
The first total lunar eclipse since the winter of 2019 is occurring on May 26th in Sagittarius. The lunar eclipse will also be a Blood Moon as well, making it an energetically powerful time to connect with our intuition and emotions. 

This lumnation is the closing story to projects, relationships, or situations that began in November 2019. Now that we’ve grown, it’s time for us to reconsider, revise, and alter the visions that began under the New Moon in Sagittarius on November 26th. 

The lunar eclipse aspects Jupiter, who’s currently in the sign Pisces. Jupiter is also the ruler of the Sagittarius, the sign in which the lunar eclipse is occurring. The Moon will square off with the current sign that Jupiter is in, expanding our minds, philosophies, and understanding of matters. We are letting go of the old ways of thinking and replacing them with new ideas. 

Contrary to popular beliefs, eclipses aren’t necessarily bad. They bring things that have been swept under the carpet to focus. Past resentments and arguments can resurface, as well as the need to fanatically express oneself. This luminary in particular could be fun and even lucky, as Jupiter is so tightly intertwined. The only foreseeable issue is that Jupiter can make situations bigger, which is not ideal. However, the energy is containable. Knowing when to check yourself and back off from a dramatic matter before it reaches a boiling point is key to ensure it doesn’t escalate, which Jupiter can do. We will have a roller coaster of emotions, most of which will be joyous.

Being that the Sun, Moon, and Jupiter are tied up in a Mutable T-Square, this luminary will affect Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces the most (in different ways). The mutable signs will be pushed out of their comfort zones and forced to make major decisions about work, relationships, and family matters. It’ll affect the way they feel about themselves, because the eclipse will poke their egos. Therefore, it’s important for the mutable signs to focus on what they can do to better their personal situations before anything or anyone else. 

The centaur Chiron, who is currently in the sign of Aries, is also active. Chiron is “the wounded healer who ironically could not heal himself.” Watch out for projections from others who do have your best interests at heart, but don’t have the best way of expressing it. This can be a healing time, which can bring enlightenment and positive emotions to us (if we opt to “live and let live” with others).

Mercury retrograde starts on May 29th in Gemini. We will be in the pre-retrograde zone during the eclipse. Be prepared for the past to come back. How we deal with it is all that counts. This can also bring a slow down in things from happening, which is why patience is essential. 

The overall vibe of the eclipse is to exert your energies on yourself. You will be able to relish in the lunar potency and vibrations if you lean into honoring yourself. 

Eclipse Ritual: 

Light a purple candle (the color of Sagittarius). Carve your name and birthdate or zodiac sign into the candle. Write down and journal how you have changed since 2019 and where you wish to grow. Meditate and reflect. Then release while exhaling. Bring in your goals while inhaling.