Photography by Philipe de Sablet

Photography by Philipe de Sablet


Written By Jessica Lanyadoo

This week, there’s a changing of the guards as Mercury, Venus, and Mars move into new signs (on the 5th, 9th, and 10th respectively). These shifts can mark a time when things either get deeper and more fertile, or more spread out and chaotic. The mental energy of Mercury in Virgo and Mars in Aquarius drive us to find answers, while Venus in Scorpio seeks depth. The things you have control over are what you choose to give your attention to and the quality of your consideration. Try not to spread yourself too thin or to lose sight of the bigger picture, my love. Depending on your nature, the little things can be either a distraction or what you need to dedicate more attention to. When in doubt, seek balance.

Around the 7th, the Sun will sit opposite anxiety-provoking Neptune. This transit confronts us with what we don’t know, and because of that it can provoke anxiety, exhaustion, and demoralization. This isn’t a great time for seeking understanding, but it’s an excellent one for seeking beauty, empathy, and spirituality. The potential here is that you find grace instead of answers, but the danger is that your impatience or your feelings will generate so much unrest that you create mountains out of molehills. Remember to breathe, and that this – like all other transits – is a chance to grow and to heal. Bring your presence to the parts of yourself or your day that feel too hard to bear, and show them kindness. There are other days for commitments and answers. The 6th-8th is for reaffirming your relationship with yourself as a foundation for how you relate to the world around you and the people in it.

There's a New Moon in discerning Virgo on the 9th. This week marks a shift and an opening. This is an excellent time to redefine your relationship to your body in efforts to make it a healthier one.

Take a moment to look in the mirror (or if vision is an issue, replace all of this advice with feel/touch). Don’t look for marks on your skin or signs of perfection or imperfection. Be interested in your face. Really look at it, and really get to know it. This body is yours. BS beauty standards of the moment will inevitably pass out of fashion. What you look like is interesting, but in the grand scheme of your spiritual wellbeing, it doesn’t mean much. You are not your face, but your face is you. Be kind and supportive to it. Be interested in what you look like without criticism or judgment, and if that's hard to do, just have compassion for yourself. Make friends with your beauty and your ugliness. Embrace the skin you're in, my love.




March 21-April 19

You can take on other people’s traumas and dramas, but that won’t help you or anyone else one bit. It is far more important to show up and be present than it is to try to fix things for others, dear Aries. This week your relationships are in a subtle but deeply important state of flux. How you proceed will lay the framework for what’s to come, so tread with compassion, not pity. Bear witness to your loved ones in a way that makes them feel seen, rather than making them feel like your project.



April 20-May 20

Are you a good friend to yourself? No matter how reliable your willpower is, even you have limits, Taurus. This week you’re likely to find that you’ve taken on more than you can handle in an emotionally present way. While that’s inevitable at least some of the time, it’s important that you respond sagely this week. Try your best to engage in healthy self-care habits so that even if what you really need is to check out, you can do it in ways that won’t create extra problems for you in the morning.



May 21-June 21

Everyone is going through it, and this makes it even harder for you to resist distractions. Things are changing, Twin Star, and it’s not clear in what way or where it’ll take you. You can hold on tight, totally let go, or try to ride the current, but it’s time to make a choice. This week’s New Moon is an especially fertile time for you to pick a lane. Align yourself with what you need so that you can respond with intention to what you’ve got, my love.



June 22-July 22

Your circumstances are likely to kick up some uncomfortable feelings this week, and it’s wise to sit in those emotions. If you rush away in effort to fix something that isn’t broken, you’ll end up further from well-being and more confused to boot. You have such an easy time sharing that strength of character with others; practice embodying it for your own sweet and salty self, Moonchild. Sitting with difficulties may feel like inactivity, but it’s really a much-needed kindness.



July 23-Aug. 22

You’re ready to make some bold moves in the direct of what you want, but it’s important that you do it with care, Leo. If you push too hard or too fast, you’re likely to kick up resistance. Strive to act in concert with the people around you and in the environments in which you seek safe harbor. This isn’t about compromising your vision, but it is about adapting your needs to consider and reflect the needs of others too. You can have it all but not all at once, my love.



Aug. 23-Sept. 22

If you can put aside your resistance to being changed, your fears of being wrong, and your desire for it all to “make sense,” you’ll quickly gain the very clarity you seek, Virgo. Your problem isn’t one of understanding, it’s one of motivation. If you can clarify what you want to get from your goals, your plans themselves will more gracefully crystalize for you. The hardest way isn’t the best or the only way. Seek your simplest foundational truth this week.



Sept. 23-Oct. 22

You’re on the right path and pointed in the right direction, but that doesn’t mean that you’re getting exactly what you want. It’s confusing, but don’t fixate too much on the prize while you’re in the middle of the game. It’s important that you allow for your ambitions to shift as you move through your process; as you gain momentum, you’re likely to find that you are changed by the journey you’re on and what you uncover of yourself on it. Take it one day at a time, my love.



Oct. 23-Nov. 21

The struggles you’re engaged in are not meant to oppress you; they’re meant to help you gain clarity. Sometimes knowing what you don’t want is as powerful as knowing what you do want. This week, you will have the choice to fall back on your old foolishness or find a new way. The former is easier in the short-term, but it ultimately puts off the inevitable – change. Breathe and seek the most peaceful path instead of the “best answer”, dear Scorpio.



Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Ready, set, go! Get ready for a burst of energy, sweet Sagittarius, and make sure you consciously direct it. There’s what you want right now and then what you want down the road. Make sure that you’re not sacrificing your future for some momentary or fleeting gain in the present. You can have it all if you creatively pace yourself and your commitments. Strive to strike a balance between the big picture and the myriad of little things demanding your attention, this week.



Dec. 22-Jan. 19

When you’re right with yourself, it’s so much easier to manage the inevitable compromises that you need to make in life. This week you're likely to feel guided in a new or different direction than you expected to be, but try to go with it, Capricorn. Staying the same is only a good thing for a period of time; growth requires change, and change yields instability. Embrace the process, even as you’re still developing your vision for where it’s taking you.




Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Uncertainty is no fun, but it can also be a really fertile state. Seek the potential in what you don’t know, what has yet to develop, and what is possible but not guaranteed. As Mars enters your sign this week, you’re likely to have a boost of energy, but that isn’t the same as clarity. Get intentional so that you can leverage your motivation into inspired action, Aquarius. You’re ready to step into the unknown to co-create something better.




Feb. 19-March 20

There can be a fine line between deferring to others and considering their needs. This week, you may want to make a change that adversely impacts the people around you. This may or may not be the right thing for you to do, but for sure you need to approach things with careful consideration. While you can’t please all the people all of the time, you don’t get a pass for your own inconsiderate behavior either. Do your thing and bear the consequences, Pisces.


WITCH TIPS + HOROSCOPES 08.29-09.04.2018


Written By Jessica Lanyadoo


Let’s talk about the world and astrology. The slow moving outer planets define the events that are impacting us globally. They describe the conditions and developmental lessons that shape a generation. Quite frankly, they don’t get enough airtime in pop astrology because they’re harder to unpack and often reflect more serious themes, but they’re wildly important.

We’re living in a time when humanitarian Uranus is transiting through materialistic Taurus, when demanding Pluto and conservative Saturn are moving through structure-bringing Capricorn, and idealistic Neptune is transiting through escapist Pisces. The upshot of this is that you and me and everyone you know are on call to revisit who and what we value, and to make sustainable, structural changes and choices around those values. We're being challenged to expand our sense of empathy and spiritual awareness in the exact moment at which it would be easiest to check out and evade our problems.

In a larger, more societal sense, we are facing the same challenges. The greatest enemy to democracy and human sovereignty is not the powers that be – it’s the apathy of the people. Neptune in Pisces can empower people to rise up and act in accordance with what we most deeply believe, or it can tempt us to get lost in distractions. Saturn and Pluto's transit through Capricorn represents a period of time when society's hierarchical systems  are being challenged. They're either going to bend to the will of the people or break it. People and institutions with power rarely want to give it up, but that doesn’t mean that they won’t have to. Capricorn is a sign that responds to reputation-based pressure. When enough people organize to voice an opinion, change is inevitable. The trouble with these two planets is that they won’t change easily, and they force us to confront our shame and our fears of failure. This is hard work, but it can be deeply healing. At this time, sharing your power is the strongest thing you can do. These energies can easily make people feel victimized and threatened, and that’s what leads to the worst kinds of selfishness. What we need now is empathy. Dr. Cornell West famously said “justice is what love looks like in public.” With Uranus in Taurus, we are ultimately answering the question of who and what has value to us as a society. We are all implicated in this, and what each and every one of us does has meaning now.

Violence, hatred, gerrymandering, systemic oppression, and repression of peoples – these are all symptoms of some people thinking they’re more important than others, or worse, not thinking of others at all. It’s time to make room for the needs of the many over the wants of the few. We all deserve dignity, safety, and sovereignty, and we are at a time when we can demand reform from governments, corporations, and even institutions, and expect material change.

The community you live in counts. More and more we are seeing the ills of the world reflecting the pain of isolation. Do you make eye contact with your neighbors? Do you fear people who have much less or much more than you? People who speak other languages? Those who have sex differently? 

This is your horoscope: You are powerful, and you are utterly powerless. It’s hard to be human, but it’s also a gift. How you make use of your gifts is your choice, but now is a time in society where it absolutely matters. Learn.

Concern yourself with the conditions that others are living in. Concern yourself with people who are differently abled, come from different places, or have different values and resources available to them. This may seem like it’s not about astrology, but I promise you that it is. It’s where we’re going, my loves. We will either get there together, or we will end up where we’ve been led, and the future will be so much brighter when it’s led by the people for all the people. This is a fertile period in both a global and a personal sense; rise up to meet it.




March 21-April 19

How do you gauge success, Aries? I don’t mean to ask how your parents, your friends, or even society determines what success is. How do you know when you’re doing well? It’s important that you have your own standards and ways of evaluating your progress. This week will find you asking some essential questions, and as cheesy as it sounds, the answers are within you. Question everything as you strive towards your goals, my love.



April 20-May 20

You can justify your anxieties all you want, but how exactly does that help you? You may find your fears very compelling, but that doesn’t make them right. You’re in a tug-of-war with yourself about something, and if you don’t acknowledge it and investigate what you’re really concerned about, you may find yourself caught up in some seriously paranoid thinking, Taurus. Ground and center yourself before you go chasing conspiracy theories this week.



May 21-June 21

If you allow yourself to slow down and notice it, you’ll see that you’ve come a long way, baby. Take stock of where you’ve come from in efforts to contextualize where you’re at, Twin Star. It’s not enough to grow; you need to take time to acknowledge and celebrate your development. Part of being responsible to yourself is honoring your own progress. Enjoy the fruits of your labors this week, even if you still have a great deal of work in front of you.



June 22-July 22

Exhaustion or feeling overwhelmed may lead you to misunderstand the intent behind others’ actions. Things are likely not as they seem, Moonchild, and that’s not good or bad – it’s interesting. Try to get grounded before you get investigative, and get investigative before you come to any hard and fast decisions about your relationships, my love. This week is all about the way you do the things you do, so take a deep breath and explore.



July 23-Aug. 22

You don’t need a change of scenery, you need an upgrade. Instead of rushing into change because you don’t like where you are, try to carefully consider what you’re doing before you simply relocate your problems, Leo. If you allow yourself to be too responsive to your fears, you’re more likely to be running from something than pursuing another. Manage your situation, and make solid plans from that place this week, even if that slows down your progress.



Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Not knowing can be magical and exciting, or it can be the absolute worst. There’s so much that you can’t know right now and even more that’s out of your control. You're going to have to manage the feelings that induces, and it may feel like just another confusing piece of the puzzle. Strive for acceptance and not answers this week, Virgo. Focus your energies on what you can manage and influence, no matter how small those things are, my love. 




Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Don’t lose sight of the big picture, Libra. You may find yourself so worried about what’s immediately in front of you that you stop looking around. This strategy will bring you nothing but stress, and what’s worse is that it will limit your capacity to enjoy what you have as well as what you see as possible. This week is all about perspective; adjust yours so that you can experience the abundance inherent in your situation, even if it’s hecka difficult, my love.



Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Feeling scared and stressed can interrupt creativity. Don’t allow yourself to obsess on or over-invest in your stressful thoughts this week, Scorpio. When things aren’t as you want then to be, you're likely to get frustrated and do something self-sabotaging, so here’s a Pro Tip for self-care this week: tend to your feelings before you seek resolution to your problems. Find acceptance of where you’re starting from before you go trying to change it.



Nov. 22-Dec. 21

What’s the sweet spot between your sense of freedom and your need for security? This week, you may find yourself struggling with the conflicting desires to either throw it all away or build it up to another level. The key here is to intentionally respond to your situation instead of emotionally reacting to it. No matter what you do going forward, you’re going to need to make some compromises. Consider which concessions will make you happier in the long run, ‘Tarius.



Dec. 22-Jan. 19

As you grow into yourself, you have to check your ego to make sure that it’s growing with you – not in size, but in depth. It’s all about balance, Capricorn. You have to be able to take as much as you give, or you’re likely to build up resentments or insecurities that destabilize you and your whole operation. Find people who you believe are good models of behavior this week. Seek inspiration from people who’ve done it before you or who are doing it better than you right now.




Jan. 20-Feb. 18

When you leap off a cliff, it’s hard to see the ground clearly when it's rushing to meet you. So much of life is all about perspective; when you’re leaving a room, it can look so different than when you first entered it. What you’re currently looking at in your life may be intimidating or frightening because it’s new, not because it’s bad. Don’t confuse the anxiety of change with some sort of intuitive flash that things are going poorly. You’re on your way, Aquarius. Don’t allow the fear of the unknown to tell you anything different.




Feb. 19-March 20

Gracefully engaging with frustration is a meaningful skill to have. When you make your plans based on best-case scenarios, you’re setting yourself up for a fall. It’s time to advance your ambitions this week, and it’s likely to take some serious patience and reorganization. Cultivate tools that help you to express and experience your upsets in healthy ways so that you don’t unintentionally trip yourself up out of impatience, my love.





5. Jung Lee,This Is The End,From the Series ‘No More’,2016,152×191cm,C-type Print.jpg

"A promise to control the tide is always a lie. The resolute is more persistent than the best of intentions."

- Claudia Mauro

A Full Moon that occurs between August 24 and September 22 will be in Pisces. This moon is useful for magic pertaining to:

Expansion of Consciousness


Understanding and exploring dreams



Escapism "getting away from it all"


Healing the feet

Focusing on balancing bodily fluids.

The full moon in Pisces on August 26th  is a  powerful spiritual psychic moon and a great opportunity for divination work: reading tarot/ interpreting astrology. However, Pisces is an inner energy, so focusing on solitary rituals  would be appropriate, or a small, closely knit group of good friends, rather than a large gathering. During this moon's transit there is an awareness and appreciation of beauty and art, as well as strong, heightened creativity.

Intuition is at it's peak in this sign and realization of life's lesson's or truths sometimes are unveiled. It's easy to swim around lose yourself in emotions now, or to escape in books, or other entertainment of a fantastic nature. As the moon starts to float towards Aries, the mood lifts and becomes more cheerful and outward. 




Crystal Bath Meditation for the Pisces Full Moon

 Written  by Lisa Stardust

The Pisces Full Moon, occurring August 26th at 4:56 AM PST and 7:56 AM EST, serves as a wonderfully mystical time to heal the self, as well as deepening our intuition and spirituality.   


Often, we forget to take care of ourselves—which is hard with our daily routines. This Full Moon in watery Pisces may leave us drained, unable to access our personal powers, if we do not take care of ourselves, leaving our batteries empty, in need of a recharge. The Pisces Full Moon serves as an ideal time clean your most important instrument—the body, through a magical and transformative crystal bath. 

Under the Pisces Full Moon, create a healing crystal bath, filled with essences of Pisces—dandelion and wild violet flowers to calm the body, Selenite crystal to replenish the mind, Amethyst crystal to dispel negativity, and Rose Quartz to recharge your spirit with positivity in healing salt water, focusing on both the crown and solar plexus chakras, thus opening up the gates of astral energy in the body, awakening psychic abilities and protection.

Attuning the mind, while connecting the body, mind, and spirit into one harmonious instrument through cleansing your personal energy and awakening your senses and intuition, allowing you to access your inner magic and power.


  • 1 Selenite Crystal
  • 1 Amethyst Crystal
  • 1 Rose Quartz Crystal
  • 1 Cup of Wild Violet Flowers
  • 1 Cup of Dandelion Flowers or Herbs
  • 1 Cup of Epson Salt, Pink Himalayan Salt, or Kosher Sea Salt


- In a big mixing bowl, blend the Wild Orchid and Dandelion Flowers and Herbs together, adding in the cup of Epson, Pink Himalayan, or Kosher Sea Salt. 

- Run bath water, adding the ingredients in the bathtub, as the water fills the tub. 

- Place the Selenite crystal in your hand, holding the crystal 5 inches away from your body, start scanning  your at your crown chakra, working your way down to the foot chakra, using the Selenite to pull the negativity out of your energy field, allowing the body to calm before entering the bath. Selenite dissolves in water, be cognizant not to do this step in the bath and leave the crystal away from water. 

- Enter the bath, as you lay down enjoy the warm water and absorb the flowers and herbs in your skin, while letting the essences calm your mind. 

-  Place the Rose Quartz crystal on your solar plexus chakra, located beneath your navel. Rose Quartz will clear out the chakra, unclogging poor self esteem, creativity issues, and anxieties—replacing with self-empowerment, personal innovation, and serenity. 

- Place the Amethyst crystal on your crown chakra, on the top of your head, for protection and relaxation, which will heighten your psychic frequency and intuition. 

- Close your eyes while soaking in the bath for 15-25 minutes, letting your body absorb positive vibrations and let go of negativity. When you leave the bath, you will feel revived and attuned to a higher energetic vibration. 





Artwork by Manzel Bowman

Artwork by Manzel Bowman


Written by Jessica Lanyadoo

Welcome to Virgo Season! This week marks a time to shift gears from the mishegas of recent weeks into a slightly more introspective time. It's time to check in with your body and ensure that you’re treating it as your BFF instead of a casual acquaintance. If you have more screen-time than me-time, this is the perfect season for a cleanse. Tend to your daily habits, the stuff that's easy to miss in the business of living a hectic life. Slow down a bit and connect to the grounded embodiment of Mercury (now no longer Retrograde, thank all that is good and holy!) that is unique to the sign Virgo. Take stock of how your plans are coming to bear in your life. Make adjustments, follow through, and solidify your ideas based on the data you’ve collected so far this year. Life constantly presents us with new visions and opportunities for growth and change; Virgo Season is a beautiful one for getting serious about what you do and making sure that it’s paired up with who you want to be.

On the 26th, we have an intense Full Moon in Pisces and a compulsive Venus square to Pluto. The potential here is great, but it comes with some risk, too. There is an energetically powerful Kite (an aspect that involves an opposition, a Grand Trine and two sextiles) happening with this Full Moon. Saturn, Uranus, and the Sun are all in a Grand Earth Trine, while the Moon, which is opposite the Sun, will be forming sextiles to both Saturn and Uranus. All of this presents us with amazing potential for seeing things clearly and making plans for your future that are wisely informed by both your past and your present. 

The tricky part comes from the Venus/Pluto transit; these two planets are likely to stir the pot, as they’ll trigger jealousy, vengefulness, and fears of abandonment. Don’t look for evidence that something is wrong; if you’re going to Sherlock Holmes a thing, do it without an agenda, or don’t do it at all. The Pisces full Moon is a chance to let go of illusions that have kept you separate. Connect your thoughts to your feelings, your feelings to your delivery, and your delivery to how others receive you. Understand that you can’t exactly let go of the past. You can let go of your attachment to it, but your past is yours. You will always refer back to it, and that’s as it should be. It’s OK to be imperfect, to not know what comes next, and to have mixed feelings about it. Don’t be so quick to find the answer that you rush past the process. This week you don’t need proof, you need faith, dear lovers.




March 21-April 19

In order to move beyond your own limitations, you must first be confronted by them. This week is complicated, and you can expect the full Moon on the 27th to kick up some surprising feels. Don’t resist it, Aries. If you’re willing to let go of what no longer serves you, you can make way for something new. Yes, you may have to suffer through some grief in the middle, but feelings come and go. Don’t let the tough ones stop you from growing to your full potential.



April 20-May 20

You’re making choices, and even if you feel mixed about them, they’re yours. It’s time to create something that you value, Taurus. What you do now will have roots and grow into something much bigger than you, so make sure that you believe in what you’re doing, or at least leave enough wiggle room for adjustments. You’re pointed in the right direction. Just don’t let your desire for certainty rush you past this very important stage of development, Taurus.



May 21-June 21

It’s easy to have balance when everything is going your way, but when circumstances destabilize you, that's when you need it most. When you feel inundated this week (as you are likely to), it’s a chance for you to be kind. Choose to take care of yourself by responding to your stressors one at a time, instead of allowing yourself to get overwhelmed by everything. Do what you can at this moment and let the rest wait for you until you’re ready for it, Twin Star.



June 22-July 22

It doesn’t need to be perfect, or even what you think it ‘should’ be, in order for it to be exactly what you need. This week will confront you with a pretty simple situation that feels really complicated. Don’t confuse potential with reality or the past with the present, Moonchild. Accept things as they are in the present moment, and do what you need to in order to grow. Nothing stays the same, nor is it meant to. Actively co-create your life, my love.



July 23-Aug. 22

Love has a funny way of changing a person. This week your relationships will expose an important point of development. If you find that you're unhappy or that your needs aren’t being met, it’s wise for you to pay close attention to that. You’re at a point where the truth of what exists between you and others is being revealed. Receive what you’re being shown and believe it. If you’ve been phoning it in with your people, they may hold you to task. Either way, it’s time to face your relationships, Leo.



Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Find life-affirming ways of being with your emotions. Sadness sucks, but it happens for a reason. If you’re willing to investigate your feels, you can determine what you’re really sad about, but if you can’t sit with them at all, how will you ever know? This week’s full Moon in your relationship house is supposed to be emo, so don’t resist it, Virgo. Show up for the messiness of how you feel so that you can better co-create what you need.



Sept. 23-Oct. 22

When you don’t have what you want, it’s tempting to make negative assumptions about what that means. The truth is that your story is still unfolding, Libra. You are a work in development, and its beautiful and uncertain and yours. Find a spark of desire within you, and then pursue it. You don’t need to be anywhere but here. Do your best with what you’ve got instead of wasting your energy on wishing you had something else, my love.



Oct. 23-Nov. 21

If you’ve taken on too many commitments or too much emotionally, this week’s full Moon is likely to make you feel super burnt out. Try to find a balance between what you need to get done and what you need in order to feel right in your skin, Scorpio. This week is not meant to challenge you to do more at a quicker pace. It’s meant to challenge you to do more things in high quality ways. Let go of control or the desire to prove yourself, and try to find wellness in your process.



Nov. 22-Dec. 21

It can be a fine line between showing up for others and taking on their problems. This week you're likely to be called in to be there for someone you care about, and it may seem impossible to help without getting too deep with them. How you participate is a reflection of your own boundaries. Do your best to honor your relationships, but only give what you can without resentments this week.



Dec. 22-Jan. 19

The time it takes to get there may be paved with ‘what ifs’ but don’t let it bother you; you’ve got this, Capricorn. This week you need your ego to help you move your life forward. This requires that it’s in reasonably good shape – not too big and not too small. Work on your sense of entitlement to make sure that it reflects what you actually believe – not your baggage. Peace lives in the place between knowing your value and never placing it over others in order to feel okay about yourself.




Jan. 20-Feb. 18

As you grow, you’re inevitably going to outgrow some people, situations, and things that you’ve been identified with. Things are changing for you, Aquarius, and while it’s not clear what exactly comes next, it’s looking really good. Make the best possible choices based on who you want to be and where you hope to land this month, even if that means spending more time alone or participating in the world less.




Feb. 19-March 20

The Moon is full in your sign on the 26th, marking this as a powerful time for you to do emotional work on yourself. Emotions will be running high this week, but the thing to remember is that this is a time for closure. You don’t need to justify or defend yourself. Believe in yourself enough to validate your own feels and needs, even if others don’t understand it. You’re ready to make some deep changes in your life, but you need to start with you, dear Pisces.





Artwork by John Deckmann

Artwork by John Deckmann


Written By Jessica Lanyadoo

Self-care is not a detour from where you’re going. It's the way forward. Tending to your inner world is the foundation that you need in order to sustain your efforts. 

It’s time to prioritize hope, my loves. In the words of John Lewis, “We may not have chosen the time, but the time has chosen us.” 

Fight your inner demons; fight your fears that tell you not to even bother trying. Fight to be a person that you respect and feel good about. Stand up for those who need your help, for the vulnerable and the struggling. Action is the antidote to anxiety. You don't have to do all the things – you can't, you still have to live your life - but you do need to do some of the things. Add your light to the shadows; illuminate your problems so that you can bring healing to them.

 The subconscious mind is a tricky thing; it holds on to things that you don’t want or don’t know how to process. It is the part of you that remembers what your conscious mind just can’t. This week you’re likely to feel anxious over things that are deeper than what you see happening on the surface. It may be tempting to turn away, but it’s not wise or kind. This is not the time to forget who you are or what you’ve set out to do. The unknown is scary, but it’s also ripe with potential. This isn’t the time to check out; it’s time to honor your heart. Hope is easy enough to access when life is going your way, but when you’re struggling is when you need it most.

 On the 5th the vibrant Sun will form a harmonious trine to expansive Jupiter and the planet of communication, Mercury, will oppose the irritable planet of fighting, Mars. The combination of these two transits indicates that you take care not to egg on your most aggressive or arrogant impulses. It’s possible to convince yourself that something is true, but that doesn’t make it so. Don’t jump to conclusions or pick fights with people who don’t see things the same way as you do. This can mark a time of rapid growth. You may have to deal with major bullying from yourself or others, or you may just feel pressed by your circumstances.

On the 8th we have a Sun trine to empathetic Neptune. This transit can increase your sensitivities, your sense of empathy, and your compassion for others. It can also make you feel entitled, as it can incline you to only value your own perspective or pain. Make a point to do something for someone else on this day – Neptune is the planet that thrives when you pay it forward.

Finally, on the 9th Mercury will form a challenging square to Jupiter. This can be a time when you learn something new, or you may spread gossip because you’d rather talk than listen. Much like the Mercury/Mars transit earlier in the week, this one can trigger fighting words and snap judgments. The best thing you can do around this date is to really listen. Pay attention to what people are doing as much as they’re saying – it’s all information that you deserve to have because at the end of the day, the truth is true whether you want to face it or not.

 Growth requires instability. This summer brings us Eclipses and Retrogrades, and with all that comes major shifts for you, me, and everyone in this big, beautiful world we share. Change can be scary, especially when there are no assurances that things are going to be better, but there’s no need to panic. Eclipses are an opportunity to transform and heal. Retrogrades are a chance to look within and reassess what you’re doing and why. This astrology is urging you to grow, not in leaps and bounds, but in deep and moving ways. Life is meant to be lived. You are meant to try, especially when it’s hard. It’s good to question things; whether we’re talking about the people you love, the law of the land, your own assumptions, your habits, whatever. Seek new perspectives moving forward; new takes on old problems may be just what you need, my love.



March 21-April 19

You have a gift to share with the world that is unique to you, and it’s time for you to challenge yourself to bring it, Aries. Set the intention of showing up for the people in your life or your larger community this week because you’re likely to find that the more you give, the more you’ll have to give. Acts of kindness, no matter how random or small, will remind you of who you are but also of who you can be. Strive to embody your potential, my love.



April 20-May 20

Don’t act out of fear, Taurus. There’s a time for reflection and a time for action, and sometimes it’s hard to know the difference. Carefully consider your plans before moving forward with them this week. If you push too hard, you may put events into motion that you’re not ready to handle. Inactivity is not the answer but neither is rushing in. Instead, move forward with intention, and you'll be able to propel yourself to exactly where you need to be.  



May 21-June 21

You’re not meant to be anyone but yourself, Twin Star. Life is full of necessary compromise, and not all situations are for all parts of you. That said, when you try to be someone that you’re not, you only succeed in misleading others and harming yourself. It’s important that you know yourself well enough to know your own limits. Strive to honor the truth of who you are in situations in which you’d usually phone it in, my love.



June 22-July 22

The role that anxiety plays in your thinking is worth considering, Moonchild. Instead of trying to figure out why you’re worrying, strive to soothe yourself this week. There’s enough stress to go around, and you don’t need answers as much as you need care. Do the basics: remember to breathe, to drink enough water, to eat, and to move your body. Help yourself and if you need to, ask for support too. Self-care is not a detour from where you’re going, my love.



July 23-Aug. 22

You can’t always know your place in the world, but that shouldn’t make you lose track of your value. This week your uncertainties threaten to rattle your foundations. The worst thing you could do is try to convince yourself or anyone else of your worth. Have faith in yourself without needing to defend or justify merit. Honor your worthiness by picking yourself up, dusting yourself off, and choosing to live your best life, moment by moment.



Aug. 23-Sept. 22

It’s not enough to think positive; you have to be willing to feel into it, too. This week will bring you to the end of a cycle of development. This may be a subtle thing, or it may feel like a massive shift. In either case, you’re likely to feel uncertain of what comes next or where exactly you’re meant to go from here. Be patient, dear one. Try to pair kindness and creativity with discernment and common sense, and then let life play out from there, Virgo.



Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Stress is an inevitable part of life, and there’s a reason for it. Feeling frustration or overwhelm is when it’s easiest to disassociate or look the other way, but that's when you need you the most. This week you’re not likely to have your people available to lean on, which can make matters feel worse than they are. Find your inner light and resiliency, and share it with others. To paraphrase Amber Ibarrache, when you can’t take it anymore is when it’s time to be giving. Don't recede, my love. 



Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Fear is invasive. It tells you that it’s trying to keep you safe, and it can make sense of anything it wants you to believe. But if any induced impulses are to be approached with caution, it’s those that come from fear. This week is likely to kick up some major worries, and it’s in your best interest not to take them at face value. As they say, action is the antidote to what ails you. Take steps, no matter how small, to move your life forward or to maintain what you’ve got, Scorpio.



Nov. 22-Dec. 21

If you can pace yourself through your desires, you’ll be able to create sustainable changes instead of exciting distractions. This week is all about change, and the more intentional you are about what you’re doing and what you hope to get out of it, the better your outlook will be. True strength means knowing when to push your goals forward, knowing when to hold back, and knowing when to ask for help or walk away. You don’t have to be perfect, but it’s time to show all the way up, ‘Tarius.



Dec. 22-Jan. 19

When things don’t go as you’d like them to, it’s easy to get the sads and to stop trying, but that doesn’t advance your life at all, Cappy. The key is to honor your feels without giving up. This week, your best move is to let your problems instruct you to look at what isn’t working and what you most want. It’s time for you to get to work, but before you can do that, you need to get decisive. Identify your greatest desires by the very things that are upsetting you the most.




Jan. 20-Feb. 18

When you struggle against your present conditions, you only succeed in making things harder on yourself, Aquarius. This week is likely to test your ability to accept where things are at, but accept you must. If you don’t start where you’re at, it’s really hard to take the right first steps. As I often say, acceptance is not consent, it’s awareness. Empower yourself to make the changes that need to happen, even if you’re only at the planning stage for now.




Feb. 19-March 20

You don’t have to take on the stresses of the people around you in order to show them kindness and loyalty, even if they really want you to carry the baggage. This week is the time to use the tools you have for having healthy boundaries and staying grounded. Take on only as much as you can handle in a healthy way. It’s far better to do your best at less than it is to half-ass it at full capacity. Empathy is a very Piscean gift, but it requires that you manage your self-care religiously, my love.




Written by Lisa Stardust

The Capricorn Full Moon on June 28th utilizes both earth and water elements, making it a great time to diligently nurture a new dream while letting go of an old vision that no longer suits you. The Capricorn Full Moon is a time of death, rebirth, and change through hard work. These energies all work together as long as we commit to our higher selves.

The following simple spell blends the elements of the watery Cancer sun and its opposing earthy Moon. This symbolic activity of nurturance will inspire your growth in the moon cycles to come. 


The recipe that follows incorporates many elemental ingredients. Moon water is water that has been charged with the energy of the Moon, connecting us to the lunar power and energy from the Full Moon which can add magic and power to any intention and spell. Capricorn, being an earth element is related to growth and earthy ventures. The snake plant is the plant represented by Capricorn for its independence, requiring water only every 2-3 weeks. This is good because it will help you can conserve the Moon water month to month. Writing a letter of intention with a clear mind, while visualizing your dreams, and connecting to both elements will help you to truly bring in the new and release the things that no longer serve you.



Snake Plant seeds or any seeds for plants you identify with


Handwritten letter of intention

How to make Moon Water:

Take a glass container or cups filled with water.

Set your intention while holding the water, to get your energy on it.

Under the Full Moon, visualize your intentions and let the light of the Moon radiate its energy in the water.

Let the water sit near the window or outside, so it consumes the lunar energy.

Directions for nourishing your plant:

Make Moon Water to use to make the plants grow throughout the upcoming months.

Write a letter of intention.

Place the letter at bottom of soul in pot or outside.

Place Snake Plant seeds in soil or in earth outside, above or to the side of the letter. Note that you can use any type of seed! Feel free to be creative and find the plant or flower you connect with the most.

Water the seedling as needed, using the moon water to nourish your dreams, and give life to your new hopes while letting go of the past. Allow quiet time to meditate and restructure your visions as you move step by step towards them.

Remember to speak to your plant while you water it and even throughout the day as you do your daily activities. You can even discuss your intentions aloud with the plant as you work to manifest your next big dream!



Written by Jessica Lanyadoo 

Witch Tips

On the 27th the Moon will be full at 6° Capricorn at 9:53pm, and the Sun in Cancer will be opposite Saturn in Capricorn. Full Moons are always a momentous time when feels come to the surface and demand to be dealt with. It’s when we’re meant to release what isn’t working, a process that can be painful but is also cathartic and totally necessary. We’re currently in Cancer Season, making it the time for family, and for reunion with the heart. Full Moons are oppositions – they happen when the Sun is exactly opposite the Moon; the Cancer/Capricorn polarity is an opportunity for the healing of our broken family of humans, or the hurtful dynamics in your own family. It’s time to consider the needs of the whole and to honor all children and all families, in small or big ways. 

This Full Moon is likely to be hard, and it might bring up emotions that make you want to shut down. When you’re in pain it’s tempting to want things to be black and white, but the truth has layers. Saturn is the planet that governs depressive thoughts and feels and it gives us a heavy load to carry. You may need to take a break to nurture your heart or gain perspective, but Cap/Saturn has a tendency to go rigid and procrastinate or degenerate into guilt and blame. Stay connected to your heart, to empathy, and compassion. We're all going through this astrology together. If you’re going to fight, fight for what you love. It’s a time when you can better understand the hierarchies impacting you and decide to move in the direction of change. Capricorn and Saturn bring consequences and reality checks, and they confront you with limitations (real or imagined).


Mars has gone Retrograde in Aquarius for the first time since 1971, and it will stay that way from June 26th through August 27th. Mars is the planet that governs fighting, fornicating, and the concept of masculinity. Rage, flaring tempers, self-defense, competition, and ambition are all in Mars’ wheelhouse. Mars is the warrior, while Aquarius is the sign of 'We The People.' The last time that Mars went Rx in this sign, we in the USA had Nixon as president, and hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets to protest the Vietnam War. The country was divided on a number of issues, and people were engaged in acts of liberation and war.


On a personal level, the potential of this transit is to radically reassess what you’re doing, and to make necessary changes. Retrogrades are always the time to review, reflect, and reconsider; and Mars is a fiery planet that governs where you’re going and how you’re going to get yourself there. Aquarius is concerned with forward motion as well, but in a very different way. This is the sign of invention, of the future, and its energies are individualistic. This sign can be humanistic in its drives, and it's not concerned with walls or nationalism. Aquarius wants you to direct your anger towards efforts that impact the collective, and for compromise to be a means towards greater freedom.


This is a time when you may have to fight for what you think is right, but heed this warning: Mars retrograde can lower your vitality, and bring frustrations and obstacles to your efforts. The key here is to not burn yourself out, especially while Mars moves through quick-witted Aquarius. Mars will Retrograde (aka move backwards) into Capricorn where it’ll stay from August 14 through September 11th. This will mark a transition into addressing what is and isn’t working with the structures in your life and in society itself. The upshot here is that we’re all on call to consider how our participation impacts the whole of society. Action without integrity or consideration for others will be poorly starred. If you’re going to fight, fight for what you believe in, not just to have your voice heard over the chorus, or to have your ego validated.


Love, as simple or cheesy as it sounds, is the answer. It’s an action and a force for change. Let it fuel you to confront the realities of your life, relationships, and our world. Things may be hard right now, but the astrology gives us the tools to work on them, to bring justice and compassion to the fore. To do this you must seek the wisdom of your heart, and the teachings of history, whether you’re looking at your own patterns, or human history itself. This may be a serious period of action and consequence, but it’s also one for building emotional maturity and strengthening your internal resources, and then sharing them with the world. Take a deep breath and do the work, lovers.




March 21-April 19

Sure, if you push hard enough you may get your way, but you won’t win any popularity contests, Aries. Instead of forcing your will on others, take a beat and consider their needs. If you can access compassion for another’s perspective, even if you don’t agree with them, you can start working toward successful communication. Collaboration may be annoying, but it’s the surest route to your success.



April 20-May 20

It’s time to check your ego, Taurus. Whether you think you’re the worst or the best, when you can’t stop seeing yourself at the center of things, you’ve lost your way. Take a pause and check in with what you’re doing, but more importantly, what’s motivating you. If your driving forces aren’t clear, you won’t be happy with whatever happens – even if you get what you’re gunning for. Tighten the reigns on your desires this week, my love.



May 21-June 21

Where your mind goes, your energy will follow. This week will test you, but luckily it’s a test you can for sure pass. Decide to let it go, Twin Star. Instead of running over details that you can’t control, align yourself with your own center of strength. You can’t control or fix much in the world, but you can participate to the best of your ability. You only have to do your best, not the best; make peace with the good, the bad, and the complicated of what you are so you can move on, my love.



June 22-July 22

This week’s full Moon in your relationship house is a chance for you to reaffirm or reconsider the loves of your life (this may be your romantic or platonic loves). You get to decide who you're intimate with, who you trust, and how much. Even when your options feel painful, they’re still your choices to make. Honor the needs of your heart without idealizing your situation, Moonchild. It’s time to face reality and to honor what you know to be true.



July 23-Aug. 22

When you choose to prioritize what gives you life, you’re basically putting yourself in a position to thrive. When you allow yourself to get attached to how things need to go or how they appear to others, you lose track of those good vibes, and you also lose your way. This week, it’s time to focus on what’s working in your life, Leo. Attention and love are not equal any more than getting “likes” equals self-esteem. Realign with your sense of purpose, regardless of how it looks to others this week.



Aug. 23-Sept. 22

When something worked at one time, it’s tempting to hold on to it for dear life, even when it’s no longer working in the same way for you. The path to balance or inner peacefulness requires that you’re willing to change yourself or your actions, depending on the needs of the moment. Check ways in which you may be caught up in a rigid cycle with self-care or self-maintenance, and make some necessary adjustments, Virgo. Be here now, even if here and now is a little tricky.



Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Reflection isn’t really a passive process; it’s an act that requires bravery and humility. This week it’s time for you to be honest with yourself, Libra. You’ve been running your life in certain ways that are no longer working, and it’s important that you don’t wait until your hand is forced before you make changes. Show up and strive to be decisive; what you choose now isn’t written in stone, but it is important for your future. Do what needs to be done, my love.



Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Pull it together, friend. Stress is contagious, and this week you’re on call to manage your own. Try to remember why you’re engaged in the struggles and goals that you are so that you don’t forget your heartfelt motivation. When you lead with your heart, you're less likely to get distracted by petty concerns and other roadblocks to achieving excellence. This is your story; don’t let any one person or situation define it for you, Scorpio.



Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Having too much on your plate means that you end up doing everything at less than your capacity. If you take a long-view of your life, you can adopt the perspective that allows you to better pace yourself, Sagittarius. This week you may be feeling totally overwhelmed, and your best move is to treat it as a call to better prioritize what needs to get done and when. This isn’t about doing less; it’s about being more efficient with your energy so you can do better over the long haul.



Dec. 22-Jan. 19

It’s your time to shine, Cappy. This week the Moon is full in your sign, and the Sun is opposite your ruling planet: basically it’s coming up Capricorn! Whether you’re struggling to put your life together or things are going well for you, it’s wise to pause and take stock of how you got here. Own your achievements and the effort it took to attain them, or conversely, where you may have taken a wrong turn. Strive to replace guilt or pridefulness with humility and self-awareness.




Jan. 20-Feb. 18

The sads are all around, and it’s hard times for sure. Do you best not to turn away from upsets this week, Aquarius. Attempt to understand what you’re really upset about, and from there, explore the best possible solutions available to you at this moment. Hopelessness is debilitating, so deciding to take action, no matter how small, will help empower you to see more options and even be more comfortable in your own skin. You’re absolutely on your way, Aquarius; don’t give up now.




Feb. 19-March 20

As things change and grow around you, so too must you change and grow. This week you can choose to hide in your old ways, but it won’t do you much good. Choose how you wish to be instead of waiting for circumstances to force your hand, Pisces. Trust in yourself, and have confidence in your ability to make things happen. Nothing has to be perfect, and you can take as much time as you need, but know that you have the vision; all you need to work on is the follow through.

Sex Magic for Mars Retrograde


Written by Lisa Stardust

Mars, the planet of sexual desire, starts its retrograde from airy Aquarius back into earthy Capricorn during the summer, starting on June 26th and lasting until August 27th. As lusty Mars slides backwards, we may have a hard time asserting ourselves in communications and areas of physical expression, alike. Most notably, this transit can affect our libido, the power to initiate, and our sexual stamina.

Instead of spending the next couple of months tongue-tied, fuming, and sexually frustrated, increase your level of desire and allow it to flow by creating some personal magic to get your summer loving on. Combat the harsh Mars retro energy by using the magic of your own pheromones— your most powerful, unspoken means of attraction.

Using common ingredients found in the kitchen, you can manifest and/or unblock brewing passions by creating this delectable attraction oil.

This recipe calls for vanilla to enhance senses, roses for confidence, cinnamon to ignite fiery passions, and peppermint to awaken the libido. Rub a bit of this fragrant oil on yourself to get your loving groove back, with or without a partner. The most important thing to remember is to infuse the oil with your emotions and your best intentions. While there are directions below, you can double or triple them as needed. Use your emotions and senses to guide you through mixing these beautiful ingredients together. Just like cooking, it’s always best to mix and blend according to how you feel, and for this oil, get yourself revved up with passion by listening to music and setting the mood.






*Please note, there are two alternatives to make the oil listed below.


Using Oils: 12 drops vanilla oil 1 drop of cinnamon oil 1 drop peppermint oil 1 drop rose oil


Using Fresh Ingredients: 1 teaspoon vanilla extract A pinch of cinnamon 2 sprigs of peppermint 5 crushed, dried or fresh, rose petals

Directions: Blend the ingredients together in a bowl. Place the oil in a jar and close the lid. Save left-over oil in a dark cool place. Place a drop of oil between your legs and behind your ears. Your libido will rise and your pheromones will be triggered, which can add heat to sultry summer evenings. For extra potency, create oil on Mars's day, which is on Tuesdays. Use the oil on a Tuesday to work with the positive energy of Mars, combating the retrograde vibes with some gentle self-love.

New Moon Guides Through Animisim

Artwork by Cerenbulbun  

Artwork by Cerenbulbun  

Written by Lisa Stardust

The Gemini New Moon, occurring June 13th, presents us all with an opportunity to seek out knowledge, enabling us to connect to new philosophies and perspectives. As the New Moon falls close to the constellation Taurus, activating fixed stars found on the Bull’s Horn and Orion’s Belt, we are strongly urged to let our animal instincts out to play with our keen intellectualism.

What better way is there to connect one's body, mind, and spirit than to learn about old beliefs that nurture faith in the natural world? Animism is an ages old concept that connects humans to the elemental beings (fire, earth, air, and water), with the understanding that we are all one with the living body of the earth and its spirits. The belief of animism was studied and introduced to modern Western society by the anthropologist Sir Edward Tylor, but it dates back to the beginning of humankind as indigenous people in many parts of the world have always believed that, in one way or another, humans are one with their maker and their surroundings. In Animism, the earth is a living god.


With the ever-curious energy of the Gemini New Moon, it can be especially transformative to reflect on a new concept of oneness with nature, particularly for the purpose of to finding peace in this fast-paced, technology driven world. In the Celtic tradition, Brighid, the Goddess of Creativity, birthed the elements of Earth, Water, Fire, and Air. To honor her elemental children, the Celts left offerings of food, poetry, prayers, jewelry, and other gifts that uplift the spirits of the land. You, too, can honor the elements described here in during these last days of spring in order to start a new cycle around healing by connecting to the spirit elements of the earth.


By acknowledging the spiritual, philosophical energy of the Gemini New Moon, we can connect greatly to our environment. Enjoying the weather, admiring plants, rocks, and bodies of water, as well as visual art and the work of wordsmiths are all excellent ways to get connected with the elements. As human animals, we can root more deeply into our lives by reflecting on the supernatural force that the ancients and some indigenous peoples today believe is the thread tying us together with the rest of the living, breathing earth.

Trees and Plants (Earth)
Celts honored trees, in particular the mighty oak and ash in nearby neighboring villages. Honoring old trees near your home will serve as the proper way to evoke the spirit. Gather with friends and have a picnic under a tree, taking time to thank the tree for sheltering you from the sun and cleansing the air you breathe.

Animal Omens (Earth)
Used as spirit animals, the animal omens were created as the symbolism for what humans did not possess. The connection of humans to another creature represents their divine inner nature. If you’ve seen an image or animal reappear in your dreams or visions and meditations, it may be trying to teach you about qualities you hold inside, which you can work to bring forth in the world.

The Morrigan


The “Great Phantom Queen” who rules war, fate, and known as the manifestation of an earthly guardian ruler. She is feared as well as revered in Celtic lore. Crows and ravens are both symbols of the Morrigan. These highly intelligent birds are believed to be knowledgeable and powerful messengers from the spirit realm.


The Celtic version of Mars, Cardea rules bears for their protective nature. Fierce and loyal defenders of those who honor them, bears sacrifice themselves for those they hold dear.


God of the forest, Cernunnos rules the mystical deer spirit. Deers represent transformation and growth, rebirth. They are believed to be part fairy and part animal, and therefore possess magical powers.


Brighid, the Goddess of life Celtic version of Venus represents multiple animals...
Snakes: Shedding skin allows the transformative snake to embody eternal life.
Cattle: Essence of life. Cattle are a sacred animal representing fertility and well-being.
Horse: Beauty, grace, and luxury combined with extraordinary strength.

Dogs: Loyal guardians and healers.

Rivers, Lakes, Springs, and Oceans (Water)

Collecting water from rivers, lakes, springs, and oceans for your altar can bring a fluid, nourishing energy to your home and provide relief from everyday stresses. Brighid, in particular is also associated with fresh springs, as water is considered the natural giver of life. Rivers are recognized as the great mother. Dea Matrona is the most popular goddess in Celtic mythology who gives her name to the river Marne. All rivers in the Celtic world are named after goddesses.

Weather and The Sky (Air)

Let your hair down or wear flowing clothes to feel the breeze upon your skin. Watch the way the wind rustles the leaves on trees, causing the light and shadows to shift in your perception. Sing, read aloud, or have a good and honest conversation in which you use your breath in ways that honor your spirit. Cailleach, the dark mother, was believed by the Celts to be the bringer of winter storms, also known as a crone or “storm hag”. In Celtic mythology, she appeared in late fall when snow would begin to fall and the blustery winds howled. She came alive in the cold months. The old crone Cailleach, with her matted hair and one good eye, would come upon a hero or young man and, if he was gracious to her, she would transform into a beautiful young woman and rewards him for his kindness. Kindness dances upon the air, transforming relationships and the world at large.

The Hunt (Fire)
Celts prayed to a deity of their choice to guide them to successfully hunt their sustenance. Animal protein was very important in ancient societies. Animals that were hunted were thanked for their sacrifice and honored in rituals. If you do not eat meat, take time to reflect on the way the earth gives us all that we need. Give back to nature: Watch animals play, share your croissant with a squirrel, walk dogs at your local shelter— anything that gets you in-tune with the animal world.




Written by Jessica Lanyadoo


It’s all about boundaries this week. On the 6th both the planet of your thoughts and attitudes, Mercury, and the planet of identity, the Sun, form a challenging square to spiritualizing Neptune. When you see the potential in a person or a situation, it can feel like love, kindness, or faith, but what about when the other person doesn’t want that same potential for themselves? It’s important that you listen to what others are telling you about themselves. Whether it’s their actions or their words, people are always revealing themselves to you, and it’s your job to listen. Trying to change others, even if you truly believe it’s for their own good, will not go well for anyone. The key is acceptance. Only when you can accept what you’re being shown can you determine if you want to consent to it. It’s time to take stock of your boundaries and stop looking to others to manage your needs. At the end of the day, you can’t control people – and that includes trying to show people, unsolicited, how to be what you want them to be. What you can control is what you’re willing to participate in and for how long. This is a rough time for assumptions and projections, so put the tarot cards down, and use your common sense. If you have questions, ask, and if you don’t have enough comfort or trust to have honest conversations, take ownership of what that really means.


On the 12th Mercury moves into emo Cancer, which may result in you feeling more self-protective. Crabs move sideways, and these Cancerian energies can inspire you to go about things in a roundabout way, even when the truth is right in front of you. This transit may coincide with a greater concern for your family (chosen or otherwise). It may also increase your sensitivities and find you feeling more introspective. Just remember that you're likely to find evidence for what you seek; if you focus on the negative, you’ll see lots to be negative about. Keep it constructive, lovers.



March 21-April 19

You're going in a fantastic direction, but it’s different and change can be hard. How you handle your own attitude is really important. It may be too easy to convince yourself that you’re entitled to acting in ways you wouldn’t want others to. It’s okay to take a seat, Aries. You don’t always have to be on, and you don’t always have to be in the right place. Let things develop in their own time, even if that makes you a little crazy this week.


April 20-May 20

You’re being guided, Taurus, and the only way to get it wrong is by ignoring your own truth. Events are testing your ability to stay strong without slipping into egotistical behavior. The difference really has to do with empathy. Are you considering your needs and the needs of others in concert with each other? Are you allowing others to have their own perspective, even when it’s different from your own? Consider your wants and needs within the broader context of your life this week.



May 21-June 21

Resistance is futile, Twin Star. You’re at a kinda magical place where you can heal and be healed. Or not. This week is all about the choices you make when no one is forcing you to do anything. You can show up and do your utmost; you may alternatively find yourself really checked out. There’s no doubt that real stuff is going on for you. How you handle it is a reflection of your willingness and ability to be present in your life. Do your very best, even when you feel your worst.


June 22-July 22

Instead of pushing yourself to go harder, take a minute to slow down, Moonchild. You need to be able to rely on yourself when the going gets tough. If you don’t, you’ll end up creating insecurities that run deeper than just the situation you’re in. Sometimes the kindest thing you can do for yourself is take a nap, drink a tall glass of water, and then follow through on your most annoying commitments. With kindness, do what needs to be done this week.



July 23-Aug. 22

Life is like an organism; it grows and changes, and as it does, so should you. If you get too fixated on your version of who and what you are, you’ll stop exploring, asking questions, and growing. It demonstrates strength to be able to change your mind and explore your options. Nothing is meant to stay the same forever, Leo. Look into possibilities, even the ones that would require you to make sweeping changes. You’re ready to see things as they really are and from that place, to better envision how they could be.



Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Your intuition is an invaluable resource, but you need to be willing to clear your mind in order to access it. It’s time to make a change, Virgo. Your instincts are more reliable than you give them credit for, and troubles arise when you don’t actually listen to them. It’s time to honor your feelings and use them as a resource for better understanding yourself and the world around you. Be receptive, even if it’s awkward or uncomfortable this week.



Sept. 23-Oct. 22

There’s no time like the present, and there’s no force like love. You don’t need to be anyone but yourself, and you don’t need to be anywhere but here. This is not a stable time. It’s hard to grow and keep your balance all at once. Learn from the past without tethering yourself to it. Be daring enough to grow into the person you want to be – not the one you think you “should” be or the one you think others want you to be. This is your life to live; get to it, Libra.



Oct. 23-Nov. 21

It may seem like you’re dealing with setbacks, but they’re more like disappointments than material problems, Scorpio. Just because you don’t know why something is happening or where it’s taking you doesn’t mean you won’t be happy with it in the end. When you’re emotionally exhausted, it inclines you to look for the worst in things. Take care of your feels before you set out to manage your situation. It’s time for a massive shift, my love.



Nov. 22-Dec. 21

When things don’t go how you want them to, it’s easy to get demoralized. If you are looking for answers to the burning question why me?!, you’re looking in the wrong direction, ‘Tarius. Instead of lamenting what isn’t, try to be interested in what is. It may not be clear where you’re going, but the place you’re at on your path right now is what needs your attention. There’s a great deal to be earned from the very things that pain you this week. Don’t allow your ego to throw you off track.



Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Worry does nothing more than strip you of energy and deplete you for dealing with real life in real time. It’s time for you to step up and take some risks, Captain Capricorn. Your relationships are shifting around you, and this isn’t the time to hide from how that feels or what it means. Have the difficult conversations; show up, even when it’s uncomfortable. If you’re willing to fight for what you believe in and who you love, then it’ll all be worth it in the end, my love.




Jan. 20-Feb. 18

You’ve got to believe in yourself, Aquarius. If you want true success, it’s not enough to go through the motions. You’ve got to actually be a friend to you. Take stock of the ways that you’ve been phoning it in, and ask yourself why. You may need to make some adjustments, or you may just need a pep talk. Either way, it’s time for you to take active steps to advance yourself and not just your interests. Value your true self this week.





Feb. 19-March 20

It’s not selfish to like what you like, to use what’s yours, or to go your own way. This week you’ll be wise to really consider the difference between taking away from others versus taking what you need for yourself. No matter which side you’re erring on, this is the time to try to come to balance. You can’t always please others or yourself, so if you can let go of that goal, you can get to your real work: strive to be the best, most authentic version of who you are.





Written by Jessica Laynadoo

Lets take a minute to talk about Venus, the planet of like, as she’s pretty busy this week. Its influence inspires us to seek security, peace, and comfort. Venus is of course the planet of sensual delights as well; she governs beauty, socializing, hooking up, and the arts. She’s also the planet of diplomacy, counsel, and the very things that you value. What you buy and own is a reflection of your values. How you express and embody love is also a reflection of your values. This week is a juiced-up time to explore not what you think you value but what your actions actually reflect of your values. When your actions don’t match up with what you care about, life can lack meaning, and that’s when it gets tempting to prioritize the image of happiness instead of the real thing.


This week is a perfect time to think about love; not relationships per se, but how you know that you’re loved, and how you express love to people through your actions and in your choices. Look for opportunities to act from a place of love and to see evidence of it in the world around you.


On the 5th the illuminating Sun will conjoin confusing Neptune, and Venus will sit opposite of intense Pluto. This can be a great time to put yourself out there and meet new people, get romantic, or lose yourself in creative ventures. But be careful of what you wish for around this time because you just might get it. The energy of these two transits may have you thinking that things are one way when they most firmly are not, or it may have you thinking that you should manipulate others “for their own good.” Watch out for negative or positive obsessions, and try not to let the unknown unhinge you. This is a chance for you to not just talk love and light, but instead, actually embodying it. This is a fertile time to put into practice using your spiritual and self-care tools. Do what you know is right, even if it’s in the smallest of ways. Harness the healing and transformative powers of the action of love.



March 21-April 19

While it isn't fun, having ambiguity is normal. This week, uncertainty about your relationships may take up more space than you’d like. Instead of recoiling from the vulnerability of it all, lean in, Aries. Explore the things that you aren’t comfortable with in order to better understand your situation and also yourself. You are growing, but your blind spots and bad feels are in need of your attention so that they don’t become bigger problems down the line.



April 20-May 20

Anyone who tells you that the garden is full of roses that are always in bloom is lying to your face. Life is full of highs and lows, and that’s just part of being a human. Don’t fear your lows so much that you can't bear the absence of your highs. You can take risks or stay at home, but no matter what you do, there are consequences to your actions, Taurus. There’s not just one way to be or one path to take, and there isn’t a right or wrong way to go. Just live your life, my love.



May 21-June 21

When you’re overwhelmed, it’s easy to get wrapped up in blame in an attempt to cope with upset feelings, but it only displaces your bad feels; it doesn’t handle them. You may be feeling pretty over dealing with a situation or relationship that is giving you exactly what you don’t want, but there’s a bigger picture at play, Gem. Own your part, and use your agency. If you don’t like the game, no one is making you play. Do what’s right – not what’s right in front of you – this week.



June 22-July 22

You may feel tempted to jump to conclusions or participate in self-fulfilling prophesies this week, but it’ll do you no good, Moonchild. Instead of assuming the worst – or anything at all – be brave and direct. Instead of deciding for them, it's a great kindness to ask people where they’re coming from when you’ve been offended. Give others the same chance that you want to be given in upsetting moments. First pursue due process. Then figure out what to do about what you discover, my love.



July 23-Aug. 22

Instead of asserting yourself into people’s lives, try being a better listener, Leo. Your desire to be free and do your own thing and your need for quality intimacies may be having a little tug of war this week. Instead of bowing to pressure, take a minute to really consider the consequences of either course of action. You are free to do what you want, but you are not free from consequence. Strive to have healthy boundaries with yourself and others this week.



Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Sometimes you just need to decide to be done. It might be easy to dip into some pretty serious stress spirals this week, but it won’t help you one bit. Insight is not gained from panic, and peace isn’t found through obsession. When you find yourself all riled up this week, try to decide to let it all go. Don’t follow the freight train of your thoughts when they’re speeding because they won’t bring you anywhere you want to go, Virgo.



Sept. 23-Oct. 22

As things develop in your life so too does your relationship to them. Don’t be in such a rush to get where you want to go that you stop being present and interested in how the process is changing you, Libra. All big transitions leave their mark on you. You’re shifting in big ways, and if you’re not able to own and explore those changes, you risk ending up pretty frustrated by even the most pleasant of things.



Oct. 23-Nov. 21

You’re on your way to happy, and you totally deserve it, Scorpio. There can be a real fine line between chaos and excitement; sometimes that line is about what’s happening, but often it’s more about how you’re responding to it. Try to remember what your intentions are so that you don’t allow distractions and petty struggles to set you off course. If it doesn’t serve your larger goals, it’s not worth your energy this week.



Nov. 22-Dec. 21

You’re great with beginnings, but when those pesky middles start to drag on is when you lose your enthusiasm, Sagittarius. Make decisions to back up your decisions. There are many smaller choices within the broad and sweeping ones that you’ve made, and if you don’t direct yourself, they’ll end up forcing your hand sooner than later. Identify the compromises that you can make that will both advance your goals and not drive you crazy this week.



Dec. 22-Jan. 19

You are not supposed to have all the answers, nor are you supposed to always steer the boat. Life is a journey and when you cant control the climate or the tempo, you can decide to be a beneficent ruler in the land of your feels, Cappy. This week is a mixed bag and not meant to be exactly easy; seek balance instead of perfection and hope instead of assurances. You are not meant to manage anyone’s wellness but your own. Be kind, and do what you have to do in order to be right with you.




Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Try to better understand your relationship to fear (not the things you fear, mind you). Try not to get so caught up in your insecurities that you lose interest in the ways your emotions play themselves out, Aquarius. Be on the lookout for the conditions that exist right before you get caught up in your fears. Are you hydrated and well fed? Have you just gotten off of social media? There are patterns to your responses. Seek them this week.



Feb. 19-March 20

When you overextend and push yourself too far, your body has a funny way of slowing you down, Pisces. This week you may be confronted by some anxiety or exhaustion that is here to get you to tend to the basics. How you support and care for yourself when you’re struggling is of the utmost importance. Don’t let anyone else tell you how your relationship to self-care should go. Apply what you know works for you to your daily actions, sweet one.