The week ahead starts off with a bang and slowly calms down. Mars in Aries and Pluto retrograde in Capricorn square off on July 1, making it an extremely intense day. We all want to dominate and take charge of situations and relationships, which will create immense power struggles. The following day, Mercury in Gemini aspects Saturn retrograde and Neptune retrograde, helping us mend problems with others. It’s an emotional day, so embrace your feelings. July 5 brings two planetary shifts: Mercury moves into Cancer and Mars enters Taurus. We’ll be taking a more passive approach to communication and confrontation — especially in the morning of the 5th when these two planets harmonize.



It’s important to boost your confidence this week. Therefore, stating affirmations every day while gazing in the mirror will allow you to embrace your awesomeness. Make a list of your attributes and see them lovingly while you look in the mirror at yourself. Within days, you should have a brand new sense of being and self-esteem.



You can overcome any misunderstanding that comes your way through clear communication and compassion. Try writing down your inner thoughts and feelings before speaking with anyone with whom you’re struggling to understand this week. Seeing your thoughts on paper will help you ground your emotions and step into your power.



Make sure you take extra care to see things through to the end as you might notice yourself getting distracted easily. Engage in interesting conversations and any ideas you have make and them known now. Welcome any new found feeling of purpose, pay it forward for some instant karma points.



If you find yourself craving security, start making a plan for what you want to manifest in the new year and stay present with your current circumstances. Prioritize your personal pleasure and values. You can do this by creating a mood board for the coming months that explores your goals.



You should be able to move through inner fears and self-doubt that persist in the beginning of the week in favor of working toward personal goals. Your identity and emotions will bring immense strength and a sense of comfort to your heart, as long as you are easy on yourself.



Don’t let gossip bring you down. Remind others that you’re the strongest lion they know and reclaim your power. Instead of letting them steam roll you, shut it down immediately. If they still choose to fight back, let your wit help you in making quippy remarks to usurp their power.



Your psychic senses are strong this week, as well as your ambiguity about the future. Draw a circle in the air with your finger for protection, then use your personal magic and strength to peer into the deepest parts of yourself to gain clarity about what you’re wanting to achieve.



Feelings of self-doubt may come to the surface at the end of the week. If you find these issues coming on, take a step back and reconnect with yourself by noting your many extraordinary qualities. Stop questioning yourself and visions. You are absolutely capable of creating greatness in this world.



You’re being given many opportunities from the universe to deepen relationships and to advance your career. The caveat is that while you want to attain greatness, you aren’t putting your needs first. Try to create a situation in which you can advance and grow, while focusing on only yourself now.



You might need to save your money and not spend it wistfully. Although there is a strong desire and feeling to spend on expensive luxurious items, the more you save the better your bank account will be as it’s likely you won’t be able to recoup the money so fast.



You’re far from powerless in an evolving situation and worth a lot more than you give yourself credit for. Believe in yourself 100% and ask for what you need, knowing that this is just the beginning of the negotiation. You can totally ask for more money or anything you need.



This week brings several unexpected developments, showing you the road to freedom. Although you’ll feel as though the direction that you are headed isn’t certain, it will be refreshing to have the chance to do your own thing without any constraints holding you back. Now, you can totally be yourself.



You are an all-loving spirit that avoids any form of conflict much of the time. This is a great week to step up to the plate and take responsibility for your emotional needs. Let others know about the expectations and standards you hold for them in the relationship with you.