Artwork by Manzel Bowman

Artwork by Manzel Bowman


Written by Jessica Lanyadoo

Welcome to Virgo Season! This week marks a time to shift gears from the mishegas of recent weeks into a slightly more introspective time. It's time to check in with your body and ensure that you’re treating it as your BFF instead of a casual acquaintance. If you have more screen-time than me-time, this is the perfect season for a cleanse. Tend to your daily habits, the stuff that's easy to miss in the business of living a hectic life. Slow down a bit and connect to the grounded embodiment of Mercury (now no longer Retrograde, thank all that is good and holy!) that is unique to the sign Virgo. Take stock of how your plans are coming to bear in your life. Make adjustments, follow through, and solidify your ideas based on the data you’ve collected so far this year. Life constantly presents us with new visions and opportunities for growth and change; Virgo Season is a beautiful one for getting serious about what you do and making sure that it’s paired up with who you want to be.

On the 26th, we have an intense Full Moon in Pisces and a compulsive Venus square to Pluto. The potential here is great, but it comes with some risk, too. There is an energetically powerful Kite (an aspect that involves an opposition, a Grand Trine and two sextiles) happening with this Full Moon. Saturn, Uranus, and the Sun are all in a Grand Earth Trine, while the Moon, which is opposite the Sun, will be forming sextiles to both Saturn and Uranus. All of this presents us with amazing potential for seeing things clearly and making plans for your future that are wisely informed by both your past and your present. 

The tricky part comes from the Venus/Pluto transit; these two planets are likely to stir the pot, as they’ll trigger jealousy, vengefulness, and fears of abandonment. Don’t look for evidence that something is wrong; if you’re going to Sherlock Holmes a thing, do it without an agenda, or don’t do it at all. The Pisces full Moon is a chance to let go of illusions that have kept you separate. Connect your thoughts to your feelings, your feelings to your delivery, and your delivery to how others receive you. Understand that you can’t exactly let go of the past. You can let go of your attachment to it, but your past is yours. You will always refer back to it, and that’s as it should be. It’s OK to be imperfect, to not know what comes next, and to have mixed feelings about it. Don’t be so quick to find the answer that you rush past the process. This week you don’t need proof, you need faith, dear lovers.




March 21-April 19

In order to move beyond your own limitations, you must first be confronted by them. This week is complicated, and you can expect the full Moon on the 27th to kick up some surprising feels. Don’t resist it, Aries. If you’re willing to let go of what no longer serves you, you can make way for something new. Yes, you may have to suffer through some grief in the middle, but feelings come and go. Don’t let the tough ones stop you from growing to your full potential.



April 20-May 20

You’re making choices, and even if you feel mixed about them, they’re yours. It’s time to create something that you value, Taurus. What you do now will have roots and grow into something much bigger than you, so make sure that you believe in what you’re doing, or at least leave enough wiggle room for adjustments. You’re pointed in the right direction. Just don’t let your desire for certainty rush you past this very important stage of development, Taurus.



May 21-June 21

It’s easy to have balance when everything is going your way, but when circumstances destabilize you, that's when you need it most. When you feel inundated this week (as you are likely to), it’s a chance for you to be kind. Choose to take care of yourself by responding to your stressors one at a time, instead of allowing yourself to get overwhelmed by everything. Do what you can at this moment and let the rest wait for you until you’re ready for it, Twin Star.



June 22-July 22

It doesn’t need to be perfect, or even what you think it ‘should’ be, in order for it to be exactly what you need. This week will confront you with a pretty simple situation that feels really complicated. Don’t confuse potential with reality or the past with the present, Moonchild. Accept things as they are in the present moment, and do what you need to in order to grow. Nothing stays the same, nor is it meant to. Actively co-create your life, my love.



July 23-Aug. 22

Love has a funny way of changing a person. This week your relationships will expose an important point of development. If you find that you're unhappy or that your needs aren’t being met, it’s wise for you to pay close attention to that. You’re at a point where the truth of what exists between you and others is being revealed. Receive what you’re being shown and believe it. If you’ve been phoning it in with your people, they may hold you to task. Either way, it’s time to face your relationships, Leo.



Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Find life-affirming ways of being with your emotions. Sadness sucks, but it happens for a reason. If you’re willing to investigate your feels, you can determine what you’re really sad about, but if you can’t sit with them at all, how will you ever know? This week’s full Moon in your relationship house is supposed to be emo, so don’t resist it, Virgo. Show up for the messiness of how you feel so that you can better co-create what you need.



Sept. 23-Oct. 22

When you don’t have what you want, it’s tempting to make negative assumptions about what that means. The truth is that your story is still unfolding, Libra. You are a work in development, and its beautiful and uncertain and yours. Find a spark of desire within you, and then pursue it. You don’t need to be anywhere but here. Do your best with what you’ve got instead of wasting your energy on wishing you had something else, my love.



Oct. 23-Nov. 21

If you’ve taken on too many commitments or too much emotionally, this week’s full Moon is likely to make you feel super burnt out. Try to find a balance between what you need to get done and what you need in order to feel right in your skin, Scorpio. This week is not meant to challenge you to do more at a quicker pace. It’s meant to challenge you to do more things in high quality ways. Let go of control or the desire to prove yourself, and try to find wellness in your process.



Nov. 22-Dec. 21

It can be a fine line between showing up for others and taking on their problems. This week you're likely to be called in to be there for someone you care about, and it may seem impossible to help without getting too deep with them. How you participate is a reflection of your own boundaries. Do your best to honor your relationships, but only give what you can without resentments this week.



Dec. 22-Jan. 19

The time it takes to get there may be paved with ‘what ifs’ but don’t let it bother you; you’ve got this, Capricorn. This week you need your ego to help you move your life forward. This requires that it’s in reasonably good shape – not too big and not too small. Work on your sense of entitlement to make sure that it reflects what you actually believe – not your baggage. Peace lives in the place between knowing your value and never placing it over others in order to feel okay about yourself.




Jan. 20-Feb. 18

As you grow, you’re inevitably going to outgrow some people, situations, and things that you’ve been identified with. Things are changing for you, Aquarius, and while it’s not clear what exactly comes next, it’s looking really good. Make the best possible choices based on who you want to be and where you hope to land this month, even if that means spending more time alone or participating in the world less.




Feb. 19-March 20

The Moon is full in your sign on the 26th, marking this as a powerful time for you to do emotional work on yourself. Emotions will be running high this week, but the thing to remember is that this is a time for closure. You don’t need to justify or defend yourself. Believe in yourself enough to validate your own feels and needs, even if others don’t understand it. You’re ready to make some deep changes in your life, but you need to start with you, dear Pisces.




Queen Hecate & Tending The Bone

"As witches we don't just walk in the shadow, we open to it's mysteries like night blooming jasmine. Fragrant with magic and revived in the properties of the night." Journey with Author Alicia Katrina to working with the Dark Mother Goddess Hectae as we learn to "tend the bone".