positive influences that help you reach your full potential.


Your shifting foundation is allowing you to become more open-minded. Lately, you have been justifying certain actions instead of trying to understand your role in the situation. Now, you'll be able to see both sides of the matter clearly and make an effort to amend the problems with care.


This week is the perfect time to ask for a raise or start the conversation about receiving more money. Embrace the positivity that surrounds you and trust that the universe wants to help you increase your income. Remember to be confident and assertive when talking to your employer. Good luck!


Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The Last Quarter Moon in Libra today, January 3rd presents us with the opportunity to determine the course of our relationships. We've been indecisive since the Full Moon on December 26th, 2023, regarding what we want to keep or let go of in our lives. Now is the time to make that choice. Mars, the planet of action, enters Capricorn, its favorite sign, on January 4th, giving us the drive to pursue our goals and finish our tasks with zeal. On January 8th, Mercury in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces, increasing our emotions, sensitivities, and paranoias. It's advisable to hold off on making judgments or decisions until we have all the necessary information. It's better to avoid confrontations until we know the whole story since crucial facts might be missing. The Capricorn Sun harmonizes with Uranus retrograde in Taurus on January 9, allowing us to embrace our true selves. We will want to stand up for what we believe in and allow people to see who we are at the core on an intimate level. Mars and Saturn in Pisces connect on January 9th, giving us the motivation to elevate our passions and to make sure that we conquer all that we wish to. We will want to assert ourselves and take charge. Try to be kind to others on this day.


Witch tips:

The Last Quarter Moon in Libra allows us to relinquish any negative sentiments we harbor towards others. To achieve this, it's crucial to document our emotions and release any lingering feelings. To assist with this, we can ignite a black candle once we have compiled a list to expel these sentiments and relinquish negativity. This will help in providing us with a chance to commence fresh relations with others. Additionally, once the black candle has finished burning, it may be beneficial to light a white candle to usher in positivity.



Releasing the need for approval from others can lead to remarkable personal growth in the coming week. Prioritizing your own goals and desires over the opinions of others can empower you to make choices that align with your true self and lead to new opportunities for personal growth and development.



The upcoming week presents an opportunity for you to expand your knowledge and perspective by exploring nature and philosophies that resonate with you. This will motivate and encourage you to achieve greatness in the future — when you least expect it. Therefore, remain open-minded and receptive to new ideas and possibilities.



This week, your attention may be drawn towards your personal life. Rather than concentrating on work-related goals, you may prioritize assisting your loved ones and yourself on a more intimate level to develop and progress. The focus is on supporting those you care about and yourself rather than other matters.



In the upcoming week, your relationships and friendships may undergo some changes and shifts. It is important to remain open and flexible and allow growth to happen naturally with those you care about. Embrace the evolution of your relationships and be open to the possibility of something bigger and better.



Setting limitations with others can be challenging, particularly when you fail to recognize the boundaries you have established in your relationships. It is essential to take a step back and evaluate the role you have played in these situations and find ways to improve them to create a better future.



To fully explore your creative potential, it's important to consider unconventional approaches. This means experimenting with different mediums or techniques or simply being open to new inspirations and perspectives. By embracing fresh ideas and pushing the boundaries of your creativity, you can continue to evolve and grow as an artist.



You possess a greater strength than you realize. Embracing change and releasing past experiences will enable you to evolve into a more advanced version of yourself. By doing so, you will improve and amplify your abilities. Don't be afraid to embrace newness — it’s part of your current path. Let go or be dragged.



Take this opportunity to address any recent relationship issues and start anew. Use this time to refresh yourself and let go of any negative feelings you've been holding onto. With the new year upon us, it's the perfect time to cultivate new and positive dynamics with friends, family, and partners.



During these times, it's crucial to find ways to efficiently utilize your day instead of aimlessly going through the motions. It's essential to break away from your usual routine and establish a distinct daily ritual that brings structure to your life. Be open to stepping out of your comfort zone.



Your romantic feelings may be heightened, leading you to desire more intimacy with those you care about instead of suppressing your emotions. It's crucial that you take the initiative to express your feelings to the people you care about and adore with whom you want to build a connection.



You may discover that you prioritize enhancing your emotional intelligence and overcoming past traumas over confronting external issues head-on. In such a scenario, you may choose to focus inwardly and work on yourself instead of involving yourself in situations unrelated to you and outside your control throughout the week ahead.



It's crucial to prioritize revitalizing your energy, particularly since you have a tendency to absorb the emotions of those around you. Concentrate on ways to replenish your sense of well-being and be more kind to yourself. This week, it's crucial to conserve your energy and take care of yourself.