Artwork by Jee Won Park

Artwork by Jee Won Park

Astrology by Lisa Stardust 


This week brings emotions to the forefront of our hearts, which is why it’s important to speak our truth and let others know our stance on matters. Don’t hold back! Open up! 

Venus, who’s in Gemini, connects with Saturn, who’s in Aquarius, under the Leo First Quarter Moon on May 19th. This will give us insight into our creative desires and passions. Gemini Season begins on May 20th, starting off a 30 day period geared towards improving communication and understanding. The Gemini Sun and Jupiter, who’s in Pisces, square off on May 21st, expanding our hearts and egos. Mercury, who’s in Gemini, and Neptune, who’s in Pisces, aspect each other on the 22nd and add confusion to the cosmic energy. Take a step back on May 22nd to gain clarity on matters. Saturn retrograde in Aquarius starts on May 23rd and lasts until October 11th, making us recommit to protects, relationships, and goals. 


Sometimes you have to let fate step in and lead you towards your destiny. Now is that time. Stop trying to control the outcome of situations. The less you are involved in matters, the better it will turn out in the end. Do not manipulate the outcome. Trust the process.


Holding back your emotions can lead to artistic blockages. Allow yourself to feel free. This will motivate and inspire your creativity to come out, as your talents are heavily aligned with your heart and emotions. You can bring your spirit to the world, if you let it all come out.


There is a lot of confusion in deciphering the ideal steps in the next stages of your personal growth. Before you take a step backwards, make sure you can do everything to catapult yourself forward in the right way that can augment your future for the better. Move towards evolution.


You don’t always have to bring your A-game to everything that you do. Give yourself some slack this week, rather than being harsh on yourself over all that you cannot do. Being kind in your heart and less critical will give you the opportunity to get things done in time.


Dive into your subconscious to find out what aspirations you want to incorporate into your professional endeavors. If you are able to access the aspects of your visions that inspire you, then you’ll be able to bring them to fruition. This will add passion and drive to your career goals.


Old wounds may be reopened this week, urging you to confront ghosts and skeletons in your closet. Don’t avoid dealing with these matters. If you put it on the back burner, then it’ll just pile up. Choose to heal and work through the issues to attain peace and happiness within.


You’re stretching the realm of Your consciousness this week. This means that you’re allowing your mind to obtain infinite wisdoms and philosophies from all around the world. Open yourself up to mindfulness to evolve your life. You will be able to reach new intellectual and emotional depths as a result.


You’re more powerful than you think. When you make a statement—people listen. Even a gaze from you can sink ships. Before you say things that you may regret, choose the way you wish to assert yourself in the moment. Remember, words can hurt. Use yours wisely to avoid upsetting others.


You are beginning to understand how your actions have upset others (and vice versa). However, that doesn’t mean you’re necessarily ready to make amends with the past. This week is your chance to see situations from a different perspective and make note about how you can improve your current life.


Your workload is immense, which means that you don’t have time for yourself. It’s important to carve out a moment of time to allow yourself to nurture your energy. Yes, it’s important to make money. But, not at the cost of caring for yourself. Give yourself extra TLC this week.


Your creativity is reaching stardom, allowing you to set the artistic bar higher than ever. The only caveat is that your insecurities are standing in the way. Don’t think about what you’re not good at. Focus on your amazing attributes and qualities. This will encourage your awesomeness to flourish now.


This week is the optimal time to sit back and reflect upon the past. Looking back and your accomplishments will allow you to feel motivated to move towards greater success. You may even decide to build upon an old dream and add a modern twist to these personal inner visions.