The Taurus Sun is super active this week, making it a time in which our egos and desires will need to be in check. The Sun and North Node of Destiny (Neptune comes to the North Node on the 14th) align in Taurus on May 13, followed by the Sun’s fraught aspect with Saturn in Aquarius and gentle connection with Neptune in Pisces on May 15. Later in the day, the total super lunar eclipse in Scorpio occurs at 9:14 PM PT and 12:14 AM ET. All of this solar cosmic action will motivate us to move towards what we love and are passionate about — even if there are roadblocks and setbacks along the way.


Witchtip: With all the solar energy at play, it’s time to embrace your fabulousness. Add sunflowers to your altar and light a gold candle with your intentions under it. This will help you manifest passions and desires that will allow you to shine and glow up. 



Your sense of security may cause anxieties to surface, while issues within private matters are revealed, shifting your perspective and rocking your world. Finding peace and solace within yourself will help you find your footing. Then, you can navigate the perception regarding the clandestine matters you want to keep secret.



Do not be afraid to be direct with others this week. Your sweet charm saves you from unnecessary arguments. Remember, life is one big balancing act. And, you are the ringmaster in aligning different personalities due to your innate patience. If trouble occurs along the way, then you stop engaging.



The ability to live the freedom-loving life you crave might be put to the test, causing some anxieties to peak and drama to occur with friends. Allow yourself to acknowledge that this is just a moment in time, it too shall pass. You’ll be back to yourself in no time.



This is the week unless you can connect with old pals and start anew. The caveat is that you have to let go of past issues that have surrounded your friendships. If you cannot do this, then you’ll be right back to where you started in the beginning without progress occurring. 



The week ahead is giving you an opportunity to add more of what you love to your life and the chance to release things or people that no longer are serving your highest vibe. In order to evolve it’s important to shed the past and create space for future prospects.



This is a wonderful opportunity to break free from past restrictions imposed on you by others. As you step into the light, remember, you have a golden opportunity now to change the path of your life. The best advice is to choose your battles wisely and don’t forget to breathe!



It may be hard to focus your energies this week, due to external factors and distractions. Try to meditate, center, and ground yourself to find peace and serenity within. The more energy you give to yourself, the better you’ll be in taking charge of situations that matter and are important.



Don’t suppress your emotions. If you need to have an outburst — let it happen. Releasing old sentiments will make it easier to feel at peace and calm. These emotions are causing stress and making you brood over things — when you should be detoxing the weight on your heart. 



With the right attitude, there is nothing you can’t succeed in. Your spirit is evolving into something greater than you ever thought. Your innate optimism will add faith and hope for the future. As long as you don’t hide your emotions away from the world, you can attain personal greatness.



An old business connection will become someone who’s an advocate of your hard efforts. No longer will you be passed up for opportunities — the opposite will be true. You’ll get more notice with their endorsement, which may even lead to a better job and with a much higher salary.



The career changes that you’re experiencing will only affect you temporary. A restructuring of responsibilities at the office is crucial now and will benefit you in the long run. Don’t let these shakeups distract you from your endeavors. Being more energetically open to such transformations will make the transition easier.



Your spiritual beliefs, trust, and intuition is growing, due to your belief in the world, others, and yourself. The inner goodness that you have recently found and love will add extra pep in your step and swagger in your confidence as a result of the newly found strength within yourself.