
Astrology by Lisa Stardust

Mercury, who’s retrograde in Pisces, gently connects with Mars, who’s in Capricorn, on the 26th. Later in the day, Mercury links you with the Nodes of Destiny. These soft cosmic collisions occurring on the 26th will serve to help us understand our former and current dreams in a big way. This sentiment will be further felt on the 28th, when Mercury retrograde and Uranus, who’s in Taurus, align in the cosmos. Venus, who’s in Aries, squares off with Pluto, who’s in Capricorn, on the 28th. This fraught Venusian energy has a restrictive aspect with Saturn, who’s in Capricorn, on March 3rd. Venus and Pluto will bring drama our way in terms of triangular situations with paramours, friendships, money, and familial relationships — which may force us to act out. Saturn comes in a few days later and puts a stop to these situations and issues. The overall cosmic lesson we’ll learn this week is that our old tricks don’t hold power anymore. As a result, we’ll have a different relationship with the past and a better understanding of where we are headed (especially under the First Quarter Moon in Gemini on March 2nd) — only if we are open to growth and change. 


March 21 - April 19

You may be experiencing professional power plays with those you work with and are in your inner circle. While this may initially make you want to run away from your professional obligations for a bit, you’ll find that it’s best for you to confront those who aim to tear you down. Standing your ground and making your sentiments known will help control and end the situation, as no one will want to cross you again. 


April 20 - May 20

Acknowledging lessons from the past will allow you to never make the same mistakes again. While this may cause you to guard your heart with lock and key, you’ll be able to make informed decisions about the present and future. Remember to always put yourself first. You’re a strong and powerful person who can not only dream big, but also manifest your desires. Use your tenacity to create the friendships you want in your life. 


May 21 - June 20

It may be challenging for you to implement boundaries with others, especially since you’re the one who can’t stay in their lane. Creating limits for yourself will be extremely hard, considering that you like to be overly involved in other people’s lives. Take a step back this week and don’t participate in drama that has nothing to do with you. You’ll be grateful that you didn’t get involved, as it’s not your battle to fight. 


June 21 - July 22

Opening up to new possibilities is a challenge for everyone — even you. But, this week you’re allowing yourself to redefine yourself in a philosophical way. Meaning, you’re allowing yourself to understand different ideas and ways of thinking. Also, the minds of others. You’re stepping out of your comfort zone and seeing matters clearly. Be mindful and understand that the truth you uncover has multi-dimensions to it and you are only beginning to unravel it. 


July 23 - August 22

The majority of your energy is greatly spent on what others are feeling and doing at the moment. If you took some of that power back and used it on fixing your personal situations, you’d be able to achieve all of your goals. Instead of worrying about others, bring the energy you give to others to yourself this week. You will find that you’re able to successfully move forward in all avenues as a result.


August 23 - September 22

Triangular situations may come to a head this week, particularly in the realm of romantic liaisons. To be fair, you’re not looking to start up two relationships at the same time or connect with a former lover (it may be on your accord or your partner’s). Although there may be unfinished emotional business to attend to, you don’t have to participate in the love triangle. Three is a crowd. Focus on your needs and desires. 


September 23 - October 22

More often than not, you take your time weighing both sides of a situation before taking action. This week, you may feel forced to make decisions quickly without thinking the matters thoroughly through (which is the mode you prefer). Although your colleagues, family, and friends may be pushing you to speed up your thought process — don’t! You need to make informed choices before signing off on projects or contracts that could impact you negatively.


October 23 - November 21

You have been feeling as though others are overlooking your skills and not paying attention to you (or giving you as much love as you’d like). Ego hits, big or small, are brushing your confidence at the moment. However, by week’s end, you’ll see the light of the matter, wholeheartedly will make you reassess the relationship you have with yourself. Your confidence will sprout and bloom with positive and healthy feelings you have for yourself. 


November 22 - December 21

It’s important that you take stock of your personal beliefs this week, as you may find they are in flux. Your ideals are changing, allowing you to see certain circumstances and people with rose colored glasses. You’re making amends with frustrating situations and giving those who’ve hurt you the chance to explain themselves. Forgiveness is different than forgetting. You can accept an apology, but it’s against your nature to forget. Keep this sentiment in mind. 


December 22 - January 19

The good news is that you’re feeling stronger than you have in a very long time. The bad news is that you’re lost in emotion and unsure of your next move. Instead of hiding from the world and your responsibilities, allow things to remain up in the air. This indecisive plan of action is totally out of character for you. However, it will allow you to be certain of your choices when you make them.


January 20 - February 18

You don’t have to be financially successful to feel good about yourself. In fact, this week will help you to understand that materialism and your relationship to earthly possessions don’t define you. The connection you have to your spirituality and magic are the essence of who you are at the core. Money and riches will not effect your bohemian vibe. The relationship you have with yourself and nature will prove to be all that matters.


February 19 - March 20

A poet by nature, this week gives you the chance to put your sweet voice to use by expressing your inner views to others. Although it may be hard to discuss your emotions, you’ll be cosmically pushed to speak about the past to others. If you add a charming and sentimental flair to your word choice, your friends and family will listen. In fact, they will agree with your finely crafted points and emotions too. 


Artist Fabian Oefner

Artist Fabian Oefner

The first New Moon of 2020 occurs January 24th in airy Aquarius. Known for its quirky nature, Aquarian walk their own path and have a unique sense of self. Under this luminary, we will be cosmically pushed to embrace our evocative nature (that not many see) and take a walk on the wild side. 

The New Moon squares off with Uranus, who is currently in Taurus. Coincidentally, Uranus is the modern planetary ruler of Aquarius (the traditional ruler of Saturn). This will aspect will bring sudden changes and losses our way — all of which we did not see coming. It’s also a celestial call for us to let our freak flags fly. 

The fixed star Dabih connects with the New Moon and adds fear, reserve, and mistrust in the process of our evolutionary goals — particularly through friends, Those who do not understand our sentiments and desires will fall to the waste side, as our hearts yearn to be free and seen. Although letting go is hard, it’s essential at this time for our personal growth. 

The Sabian symbol for this luminary is “A Council Of Ancestors Is Seen Implementing The Efforts Of A Young Leader.” Therefore, it’s necessary for us to acknowledge the past and present. Blending these energies together will help us become our own individual in the world and become the person of our dreams. Our ancestors are supporting our growth, which is a blessing. 

Lean into your fabulous unique self! Let go of the restraints and norms that hold you back. Like a butterfly, we are in the midst of a personal metamorphosis towards change. Spread your wings and fly!

*The New Moon occurs January 24th at 1:41PM PST and 4:42PMEST.

New Moon Ritual:

For this ritual, we will be working with the modern planetary ruler of Aquarius — which is Uranus. The reason being is that we are all going through major shake ups and transformations. We need to honor change, instead of working against it, in order to ensure cosmic protection during these turbulent and erratic times (also, to protect and give strength to our relationship with ourselves, as insecurities may flair up) This will allow you to embrace and bring luck to your unique thoughts and notions, rather than work against it. 

Use a Blue-Green (if you don’t have this particular hue, you can use Blue or Green) candle. 

Make a sigil with your intention by writing out your New Moon goals and deleting the vowels and striking out the duplicate consonants. Carve your zodiac sign into one side of the candle, your name, your personal sigil, and the glyph (astrological symbol) of the planet Uranus.

Place cloves, nutmeg, and the juice of half of a lime (all of these are essences of Uranus) into a mixing bowl. 

Rub the blended essences on the candle.

You can add blue or green glitter for decorations. Also, a butterfly to mark the transformative nature of Uranus. 

Meditate on your intentions. Breathe deeply and exhale. 

Light the candle. 

The Hoodwitch x Essie


I was thrilled when Essie asked to partner with me for the launch of their new limited edition line of Mercurial inspired shades available exclusively at Ulta beauty and just before Mercury Rx! Halloween which is my favorite holiday marks the midpoint of the autumnal season and also is one of the most spiritual times of the year. We are able to transcend between both the spiritual and earthly planes and what makes Halloween 2019 extra special is that we will be experiencing a Mercurial shift. Mercury, (planet of communication) will be retrograde in the sign of transformative and spooky Scorpio. During this time, the veil between worlds will become thinner and we will be able to communicate with the spirits. While most fear Mercury retrograde, it’s a wonderful time to find balance between planes and cosmic energies.

Through the darkness and shadows we can emerge with a different attitude and look. We can transform ourselves on the inside and out.




Astrology by Lisa Stardust


What this week lacks in astrological transits, it certainly makes up for in intensity. We start off this week with both Mercury and Mars, who are both in sensitive Cancer, opposing Pluto, who is moving backwards in pragmatic Capricorn, on the 19th. Mercury in Cancer is a mute sign. Meaning, it’s more meditative and not openly communicative. Mars is in its fall in Cancer. It’s not in a place of strength. Pluto, even retrograde, is extreme in Capricorn. When these planets come together, we can expect an emotional volcano to collide with a tornado. Arguments, dominance, love triangles, paranoia, secrets and lies, and abuses of power now come to light, as we are tired of being constrained and manipulated by others. The lesson to be learned from this transit, is Pluto retrograde wants us to evolve. That means purging and releasing that which is not serving our highest good. Be prepared to let go of people and situations which are not healthy, as we walk down the truest path to self-discovery and actualization. Mercury enters its pre-retrograde shadow on June 20th, setting the stage for its backwards spin on July 7th. Take stock of the events that unfold on the 20th, as it will become our personal  Mercury retrograde story. Neptune starts it’s retrograde journey on the 21st, creating confusion and uncertainty until November 7th. June 21st also kicks off Cancer Season and the Summer Solstice. Cancer Season 2019 will bring major emotional shifts. We must prepare ourselves for a profound Summer. Venus, who is in chatty Gemini, butts heads with Jupiter, who is retrograde in philosophical Sagittarius, giving us much to talk about surrounding matters of the heart and finances. June 24th adds mystery to Venus, when Neptune retrograde in dreamy Pisces sets off illusions to our hearts and wallets. Watch out for get rich quick scams on the 24th, as Neptune retrograde will play tricks on our minds and make us more susceptible to deceit. The flip side is that we may temporarily enjoy being caught up in the rapture—until reality sets in.


March 21-April 19

A warrior by nature, you’re used to asserting your will. However, this week you are emotionally drained and depleted of energy to argue further with others. The reason is that all the conflict and drama has gotten you nowhere. You may even feel as though you are running in circles and not mending any situations—rather, just having the same discussions on playback. While you may still feel raw and defensive from recent drama, have faith that these emotions shall pass the moment you let go of upsets. Don’t dwell and obsess over details, just move away from this bad situation.


April 20-May 20

Learning to speak your truth has been a process. Not that you are a liar (you’re far from it), but you tend to use flowery words during confrontations to avoid conflict. You’re bursting at the seems to express your sentiments after being pushed to the emotional brink for weeks. While you may choose words that shoot from the hip, try not to rush through communications. Think carefully before you speak your mind only to articulate your thoughts and to be heard. You are taking charge and fighting back. You’re the one in control of your life. Don’t you forget it.


May 21-June 20

Playing by the rules has certainly affected your confidence. While you’ve been doing the right thing and honoring ethics, you’ve noticed those who take the easy path and side step are becoming more successful than you, at a rampant pace. Before you experience a Mercurial meltdown and let this situation weigh on your confidence, note that you are walking down the righteous avenue towards self-fulfillment. You don’t need accolades and status to prove your triumphs. You’ve got something no one else has—staying power. Although it may seem you are being kicked to the curb, you’re not. Believe in yourself more.


June 21-July 22

Now is the time to use your voice to speak up. While you may have taken the silent approach to mending issues in your personal life in the past, you are learning that the only way to be heard and bring change in your life is to express (not repress) your emotions. The flip side to this week’s transits, is that you may feel as though you are receiving the backlash from others and are the victim of their emotional protections. Although it may be hard, try to rub off their influences and embrace your personal power to rise above.


July 23-August 22

Fear is standing in your way this week. Be careful, because it’s also the only thing holding you back from manifesting your desires. Recent emotional upsets have taken a toll on your heart, forcing you to question your goals and intentions. Instead of reveling in newly found insecurities, try to rise above such sentiments. First, acknowledge what you are scared of. Feel it. Realize that even the worst scenario is very likely from happening in reality. Prepare yourself to power through and attain your goals. This will help you to squash your fears and move towards your dreams, without hesitation.


August 23-Sept. 22

You’re being put to an emotional test this week, Virgo. Love has been an ever confusing sentiment for quite some time. Now, friendships are coming into question. While you’ve tried to find a balance and create space for all parties to coexist in your life, the time has come to make serious decisions about relationships. Having to choose between love and friendships will prove challenging. But, think of it this way, if someone really cares about you they won’t force you to give up a relationship. They will only want you to be happy, not aim to control your decisions.


Sept. 23-Oct. 22

The epic clash you are experiencing between the id, ego, and superego is having a toll on your psyche. Your mind and heart are being pulled in different directions, forcing you to vacillate between sentiments. All of this inner conflict may make you feel as if you are losing control of many aspects of your life. Take a momentary pause. Make a list of your desires and goals. Then, write out a plan stating how you morally want to methodically put your objectives into action. Having a plan will allow you to act strategically, not impulsively, which will guarantee success.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Your inner views are shifting, which is serving your transformational and transcendent needs. While you may take on an idealistic persona this week, others may prove to be unscrupulous and untrustworthy. You have no space in your heart for connivers. Rather than arguing with others who have proven unworthy, you're taking the high road this week. No more theatrical  confrontations. If people wish to be deceitful, let them. You just don’t have time or space in your life for that energy anymore. Choosing to disengage from the dramatics will only elevate your vibe. Focus on yourself this week, not others.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

In the past, you’ve been a live and let live type of person. But, recently you’ve had the urge to control others. The reason for your inner shift is that you feel out of control in your personal life, which is causing you to project your anxieties and fears on others. You are riding high on emotional extremes this week and trying to figure out your next step. Take some time for yourself to figure out how you will implement your desires into reality. Also, avoid conflicts and power struggles with others (which are looming and brewing in the air).


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Your sensitivities are awakened this week, making you feel more partner oriented than ever. You’re now moved to give 100% to relationships, collaborations, and partnerships. The reason for your emotional heart is that you are yearning for deeper  friendships and connections. Just watch out for power struggles within these relationships, as you may over-assert your opinions and dominate others. Find a balance in how you declare your views—use cheeky, not austere sentiments in your presentation to appease the crowd. This will prove your mastery and ability to woo the masses and even those close to you with your commanding words.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Your intuition may be playing tricks on you this week. Paranoias and fears are consuming your mind, making you feel as though others are trying to play tricks on you. Although you may convince yourself of their intentions and believe it to be true, take a step back and observe the situation more closely. Ask yourself if the facts line up with your instincts. Are your suspicions correct? If you are feeling confused and anxious about your visions, take an auric cleanse to get your sixth sense back. Then, revisit your prophecies to see if they are correct.


Feb. 19-March 20

While you desperately want to take action and movement in your life, this week will make you feel stifled and stuck in the same issues you’ve had for months. Situations aren’t advancing, which in return is making you stir crazy from the inaction. You may feel lost amongst the breakers. However, don’t disconnect from others. Reach out to friends and family for help and guidance. You don’t have to go through your emotional ups and downs alone. People want to comfort you. Let them help. Word of advice: Don’t be too proud to accept their guidance and support.

WITCH TIPS + HOROSCOPES 08.29-09.04.2018


Written By Jessica Lanyadoo


Let’s talk about the world and astrology. The slow moving outer planets define the events that are impacting us globally. They describe the conditions and developmental lessons that shape a generation. Quite frankly, they don’t get enough airtime in pop astrology because they’re harder to unpack and often reflect more serious themes, but they’re wildly important.

We’re living in a time when humanitarian Uranus is transiting through materialistic Taurus, when demanding Pluto and conservative Saturn are moving through structure-bringing Capricorn, and idealistic Neptune is transiting through escapist Pisces. The upshot of this is that you and me and everyone you know are on call to revisit who and what we value, and to make sustainable, structural changes and choices around those values. We're being challenged to expand our sense of empathy and spiritual awareness in the exact moment at which it would be easiest to check out and evade our problems.

In a larger, more societal sense, we are facing the same challenges. The greatest enemy to democracy and human sovereignty is not the powers that be – it’s the apathy of the people. Neptune in Pisces can empower people to rise up and act in accordance with what we most deeply believe, or it can tempt us to get lost in distractions. Saturn and Pluto's transit through Capricorn represents a period of time when society's hierarchical systems  are being challenged. They're either going to bend to the will of the people or break it. People and institutions with power rarely want to give it up, but that doesn’t mean that they won’t have to. Capricorn is a sign that responds to reputation-based pressure. When enough people organize to voice an opinion, change is inevitable. The trouble with these two planets is that they won’t change easily, and they force us to confront our shame and our fears of failure. This is hard work, but it can be deeply healing. At this time, sharing your power is the strongest thing you can do. These energies can easily make people feel victimized and threatened, and that’s what leads to the worst kinds of selfishness. What we need now is empathy. Dr. Cornell West famously said “justice is what love looks like in public.” With Uranus in Taurus, we are ultimately answering the question of who and what has value to us as a society. We are all implicated in this, and what each and every one of us does has meaning now.

Violence, hatred, gerrymandering, systemic oppression, and repression of peoples – these are all symptoms of some people thinking they’re more important than others, or worse, not thinking of others at all. It’s time to make room for the needs of the many over the wants of the few. We all deserve dignity, safety, and sovereignty, and we are at a time when we can demand reform from governments, corporations, and even institutions, and expect material change.

The community you live in counts. More and more we are seeing the ills of the world reflecting the pain of isolation. Do you make eye contact with your neighbors? Do you fear people who have much less or much more than you? People who speak other languages? Those who have sex differently? 

This is your horoscope: You are powerful, and you are utterly powerless. It’s hard to be human, but it’s also a gift. How you make use of your gifts is your choice, but now is a time in society where it absolutely matters. Learn.

Concern yourself with the conditions that others are living in. Concern yourself with people who are differently abled, come from different places, or have different values and resources available to them. This may seem like it’s not about astrology, but I promise you that it is. It’s where we’re going, my loves. We will either get there together, or we will end up where we’ve been led, and the future will be so much brighter when it’s led by the people for all the people. This is a fertile period in both a global and a personal sense; rise up to meet it.




March 21-April 19

How do you gauge success, Aries? I don’t mean to ask how your parents, your friends, or even society determines what success is. How do you know when you’re doing well? It’s important that you have your own standards and ways of evaluating your progress. This week will find you asking some essential questions, and as cheesy as it sounds, the answers are within you. Question everything as you strive towards your goals, my love.



April 20-May 20

You can justify your anxieties all you want, but how exactly does that help you? You may find your fears very compelling, but that doesn’t make them right. You’re in a tug-of-war with yourself about something, and if you don’t acknowledge it and investigate what you’re really concerned about, you may find yourself caught up in some seriously paranoid thinking, Taurus. Ground and center yourself before you go chasing conspiracy theories this week.



May 21-June 21

If you allow yourself to slow down and notice it, you’ll see that you’ve come a long way, baby. Take stock of where you’ve come from in efforts to contextualize where you’re at, Twin Star. It’s not enough to grow; you need to take time to acknowledge and celebrate your development. Part of being responsible to yourself is honoring your own progress. Enjoy the fruits of your labors this week, even if you still have a great deal of work in front of you.



June 22-July 22

Exhaustion or feeling overwhelmed may lead you to misunderstand the intent behind others’ actions. Things are likely not as they seem, Moonchild, and that’s not good or bad – it’s interesting. Try to get grounded before you get investigative, and get investigative before you come to any hard and fast decisions about your relationships, my love. This week is all about the way you do the things you do, so take a deep breath and explore.



July 23-Aug. 22

You don’t need a change of scenery, you need an upgrade. Instead of rushing into change because you don’t like where you are, try to carefully consider what you’re doing before you simply relocate your problems, Leo. If you allow yourself to be too responsive to your fears, you’re more likely to be running from something than pursuing another. Manage your situation, and make solid plans from that place this week, even if that slows down your progress.



Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Not knowing can be magical and exciting, or it can be the absolute worst. There’s so much that you can’t know right now and even more that’s out of your control. You're going to have to manage the feelings that induces, and it may feel like just another confusing piece of the puzzle. Strive for acceptance and not answers this week, Virgo. Focus your energies on what you can manage and influence, no matter how small those things are, my love. 




Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Don’t lose sight of the big picture, Libra. You may find yourself so worried about what’s immediately in front of you that you stop looking around. This strategy will bring you nothing but stress, and what’s worse is that it will limit your capacity to enjoy what you have as well as what you see as possible. This week is all about perspective; adjust yours so that you can experience the abundance inherent in your situation, even if it’s hecka difficult, my love.



Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Feeling scared and stressed can interrupt creativity. Don’t allow yourself to obsess on or over-invest in your stressful thoughts this week, Scorpio. When things aren’t as you want then to be, you're likely to get frustrated and do something self-sabotaging, so here’s a Pro Tip for self-care this week: tend to your feelings before you seek resolution to your problems. Find acceptance of where you’re starting from before you go trying to change it.



Nov. 22-Dec. 21

What’s the sweet spot between your sense of freedom and your need for security? This week, you may find yourself struggling with the conflicting desires to either throw it all away or build it up to another level. The key here is to intentionally respond to your situation instead of emotionally reacting to it. No matter what you do going forward, you’re going to need to make some compromises. Consider which concessions will make you happier in the long run, ‘Tarius.



Dec. 22-Jan. 19

As you grow into yourself, you have to check your ego to make sure that it’s growing with you – not in size, but in depth. It’s all about balance, Capricorn. You have to be able to take as much as you give, or you’re likely to build up resentments or insecurities that destabilize you and your whole operation. Find people who you believe are good models of behavior this week. Seek inspiration from people who’ve done it before you or who are doing it better than you right now.




Jan. 20-Feb. 18

When you leap off a cliff, it’s hard to see the ground clearly when it's rushing to meet you. So much of life is all about perspective; when you’re leaving a room, it can look so different than when you first entered it. What you’re currently looking at in your life may be intimidating or frightening because it’s new, not because it’s bad. Don’t confuse the anxiety of change with some sort of intuitive flash that things are going poorly. You’re on your way, Aquarius. Don’t allow the fear of the unknown to tell you anything different.




Feb. 19-March 20

Gracefully engaging with frustration is a meaningful skill to have. When you make your plans based on best-case scenarios, you’re setting yourself up for a fall. It’s time to advance your ambitions this week, and it’s likely to take some serious patience and reorganization. Cultivate tools that help you to express and experience your upsets in healthy ways so that you don’t unintentionally trip yourself up out of impatience, my love.





Artwork by Manzel Bowman

Artwork by Manzel Bowman


Written by Jessica Lanyadoo

Welcome to Virgo Season! This week marks a time to shift gears from the mishegas of recent weeks into a slightly more introspective time. It's time to check in with your body and ensure that you’re treating it as your BFF instead of a casual acquaintance. If you have more screen-time than me-time, this is the perfect season for a cleanse. Tend to your daily habits, the stuff that's easy to miss in the business of living a hectic life. Slow down a bit and connect to the grounded embodiment of Mercury (now no longer Retrograde, thank all that is good and holy!) that is unique to the sign Virgo. Take stock of how your plans are coming to bear in your life. Make adjustments, follow through, and solidify your ideas based on the data you’ve collected so far this year. Life constantly presents us with new visions and opportunities for growth and change; Virgo Season is a beautiful one for getting serious about what you do and making sure that it’s paired up with who you want to be.

On the 26th, we have an intense Full Moon in Pisces and a compulsive Venus square to Pluto. The potential here is great, but it comes with some risk, too. There is an energetically powerful Kite (an aspect that involves an opposition, a Grand Trine and two sextiles) happening with this Full Moon. Saturn, Uranus, and the Sun are all in a Grand Earth Trine, while the Moon, which is opposite the Sun, will be forming sextiles to both Saturn and Uranus. All of this presents us with amazing potential for seeing things clearly and making plans for your future that are wisely informed by both your past and your present. 

The tricky part comes from the Venus/Pluto transit; these two planets are likely to stir the pot, as they’ll trigger jealousy, vengefulness, and fears of abandonment. Don’t look for evidence that something is wrong; if you’re going to Sherlock Holmes a thing, do it without an agenda, or don’t do it at all. The Pisces full Moon is a chance to let go of illusions that have kept you separate. Connect your thoughts to your feelings, your feelings to your delivery, and your delivery to how others receive you. Understand that you can’t exactly let go of the past. You can let go of your attachment to it, but your past is yours. You will always refer back to it, and that’s as it should be. It’s OK to be imperfect, to not know what comes next, and to have mixed feelings about it. Don’t be so quick to find the answer that you rush past the process. This week you don’t need proof, you need faith, dear lovers.




March 21-April 19

In order to move beyond your own limitations, you must first be confronted by them. This week is complicated, and you can expect the full Moon on the 27th to kick up some surprising feels. Don’t resist it, Aries. If you’re willing to let go of what no longer serves you, you can make way for something new. Yes, you may have to suffer through some grief in the middle, but feelings come and go. Don’t let the tough ones stop you from growing to your full potential.



April 20-May 20

You’re making choices, and even if you feel mixed about them, they’re yours. It’s time to create something that you value, Taurus. What you do now will have roots and grow into something much bigger than you, so make sure that you believe in what you’re doing, or at least leave enough wiggle room for adjustments. You’re pointed in the right direction. Just don’t let your desire for certainty rush you past this very important stage of development, Taurus.



May 21-June 21

It’s easy to have balance when everything is going your way, but when circumstances destabilize you, that's when you need it most. When you feel inundated this week (as you are likely to), it’s a chance for you to be kind. Choose to take care of yourself by responding to your stressors one at a time, instead of allowing yourself to get overwhelmed by everything. Do what you can at this moment and let the rest wait for you until you’re ready for it, Twin Star.



June 22-July 22

It doesn’t need to be perfect, or even what you think it ‘should’ be, in order for it to be exactly what you need. This week will confront you with a pretty simple situation that feels really complicated. Don’t confuse potential with reality or the past with the present, Moonchild. Accept things as they are in the present moment, and do what you need to in order to grow. Nothing stays the same, nor is it meant to. Actively co-create your life, my love.



July 23-Aug. 22

Love has a funny way of changing a person. This week your relationships will expose an important point of development. If you find that you're unhappy or that your needs aren’t being met, it’s wise for you to pay close attention to that. You’re at a point where the truth of what exists between you and others is being revealed. Receive what you’re being shown and believe it. If you’ve been phoning it in with your people, they may hold you to task. Either way, it’s time to face your relationships, Leo.



Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Find life-affirming ways of being with your emotions. Sadness sucks, but it happens for a reason. If you’re willing to investigate your feels, you can determine what you’re really sad about, but if you can’t sit with them at all, how will you ever know? This week’s full Moon in your relationship house is supposed to be emo, so don’t resist it, Virgo. Show up for the messiness of how you feel so that you can better co-create what you need.



Sept. 23-Oct. 22

When you don’t have what you want, it’s tempting to make negative assumptions about what that means. The truth is that your story is still unfolding, Libra. You are a work in development, and its beautiful and uncertain and yours. Find a spark of desire within you, and then pursue it. You don’t need to be anywhere but here. Do your best with what you’ve got instead of wasting your energy on wishing you had something else, my love.



Oct. 23-Nov. 21

If you’ve taken on too many commitments or too much emotionally, this week’s full Moon is likely to make you feel super burnt out. Try to find a balance between what you need to get done and what you need in order to feel right in your skin, Scorpio. This week is not meant to challenge you to do more at a quicker pace. It’s meant to challenge you to do more things in high quality ways. Let go of control or the desire to prove yourself, and try to find wellness in your process.



Nov. 22-Dec. 21

It can be a fine line between showing up for others and taking on their problems. This week you're likely to be called in to be there for someone you care about, and it may seem impossible to help without getting too deep with them. How you participate is a reflection of your own boundaries. Do your best to honor your relationships, but only give what you can without resentments this week.



Dec. 22-Jan. 19

The time it takes to get there may be paved with ‘what ifs’ but don’t let it bother you; you’ve got this, Capricorn. This week you need your ego to help you move your life forward. This requires that it’s in reasonably good shape – not too big and not too small. Work on your sense of entitlement to make sure that it reflects what you actually believe – not your baggage. Peace lives in the place between knowing your value and never placing it over others in order to feel okay about yourself.




Jan. 20-Feb. 18

As you grow, you’re inevitably going to outgrow some people, situations, and things that you’ve been identified with. Things are changing for you, Aquarius, and while it’s not clear what exactly comes next, it’s looking really good. Make the best possible choices based on who you want to be and where you hope to land this month, even if that means spending more time alone or participating in the world less.




Feb. 19-March 20

The Moon is full in your sign on the 26th, marking this as a powerful time for you to do emotional work on yourself. Emotions will be running high this week, but the thing to remember is that this is a time for closure. You don’t need to justify or defend yourself. Believe in yourself enough to validate your own feels and needs, even if others don’t understand it. You’re ready to make some deep changes in your life, but you need to start with you, dear Pisces.