Astrology by Lisa Stardust

Mars in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus harmonize on May 4th, adding excitement to the overall energy. The following day, the Sun and Uranus align in Taurus, allowing us to embrace our individuality. Mercury in Gemini and Venus in Aries urges us to speak from the heart on May 6th. The Sun and Mars help us fight for a passionate cause on May 7th The First Quarter Moon in Leo on May 8th allows us to move towards our new vision that began during April 30’s solar eclipse. Mercury retrograde commences on May 10th in Gemini, creating communication meltdowns and breakdowns. Jupiter enters Aries on May 10, adding passion to our personal philosophies and mindsets.

Witch tip:

Being that we are in between eclipses, the first quarter moon and Leo it’s a wonderful time to cleanse your altar and to make sure that the energy in their dwelling is up to par. You can do a limpia on yourself with a raw egg, by rolling it across your body and detoxing your aura. Also, burn lavender in your home to cleanse the energy. All of these activities will help in spiritually cleansing yourself and energetically preparing you for the next eclipse.


This week is allowing you to feel yourself on many levels. Prepare to feel like your private and public world is growing at a rampant speed. This will no doubt make you feel more confident and self-assured, which is a nice reversal from the energy you’ve been feeling lately.


The thing about change is that it’s never too late to make a difference in your life. By implementing a new desire into your activities every day, you’ll be able to become a more evolved version of yourself. Consider taking small baby steps such as these before fully jumping in.


Use positive words to help others understand your feelings. If that doesn’t work, try visualizing an invisible energy field separating yourself from them, protecting you from their negativity. That way you can create an energetic and auric field that illuminates positivity to your life and shields you from negative thoughts.


You may feel as though your current goals are leading you farther away from what you initially intended to create and bring to fruition. Use this week to see where you can go back to the original assessments to reflect your hopes. And, to understand how to effectively evolve them.


Managing your expectations may be hard, as you often feel as though you deserve the best of the best. However, this week is teaching you to have a clear mind and to not get ahead of yourself with certain hopes. Try to stay grounded and be humble to avoid disappointments.


After reviewing all the facts, you are opting to have your own perspective on matters. Veering from the collective may have its frustrating moments, as others are not able to align with your views. In the end, you’ll be able to prove them wrong when the truth comes to light.


Your friends will show you their true colors, making you reassess the core foundation of these relationships. Trust your gut to know who is worth the time and love. Be aware that all your acquaintances may not have your best intentions at heart — even those you’ve known for years.


Relationships are creating more havoc on your emotional well-being than ever, which is why it’s important to monitor how much energy you’re giving to others. Don’t overextend yourself if you have time constraints and limited bandwidth to take on their problems. Boundaries are important to keep partnerships in check.


It’ll be hard for you to embrace your sunny disposition this week, as you’re feeling the weight and pressure of your overloaded schedule. Remember, when life gives you lemons, make some lemonade. Choose to have fun and insert laughter into your dull appointments in order to maintain a positive outlook.


While you don’t find being pushed around fun, you're more than willing to work out your issues with someone who’s offended you. The caveat is that you can’t give in too much to ensure you don’t lose sight of the truth in all situations and aren’t being gaslighted by others.


Even though you are finding more solace in connecting with your home and family than friends, you can still find moments in your schedule to be social and create a balance between both parts of your life. That way you will not miss out on anything major at the moment.


Truth be told — you’re overwhelmed in all areas of life. Instead of jumping further in and getting your hands wet in different matters, take a step back and try to resolve one situation at a time in order to gain clarity and insight as well as peace of mind.