The Hoodwitch

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The New Moon in Leo occurs on August 4th at 4:13 AM PT and 7:13 AM ET. This marks a moment of creativity, romance, and optimism. Live your best life by embracing and owning your ambitions and passions.

Action planet Mars and expansive Jupiter in Gemini add determination and good energy to the Leo Moon. Mars is pushing us to discuss our goals, and Jupiter is urging us to dream big. Combined, these two cosmic forces will reinforce our desires and allow them to come to fruition. Further, the Nodes of Destiny on the Aries-Libra lunar axis energize the New Moon. Therefore, this is a moment where we can lean into our fate. Situations that materialize on this day will prove to be a pivotal part of our journey in life.

The asteroid and Black Moon Lilith, who is in Libra, wants us to break free of the limits and constraints holding us back from achieving success. This is a moment to reclaim our power and forge a new direction for ourselves. The caveat is that we’ll have to fight for what we want and deserve — so be prepared to roll your sleeves up and do the work. The fixed star Kochab amps up the vibe by bringing courage, boldness, and strength to the New Moon. The only thing to watch out for is our ego, which will create issues if we don't hone our prowess.

The same day, Venus enters Virgo, adding practicality to our intentions. The downside is that this could make us critical of the pathway to attaining our hopes or the visions others are setting. Try to have an open heart and mind. The less judgmental we are, the more we are proving to the Universe that we are worthy of the gifts it bestows upon us. Also, how much we’ve grown. Let the positive energy boost us and everyone up.

Hours later, Mercury retrograde commences in Virgo at 9:56 PM PT and 12:56 AM ET. The energy of the New Moon will intensify when Mercury retrograde moves back into Leo on August 14th. We might find a different approach to making our objectives happen at that time. Prepare yourself for a shift during the last two weeks of retrograde from August 14th to 28th.

Take a gold or orange candle (the color of Leo) and set your intention while lighting it. Dig within yourself to ignite your deepest desires and wishes. Once you connect with that part of yourself, take note and manifest your dreams. Then, light the candle to call in the lunar energy and spirits to give your dreams wings to soar.