Pentagram of Venus: James Ferguson’s 1799 book Astronomy Explained Upon Sir Isaac Newton’s Principles:
Moon Void of Course Times (Eastern Savings Time)
Friday, November 25, 8:52 am, Moon void in Libra
Saturday, November 26, 3:01 am, Moon enters Scorpio
Sunday, November 27, 4:48 pm, Moon void in Scorpio
Monday, November 28, 3:46 pm, Moon enters Sagittarius
Wednesday, November 30, 11:08 pm, Moon void in Sagittarius
Thursday, December 1, 3:52 am, Moon enters Capricorn
Moon Phase: Dark to New
Under the dark moon, work magick to end that which has outlived its potency, to commune with the spirit world, and to protect against negative magick. Spiritual cleansing rituals are powerful now, as are reversing and baneful spells.
Under the new moon, work magick to grow, heal, and create. Under the Sagittarius new moon, social justice rituals are powerful now, as are clarity and court case spells.
The Sagittarius New Moon
Sagittarius is the archetype of the wise teacher. This sign is as delighted to pass knowledge on from one generation to the next as they are to investigate new perspectives and the potential wisdom they may hold. This new moon is conjunct Saturn, so resist the desire to cling to one way of thinking. Instead, combine this with Mercury’s current placement in Sagittarius and be willing to engage in healthy debate.
Lady Luna in Sagittarius will be square Neptune in Pisces, which brings reality into stark contrast with the spirituality we love so dearly. Sagittarius rules truth, and sometimes that truth can be ugly. Still, anything Neptune and Pisces are activated, magick can be a powerful ally. Neptune is on the South Node of the moon right now, a point associated with past lives and karma. Indeed, this experience brings to mind the ideological struggles of our ancestors, and we can call on their strength our our own battles.
During these signs, work magick around the following:
Libra- harmony, peace, diplomacy
Scorpio- clear insight, shielding, sexuality
Sagittarius- truth, justice, wisdom
Capricorn- tradition, ancestors, government
Today, Venus aligns with Pluto in Capricorn to magnetize your career sector, turning you into a tractor beam for VIP connections. Just make sure you’re getting the right kind of publicity, as Jupiter in Libra square Venus reveals you may have a few copycats or haters. It’s nothing to worry about though: When sparks fly between Uranus in your sign and Venus on Tuesday, you’ll be on to the next.
Today, Venus aligns with Pluto in Capricorn, stirring the cauldron of your inner wisdom sector. It’s a great time to incorporate new philosophies into your life, but it’s tough to know how unknown components will react when combined. Squares from Jupiter in your ritual house and Uranus in your spirituality zone say stepping up your spiritual practice helps you blend them smoothly. It’s pure alchemy, Taurus!
Today, Venus aligns with Pluto in Capricorn, waving a “come hither” finger towards your house of taboos. Capricorn’s symbol is Pan, the lusty goat-god, so don’t be surprised if you find your libido jumps for a couple of days. With tension from Jupiter in your pleasure zone and Uranus in your fantasy sector, engage your body, mind, and spirit in your sexy explorations. Make it a magickal practice.
Today, Venus aligns with Pluto in Capricorn, your house of competition. Someone you know is raising the stakes, and it’s up to you to challenge their lead. Are you up to it, Cancer? A square from Jupiter in your origins sector means you’ve got the home team advantage, so assemble your crew. On Tuesday, tension from Uranus in your career zone serves you some surprising tea. Luckily, you’ll be ready for it.
Today, Venus aligns with Pluto in Capricorn to give your life some much needed structure. Capricorn is your house of routine, so tap into this energy by planning daily rituals that bring you measurably closer to your big ambitions. Squares from Jupiter in your self-expression sector and Uranus in your exploration sector mean big, rebellious changes work better than traditional methods, at least for now.
Today, Venus aligns with Pluto in Capricorn, adorning your chart’s pleasure zone. With Venus and Pluto here, the vibe is ripe for you to transform the way you approach sensual experience. Capricorn is goal-oriented, and with squares fro Jupiter in your empire-building sector and Uranus in your investment house, you’re at your best when you give your play a moda operandi.
Today, Venus aligns with Pluto in Capricorn, the heart of your astrology chart. This vibe activates some serious issues having to do with the Hades and Persephone myth and your own origin story. Do you feel like you were pulled into the underworld before you were ready for it? Tension from Jupiter in your sign and Uranus in your love sector reveal surprising information about how those archetypes inform your current relationship. Listen closely.
Today, Venus aligns with Pluto in aristocratic Capricorn, tempting you with powerful connections. Together in your communication house, they offer you new languages in which to speak your ambitions and raise your life’s station. Squares from Jupiter in your secrets zone and Uranus in your daily grind sector mean you’ll have to do some shapeshifting along the way, but it’ll be worth it if you see it through.
Today, Venus aligns with Pluto in ambitious Capricorn, your empire-building house. If you channel them right, these energies combine to lay the groundwork for projects that are as lucrative as they are valuable. Your lesson right now is to see the difference. A square from Jupiter in your groups sector says to choose your associates wisely. On Tuesday, Uranus in your inspiration zone surprises you with a profitable idea. Keep your antenna up.
Today, Venus aligns with Pluto in your sign, making you a spiritual lodestone. You’re already a force to be reckoned with, but with the cosmic lovers entwined on your behalf, you’re a force of nature. A square from Jupiter in your career sector urges caution in exerting your influence on colleagues. On Tuesday, ease volatile emotions by honoring the divine feminine, the moon, and the women you love. Trust me on this one, Capricorn!
Today, Venus aligns with Pluto in Capricorn, your mysterious twelfth house. Your spirituality dwells here, and Capricorn’s influence can make you a skeptic; however, the underworld’s lovers entwined in this sector of your chart opens you up to extreme possibilities. Squares from Jupiter in your ideals zone and Uranus in your kindred spirit sector helps you find souls with whom you can share these discoveries.
Today, Venus aligns with Pluto in Capricorn, putting you in the captain’s chair. It might not feel comfortable at first, but the cosmic lovers ease you into it, giving you formidable charisma. A square from Jupiter in your confidentiality zone means you may end up privy to some privileged information. On Tuesday, sparks from Uranus in your security sector say protect ya neck. Luckily, you’re already a master of disguise.